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Conan the Barbarian: Remake


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"A man's greatest work is to break his enemies, to drive them before him, to take from them all the things that have been theirs, to hear the weeping of those who cherished them."

That is generally attributed to Genghis Khan... probably a translation from one biography or another. Now there was a barbarian!

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All I have to say is...

"Zzzzzamora..........ohhhhhh" *moaning*

Man that chick was so freaking hot! I think she was Filipino/mixed.

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Yeah, that teaser didn't show much of anything. Still not feeling this movie yet, my expectation from the director Marcus Nispel are pretty low based on his previous works. Hopefully he will prove me wrong.... .

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As a huge fan of the original Conan the Barbarian movie (I seriously consider it one of the best movies ever made), I'm still cautiously optimistic about the new Conan film. I doubt it can match the epic grandeur of Milius and Poledouris, but I'm looking forward to seeing a new group of filmmakers give it a try.

The only thing that would ruin this movie completely is if they go for a PG-13 boobless, bloodless experience. The lack of any blood whatsoever (and the cheezy metal guitars) completely undercut Kull the Conqueror and turned it into a total joke.

I guess the other thing that might fuck it up is if they decide to make Conan a "cool" character, spouting wisecracks and modern day anachronisms. Conan should be brooding and nearly silent.

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To be honest, I don't think that trailer looked so good. Flashy and super charged, 300 meets Lord of the Rings and Ong Bak 2, or something. I'm sure they will throw in some brutal violence, but that alone doesn't give the movie the rough feel it needs, if it's trimmed and fashionable like a supermodel.

But that's just the trailer.

Re-watched most of the original in hotel 1½ weeks ago, cut and dubbed in German, but still an impressive film. Love the snake scene specially. Now if they did that again, it would probably be filled with high flying martial arts and fast editing...

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My interest in this film was raised from basically nil to "you've got my attention" by that trailer. Hmmmm....

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The trailer is too flashy CGI based for my taste... but that´s the problem with almost every production these days. Art direction looks good though, costumes look nice, the main villain looks a bit silly for my taste.

I do disagree and think Jason Moma is a much better casting then Arnold was, maybe for some Arnold was the first exposure to the Conan franchise and are more attached to this. For me it was Conan the Adventurer (the tv cartoon) and a few comic books from Conan a father of a childhood friend had (they where not coloured, just lineart. Maybe anyone has an idea which Conan comic book series it was?). It wasn't until much later that I heard from the same friend that a movie version of Conan starring Arnold from the 80s was on TV the day before (I missed this). I never heard of the movie version, but to be honest I could not see how Arnold would fit in as Conan. When I finally got a chance to see it, my gut feeling was right and im just not feeling Arnold as Conan. He's too big and too numbskulled to be Conan. While the Conan I know isn't exactly pointdexter he still has wits and cunning, he's a bit of sly fox. Plus, Arnold really doesn't got the look, doesn't have the physique for it (too tall, his face is too long, his hair just looks weird and isn't black).

Don't get me wrong I still liked the movie somewhat, it just wasn't Conan. But I'm greatful it iniated a whole bunch of american and italian rip offs :D Which where funny exploitation movie romps.

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Guest Masked Avenger

you better watch this pic.


I don't know if the movie will be ok or not but to my opinion the actor for Conan role is not so bad as you think. Look at pic once again.

most of the people hate the movie just because Arnold did not play the role. They are used to see Conan as Arnold so they can not agree.

let's wait and see

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It's an ok trailer, but good trailers are a real lost art. Momoa looks like Conan to me. I've no problem with him and I like the visual look of this Hyborean Age. The problem is Arnold is as identified with Conan the way Connery is 007. The filmmakers have a great opportunity to reintroduce the character to a new generation that doesn't care for Arnold. We'll see in August!

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Dionbrother you know if that sand demon type thing has any precedent in the Howard stories?

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most of the people hate the movie just because Arnold did not play the role.

Not me.

The actor is fine. If I was making a Conan remake, I'd probably pick him too.

