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Fight Dragon TV series coming to DVD!


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KEY HUNTER was sort a Sonny Chiba version of MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, with loads of karate action. I've seen one episode that was one of those "flashback" episodes. A good sampling of what this stunt crazy series had to offer.

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Looks like some episodes were put up on youtube. I can't figure out which ones have fight scenes. The clip below does have Chiba.



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I've just finished watching about 5 episodes and I have to say one thing is very evident about this series - it's unintentionally funny! Sorry, but the acting, the dialogue and the continuity is just awful. It's like they wrote and shot and edited each episode in less than one day. It's definitely not of the quality I've seen with other japanese TV series like Zatoichi and Kage No Gundan.


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I just watched the Manila episode. I think that has to be the funniest episode up to this point. I noticed all the crowds in the background at the airport when Maria, the daughter of the man Dragon is to protect, comes to pick up Dragon in that slow moving horse and carriage (why not just get a regular car taxi?). So the camera had to shoot slight upward to avoid getting all those people watching the shoot!

Then they cut to Black Panther wondering where Dragon is, and why isn't he in Japan, so he sends henchmen to shakedown Kojiri and that girl for the info. They never give it out. The girl's uncle shows up and saves them. And so they tell HIM where Dragon went. Next scene has Black Panther telling Brown Lizard to get Dragon in Manila. LOL! I'm guessing now the Uncle is either Black Panther or connected to him (don't tell me)

Later, Brown Lizard beats up all of the bodyguards that were protecting the friend of Dragon's late master. Dragon shows up to scare him off, then one of the bodyguards tells Dragon that Brown Lizard hangs out by the docks or something like that. Dragon goes down there asking the first person he sees if Brown Lizard hangs around there. As if the killer from Shadow would go around telling people he's Brown Lizard! It turns out to be an ambush and the henchmen are there along with the bodyguard who told Dragon where to go. What does Dragon say? Something like 'I knew you were with Shadow because you didn't have as many injuries as the other bodyguards'. How about the fact that he told Dragon where to find Brown Lizard?! LOL!

Then the ending when Maria tells her dad Dragon has gone to look at the sunset, I had a sick feeling that we'd be hearing the Lonely Dragon song. Yep! They had him walking around among the trees in Manila as the song played. I was hoping that would be the only time they played it, but nooo, they had to do it again right after the next episodes preview. Arghh!! :)


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I just watched the episode with that Hong Kong fighter Sea Storm, where he rips off the Shadow guy's arm. I think that Chan Lung playing the HK guy. It definitely looks like him, and he's not mouthing the words in Japanese (then again, everyone's mouth is off with the dubbing in this series).

Strange, they started off with Shadow's killers having names with colors and creatures, like Black Jaguar and Red Tiger. Now they've all got names associated with stormy weather, like Whirl Wind and Violent Wind.


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I was looking for some clips on youtube for Fight Dragon, and I came across this longer intro. I'm almost finished the Mill Creek set (I think there are 3 or 4 eps left), and none of them have this extended beginning. Is this from the Japanese version of the set?



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That guy does look a whole lot like Chan Lung! I was wondering why he looked familiar! I would post a screen but I don't have a Region 1 disc drive at the moment.

Can we take a poll on favorite costumes in this series? I really like the Golden Bat taking off his gold mesh-shirt and using it as a flail hahaha.

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I must say a was disappointed by this show. Seems like they did little to no restoring of the picture quality. Each episode has a plenty of grain. I have to set the DNR function to high each time i watch this on my tv to remove most of the grain. I also disappointed of the fight scenes, sound effects in the fights and the silly undercranking they sometimes use,


Alto lapin

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I didn't notice any undercranking in the fight scenes. Japanese karate movies never used that type of effect as far as I know, at least none of the Chiba/Shiomi/Tadashi Yamashita karate flicks from that period. So I would guess that it's not something a TV production would use.

I finally finished it today. More ridiculous costumes from the Four Gods. I always find it funny when the main bad guy in a Japanese action flick is usually the crappiest fighter, versus HK and Taiwan kung fu flicks where the main bad guy is usually the hardest to beat. It was no different in this TV series, although the earlier Shadow leader Black Panther (AKA Black Jaguar) had some alright moves with the sword.

I can't really pick the weirdest/favorite costume, they were all pretty outrageous, just like with some of the karate flicks. But I think that giant wrestler guy with the balding head and really hairy body was the weirdest looking. When he grabbed the shirtless Kurata and held him in a bear hug, that was pretty gross, LOL!

What the hell was up with that Kojiro character, anyway. Sometimes he was funny, but most of the time he acted like he was either mentally challenged or f'd up on some really bad drugs. I think Dean Shek viewed his performance, and that inspired his style of comedy. And I wonder if he memorized any lines for the filming, because 80% of the time, he would be grinning or mugging for the camera, and yet you'd hear him spouting long lines of dialogue. Really bizarre. I guess he just read off the script during post-production. But he had some nice moves when he actually fought. I think he must have had some karate training.

