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Fight Dragon TV series coming to DVD!


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Trailer looks great, but I must point out that Ju-Jitu might be a misromanization. "tu" doesn't exist in the Japanese alphabet, it's often written instead of the correct "tsu". I'm probably mistaken though, and it could be another correct way.

It gets more interesting, as the spelling on the DVD cover is: Jyu-Jitu.:ooh: The additional words in the title translate to "Jiujitsu VS Karate."


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It gets more interesting, as the spelling on the DVD cover is: Jyu-Jitu.:ooh: The additional words in the title translate to "Jiujitsu VS Karate."


Totally awesome!! Nothing wrong with more Kurata movies...even at 63 he looks as amazing as ever!!

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Morgoth Bauglir

Anybody get this yet? Any major problems with it? I'm kind of scared to get it. I just got a Mill Creek set recently, Cage Rage 5 event set, and the video on event 8: Knights of the Cage is COMPLETELY unwatchable, which means I didn't get to see Anderson Silva vs the badass fighter and real life bank robber Lee Murray.

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Anybody get this yet? Any major problems with it? I'm kind of scared to get it. I just got a Mill Creek set recently, Cage Rage 5 event set, and the video on event 8: Knights of the Cage is COMPLETELY unwatchable, which means I didn't get to see Anderson Silva vs the badass fighter and real life bank robber Lee Murray.

That sucks man. :squigglemouth:

FIGHT! DRAGON is being released next Tuesday, March 16th.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Oh my bad. Didn't realize that.

But, I just checked Amazon, and they list it for March 9th, and have it for sale right now.

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Morgoth Bauglir
I may cancel my preorder until I see if its going to be 5 dollars at walmart like the other Mill Creek sets.

Anybody check at Wal Mart? I won't be able to go until Friday. The last 2 Mill Creek martial arts releases have showed up there, so hopefully this one will too.

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Anybody check at Wal Mart? I won't be able to go until Friday. The last 2 Mill Creek martial arts releases have showed up there, so hopefully this one will too.

Went to my local Wal-Mart tonight and nothing:mad:

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Morgoth Bauglir

Thanks for the info. For $5 I would pick it up ASAP, but if it's more than that I'll have to wait and make sure there's no problems with it.

Mill Creek you will be sorry if you mess this one up :aJFBQ00142070108C:

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Yeah, my mistake! March 9th was the release date, not the 16th as I said earlier. Sorry. :smile:

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Anybody get this yet? Any major problems with it? I'm kind of scared to get it. I just got a Mill Creek set recently, Cage Rage 5 event set, and the video on event 8: Knights of the Cage is COMPLETELY unwatchable, which means I didn't get to see Anderson Silva vs the badass fighter and real life bank robber Lee Murray.

You mean the disc was bad or the quality of the recording? I have seen some pretty terrible MMA recordings, but I didn't know they were getting released as such! Kindof makes that scene a little more grassroots IMO; I would have even said thats cool if it didn't obstruct my viewing.

The source for the Ocean Shores Fighting Dragon re-edit was pretty good quality; lets hope this is a similar situation.

EDIT: This unsubbed copy of the series people have, is it a well done, official release?

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This unsubbed copy of the series people have, is it a well done, official release?

Yes, it's from an official DVD boxed set released in Japan. Quality-wise it looks similar to most '70s era TV show recordings- a little grainy, slightly muted colors, but more than watchable! :nerd: Didn't they shoot those shows using 16mm back then?

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Morgoth Bauglir

Double confirmation now that it’s not at Wal Mart. If anybody finds this at stores please let us know ASAP. And also please scan through the discs and see if there's any major problems. Like pixelation or messed up video, freezing, no subs...

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I'll buy it to support the company because I want to see more series, but I won't watch the DVD's. Mill Creek's DVD's have always given me problems. Within two days to two months, this will end up on the usual sites for free with the subs from the mill creek dvd added to the JPN release. From there, it will get traded around to the people who haven't yet figured out how to use the internet. That will be the definative release & a great dvd.

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I'll buy it to support the company because I want to see more series, but I won't watch the DVD's. Mill Creek's DVD's have always given me problems.

Hmmm, I've been fortunate. Never had any problems with any of their discs so far.

Please, let's not be disparaging about this release. Especiallly when it hasn't even come out yet. :smile: Great price, rare, formerly unsubbed series... so far so good! Sure the cover isn't great, but what really matters is the content! :bigsmile: If a company is going to go out on a limb and release this, lets buy the darn thing and show them that it's worth putting out such product. :bigsmile:

Personally, I can hardly wait for this. It's supposed to arrive Monday, but my fingers are crossed that it'll come today. :angel:

Anyway, I'll post about it as soon as it arrives. :wink:

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Hmmm, I've been fortunate. Never had any problems with any of their discs so far.

Please, let's not be disparaging about this release. Especiallly when it hasn't even come out yet. :smile: Great price, rare, formerly unsubbed series... so far so good! Sure the cover isn't great, but what really matters is the content! :bigsmile: If a company is going to go out on a limb and release this, lets buy the darn thing and show them that it's worth putting out such product. :bigsmile:

Personally, I can hardly wait for this. It's supposed to arrive Monday, but my fingers are crossed that it'll come today. :angel:

Anyway, I'll post about it as soon as it arrives. :wink:

Great points KF Bob...........I say hold off any negative comments until someone actually has it. Also problems with discs can happen to any company. It's not unheard of. How many trades have people made where the disc worked fine for them but on someone else's DVD player it just won't work right??

According to Amazon mine has shipped and should be here in the next 7 to 10 business days!! :tinysmile_angry2_t: Never leave your wife a hit she'll be awesome and order it and then opt for the free shipping with takes forever!! :wink: JK................my wife is too good to me!!

Hopefully this will be a good release and will usher in more television series we have been waiting for.

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Just (literally) ordered my set... :bigsmile:

Can't wait for this to arrive, looks super sweet. Hopefully mine will be delivered on Monday too!!!!! LOL

Must say too, I've never had any issues with any DVDs that i've ever bought or borrowed from friends, and that's gotta be 1000+ dvds up until now. The only issue i've ever had was when I bought the Shadow Warriors boxset (In America) and found that when I got home (England) there were 2 disc 4's and no disc 3!!!!! Damn!!!! :wink:

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Morgoth Bauglir
problems with discs can happen to any company. It's not unheard of. How many trades have people made where the disc worked fine for them but on someone else's DVD player it just won't work right??

That is key right there. If the DVD doesn’t play, you have to make sure your DVD player has been working fine lately. And it’s always good to have a couple DVD players so you can double check if the DVD really doesn’t work. Just recetly I bought Golden Eye, and it doesn't work on my main player, but it works on my 2 other players.

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Haven't bought a single Mill Creek thing that didn't give me problems of some kind. The case inside was broken & the discs were all loose, they wouldn't load on different players, computers, etc..., they had 2-3 copies of the same DVD in a 5 disc box. I had to return the spaghetti western box or different discs in them a few times before I got all 5 dvd's. By all means, though, people should buy from them. 10 dollars today is really nothing. The price is amazing, and you might not have any problems. It's worth the gamble.

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Brentwood BCI started off with junk titles and by the end of their run, they had started to put out great quality titles. Sadly they bit the dust, so now Mills Creek seems to be taking over. I'm just hoping that with the upcoming sets, they'll have done good authoring, using dual layer disks.


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