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Rate Jackie's movies of the last decade from Best to Worst


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Who am I?- 8/10- Jackie's last masterpiece. Stunts, fightscenes, carchaseses. Everything in JC standard. The Rooftop stunt is one of his best.

New Police Story - 7,5/10- Strong preformance of Jackie. Still kicking ass at the age of 50!

Gorgeous- 7/10- Boring storyline but the film has some amazing fightscenes. The last fight (Jackie vs Bradley) is awesome.

Shanghai Noon - 7/10 jackies' best Hollywood film. Fun film with good action.

Rush Hour 2 - 6,5/ 10- Better than the first. Longer fightscenes and lots of funny scenes.

Shanghai Knights - 6/10. The deleted fightscene ( jackie vs donnie) is impressive.

The Forbidden Kingdom - 6/10 Okay kid movie, nice locations and good fightscenes. But not enogh fights.

The Myth - 5,5/10- Some decent fightscenes, but overal a bit boring and too much wires at the end.

Rush Hour- 5,5/10- Overrated, but still some funny scenes.

Robin-B-Hood - 5/10. Nothing special. Had its moments actingwise and actionwise, but not nearly a JC standard film.

Around the World in 80 Days -5/10 Avarage kid movie, and thats about it.

The Accidental Spy - 5/10 - A boring, generic attempt to be an international thriller. Only highlight of this movie is JC's nude fight scene.

The Medallion - 5/10 - Of all the movies you could rip off, why Golden Child? Not a very good movie but the first 20 minutes or so were quite good.

The Tuxedo - 4/10- Better than RH 3, but one of his worst. Jennifer is lovely though:smile:

Rush Hour 3 - 0/10- Piece of crap. Nuff said

I have not seen The Shinjuku Incident or The Spy Next Door so I can't rate them.

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I last watched Little Big Soldier at the Berlinale and liked it.

The Shinjuku Incident was fine as well.

Forbidden Kingdom could have been so much more. First movie with Jet Li and Jackie Chan and than such a crap. Sorry for the harsh words but its true.

Never liked the Rush Hour series and luckily have not watched the third part.

Some goes for Shanghai Knights and Shanghai Noon.

City Hunter was way better than those movies. :xd:

I don't know but from the last movies Jackie made i have around 10 on DVD. From the early movies I have nearly all of them.

Oh and what I can recommend is this : http://www.ofdb.de/view.php?page=fassung&fid=114055&vid=188774

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I've only seen half of his films from the last decade and have been so spectacularly unimpressed I have little desire in seeing his newer films. Of course when they are broadcast on TV I'll probably check them out but I'm in no hurry whatsoever.

I'm not really interested in Jackie as a dramatic actor and his Hollywood efforts become tamer film by film. I should imagine that "armour of God 3" will be his last chance to make a decent martial-arts action adventure movie. That will probably be the last new Jackie Chan film I might consider buying on DVD.

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Guest Markgway


The Accidental Spy

Shanghai Knights

Shanghai Noon

Shinjuku Incident


The Forbidden Kingdom

The Medallion

The Myth

New Police Story

Rush Hour

Rush Hour 2


Around the World in 80 Days

The Tuxedo



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Who am I?- 6/10- .not bad in places bad in others. that girl was hopless

New Police Story - 3/10- Hated this

Gorgeous- 7/10- Stupid film , great fights

Shanghai Noon - 4/10 . dull

Rush Hour 2 - 6/ 10- . Funny good comedy

Shanghai Knights - 4/10.few good gags .

The Forbidden Kingdom - 4/10 should have been better

The Myth - 4/10- Some decent fightscenes, but overal a bit boring and too much wires at the end.

Rush Hour- 5/10- Overrated, but still some funny scenes.

Robin-B-Hood - not seen

Around the World in 80 Days -2/10 . tedeum

The Accidental Spy - 0/10 - A boring, shitty film

The Medallion -0/10 - total crap.

The Tuxedo - 8/10- Enjoyed this dross, jenifer bust a snake move on Jackie,

Rush Hour 3 - 0/10- Piece of crap. Nuff said Agreed

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Wasnt Who Am I and Gorgeous released pre-2000? So they wouldnt be of the last decade? (being picky lol)

New Police Story - 6/10- Pretty decent. I liked Nicholas Tse in this.

Shanghai Noon - 4/10 - bleh, and i dont find Owen Wilson that funny

Rush Hour 2 - 10/ 10- . Love this film.

Shanghai Knights - 4/10 - same as shanghai noon

The Forbidden Kingdom - 6/10 - History made here, as Jackie and Jet Li combine for first time. Had a lot of potential but failed.

The Myth - 4/10- Interesting team up of HK and Bollywood cinema but was just boring and way too much wire work.

