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Ong Bak 3 Teaser Trailer


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Saw it today. Didn't like it period......... First let me clear myself, I'm not a Tony Jaa hater or Kung fu geek stereotype that wants to see him fail... I'm one of his biggest fan and really love him. Still nothing beats his Original Ong Bak. OB2 and 3 proved that Tony Jaa isn't a movie maker, not a movie director.. He should go back to do what he does best, that is KICKING ASS. and leave the movie making, directing to someone else. I'm very disappointed. He's 33.. I really hope that he would come out with a perfect movie once in his career.. He still has chance, I would really hate to see his talent wasted into bad movies... what a shame.. Original OB was very very enjoyable, I watched that countless of times, TYG Tony has elevated his skills to the next level but big step back in story telling.. I still watched it many times but only the fight scenes.. OB2 was like TYG a little big better in the story, but nothing special, I still watch the last 20 mins of fights many many times and really enjoyed it... OB3... complete garbage. I wish I could have my money back and I wouldn't even watch it again for free. I watched the Indonesian Merantau and it was a much better movie.

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Here is my sifus website. Feel free to give him a call. He doesn't teach me Shuai Chiao, but Hung Gar, but I see his classes because I am taught during his Shuai Chiao time.


Thanks for the link to your sifu's site but just judging from the name of the site "combat mixed martial arts" he's probably incorporated other things within his system besides pure Shuai Chiao and pure Hung Gar. Not that there's anything wrong with that but it's good to know what came from where. I'm pretty positive there's not ground submission work in pure Shuai Chiao although you can modify things to work on the ground as well. Principles are principles. Adaptation is good.

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Thanks for the link to your sifu's site but just judging from the name of the site "combat mixed martial arts" he's probably incorporated other things within his system besides pure Shuai Chiao and pure Hung Gar. Not that there's anything wrong with that but it's good to know what came from where. I'm pretty positive there's not ground submission work in pure Shuai Chiao although you can modify things to work on the ground as well. Principles are principles. Adaptation is good.

As far as I know, he actually hasn't had any training in BJJ or anything like that, but I could be wrong. Again, feel free to give him a call. Oh and you are welcome for the website.

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One Armed Boxer

I think you guys should definitely start a new thread about Shuai Chiao...although the comment started off about Ong Bak 3...out of the last 2 pages most of the posts have no relevance whatsoever to the movie, which is what I`m coming here to read about.:ooh:

Back to topic though...wow, this movie looks like it`s really dividing people down the line...which strangely enough is exactly what `Ong Bak 2` did on it`s initial release...although it seems now, even though it`s only just over a year later, people are starting to warm to it and consider it a possible classic.

This seems to be the trend with movies that are divided into 2 parts, people always seem to love one and have border line hate for the other! Some people say `Kill Bill Vol. 1` has too much talk and not enough action, others say it`s a masterpiece, then again other people say `Kill Bill Vol. 2` has too much action and not enough talk, while others say it`s everything part 1 should have been. Then there are people who say the whole thing sucks.:tongue:

Same with Red Cliff...some people praise part 1 for the way it focused on individual characters along with their moments in battle, and the copious amounts of brotherly bonding going on, while others say it`s boring...whereas other people claim part 2 to be a non-stop battle masterpiece, then you have those who say the individual characters highlight fight scenes are sacrificed for generic battle mayhem.

It`s impossible to please everyone...but I`ll definitely be checking out Ong Bak 3 for sure.

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Go back through the thread.

LMFAO the only post I want to see now is the d/l link post.

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Go back through the thread.

Most of it was off-topic and gave me a headache.

Anyone else seen it?

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Agreed Tosh. When you realize what Jaa is trying to do for Thai culture as well as making good action movies, you can appreciate his work more.

All of his movies Thai culture more and more, you notice that? We are watching work that has a very deep meaning to this man and its more than elbows and fight scenes.

In the end a 2 + hour epic of Ong Bak 2 and 3 released in all theatres at one time, should have been the distro route indeed.

