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Massacre Survivor - public showing in London (25th March)


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just came back from the showing of Masacre Survivor. Gta say i realy enjoyed it..

movie has many good fight scenes and some cool training scenes. alot of noise was being made during the film by some nutters who were getting very exited..i didnt mind though as it added a good touch to atmosphere.

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Found some rather nice betel on the way home, so ill probably be up all night - however I have to say it was well worth the trip to go see. The audience were great - it was nice to watch with people who appreciated the humerous side for a change.

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Man I'm jealous but the trip would have been impossible for me at this time.

I'm glad this happened and those who got to go I hope you had a blast and I look forward to hearing everyone's thoughts!!

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Good turn out, guys! Nice to put names to faces. What can I say? Perfect venue, perfect lightning, nice projection system, perfect atmosphere. We even had an attractive Japanese bar maid serving us drinks, who genuinely seemed interested in the shapes on show! :wink: It started off with Toby's compilation of movie excerpts including: Fist and Guts promo, Iron Monkey, Shaolin Heroes, Shaolin Plot, Shaolin Vs. Lama + many more. Following that came rrden's TV clips, which I could seldom identify. And finally the main showing! Unfortunately, we had to show the NTSC version 2.0 (slightly overbright with hard to read subs) due to the oldskool DVD player not being able to playback the DVD-R media containing PAL version 3.0. Nevertheless, with the movie being so action-packed, it wasn't really a big deal for last night's crowd; it was electric from start to finish! Excellent lyrics coming from Dave "The Abbott" and co.! I know Shawman wasn't quite sure what he would make of Massacre before the showing, but afterwards, I don't think there was any doubt in anyone's minds that we had just witnessed a top, rare, late night classic! What made the event even more special and memorable for me was the fact we had present a number of distinguished gentlemen (including from this forum) and other honoured guests; one guy named Steve turned up who had seen Massacre Survivor in 1982 at Stoke Newington, so we know there was at least 3 showings in the UK. This was Steve's first experience watching a Kung Fu film, and Massacre was enough to inspire him to take up Shaolin Kung Fu! Steve contacted Rare Kung Fu Movies in 2007 with a synopsis as he had been searching for the film ever since, but of course it was still a Rare back then. Therefore, Steve, The Abbott, and a number of other cinema veterans were re-watching Massacre Survivor last night for the first time in about 28 years! What an amazing evening... Good job to those who helped organise the event, and many thanks to all those who turned up! I hope we can do something similar real soon! Here's to the future of Kung Fu films... cheers! (I have a bit of a hangover this morning)

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Chia Ling AKA Judy Lee

What a great night! :angel:

I first met Falkor, a very cool guy and a real pleasure to talk with in the flesh. He introduced me to da wigsplitta who very graciously left my head intact and odioustrident also surprised me by actually being a very nice chap. I got the sense that I was, understandably, not the person people were expecting either; my unkempt beard rather at odds with my avatar. As we toasted the forum over beers we were treated to a lovingly chosen selection of clips of classics such as Two On The Road and Shaolin Plot with some rare treats included. The crowd were already getting heated, drowning out us forum-goers shooting the breeze with raucous cheers for the bad-ass shapes being busted out on the big screen. We were then introduced to Rdenn, who seemed like a true gentleman but I regret not having the chance to talk to more.

When the time came for the UK premiere of Massacre Survivor, Adonis and Giles, ever the showmen, decided to put in a few faulty discs to get the crowd even more hyped up. By the time they put in a working copy the audience were at fever pitch, with cheers for each appearance of a ‘super-duper-Yuen-clan-lackey’ or ‘celebrity monk’. When the action started to get going it never seemed to stop and everyone was applauding the shapes on display as Shih Szu built up nuff technique during the hula hoop training. Every time badman Lung Fei turned up his evil cackle would be mimicked followed by irrepressible laughter, and there seemed to be a general consensus that his misanthropic lady was ‘too pretty, too pretty’. Everyone was loving the display and it didn't seem like it could get any better until the final fight began with the super-duper-lackeys coming from all angles with their hoops – ‘Don’t even bother with dem hula hoops, she know dem hula hoops!’. The end was serenaded by a round of applause from everyone in the room and calls for a rewind, but deep down we knew we couldn’t handle that level of intensity again in one night. The film is a classic of the genre, without a doubt.