Rush Hour- 9/10- Love rush hour films.

Robin-B-Hood 4/10 - only reason it scored so high is cos of the likkle cutie baby

Around the World in 80 Days 2/10 - Bad.

The Medallion -0/10 - Absolute garbage. Cant even watch this on the side when im doin something else

The Tuxedo - 1/10- Another garbage film but Jennifer looks good so i'll give it a point

Rush Hour 3 - 7/10- Disappointing for me after first two, but still liked it

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His 2000s films (2000-2009) not including cameos (so I can't include Enter The Phoenix):

Shanghai Noon (2000): ***/****

Rob-B-Hood (2006): - 1000+ word review

The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) - 1000 word review

Shanghai Knights (2003): **½/**** Decent; have already seen a couple of times.

The Accidental Spy (2001): **½/****

The Medallion (2003): **½/**** Also decent

Around the World in 80 Days (2004): **½/**** Can't explain why I thought the film was decent, probably a defect of mine.

Rush Hour 2 (2001): **/**** Too much taken from first film which was not that great.

New Police Story (2004): **/**** could not get into, but been spoilt by To for serious films.

The Tuxedo (2002): **/**** Overuse of wires.

The Myth (2005): *½/**** had too many issues.

Rush Hour 3 (2007) - Own but not seen

Shinjuku Incident (2009) - Not Seen

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Shanghai Knights - 3.5/5

The Forbidden kingdom - 3.5/5

Shanghai Noon - 3.5/5

Around the World in 80 days - 3/5

Rush Hour 2 - 3/5

The Accidental Spy - 2/5

The Medallion - 2/5

New Police Story - 1.5/5

The Shinjuku Incident - 1.5/5

The Myth - 1.5/5

Robin-B-Hood - 1/5

The Tuxedo - 0.5/5

The Spy Next Door - 0.5/5

Rush Hour 3 - 0/5

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A lot of disappointments in this decade for Jackie, I'll start from bottom to top by years - otherwise I'll get confused :)

Shanghai Noon - enjoyable, entertaining, but limited - another not-so-much successful Hollywood example by Jackie - 5/10

The Accidental Spy - a bit boring, a bit disbalanced movie - I was triyng to understand what Jackie would like to pint out with this movie, however I've failed - 3/10

Rush Hour 2 - the most polished out of three in this series, probably the best American attempt by Jackie - 9/10

The Tuxedo - nonsence and rubbish altogether - a total loss - 1/10

Shanghai Knights - better than the first, but not a classic on it's own, however the fights were good (especially the longer sequences) - 6/10

The Medallion - another confused movie for Jackie - one of the worst I've ever seen - 1/10

Around the World in 80 days - funny adventure based-on-a-classic-novel tale, but another poor appearance - 4/10

New Police Story - a nice dramatic role for Jackie with the support of Nicolas Tse - fine Hong Kong piece of film - 9/10

The Myth - maybe if they weren't keeping so much attention to the wires and fantasy setting it would have been a lot better, although I kinda liked it - 7/10

Rob-B-Hood - the family point of view and poorly executed fight scenes does not rank this one into my personal best - 3/10

Rush Hour 3 - an excuse for a movie, too much of the same and ultimately a crap - 2/10

Forbidden Kingdom - the long awaited collaboration between Jackie and Jet was summarized in 3 and a half minutes, everything else is easily forgettable - 5/10

Shinjuku Incident - my pick of the decade, a diverse and different Chan, no matter that there were no typical fighting in this movie, I simply was stunned by the emotional charge and the overall style in this gritty drama about friendship, betrayal and forgivness - 10/10

The Spy next Door - avoid at all costs - a shitty combination between the worst in Medallion and Tuxedo multiply by 2 - do not even bother to watch it when you have nothing to do - a walk in the park or reading a book will give you much more benefits - 0/10

On a last note - I prefer Jackie's old movies - when his heart and will was in the movies, now it's just one sad ex-drunken master, who waits for a vital sip of wine...

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Wasnt Who Am I and Gorgeous released pre-2000? So they wouldnt be of the last decade? (being picky lol)

you're not being picky and as TWC said they are 90's films like rush hour!

must admit surprise at Shanghai Knights ratings.... I was so disappointed , felt Donnie was completely wasted to the point I gave my DVD away after watching. Not a patch on the original imho.

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For me Jackie was best till the mid 90s. After that more bad movies were released than good ones. At least for me.

But the last 2 films I watched made by him were really good and something different (Little Big soldier and Shinjuku Incident).

I rather not watch Spy Next Door after reading your comments.

I am looking forward to The Karate Kid and Chinese Zodiac.

Although The Karate Kid should be called The Kung Fu Kid but that is just me.