I think the re-editing into one movie to release in theaters is a great idea, but I'll wait till I actually see OB3 because it sounds that I'll dig the hell out of it. Wow people complaining about the buddhist angle? One of the most iconic moments in KF history is Gordon Liu burning the giant incense into his head with the great buddha looking down on him.

I think I see the divide here, I haven't been a big fan of the new HK output beyond SPL and Flashpoint(which aren't without their flaws) for years now, seems the new school don't get what Jaa is doing, a lot of the old school hasn't paid attention because they're to busy watching the classics, it even managed to impressed flakor with his infinite KF knowledge :xd:

I think even with the troubled production these will be classics more and more people will wake up to in the coming years, people are already talking as if Jaa's career is done, I'm already looking forward to what this guy does next, but to each their own, give me a dirty knockdown bloody broken bone brawl over people flying around in shiny armour any day :xd:

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thanks for the link to the review.. About Tony Jaa's abilities, we will find out over time as he grows as an actor and gets more experience, and down the line, finds work beyond Thailand with foreign directors and writers to give him a better story to work with.. He's still new and we are following his career as it happens rather than trying to make a comparison to something from the past..

Anyway, I thought "Ong Bak 2" was really great, not in comparison to other films or actors but just for what it was, an over the top action film, so I'm looking forward to seeing the next one..

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Tony Jaa interview from: http://www.komchadluek.net/detail/20100501/57488่มรสุมชีวิตกับจิตวิญญาณของจาพนม.html

I used Google translate from Thai into English. Don't really know how much sense this would make, try read it and analyze it for yourself.

Ong Bak 3 is different from Ong Bak 2 how

Ong Bak 2 shows masked dance battle with the wrath of the dark tones in the picture but the black dress is highlighted in the third sector is to denigrate sin To start over. Lodged as an affront. New psychological rehabilitation. The boot sector of the third sector is different from the second lot because it is collected in the two martial arts. Whether to include the Samurai Muay Thai China is one of the three sectors is purely Strategic dancer. Big scene especially needed from masked dancer Strategic and Tha Phra giant monkey fight on elephant back. Factor about a stunt man 200 was difficult to play this scene with the elephant and the elephant herd is 20 what a rope. We must fight. Like scenes scuffle I have hung ivory Chang then be cast by 360 degrees in the stand has not missed a stroke, we crank 360 degrees to being compressed with another elephant. Then we fall down But I have to take new

Injured to the hospital to stage some silk.

The rest stay the two days I've taken from metric to metric Ong Bak 2 to 3 seconds and do not know since when I woke.

What the media want this story to more people.

Also on boot and then fought to see that scene. Individual scenes, then the philosophical standpoint, I like the scene with Pi Mum (Mum Job dirty) on a man who played Pee Mum out Scene that I think will jump suicide cliff Even without conscious men not wishing to jump onto it. We have an inkling. This is the truth that we want to see

Love in this sector have scenes with "Ja Ja" Prim Rata Dech with

This region is the man Head heart mind a sense of drama with tears of love arise. Q. What about that scene work? Love Scene. I have to say that horrible hair Treatments (laughs) It makes colorful There is more human. Man with the woman he was born counterpart.

Seen on the scene playing Love how difficult than the same boot.

If say stubborn, I never played the scene Love scenes, but in it shy any Nong Jaja (Prim Rata Dech) talent they help our hero to fall horse died actually (laughs), we shook, but shook fight (laughs) Nong Jaja is encouraging. We came together June. To understand this character. Asked Love Scene Silk lot has two scenes.

Love movies how.

Need to see ... they are dancing Love scenes with dancing with the perspective of a different director. I view the movies Nation oil companies. I do have to oil companies ไง Nation. But a Love Scene with art I just shake hands and joyful inside. Our eyes and facial expressions with feelings.

This region is the film that Hollywood Silk.

Of course ... to stream Overseas it is OK. Silk asked expectations. People make movies I have hope. But hope is very little hope that the fit of our more We make movies full of us. The success is that people see it then.

