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Fight Dragon TV series coming to DVD!


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No worries! Always a pleasure to help out.

I find that the Chiba-San method is the best way to get things to work, especially when it comes to computers....

1. - Put desktop/laptop PC in middle of room

2. - Pull slightly contorted face and make some seriously guttural chokes and snorts.

3. - Tense muscles up to the point where they feel like they're gonna snap.

4. - Jump up really high (watch head on ceiling) and on the downward travel, punch through the PC with enough crazy force so that everyone can see it in X-Ray!!!!!

5. - Contentedly wipe the remnants of circuit board from your hand (preferably on someone else's clothes)

6. - Sniff fingers if neccessary!!!



Hey KF Bob thanks for the screen caps and Wigsplitta thanks for helping our PC challenged friend share those screen caps with us!! :tongue: Sorry Bob I couldn't help myself.

I'm not at all upset at the picture quality for what I paid for it with free shipping....can't beat it.

NOW just hoping it will get here sooner or later. Preferably SOONER!!!!!!

You're a trip!

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I wonder who decided to crop the film on all four sides. I mean, if they're going to crop something, at least do it right. If it was minor cropping than I wouldn't mind, but seeing those two images are excessive in my opinion. However, I can let the minor annoyance go for fact that this is the first time the series have been released with English subtitles and the amazing deal for 9.99 with free shipping at deepdiscount.:tongue:

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I wonder who decided to crop the film on all four sides. I mean, if they're going to crop something, at least do it right. If it was minor cropping than I wouldn't mind, but seeing those two images are excessive in my opinion.

The strange thing is, the cropping seems to be different throughout. Look at the closer shots on the previous page. The top and bottom cropping are identical. But in the full-length shots there's quite a bit of difference. :neutral:

The good news is that through the first four episodes of the US version I never once thought it looked too tightly framed or awkward.

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I'm just hoping that the plane bringing mine & WigSplitta's copies over the Atlantic doesn't explode due to a SEVERE 70'S KARATE AWESOMENESS OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I'm just hoping that the plane bringing mine & WigSplitta's copies over the Atlantic doesn't explode due to a SEVERE 70'S KARATE AWESOMENESS OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Strangely, it was reported just this morning that a large carrier plane lost control before even getting off of the airport runway. Officials have not released a statement yet explaining the cause of the incident. But one air traffic controller, who wished to remain anonymous, stated that right before the plane veered off course they heard a loud "Kiiaaaaaaaaa!!!!" come over the headset. More updates as they become available....:nerd:

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Strangely, it was reported just this morning that a large carrier plane lost control before even getting off of the airport runway. Officials have not released a statement yet explaining the cause of the incident. But one air traffic controller, who wished to remain anonymous, stated that right before the plane veered off course they heard a loud "Kiiaaaaaaaaa!!!!" come over the headset. More updates as they become available....:nerd:

A terrible tragedy for sure. Eye witnesses stated that all they could hear was the loud Kiiaaaaaaaa!!! as well. Aparently what happened was so awesome they were temporarily blinded.

When they were questioned someone metioned seeing incredibly high platform 70's platform shoes!!

I'm literally on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what happened.

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My wife just called to advise me that FIVE ELEMENT NINJA and FIGHT! DRAGON arrived today!! It's so cool.....the only crappy thing is I have to work until 7:00 tonight!!

Are you freakin kidding me.

Oh well at least mine wasn't onboard that air plane that lost control before take off!!

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Guest WuxiaFan
Packaging: As mentioned by Kunoichi the packaging is kind of lame. It's a clamshell case, nearly double the thickness of a standard DVD case. But inside is a walled off little section that holds the three DVDs which come in black paper sleeves- they aren't even proper disc envelopes, as they lack the flap to stop them from sliding out. Very strange. This "design" is reminiscent of the packaging for some of the Hong Kong TV series that I've bought from overseas. As for the cover art- there are photos of Kurata-san on the back cover that should have been used as the front cover's main photo instead of the generic photo of some random martial artist, and the overblown billing and photo of Bolo. Yes, he's in it, but it's not throughout the series or anything. Bruce Leung has a much more prominent role, and I might as well mention- is totally awesome in this.