I think that was Chan Lung in that episode because he did some moves when he fought some opponents which looked like he was emulating Bruce Lee. He didn't do the Bruce Lee faces and they didn't have him doing the screaming ki-ai's, but just the way he delivered the kicks and punches was very Bruce Lee-like. Did he work on any of the Bruce Lee flicks?

Best episode (besides the first couple) was the one where he teams up with that Shadow guy to defeat the Magnum killer. I liked the unexpected plot twist and that Shadow guy fought really well, doing a kickboxing style. The Chan Lung episode was the next favorite in line. Everything else was just pure cheese predictable trash, with the occasional good fight scene.

Overall, the series was worth getting, mainly for Kurata's fighting. If he wasn't in it, and it was all done by some no-name guy who couldn't fight, then I'd have thrown it out the window like a frisbee. It's just so horribly done, everything from the dialogue to the plot to the acting, that it's like watching a train wreck. I was intrigued as to how bad it could really get, and that kept me wanting to see more.


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Well, i noticed they used undercranking. All of the sudden the fights looked unnaturally fast. I am good at seeing it when it`s used.

Were you watching it on a region 1 DVD player? I watched it on my blu-ray, but I'm in region 1, so I didn't see any undercranking. I'll check it out again. I'm also pretty good at spotting it. For example, I didn't realize how much of Jackie's and Sammo's 80s films were undercranked when I first watched them, a decade ago, but over the years I became more sensitive to it, so when I revisited many of those films in the last few years, they look unnaturally fast to me.


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I think that was Chan Lung in that episode because he did some moves when he fought some opponents which looked like he was emulating Bruce Lee. He didn't do the Bruce Lee faces and they didn't have him doing the screaming ki-ai's, but just the way he delivered the kicks and punches was very Bruce Lee-like. Did he work on any of the Bruce Lee flicks?

Small roles/stunts in The Big Boss and Fist of Fury.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Chan Lung really stands out in Fist of Fury with that crazy wig. When Bruce goes to the Japanese school, he’s the second guy to challenge him after Max Lee.

I thought that guy in The Incredible Man From Hong Kong episode looked familiar, and after rewatching it, I agree it is him.

Also I agree there is no undercranking in this series. Kurata is just very fast. Bruce Leung also. Lobo is there a particular episode where you noticed undercranking, or did you notice it in a lot of the fights?

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I agree no undercranking here either!! All I see is Kurata-san being blazingly fast!!

I love this show...........it's great to watch 1 episode.....or like 20 in a row!!! :tongue:

Knowing the age of the TV and the amount of money I spent for it the quality of the video is perfectly fine with me.

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No, i watch it on my region 2 player, but it is region free. I watch this series in NTSC mode. I saw undercranking in some fight scenes in a few episodes.I don`t remember what they are called. I think it was easy to notice. When watching a fight that is not undercranked, all of the sudden, i see Kurata and the villains fights so much faster. It`s like i pressed the fast forward button. I do not lie to you.


Zx14 vs hayabusa

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I agree no undercranking here either!! All I see is Kurata-san being blazingly fast!!

I love this show...........it's great to watch 1 episode.....or like 20 in a row!!! :tongue:

Knowing the age of the TV and the amount of money I spent for it the quality of the video is perfectly fine with me.

I completely agree with everything you said. If I had to choose between a little graininess as opposed to not having the series at all...it's a no brainer. When BCI folded, I thought the series would never see the light of day. Granted, the show was done very cheaply (it's the land of Gojira, after all) but the campiness and cheese factor are both part of it's charm. Kurata-san still shines amidst poorly written teleplays and the silly antics of the Kojiro character. If anyone is disappointed they can't be much of a Kurata fan, as he more than delivers. Fight! Dragon stands up very well for a show that was done in Japan in the mid 1970s, and the price of the set doesn't hurt either.

I didn't notice any undercranking either. Not that I've watched as many films as you guys, but I've found it to be more prevalent in HK productions than Japanese ones.

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Been slowly making my way thru this series and I have to say it's very enjoyable. It feels like a superhero/monster series without the fx. Love seeing all the HK talent as well...

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It does seem like it was made for kids, but I LOVE IT! Light-hearted, karate fun.

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I agree with KFB, this series was not made for kids lol I watched a few episodes and I like though! Its very witty and I love the wide arrange of talent!

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Finally received my copy! :bigsmile:

All I have to do now is get the discs in my player and get into the fun! :xd: (can't wait)

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Got mine last week and haven't had a chance to watch any of them yet, hopefully tonight I'll get to start watching them.

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^ Sweet. Hope that we can enjoy it much as the other people :bigsmile:

I can't wait to see some crazy karate, crazy villains and crazy outfits!

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^ Sweet. Hope that we can enjoy it much as the other people :bigsmile:

I can't wait to see some crazy karate, crazy villains and crazy outfits!

It's got all that in spades brotha!!!

Can't wait to her your thoughts!!

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It's definitely fun, as long as you don't take it seriously. The acting is terrible, the stories are lame, the costumes are silly, and the lead characters act weird or are pointless (like the girl). But that's all part of the charm.

The one thing that is good about it is watching Kurata kick ass, and THAT he does!


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Just a heads up that DeepDiscount.com is selling this for the low, low price of $5.23... with free standard shipping to boot.

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