A future film project out

Talk with Sia Jiang (Somsak Techa Rattana Prasert) stroke waiting to go overseas to work with any hint that man's time or to However, foreign contact. In the negotiations. Are not yet finalized. In the procedures and time This auspicious film contract with United, another of the remaining 3-4 years. We are here to work each

Life and identity.

Ja perspective view of the change.

May be because we communicate with people a lot of teachers traveling to meet them, we feel it makes us think. I really can share the same. Father returned home to find mother. But on perspective. May be because we were directed here We are accustomed in the view of science Art and more. Met with teachers. The exchange of science together. Size to Cambodia. The study of pantomime That are expressive yet ไง. Science has learned of the film. Here we open a vision. Some teachers say. Do not think that just in the frame

For this reason, the people thought Ja gone crazy.

Is our director, we need to learn. Silk asked that the anger that we be mad I do not know why the anger. Good people are often told that a madman. Good people are mad about it close. Nana Tang mind it. A view of the individual. Experience we have found. Experience has found. The exchange Go to talk. I can see the view when we have many attitudes to education. Instructor to teach you about various meditation view Dharma teaching of the philosopher

There are life changing much silk.

The idea that different processes are thought to be the world see the positive and negative that it will happen. Then the weight. Not adhere to that view excellent reputation splendor, but it is a happy soul inside more

Why not stick to the reputation

We have come with it very soon I flip it a minute, I want the children to step up to the famous I looked back to see why. That role is one character. It is our illusion of life. Wear as an actor and director served there. But if we remove all the clothes look inside each other. It was left there.

It seems the path of "Dust" Phanom than to arrive today It more difficult than silk.

My path is hard to me, someone like this has. Like Jackie Chan that no one person is Jackie Chan 2 and no one is Bruce Lee, who has two paths it is my dream. Walk and step step Step to, and to reach goals. To grab what we want to be. It must be equipped with all Most importantly, if you do not have this. You believe love is impossible really.

But with famous famous. Making the current news that Ja rapt

It must have some. Buddha has it. But are our hearts. That we follow our hearts do. We passed the nurture ago It's all through.

Discourage some silk.

Tho I had it. Why is it Why is this But that said. If not, distress did not see happiness. But Peach Silk asked. But we are still breathing. Our role is to love what we stand with the arms of what we do, I say I'm proud I have a mouth full it. I was born was that the Thai military land own dream come true. That is a successful actor. A director. That's more than expectations. Then return to the country. By creating a reputation for Thailand Some overseas in Thailand, but he does not know about Tony Jaa from Thailand And that reward parents for the ordination of the Buddha Plan, which I have to be ordained. Waiting task to clear the air. Ordination Commemoration upon the king. I will be ordained to the land of Surin.

Monsoon life

Because any bad news. With or blank The changing attitudes. Change the way you think.

Real people ... I can not see if it can not find him to say that there is no suffering. I do not see happiness. If not happy. I do not see suffering. It is a counterpart His own practice he said would know yourself.

During the past year over how the monsoon there.

It must start in the encouragement of ourselves first. We must look back to. That we come here because of what Is there enough time to yourself to practice meditation mind and we still see it fall out. What's the problem that it gradually gradually solve the knot at a little.

Breach of contract case with borrowing a million young Koreans with the business. Clear case or the end.

Clear out as Omo cleaner. Is being friends. Owe nothing. From trifle becoming big Perhaps should have come together perfectly set up. But when negotiations were in court, it is great news for growth. There are about finished. And friendship is still the same.

Stories. What to teach us

Let us not neglect to teach the people we are not conscious, but conscious every day. We try to practice. ไง to do the sane as possible.

Think that this storm passes out or to

Now I feel relieved nothing we can work happily. Do not seek to hide anything. Commitment to duty. Commitment key to our national religion, His Majesty the King. We stand here on. We love and believe in what Is the best When we love movies. I made out a good movie.

An action of love.

Now my heart is pink silk.