It's the direction I have a problem with.

Judging from Pathfinder, this guy doesn't know what to do with a talented crew. The look of the film was astonishing, the action sequences were good, but as a whole, the film was seriously dull and uninteresting. That's what I call a bad filmmaker.

He also did the Friday the 13th remake, which I guess, what decent. But seriously, how do you mess up a Friday the 13th from being "decent."

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Don't recall it from the Howard stories (I plan on rereading them this summer), but probably can think of several such threats from the comic books (an issue of the Savage Sword of Conan was an inspiration for the first script, which was rewritten by the more Howard-knowledgable Sean Hood. Hood rewrote the dialogue with quotes straight out of the stories and changed a few characters).

The fact that it is Nispel, and he totally screwed up a great concept in PATHFINDER is the only bad vibe I get from this.

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I loved Arnold in the role. It's a shame that "Destroyer" tanked. "Red Sonja" didn't help matters either. If the follow-ups had been in the same vein as the original........ah, we can dream.

Momoa has the look......to me anyway. I personally don't have a problem with the CGI. I just want a decent plot and incredible action. "Prince of Persia" left a really bad taste in my mouth. And while I like "The Scorpion King" with Dwayne Johnson (and what a killer Conan he would've made!), I was kind of disappointed in it as well. The action in it was good but sort of hackneyed. I'm hoping this venture with Momoa as Conan will land closer on the scale to Arnold's.

I think dionbrother makes an excellent point about Arnold being identified with Conan just as Connery was with Bond. Conan is definitely a franchise character. Casting of a suitable actor to portray him is key. (Consider some of the misfires cast as Bond: Timothy Dalton anyone? And Roger Moore was hit and miss but that could've been due to the scripts.) I'm going to give Momoa a chance.

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Actually, I liked Timothy Dalton as Bond. I always thought Brosnan was miscast. With Moore, it depended on the film (Moonraker=bad, Spy Who Loved Me=good). Even Conney sleepwalks through You Only Live Twice and Diamonds Are Forever. He's really just collecting a paycheck(and wearing the worst toupees) in those.

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Actually, I liked Timothy Dalton as Bond. I always thought Brosnan was miscast. With Moore, it depended on the film (Moonraker=bad, Spy Who Loved Me=good). Even Conney sleepwalks through You Only Live Twice and Diamonds Are Forever. He's really just collecting a paycheck(and wearing the worst toupees) in those.

VERY WELL SAID!! Disagree with you on DAF though.... I think times were changin at that point.

To me, Diamonds Are Forever feels like a Quentin Tarantino flick.... that's why I love it so much.

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OK after seeing the trailer I'm not all that impressed with the movie, it kinda looks like it should go straight to DVD! I said it before Arnold owns this role! I think The Rock would been a great casting as Conan! Yes Moma looks good I'll give you that, but I really don't want much dialog from Conan let his Sword do the talking! And with Moma I can tell from his cheesy lines where this movie is heading!

And loempiavreter I can tell you're from the new generation, I hate to feel old but I guess a lot of us on here are in our 40's so to us Arnold will always be Conan and I agree if Conan the Destroyer did well forget about it! This just looks like another Sword & Sandal movie coming out nothing to get hyped about! Don't get me wrong I intend to see it in the movies opening day! And I will go into it with an open mind, and I will be on here as soon as I get home!

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Conan speaks often in all media forms except the movies, because Schwarzenegger was a genuinely bad actor at the time of filming. His Conan cried like a pussy. "You kill my muddah, kill my faddah, you kill my peoples, wauuuugh."

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I don't really care who plays Conan, but...

This looks like ass, reminds me of a mummy movie, might as well of cast Brandon Fraser as Conan.

Fuck hollywad.

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loved the first conan it`s still my favourite arnie film, but destroyer and the tv series sucked ass big time.

i`m now looking forward to this and hope it takes itself a bit more serious than scorpion king did(a wasted chance imo)

also agree the rock would have been a great choice , mamoa does look good tho.

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