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But that flick is so inept, it should be titled PLAN 9 FROM HONG KONG.

Makes Al Adamson, the Israeli cousins and Godfrey Ho look like competent filmmakers

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re print

or digital download on itunes please! its the future

Sorry, no reprint or digital edition planned.

Other projects are in development though.

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Is there a reason John seems to me like a bit of profit to be made in that market with hardly any out goings,just the fat mans cut

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Is there a reason John seems to me like a bit of profit to be made in that market with hardly any out goings,just the fat mans cut

If you're refering to me...how did you know I was carrying a few(hah!) extra pounds?:wink:

Seriuosly, I can't afford to fund a reprint, I'm currently trying to sell my latest scribbling on Shukokai Karate and until I break even on that I can't see me having enough dosh to pay for a Clones reprint.

I might be able to get a few copies done for a project ( London Screening) that is in the planning at the moment.

All I can say is keep tuned to this channel.

BTW Thanks once again to all of you who bought and contributed to the book!



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The book sold out almost right away, there's more buyers lining up, but you can't afford a re-print. That's a awful situation!! :squigglemouth:

Yeah, John and I made about £30 profit each...really! He's helped me enormously on the Karate book, but he's now working on other projects. It's a BIG risk self-publishing a book.

You want it to be a success but you don't want to lose whatever cash you put into it either.

We were both happy to break even. I've just been talking to another guy who staked £23,000 into two books and he's only seen £5,000 come back in!:sad:

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Is there a reason John seems to me like a bit of profit to be made in that market with hardly any out goings,just the fat mans cut

There are a clutch of reasons, aside from the fact that I'm not about making money; it's not a format I really trust. It's too easily ripped and redistributed, I don't think Apple's iBooks is available outside of the US and the Kindle formatting wouldn't really do Carl's book justice pictorially I think. I guess it's something I need to explore more fully and I recently began to make inroads by punting one of my earlier efforts into the digital domain.

The book sold out almost right away, there's more buyers lining up, but you can't afford a re-print. That's a awful situation!! :squigglemouth:

I'm not sure that May-November is akin to to the book selling out 'almost right away', a lot of the sales were hard fought and won and the money is still coming back from Amazon distributors, the odd trusted straggler who has yet to pay and even in the shape of Royal Mail compensation for 'lost mail' following an alleged theft by a member of this board.

I appreciate the demand, it's a good book (I'm biased) but a lot of the interest didn't translate into sales, mostly due to the cost of the book, which I agree is high in these economically challenging times (even if it is produced virtually at cost) especially when you apply shipping to far-flung places.

I'm happy to entertain another print run, but I'd need fifty (50) cast-iron, payment-in-advance orders to make up the shortfall on funding it. Sounds harsh, but the cost of printing is a four-figure sum.

Meantime, I think we should get behind Lee's Bruceploitation book series and support Carl's current and future endeavours. There's a passionate, good-hearted crowd at this board and I like seeing everyone getting behind the many fan projects going on.

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I'm not sure that May-November is akin to to the book selling out 'almost right away',

Uh, maybe not, LOL. :nerd:

Many books stay in print for years before (or without) selling out so in *that* sense I thought the description fitted. Your book "only" needed from May to November to sell out so that to me was "almost right away". You say tomato, I say tomato.

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i understand the trust subject, its a digital world but the piracy is dwafed in conparrison to the sales i am sure..

i can't spell either

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... You say tomato, I say tomato.


Thank you both for your comments and support. Greatly appreciated.

I'll give the digital thing a look and ask for Carl's opinion.

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I've read all those comments with a mixture of amusement and angst! It's so bloody hard to get fans to support these things. As John stated, we weren't in it for the money. It was fun to write but no fun for John to co-ordinate to be honest. Many people said 'I'll buy a copy' but didn't. We had to give out many books as favours to people who contributed - and rightly so! The fact we managed to get rid of all the books was a sodding miracle!

Changing the subject (but not the subject - If you get what I mean) - a Bruceploitation screening WILL take place in LONDON in the new year! Lee (from the Clones site) , John and myself are consulting with a fan (who dosen't visit this site) who has secured the Prince Charles cinema for the screening. We need about 100 fans to fill one of the two screens. If we exceed the 100 mark we would move to the second screen which seats around 250. This guy is pulling out all the stops (along with the Cinema Manager) to make this happen - trying to source prints for one thing. We are looking at screening TWO films, having dvd sales in the foyer and a Q&A in the interval.

Once again, it needs the fans to support this!:smile:

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