KFB - completely agree! The case is lame and the artwork sucks. Definately looking forward to getting your custom artwork! :smile: Also, thanks for an excellent review! I just got my set yesterday and will be moving it to the top of my tall stack of "to watch" DVDs.


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i'm just hoping that the plane bringing mine & wigsplitta's copies over the atlantic doesn't explode due to a severe 70's karate awesomeness overload!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Whoa, that's incredible! I've been on the edge of my seat all day too! The last update I head was that those "incredibly high platform 70's platform shoes!!" turned out to be the saviour of all crew and cargo midflight, as the plane lost control and started to divebomb!! They were turned into emergency water-ski's and managed to turn the plane's nosedive into a skim across the ocean and then take-off again!!!! The sheer buoyancy of those stack heels was truly awesome from what i've heard! :wink:

Fingers crossed it makes it over here intact. Just have to hope that some big muscular 'Bolo' isn't waiting ready to pounce!!!! :tongue:

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Whoa, that's incredible! I've been on the edge of my seat all day too! The last update I head was that those "incredibly high platform 70's platform shoes!!" turned out to be the saviour of all crew and cargo midflight, as the plane lost control and started to divebomb!! They were turned into emergency water-ski's and managed to turn the plane's nosedive into a skim across the ocean and then take-off again!!!! The sheer buoyancy of those stack heels was truly awesome from what i've heard! :wink:

Fingers crossed it makes it over here intact. Just have to hope that some big muscular 'Bolo' isn't waiting ready to pounce!!!! :tongue:

I haven't heard any further updates. If that is true I'm so glad for those waiting for their copies of FIGHT! DRAGON. I just hope you got your news from a reliable source Spillta....:tongue:

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I just hope you got your news from a reliable source Spillta....:tongue:

First I accidentally maimed Wuxiafan's name in a post (and then intentionally :angel:), and now this. Wigsplitta... Gorhama has rechristened you Wigspillta!!! I just had to mention it cause it cracked me up. :xd:

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First I accidentally maimed Wuxiafan's name in a post (and then intentionally :angel:), and now this. Wigsplitta... Gorhama has rechristened you Wigspillta!!! I just had to mention it cause it cracked me up. :xd:

I was lazy and didn't feel like typing his entire screen name. Besides I think he got the idea. :tongue:

On a side note anytime I can make someone crack up and hopefully help brighten a day.....that's a plus.

Also I watched the first 2 episodes and I for one am totally happy with the picture quality. On my old tube TV in the basement it looks great!! The subtitles seems to be well done and again each episode seems like it's 70% action........which is totally awesome.

So in closing it's worth the purchase for anyone that was on the fence about it.

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Aw, man, I simply cannot wait to get my hands on THIS!!! :bigsmile:

WHY is shipping from the US to the UK so sllloooooow?? :cry:

Let it be known that both myself & WigSpiltta are most jealous of our American brothers, GorHuma and Kung Fu Rob. :xd:

Oh, and I understand everyone onboard the plane carrying FIGHT! DRAGON is fine – survivors have been found floating in the Atlantic, after parachuting down using what one witness described as “shockingly huge flared trousers.” :tongue:

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Guest WuxiaFan
Let it be known that both myself & WigSpiltta are most jealous of our American brothers, GorHuma and Kung Fu Rob. :xd:

Hey Karlos - what about me!! A fellow Chiba Club member! :yociexpress09:

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Aw, man, I simply cannot wait to get my hands on THIS!!! :bigsmile:

WHY is shipping from the US to the UK so sllloooooow?? :cry:

Let it be known that both myself & WigSpiltta are most jealous of our American brothers, GorHuma and Kung Fu Rob. :xd:

Oh, and I understand everyone onboard the plane carrying FIGHT! DRAGON is fine – survivors have been found floating in the Atlantic, after parachuting down using what one witness described as “shockingly huge flared trousers.” :tongue:

Don't worry Carlos.......your copy of FIGHT! DRAGON will arrive soon!! I honestly can't wait for you to see it in all it's subtitled glory!!

Don't worry Kung Fu Rob and I will be waiting your thoughts on the release.

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Hey Karlos - what about me!! A fellow Chiba Club member! :yociexpress09:

Ah, sorry, bro - I was too busy daydreaming at work and thinking up bad jokes about flares!!


