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Massacre Survivor for £2000


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We've had 11 contributors including Adonis, myself and 1 non-KFC member. One person is waiting a few days for pay day before he sends his payment. I was hoping one of my contacts would contribute cos' I thought he was a special fan, but it doesn't look like it. I am hoping a semi-KFC member from Belgium possibly together with one of his mates might help get us closer to the target during the last few days. But hey, if everyone has to be refunded, it's not all bad because Toby has promised there will be a public showing at a private London hall before he puts it back into his archive. So even if we can't own the movie, you guys might be interested in flying out from the States to at least see it once during your lifetime. Even if we are empty-handed it would still be good to meet you guys, considering you have proven how serious you are about the genre. Whatever happens, I want us to keep in contact. Anyway, still 6 days to go... I can't complain, as we have at least passed the halfway mark during those 2 days, so there's still a chance...

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Over half the amount in two days is great and still six days to go. A very promising start.

Remember, it ain't over till it's over and if we're a few people short some of us are willing to make up the difference (within reason). But if this is any indication, it won't be an issue.

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We're now on 12 thanks yet again to another KFC member; just 8 more to go, but only a few KFC members on the original contributors list have yet to send their payment. Nevertheless, I am starting to get hopeful now! :smile:

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I'm willing to make a contribution, but is it possible to throw in a couple of free dvd's from your catalog in along with "massacre survivor' if successful? 100gpd is a lot of cake.:angel:

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We are on 14 now! As we are nearing the weekend, I am worried we not be able to reach our target. A few contributors have also emailed me with similar concerns and ideas re: securing Massacre. We are surely closing in, but not quite there, so I need time to think about what can be done based on your suggestions.

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We've still got the rest of today, all day Friday and Saturday until...midnight London time?

The time to get angsty is late Friday evening or Saturday morning.

All we need is two people a day to step up. Let's see what the numbers look like Saturday morning and then we'll see if other options might be required.

If anyone's a member of the avmaniacs forum, start a thread linking to this thread in their Trades, Deals, and Coupons or Asian section (a little advertising can't hurt). Anyplace that's appropriate.

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Many thanks for everyone's support and commitment via £100 contributions in the hope of securing Massacre Survivor. We have done extremely well--there is no doubt about that! This is unprecedented in the history of Kung Fu fandom; never before have the world's biggest fans looked to unite towards a common goal. However, as it stands, the RareKFM team would be going £700 in the red.

To get a couple more contributions would be excellent, though from the original list only Blood Sword and Teako haven't been in contact, so it's unlikely we will get anymore. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to make a final appeal to all Kung Fu fans out there: please consider donating £50 or topping up on your original contribution. Based on how many donations we get, Adonis and I will be discussing on Sunday whether we should go ahead and lose so much money, including shipping, or refund all payments. Toby has made it absolutely clear he will not budge on the proposal; it's 2K or nothing. This is pretty much the last word on the matter.


Contact address: rarekfm@hotmail.com (subject: Massacre Survivor)

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This project is tantalisingly close to reaching fruition.

It would be a crying shame if it fell at the final hurdle, for the sake of a fifth of the cost. As evidenced by the recent shots, a lot of effort has gone into making this a quality fan product, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing this film.

I'd happily pledge an extra little contribution that I can afford towards seeing this project to the finish line, rather than letting it slipping back into limbo and wondering what might have been.

Edit: bravo, tdb!

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BTW, I am looking to reward all donators with a free movie of their choice from a selection of newest additions to be posted over the weekend. We have to do whatever it takes to get Massacre!

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Put up or shut up time, folks. I've sent another £100, making my grand total contributed £210.

Now that is some devotion!

Not sure i've quite got the wedge available to do the same....yet....

This project is tantalisingly close to reaching fruition.

It would be a crying shame if it fell at the final hurdle, for the sake of a fifth of the cost. As evidenced by the recent shots, a lot of effort has gone into making this a quality fan product, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing this film.

I'd happily pledge an extra little contribution that I can afford towards seeing this project to the finish line, rather than letting it slipping back into limbo and wondering what might have been.

Edit: bravo, tdb!

ditto...i'll try my best to help this get finalised. Let me know what the final score is and i'll see what I can do. I'm about all weekend, so I'll be able to check mails, PM's etc without a few days delay! :wink:

BTW, I am looking to reward all donators with a free movie of their choice from a selection of newest additions to be posted over the weekend. We have to do whatever it takes to get Massacre!


...and the same applies to tbd's generous extra donation....

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Guest maskedavenger

you guys are paying £2000 for something that isn't even going to be transfered at the right speed? LOL....I bet toby has had this dvd done for ages and planned to release but the dvd market crashed.

do a little research into who toby's father is. he is anything but poor. the guy is a millionaire many times over and your paying mad dollarz because he won't spend a dollar of his own money on this dvd. that tells you something. don't believe the garbage about him doing this for the fans. he's only in it to make money because the dvd market crashed and he can't sell his dvds any other way.

