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Conan the Barbarian: Remake


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I'm not feeling anything!

I've cut off both my hands doing Arnie's sword twirl from the 1st Conan movie and now have to type with my toes!

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Sorry, daisho.

I dropped a letter in the url. It's fixed now. I tested it and they came up.

Again, sorry.

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I still don't think he has the size to play Conan! Arnold still own's this role!

yeah man,arnold set the mark for conan. I'm yet to be sold with this new one,from all the photos Ive seen I just dont get the 'Conan' vibe that I should be getting.

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yeah man,arnold set the mark for conan. I'm yet to be sold with this new one,from all the photos Ive seen I just dont get the 'Conan' vibe that I should be getting.

IgaNinja: I couldn't have put it any better than that! I think this is really just going to be another Sword & Sandal movie IMO!

I think The Rock would've been a great Conan!

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The Rock would've made a sweet Conan. No doubt.

Look, fellas, we all know that Arnie set the standard for Conan. I'm just glad they're dusting the character off and giving him another chance at the big screen. Personally from what I've seen (photo-wise) I don't think Momoa looks too bad. I'm reserving finally judgment for when I finally see a trailer.

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Its his Body Mass that I don't like, yes he got the size height wise but not the brood built muscles that Conan should have! That Is what I don't like!

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Want me to sprinkle some 'roids on his Frosted Flakes and tell him it's extra sugar?:tongue:

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Yeah, finally! Thanks for finding that, mpm74.

That wasn't too bad. Now I want to see a better one.

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Good Conans only come once in a lifetime (and it already came)

mpm74: See we agree sometimes but I think there are some actors who could've pulled it off really good, one being The Rock I think he has the built to be CONAN! and I think he would've been awesome. I think that Jason could've just played any Barbarian role that might be a good movie. But for all of us Conan is still Arnold hands down! I'm going to be curious to see this movie but I can tell you now I'm going into it with a bad taste. I really cannot go into it with a clear mind, I just don't think this Guy fits the bill!

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The trailer didn't show anything? That's why they are called TEASERS!

Is this version of Conan licensed from the Marvel comics? If not, stop expecting it to be the Marvel comics!

Let's face it, the real question is this:


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Let's face it, the real question is this: IS IT RATED R?

Michael L. We both hope its going to be Rated-R but even PG-13 is pretty violent now! But for some reason I think there going to go with a PG-13 only to gear it towards Teenagers! I really hope that is not the case!

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I personally feel that a proper barbarian movie requires both senseless violence and gratuitous nudity to fully achieve greatness!

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I personally feel that a proper barbarian movie requires both senseless violence and gratuitous nudity to fully achieve greatness!

True Story!!!

Conan! What is best in life?

"To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women!"

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