Many thanks to all that helped save this masterpiece from Toby’s archives and to all the fantastic people I met, I hope we can do another event like this soon as Adonis hinted we may with another super rare. It’d be great to see more members there next time!

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What a blast, know doubt!

A splendid time was had by "ALL".

Merry old England.

I am a fan of crop circles over there. Any of you Englishmen & Englishwomen on this forum dig the crop circles.

Lets put out the vibe to the "(true)" circle makers to give, 'US', on this forum, a kung fu movie inspired crop circle. I can guarantee from my past encounters with this phenomenon that they (?) will hear your "our" call and respond accordingly.

Spring is upon the Brits lets see if any of you can dig this notion or think GD Y-Y is just plain " Bonkers".

If not lets, put out the VIBE to the circle makers:

"Give us a kung fu movie inspired crop circle".

Any one game?

GD Y-Y:tongue:

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Please make something like this happen again! I was gearing up expectant to go until about 8.30 when unforseen circumstances were still keeping me from heading over to Bethnal G & it weren't feasible anymore... Just the way shit goes sometimes. Oh well, better luck next time. Hope there is a next time.

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I think this might be the best post of the last 4 seasons! Chia Ling AKA Judy Lee has summed up the event nicely... I never did get to find out your profession, but you should be a writer, mate! You are as talented literally as Dave "The Abbott" is verbally; excellent post...

What a great night! :angel:

I first met Falkor, a very cool guy and a real pleasure to talk with in the flesh. He introduced me to da wigsplitta who very graciously left my head intact and odioustrident also surprised me by actually being a very nice chap. I got the sense that I was, understandably, not the person people were expecting either; my unkempt beard rather at odds with my avatar. As we toasted the forum over beers we were treated to a lovingly chosen selection of clips of classics such as Two On The Road and Shaolin Plot with some rare treats included. The crowd were already getting heated, drowning out us forum-goers shooting the breeze with raucous cheers for the bad-ass shapes being busted out on the big screen. We were then introduced to Rdenn, who seemed like a true gentleman but I regret not having the chance to talk to more.

When the time came for the UK premiere of Massacre Survivor, Adonis and Giles, ever the showmen, decided to put in a few faulty discs to get the crowd even more hyped up. By the time they put in a working copy the audience were at fever pitch, with cheers for each appearance of a ‘super-duper-Yuen-clan-lackey’ or ‘celebrity monk’. When the action started to get going it never seemed to stop and everyone was applauding the shapes on display as Shih Szu built up nuff technique during the hula hoop training. Every time badman Lung Fei turned up his evil cackle would be mimicked followed by irrepressible laughter, and there seemed to be a general consensus that his misanthropic lady was ‘too pretty, too pretty’. Everyone was loving the display and it didn't seem like it could get any better until the final fight began with the super-duper-lackeys coming from all angles with their hoops – ‘Don’t even bother with dem hula hoops, she know dem hula hoops!’. The end was serenaded by a round of applause from everyone in the room and calls for a rewind, but deep down we knew we couldn’t handle that level of intensity again in one night. The film is a classic of the genre, without a doubt.

Many thanks to all that helped save this masterpiece from Toby’s archives and to all the fantastic people I met, I hope we can do another event like this soon as Adonis hinted we may with another super rare. It’d be great to see more members there next time!

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Well, what can I say?! T'was a very cool night indeed. Some really nice people to meet and have a chat to. And as the saying goes, it was really nice to put some names to faces and and get a true picture of who people are, especially when you build up a 'synthetic' idea of what people are like just reading their comments and views on forums! I didn't get to speak to many people properly, but it was great to have a good 'ol chinwag with Chia Ling AKA Judy Lee and odioustrident, and it was really great to meet da man falkor who was greatly responisble for this film getting to the fans :bigsmile:

Whilst I'm on the subject of speach, there were some truly vocal gymnastics going on throughtout the evening. It truely brought tears of laughter to my eyes some of the stuff that came out, and the proper excitement, joking and apprectiation. I'm sure it was a small glimpse of what the 'late-night' showings were all about back in the day!

One last point I MUST add. Please read back through the post by Chia Ling AKA Judy Lee, and any quotations that are evident from the chearing crowd should be repeated to oneself with a real 'rasta' accent that just made it super cool!!! :xd: And just incase anyone missed it, my fav was - 'Give 'em da BEAK!!!' LOL:xd:

Fan-bloody-tastic. Bring on the next one......please:wink:

BTW - GD Y-Y - these crop circles are cool and loved over here in 'blighty'! I'm starting to think that perhaps they are the work of those "super-duper-Yuen-clan-lackey’s with dem hula hoops " :wink:

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sifu iron perm

i cant believe i missed this, but family comes first, had to deal with bigger things.