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Although The Karate Kid should be called The Kung Fu Kid but that is just me.

I think that I read somewhere they could not call it the kung-fu kid due to some rights issue. Knowing that I' don't know why they did not just rename it something completely different?

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I think that I read somewhere they could not call it the kung-fu kid due to some rights issue. Knowing that I' don't know why they did not just rename it something completely different?

Probably to flog more tickets. They want to target the demographic which grew up with the Karate Kid films, which is a LOT of people.

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Probably to flog more tickets. They want to target the demographic which grew up with the Karate Kid films, which is a LOT of people.

I didn't think of that but still it's remarkably un PC given he doesn't learn Karate from Jackie's character.

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I didn't think of that but still it's remarkably un PC given he doesn't learn Karate from Jackie's character.

Jaden's character learns Karate before he leaves for China, also the when he is beaten up by the bully he is called "The Karate Kid".

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Shanghai Noon - good Hollywood effort, Owen Wilson is funny to me. Creative fights, even if there was some re-used stuff in them. 8/10

The Accidental Spy - This film wasn't so bad, but i've only seen the American version where they change the plot! Some creativity to be found in this one. 7/10

Rush Hour 2 - How come everyone says this film is better than the first? It was stupid. Chris Tucker was stupid. Nothing he did made any sense, and he didn't shut up either. The humor and action was more balanced in the first one. I mean Jackie threw one kick and the bad guy was done. If that isn't the definition of anti-climax...3/10

The Tuxedo - everyone got this one right - 0/10

Shanghai Knights - How come no one likes this one? It's Jackie's best US effort, you got plenty of fights and humor. Donnie's fight should have been longer, yes, but that makes what we got so much more sweet. When a fight makes you want more, it's a good one. 9/10

The Medallion - Better than stated. Sammo makes Jackie look powerful, even when he becomes superman. Humor was flat. 6/10

Around the World in 80 days - The cameos alone were worth it, but I don't know if it holds up to repeat viewings. Funny, but falls short in every other aspect. - 5/10

New Police Story - Actually quite good to me. It's the first movie he'd done that felt like a big blockbuster since the 90's. No buddy cop, no goofiness, just a serious action movie. The director is bad at getting good performances though. - 9/10

The Myth - hasn't really stuck with me. Every time i watch it, i forget about it. 5/10

Rob-B-Hood - Some parts are ok, some embarrasing. 5/10

Rush Hour 3 - meh. More interesting than 2. Actually had a finale. - 4/10

Forbidden Kingdom - Lots a haters, but i thought this was fine. For 2008, it's about as good as we could hope for. - 8/10

This decade for Jackie was inconsistent, much like the 90s, but with fewer highs, and lower lows. He still made some movies to be proud of IMO. I certainly hope he stops trying to make action movies after armor of god 3. You've got to go out on a high note, and this may be the last note to do such.

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butcher wing

in the last decade, Jackies movies are in my opinion, bad to worse, not feeling him anymore, he bores me. Sammo and Yuen still entertain me more.

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Forbidden Kingdom - Lots a haters, but i thought this was fine. For 2008, it's about as good as we could hope for. - 8/10

I have not seen this film yet but an eight out of Ten? That's a pretty heady score up there with the best Jackie Chan films? Really? Seriously? :neutral:

or did you rate it highly compared to the martial-arts films you've seen from 2008? Even judging it that way 8 out of 10 is a pretty massive score.

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I have not seen this film yet but an eight out of Ten? That's a pretty heady score up there with the best Jackie Chan films? Really? Seriously? :neutral:

or did you rate it highly compared to the martial-arts films you've seen from 2008? Even judging it that way 8 out of 10 is a pretty massive score.

Meh, i suppose that is pretty high. It just made sense for me to give it the same rating i gave Shanghai Noon, both light breezy entertainment, plenty of action, none of which spectacular, but left you feeling good at the end. I wanted to rate it lower than Knights and NPS, but higher than Accidental Spy and everything else he's made. Of course it could have been done different, but whatever, that doesn't make it inherently a bad film.

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vbs85, you are way too generous in your ratings!

Who Am I ***/*****

New Police Story **.5/***** are about the only two on that list of JC's of the last decade worth mentioning. IMO.

... and New Police Story barely makes it as far as I'm concerned. His films basically suck. He had his TAPS on especially tight for all the rest.

Yeah, I said it.

... Sellout!

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vbs85, you are way too generous in your ratings!

Who Am I ***/*****

New Police Story **.5/***** are about the only two on that list of JC's of the last decade worth mentioning. IMO.

... and New Police Story barely makes it as far as I'm concerned. His films basically suck. He had his TAPS on especially tight for all the rest.

Yeah, I said it.

... Sellout!

No way! Silly Dragon... :tongue:

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