The more I do it with some people. It is a drug and encouragement to talk about it soon. Ong Bak meet when taken now in the third stage of the study. Would not say anything more.

Fantastic view of the kind Ja.

Love is delicate. Each has its own art. Men's Women's Art is art. ไง to do to meet the two poles. And to act together. To the same destination. The sustainability of life together. He called a couple I think that it is the art of love I believe with good planning. If the plan is to prevail over half

Spouse must be kind.

I say not as good. I talk to people who already enjoy. Talk and attitude. The slant with us.

If the fan is disclosed silk.

I live better naturally. If the pressure very To live to know why. We are living as normal people eat to the movies, have confidence that we are confident in love. And faith

get any impression that to get married at what age.

Had the same idea put about 40 or 50, Too old? (laugh) this would not really answer. But still put up 40, I want to married life But that's about the future. But it has not arrived. But still ended up. Today I made the best

He is ...Tony Jaa "Dust" mountain

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I learnt a lot from that interview lol. Glad to know Tony is like "pink silk." Exactly the kind of image I want from one of the current big names in the fu game.

Thanks for the translation though.

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This probably not the right thread to ask, but I didnt feel it was better to make a whole new thread about. I just wanna know which release of Ong-Bak and Ong-Bak 2 is the one to get?

Obviously I want the uncut versions, original thai sound with english subtitles.

But as for special features, I noticed there are some DVDs of Ong-Bak offering TONS of special features while the Blu-Ray disc only offers a small portion of it.

Which ones should I get?

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This probably not the right thread to ask, but I didnt feel it was better to make a whole new thread about. I just wanna know which release of Ong-Bak and Ong-Bak 2 is the one to get?

Obviously I want the uncut versions, original thai sound with english subtitles.

But as for special features, I noticed there are some DVDs of Ong-Bak offering TONS of special features while the Blu-Ray disc only offers a small portion of it.

Which ones should I get?

For Ong Bak 1 go for the Thai International Release.

For Ong Bak 2 the US Blu Ray DVD has it all, both cuts and all bonus footage and interviews ever recorded with subtitles to boot!

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For Ong Bak 1 go for the Thai International Release.

For Ong Bak 2 the US Blu Ray DVD has it all, both cuts and all bonus footage and interviews ever recorded with subtitles to boot!

Could you give me more info on the Thai International release? Who released it?

As for the Ong Bak 2, your recommendation seems very solid, thanx.

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My mistake, no Thai International version for Ong Bak 1. Check out the results here to compare.

According to this review, the Blu Ray for Ong Bak 1 is not anymore special than it's DVD counterparts in terms of special features. That's why I'd point you to the international cuts in the first paragraph.

Hope this helps.

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hey, I would recommend the Australian dvd of Ong Bak from Easten Eye. it has the original Thai cut as well as the Luc Besson cut, eng subs, and lots of extras.

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The UK version of Ong Bak has a different soundtrack to the original Thai version which is okay but I personally prefer the original Thai soundtrack. That is my only drawback that I can think of.

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I've never heard the original soundtrack but the UK Premiere Asia version gives the film some weight, some gravitas. In my opinion it makes the film seem a bigger production than it was. I would also say that having a Bey Logan audio commentary is always a terrific extra well worth the listen on any Asian movie DVD. Plus of course on top of a suitably packed set of extras it has a DTS soundtrack!

I would wholeheartedly recommend the UK version.

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I watched Ong Bak 3 online eariler today and I have to say to anyone wanting to watch it, don't listen to the bad reviews. There is not much wrong with the movie. The mystical feel is very refreshing and the new styles look amazing as usual. I don't know how they keep coming up with them. Dan Chupong was an amzing villian and Tony's acting is coming along very well. As you can tell, I enjoyed it.

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there is a cam job onlinebut it looks aweful quality

Thats how they always start out. I saw enough to tell me I need to get this movie on dvd.

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I saw that cam copy too. In fact I watched a whole 8 minutes. Its like looking at art through the eyes of a pissed tramp.

On the plus side, it was a pretty phenomenal 8 minutes....

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