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which one i should watch first? i know they are not linked but which ones are worth ?


fairy wife (仙妻) ,on the waterfront (黃浦灘頭)

kung fu kids (夢拳蘭花手), the 72 desperate rebels (七十二煞星), Story in temple red lily (火燒紅蓮寺), wolf devil woman (狼女白魔)

country And Scavenger (大鄉里續集), heroes of shaolin (大武士與小票客), tiger love (人虎戀), the lost samurai sword (雨劍飄香)

soul of samurai (怒火), dark lady of kung fu (蝶無影), tornado of pearl river (珠江大風暴), the wandering monk (遊方和尚)

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Not sure which one to watch first, but I notice the Dark Lady of Kung Fu cover looks exactly like the cover for Miraculous Flower . I didn't really like Dark Lady of Kung Fu so I'm not recommending it, just commenting on the cover. Miraculous Flower was a much better Pearl movie.

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hero of shaolin

72 deperate rebels

pearl river

wolf devil woman

wandering monk

kung fu kids

spoul of samurai

the other are not all that.

nerver seen fairy wife one think its not martial arts

dark lady is the worst

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Guest Markgway

I've seen Heroes of the Wild (Shaolin) and Tornado of Chu Chiang (Pearl River) but can't remember much about the offhand.

I do know that Story of Red Temple Lily and Wolf Devil Woman are shit. Wasted three hours of my life on those.

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Chia Ling AKA Judy Lee

Heroes Of The Wild is a great film and very highly rated by fans.

Wandering Monk is well thought of but I wasn't bowled over.

Wolf Devil Woman is a very nice, fun film if you're into a little strangeness in the mix.

Kung Fu Kids - This looks like Dreaming Fists With Slender Hands, which is pretty dire except for a few good long action takes in the final scene.

Don't get downhearted, there are some very good ones there and you will find your own gems. I recommend you start with Heroes Of The Wild!

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Morgoth Bauglir

Agreed on Hero of the Wild. All star cast, and the story, music and scenery give it an epic feel. If The Lost Samurai Sword is Lost Swordship, I'd recommend that second. Good comedy and good story. Excellent scenery and set designs, and decent action.

Tiger Love is the worst out of the ones I've seen on your list.

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Tiger Love is the worst out of the ones I've seen on your list.

Tiger Love is like the later film Kung Fu Arts with Carter Wong with a Monkey instead of a Tiger.

Kung Fu Kids is that also know as Kung Fu Kids Break Away?

Heroes of Shaolin thats good i will be watch that soon myself as i watched i cut version & have another version that i'll watch soon.

the Wandering Monk er i think that was good cant remember much of it & Fightfist has it at the moment.

the Lost Samurai Sword that looks familiar is it also know as The Legend Of Broken Sword aka Dressed to Fight with Roc Tien Peng?

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Start off with these:

1) heroes of shaolin (大武士與小票客),

2) the wandering monk (遊方和尚)

fairy wife (仙妻) ,on the waterfront (黃浦灘頭)

kung fu kids (夢拳蘭花手), the 72 desperate rebels (七十二煞星), Story in temple red lily (火燒紅蓮寺), wolf devil woman (狼女白魔)

country And Scavenger (大鄉里續集),tiger love (人虎戀), the lost samurai sword (雨劍飄香)

soul of samurai (怒火), dark lady of kung fu (蝶無影), tornado of pearl river (珠江大風暴),

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fairy wife (仙妻) ,Not seen, looks more a fantasy film than a swordplay, stars early 70's swordplay star Kong Ban

on the waterfront (黃浦灘頭) aka Kung Fu Girl Fighter, decent early 70's basher with Chang Yi

kung fu kids (夢拳蘭花手), which one!

the 72 desperate rebels (七十二煞星), Very poor film

Story in temple red lily (火燒紅蓮寺), again another poor film IMO

wolf devil woman (狼女白魔), I'm not a big fan of Pearl Cheung, too weird for my tastes

country And Scavenger (大鄉里續集), Never heard of this, HKMDB has it down as a comedy

heroes of shaolin (大武士與小票客), Very good shapes action

tiger love (人虎戀), lol, bit wacky in a Sida the french monkey star kinda way lol

the lost samurai sword (雨劍飄香) aka The Lost Swordship, dissappointing Tien Peng swordplay

soul of samurai (怒火), not seen, another early 70's Kong Ban swordplay

dark lady of kung fu (蝶無影), Another wacky Pearl Cheung film, better than Wolf Devil Woman though

tornado of pearl river (珠江大風暴), Good Tan Tao Liang basher

the wandering monk (遊方和尚) Decent shapes film, no major stars but a solid film

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