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Black Belt Jones!


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Just watched this - very enjoyable - great score, great cast - along with Jim Kelly, Gloria Hendry and Scatman Crothers (who fights!) are an uncredited Ted Lange (Issac from LOVE BOAT) and Marla Gibbs (Florence from THE JEFFERSONS)! Bob Wall is there too (He's credited with the fight choreography)... It's part of a 4 title "Urban Action" package from Warner Brothers - the other titles are HOT POTATO, BLACK SAMSON amd THREE THE HARD WAY...

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Awesome set (except for HOT POTATO! :xd:), and they're all in anamorphic widescreen! $12.99 for all four. :bigsmile:

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i felt like it was a bit like watching Bruce Lee in slow motion.

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Awesome set (except for HOT POTATO! :xd:), and they're all in anamorphic widescreen! $12.99 for all four. :bigsmile:

I think HOT POTATO is something of a sequel to BB JONES - Jim Kelly's character is "Jones"...

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Think you're right. Haven't seen it in about 17 years, but from what I remember it should have been called HOT MESS! :xd: It wasn't even "so bad it's good"... it was just "so bad, it sucks"! Still... in widescreen, on DVD... I'll give it another try. :nerd:

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Would have to agree about avoiding Hot Potato like the plague. The rest of the set is fantastic though. I've been wanting to see Black Belt Jones on DVD for years and to get it bundled with Three The Hard Way (Uncut!) and Black Samson is a great deal.

"Who the fuck hit me?!"


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I agree, seeing these gems on DVD is a real treat. I had BBJ on 16mm years ago but it's so much better and convenient on an "offical" DVD. It's great to see "Three the Hard Way" in a much cleaner version (I've been seeing this film for years on VHS and bootleg DVD).

Black Samson is a really good and surprising film. I actually liked it right up there with the other 2 Kelly flicks. Rockne Tarkington was Warner Bros first choice to play the role of "Williams" in Enter the Dragon but due to some sort of fall-out, the part was given to Kelly instead and the rest as we say is "History!" I'm hoping to see "Golden Needles" and "Melinda" (Jim Kelly/Rockne Tarkington) in an official DVD release!!


Hector Martinez


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Guest WuxiaFan
Think you're right. Haven't seen it in about 17 years, but from what I remember it should have been called HOT MESS! :xd: It wasn't even "so bad it's good"... it was just "so bad, it sucks"! Still... in widescreen, on DVD... I'll give it another try. :nerd:

Can't wait for my order to arrive!! :wink: I've never seen BBJ, so I'll be all over these as soon as they come! :xd:

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That music ("Give it Up" - Rain) is FREAKING AWESOME!!! I think the Jim Kelly stuff is from THREE THE HARD WAY... Thanks for posting that!

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Just listened to the BLACK BELT JONES Soundtrack on vinyl - disappointing because while the music score is awesome - it's saddled with dialogue and sound effects from the film...

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Aside from Enter The Dragon (which would be pretty forgettable minus Bruce Lee)? Sure, Black Belt Jones & a couple of the others were occasionally amusing, unintentionally more often than not, but considering how much shit Kelly talked ("I'll be the biggest moviestar in the world", "Bruce Lee looked good because of his hand picked team of stunt guys", "America's just not ready for a black hero", etc.), watching his movies it seems to me he never really tried to make a good movie, must've just been in it for the quick buck.

Even his martial arts generally looked pathetic. What was that movie he did with Tan Tao Liang & Bolo? Kelly looked like a yellow belt compared to Tan. I also recall Kelly talking crap about Chuck Norris, saying even guys like Bruce Li/Ho Chung Tao looked better than Chuck, but at least Chuck tried to make movies with decent scripts, something Kelly was clearly never concerned with. I suppose a person could argue that Kelly just made what was being offered him, but it seems to me after ETD Jim was offered basically the deal Bruce Lee would've gotten only Bruce apparently put a lot of effort into insuring that ETD would be up to his standards in terms of quality (especially in the fight sequences, but in other ways, too). Just seems to me Jim Kelly wasted opportunities he fell into.

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I njust picked up this collection. Maybe I wasn't in the mood for it, but Black Belt Jones didn't impress me much at all & I like some crappy movies! Jim Kelly is boring & his fighting is meh. That cook from the Shining playing a Karate master? Meh. The quality of the dvd's are cool for the price. Maybe I'll dig the other films more.