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Ah, sorry, bro - I was too busy daydreaming at work and thinking up bad jokes about flares!!


I'm glad you're getting paid for this stuff- I love it! :xd:

Hope you and "The Splitta" get this soon. Everytime I watch another episode I think of you guys and the long, lame wait for these. :squigglemouth:

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I'm glad you're getting paid for this stuff- I love it! :xd:

Hope you and "The Splitta" get this soon. Everytime I watch another episode I think of you guys and the long, lame wait for these. :squigglemouth:

Right on!! :xd:

I tell you, if it wasn't for you guys the hours here would turn into days!!

Thanks for making work that little bit more bearable!!


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Right on!! :xd:

I tell you, if it wasn't for you guys the hours here would turn into days!!

Thanks for making work that little bit more bearable!!


You want to be entertained? Have you read the story about our politician that "wasn't groping" young men that worked on his campaign, he was only... this is not a joke, his words... "tickling them" like "men do when they horse around"?! :neutral: Seriously, look this up, the whole story reads like some kind of nutty episode of THE OFFICE! :smile: Saturday Night Live just skewered this guy with both an opening sketch, then a "Really?" segment on the Weekend Update with Seth Meyers and a special appearance by Jerry Seinfeld. They're probably on YouToobe already. This guy's idiocy will certainly make you laugh out loud.

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Right on!! :xd:

I tell you, if it wasn't for you guys the hours here would turn into days!!

Thanks for making work that little bit more bearable!!


Allow me to piggy back on that comment. I like the work I do, but man there are days that coming here and writing about these movies and making jokes with you cats really helps.

I watched 2 more episodes last night.....Karlos and Wigspiltta I can't wait for you guys to get your copies.......you will love it.

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You want to be entertained? Have you read the story about our politician that "wasn't groping" young men that worked on his campaign, he was only... this is not a joke, his words... "tickling them" like "men do when they horse around"?! :neutral: Seriously, look this up, the whole story reads like some kind of nutty episode of THE OFFICE! :smile: Saturday Night Live just skewered this guy with both an opening sketch, then a "Really?" segment on the Weekend Update with Seth Meyers and a special appearance by Jerry Seinfeld. They're probably on YouToobe already. This guy's idiocy will certainly make you laugh out loud.

That sounds hilarious! And Jerry Seinfeld got in on the act? Even better! :bigsmile:

What a complete maroon that politician must be – I can almost here the conversations now:

“Sir, he claimed you had your hand down his trousers.”

“Nonsense. I was merely wishing him a good morning.”

He also says that later on that day you caressed his balls”.

“Sheesh!! Can’t a guy check another guy’s testes anymore? I was just looking out for the lad’s health!”

I’m always angry that SNL has never really been shown properly here in the UK – our loss!

I’ll be looking for that skit tonight – thanks for the heads up, bro!! :wink:

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Guest WuxiaFan
Ah, sorry, bro - I was too busy daydreaming at work and thinking up bad jokes about flares!!


No problemo, my English amigo! Just kidding!


I watched 2 more episodes last night.....Karlos and Wigspiltta I can't wait for you guys to get your copies.......you will love it.

Haven't watched any episodes yet. I'm still on SHAWDOW WARRIORS!


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That sounds hilarious! And Jerry Seinfeld got in on the act? Even better! :bigsmile:

What a complete maroon that politician must be – I can almost here the conversations now:

“Sir, he claimed you had your hand down his trousers.”

“Nonsense. I was merely wishing him a good morning.”

He also says that later on that day you caressed his balls”.

“Sheesh!! Can’t a guy check another guy’s testes anymore? I was just looking out for the lad’s health!”

I’m always angry that SNL has never really been shown properly here in the UK – our loss!

I’ll be looking for that skit tonight – thanks for the heads up, bro!! :wink:

Honestly, the things that he said and did are not far from what you jokingly wrote!

"What were you doing to your fellow sailor under the sheets of his bed?"

"Why I was just snorkeling him! Just goofing around."

...NO, I'm not kidding. :neutral: This is why I prefer FIGHT! DRAGON to the news.

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Haven't watched any episodes yet. I'm still on SHAWDOW WARRIORS!


Glad you're digging it! :bigsmile:

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