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you guys are paying £2000 for something that isn't even going to be transfered at the right speed? LOL....

free video editing software can easily rectify that. It's the availabilty of the source material that matters.

don't believe the garbage about him doing this for the fans. he's only in it to make money because the dvd market crashed and he can't sell his dvds any other way.

That is probably 100% true.

However, i believe that Toby has put some money into finding and buying this reel, so it's fair enough that he wants some money back for it.

I'd be pretty surprised if someone said "i've found this super rare movie that cost me a fair bit to discover.....here....have it for free!"

Nobody's in this game of life for free buddy......

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I've had some dealings with Toby for big ticket items & he has been 100 % legit & very easy to deal with. As far as honoring his word & being straight up and honest, I haven't a bad thing to say about the man. He's done great things for the hobby & I hope that other films in his vault will get the same treatment one day... This thread should stay on topic & be about Massacre Survivor, not Toby or his family. Please don't feed the trolls.

Falkor - How many people have donated? 16 should be 1600 pounds, meaning you're 400 away from your goal, right?

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£1600? Sixteen people including me contributed £100. I contributed an extra £100 and falkor said he was contributing an extra £100 (if I understood him correctly). So we're at £1800, I think. That's really close.

We just need 2 more people at £100 or I imagine at this point, 4 at £50.

I know this movie isn't Citizen Kane and my expectations are simply for it to give me a good time. Beyond that, saving a good movie from complete obscurity (or worse) is its own reward. I wouldn't mind seeing the movie archived at the Internet Archive.

All things considered, $100 a pop may have played better than £100 a pop.

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All things considered, $100 a pop may have played better than £100 a pop.

You may be right. 200 pounds is pretty close...I think you'll make it there! :bigsmile:

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falkor, my advice. perhaps it would be wise at this time to give other members a chance to own this film. you could consider

offering an opportunity to own this film to more members for less for security. with respect to members who paid the initial

agreement (+more) the opportunity to own a copy of this print may have been too inclusive. contributions from other members

have been ramped off despite not minding owning a copy as myself. from my experience with you, i realize you are not the

type to horde rare films so may i suggest (if not this time then, next time) that you make the offer available to more for

less. this could also help ease the financial pressure on individuals. this film is going to be traded out eventually -- so

if toby really *will not budge* as to the price or that *must have date* then i would suggest a revision quick. perhaps a

member in the states would agree to send a copy out for contributions of $25 (sent to you). the chance to own this film

sounds great.. but as you are well aware rare films are not hard to get on this forum, less than the price of a stamp. what

are your thoughts on this, i believe this treasure should be shared. could you please update the exact balance owed. thanks.

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I generally haven't got the time to process and ship any standard movies right now until Rare Kung Fu Movies is in a better state of organisation, so if Massacre becomes available next week as a standard bit, I would not be looking to make a profit from it and am too exhausted to try and spread it out to the masses. I would leave it to those 15+ extra special fans to do what they see fit with their copies, hopefully entering the market with a high value. 75% of the last 50 RareKFM orders have had to be refunded, but we hope to have the business back up and running properly in a couple of months time based on other commitments in my life that need crossing off the To Do list.* Coordinating Massacre Survivor with Toby has meant I've had to put certain tasks on hold and sacrifice a good 2 weeks of my current lifestyle in order to try to get this classic in circulation; dealing with such a treasure is one of the biggest responsibilities I've ever had to face. I leave the rest of the work to you guys, so I can get back to finishing my short-term tasks in order to be able to concentrate on RareKFM as a long term project.

*We will be making an exception for Terry and Erik who have gone out of their way to make additional donations on top of their original contributions, which is above and beyond the call of duty. I am giving up the whole of tomorrow morning and afternoon to list a selection of newest additions for both their consideration, as I did promise I would reward donators. I wish I had time to reward all patriots involved in rescueing Massacre, but it's not humanly possible in the coming days (Massacre will be your prize!). However, I'm hoping we can all keep in contact, so I can repay everyone's generosity at a later time. You guys are the greatest, and for certain narrow-minded folk can't understand why we would all save up for a month to secure a Kung Fu masterpiece like Massacre, I guess only Toby, myself and extra special fans like you guys would understand. Money isn't everything; we can't take it with us. What's more important is we enjoy ourselves whilst we are here. What better way to entertain ourselves than with Massacre? :bigsmile: Tomorrow evening I am hoping to meet up with Adonis and Toby, but we are still a bit short, so am hoping one guy will come through with his contribution and another guy with his donation by mid-day.

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thundered mantis

Falkor, I´m up for contributing a bit more, and maybe more people are in my situation. It would help and encourage us to have an updated list of the contributors and the amount each of us have donated so far. That way we would see which sum is exactly needed. It would only take 5 mins to do it and it would clarify things.

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