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That cook from the Shining playing a Karate master? Meh.

Your talking about Scatman Crothers! He was Hong Kong Fooeys voice, must of been all he needed to be a karate master:xd: He was a great actor but a martial artist he was not.

I've seen this years ago but damned if I can remember any of it.

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I'm looking forward to getting my mitts on this set - well, half of it, anyway!!

BBJ I finally saw last year and hated it - why it felt the need to constantly try to be "funny" I'll never know, with the late, great Scatman it's sole, redeeming feature.

Black Samson I've not really head much about, but I'm intrigued!!

Hot Potato I've heard lots about - all bad!!

Three The Hard Way, for me, is what it's all about - I'd pay full price just to see that in WS!

My favourite blaxploitation film, bar none.

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Your talking about Scatman Crothers! He was Hong Kong Fooeys voice, must of been all he needed to be a karate master:xd: He was a great actor but a martial artist he was not.

Yeah man! Scatman Crothers as Hong Kong Phooey was essential to my childhood! :bigsmile: For those younger folks- Hong Kong Phooey was a Saturday morning cartoon from the 70's about a dog, who was a janitor during the day, but a masked super hero by night that used martial arts skills to serve justice! :xd: Scatman, who had an unmistakable, one-of-a-kind voice, provided the lines for Phooey.

Yep... I even had a Hong Kong Phooey lunchbox! :wink:

I'm looking forward to getting my mitts on this set - well, half of it, anyway!!

Should be any day now brother!

BBJ I finally saw last year and hated it - why it felt the need to constantly try to be "funny" I'll never know, with the late, great Scatman it's sole, redeeming feature.

I hear you man! I wish it had been a serious ass stomping action movie with less humor too. The fight at the car wash? Less soap suds, and a real pair of chucks instead of a hose would have been cool. But I still enjoy this goofy movie! :nerd:

Black Samson I've not really head much about, but I'm intrigued!!

It's fun!

Hot Potato I've heard lots about - all bad!!

If you want to stick with a "potato" theme... any of you kids ever experience this- You get an order of french fries, they're nice and hot, cooked to a perfect golden color, lightly salted, smell amazing... then you pop a few in your mouth and... Ugh! One of them must have been from a bad spud! The nasty taste destroys the moment, and leaves a bad aftertaste in your mouth. That's how this movie is. Cool poster, good cast, promising adventure story, then... Ugh! Can't get that taste outta my mouth! :tongue: LOL

Three The Hard Way, for me, is what it's all about - I'd pay full price just to see that in WS!

My favourite blaxploitation film, bar none.

A classic! Finally in widescreen. Definitely worth the price of the set! :bigsmile:

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Hey ThunderScore, how is BLACK SAMURAI? I haven't seen it in about 20 years. I owned an original of the VHS, but it was among hundreds ruined by a basement flood.

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Hey ThunderScore, how is BLACK SAMURAI? I haven't seen it in about 20 years. I owned an original of the VHS, but it was among hundreds ruined by a basement flood.

It's okay Bob... but IMO, not as enjoyable as BLACK BELT JONES. I am a fan of director Al Adamson's films, tho - DRACULA VS FRANKENSTEIN, SATAN'S SADISTS, BLOOD OF GHASTLY HORROR, etc. Al also directed THE DYNAMITE BROTHERS, (which had an incredible score composed by the legendary Charles Earland) that I liked a lot more...


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It's okay Bob... but IMO, not as enjoyable as BLACK BELT JONES. I am a fan of director Al Adamson's films, tho - DRACULA VS FRANKENSTEIN, SATAN'S SADISTS, BLOOD OF GHASTLY HORROR, etc. Al also directed THE DYNAMITE BROTHERS, (which had an incredible score composed by the legendary Charles Earland) that I liked a lot more...

Thanks for the reply! :wink:

Ah yes, Al Adamson. If you're in the right frame of mind (drunk, stoned, easy to please, very forgiving, or all of the above) his films can be quite entertaining. I wonder if Al Adamson and Jess Franco had ever collaborated on a film if the Earth would have stopped revolving? :xd:

Sending you a PM ThunderScore.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Is there an uncut DVD version of Black Samurai? All I remember about that movie is that the cuts made me extremely angry.

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