Glad it went well and u guys had fun!!!!

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Chia Ling AKA Judy Lee
I think this might be the best post of the last 4 seasons! Chia Ling AKA Judy Lee has summed up the event nicely... I never did get to find out your profession, but you should be a writer, mate! You are as talented literally as Dave "The Abbott" is verbally; excellent post...

Cheers mate! I wanted to do the night some justice... my job at the moment is to write economic reports, but it's pretty dry stuff comparatively!

wigsplitta - well said!

sifu iron perm - Keep your head up and hopefully we'll see you another, better time.

Teako - Unfortunately I had to come straight from a football tournament, so was sweating bullets when I arrived, but it also meant it was impossible to bring my camera. I noticed one flash shot was taken during the film, has anyone got that? Otherwise it'll be documented next time!

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"know your place gal" - my favourite but was from the clip showing

For me im still fairly new to classic kung fu (outside of Shaw Brothers stuff), so I felt well out of my depth as I knew everyone there would have vast knowledge and have seen 1000s of films compared to my couple dozen, but have to thank Falkor and Akuma for introducing themselves and talking to me.

The film lived up to the hype and was great, I have never seen a kung fu film in such a lively atmosphere, and just wish I could watch every film with that SUPER DUPER crowd commentary.

This film combined with the fight clips shown beforehand have motivated me further to expand my collection (via legit DVD means where possible of course) and who knows maybe one day i'll get somewhere near to everyone else's level

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""if you blink , ya gone miss it ", and the main villian had a gap in this teeth so he was named ""General gappy and gappy ranks"" :wink: you cant beat watching a kung fu movie with yard men who were from the late night era the noise helps the atmosphere, a bet a lot of people there didnt think they would be screaming like that watching a movie , it was a great night , good crowd saw a few faces i have not see in a decade, the movie was excellent i cant believe how good the lead girl is here boot crane and stances were just superb and as said this movie had nuff celebrity lackeys, alan hsu, cheng lung etc.. and it was good to meet other fans in general sorry i cant remember who i spoke to but it was quite mad to meet someone who tells me they check out my youtube account every day :angel: that was mad but we need to do this again like every 3 months or so the fans would reach. big up to adonis,falkor, james, toby sinclair and the late night massive and everybody else who made this happen, and for everyone appreciating the clips me and toby did to warm things up for the main event.

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Speaking of crowd noise in a movie theater. In the early 1980's there was a movie theater in China Town in Boston called the Publix.They never cleaned the place, you would walk in the isles and your shoes would be stuck slightly to the floor. Anything went, you could smoke dope in there and rarely get caught. A triple feature every time for just 3 bucks. Boy did we have fun. The crowds were always wild as this was the early days for a lot of folks in the kung fu movie genre. When the fights were exciting the crowd was loud and raucous.

Its a blast watching these movies with REAL fans. I mostly watch them alone these days.


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Yo guys, those were the kind of descriptive, detailed accounts of the event I was hoping for! Yes, I wish there were a few photos, but I'm happy to read about the great time you all had. :bigsmile:

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I've added a couple of photos from the event on my Facebook, so if I met you there or you contributed to saving Massacre Survivor then please drop us a PM!

BTW, I relayed everyone's feedback about Shaolin Vs. Lama wide to Toby Russell, but I think there's already another proper Rare on the horizon that is currently in talks, though T will certainly consider Lama for next time around... Please listen for announcements! :tongue:

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thundered mantis

Great to read Massacre made some impact in the crowd! I wish I could´ve been there and met the fans in person.

If Toby ever considers doing the same with Shaolin vs Lama or 5 Fighters from Shaolin I´ll be totally in! BTW Giles, Sogwon and Secret of Shaolin Kung Fu were incredible. SOSKF I had to properly process in different viewings. Thanks a lot! :bigsmile:

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I've added a couple of photos from the event on my Facebook,

G-man to the visual aids rescue! :bigsmile:

Now for those of us old fuddy-duddy dudes stuck in the 80s...

who don't Mybook, FaceSpace or Tweety-bird, any chance of posting them pix on the forum? :crossedlips:

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