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Massacre Survivor for £2000


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There is massive hype on this title (and I hope its not just because is rare but because its also high level)

Interested however surely there must be more than 20 people worldwide who would be interested in this title thereby meaning a lower investment per person as £100 is a lot of cash when one has other responsibilities and considerations.

Will the disc be printed and box art be provided as per previous rarescopes?

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At the moment I don't have that kind of cash to spare, but the best of luck to you guys trying to get this. Hope you all raise the amount you need.

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I too am interested in this, but I'm on a mega-tight budget. I'll get in touch with a paypal-using mate and see if he can help me out in this regard :wink:

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Is he still doing that stall in Camden?

He definitely still goes Film Fare there, but now has the added responsibility of a shop (assisted by Harry).

Will the disc be printed and box art be provided as per previous rarescopes?

The disc will not be printed, and I suggest contributors make a backup of their disc onto preferred media as soon as they receive.

Would anyone like to have a go at designing box art/cover? Please message me if interested.

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Toby Russell has been discussing how he telecined Massacre and other films, and has included a screenshot to give an example of the kinds of results he gets:


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Guest Yi-Long

You guys are crazy for trusting Toby Russel. The guy behind Eastern Heroes and Fist of Legend 2. Fake reviews, fake info on VHS-sleeves, pisspoor quality, etc.

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I've known Toby for over 10 years and he's very trustworthy. Eastern Heroes was run by Toby Russell and Rick Baker. From what I gather, Rick made most of the business decisions in that company. You can always start up a new thread if you want to discuss this further. As an individual, Toby Russell has a sound reputation and is one of the major influences of our genre. I see him as more of a celebrity than his father, Ken Russell.

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Transfering reels of 35mm is an expensive business. The prices I've been quoted have been in the thousands, and that's if you can find someone with access to telecine. I don't know Toby Russel except from a brief email exchange, but I admired what he did with Rarescope. He put out some great films & has done a lot to advance the hobby. People really enjoyed his rarescope movies. I think he was also behind Vengeance Video, which also put out some extremely rare & interesting movies, and was held in high esteem by fans. I can't say I know much about Eastern Heroes. I have only a couple of their dvd's. As far as I know, Toby Russel is a serious player with a good name.

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he got Reels and can't even transfer them in 16x9? where are we? 1999?

Toby said he can if he wants to and sent an example of another transfer he did:


Presumably, would look like this:


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thundered mantis

Contributors list - 100 £



thundered mantis






plus many people still considering before jumping in

falkor, maybe it would be a good idea that you edit your first post to add the updated list so it´s easily visible

Prinnysquad, it´s been said before in the thread that the print is letterboxed, subbed

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Had a word with my mate, and we're going to use his paypal account. Put me down for £100.

Any info on language/subtitles, or whatever?

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Guest maskedavenger
You guys are crazy for trusting Toby Russel. The guy behind Eastern Heroes and Fist of Legend 2. Fake reviews, fake info on VHS-sleeves, pisspoor quality, etc.

yeah they are crazy but what do you expect from noobs? most of the old timers left this forum a long time ago.

to those noobs gullible enough to send toby £100: do some research into who toby's father is. toby has never worked an honest hard day in his life because of his rich father. the fact that he's asking you guys to fund this dvd is funny because this is chump change to him and his father. its just another example of the rich wanting the poor to fund their expenses when they got plenty of money to pay for it themself.

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Reel Power Stunts

My opinion differs from last the last poster's. Toby is a genuine authority on Kung Fu films, and has a passion for the subject. He's a businessman too. There's nothing wrong with him wanting to make some money from his assets. The realities of the current DVD market would make releasing "Massacre Survivor" a poor business move. He would probably lose a lot of money. Getting a BBFC certificate alone would cost in the region of £1000 to start with, then you have mastering, duplication, artwork, distribution costs to get the disk to market...

If he thinks £2000 is a price he's happy with, that's his business. I wouldn't pay £100 for a dvd, but if others will, that's their business.

I don't think Toby is a rich kid living off daddy. Nor do I get the impression that Ken Russell is super rich.

I'm not trying to get into a flame war here, just trying to offer a different perspective.

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Toby is an entrepreneur and business man on all different levels, having run his own DVD labels, worked as a projectionist, directed and produced movies, struck International deals, built relations with other businessmen and gangsters the world over--independent of his father. Toby is a cockney who is so dedicated to the Kung genre that he educated himself in Chinese language and culture, and travelled on his own to HK/Taiwan/Korea to meet celebrities ranging from Hwang Jang Lee, Casanova Wong to Pops! You think Hwang Jang Lee and Jackie Chan only agreed to meet him because of his father's reputation? Get serious. The man has a family to support and his own property in central London. Travelling to Taiwan several times over (to and within the country), and hunting down rares like Massacre via descendants of dead production companies before getting the reels shipped over and transferred would have cost Toby well in excess of 2K. I remember Toby mentioning to me that his father isn't too fond of his passion for Kung, so I doubt Toby would get any financial support there. Over the years, Toby has been very generous to me, often giving away rares. If we were to score up properly, I think many fans would be heavily indebted to him. As a friend, he has done me many favours: how much do you think I paid Toby for Big Boss with original English dubbing? Nothing. As already mentioned on page 2, Massacre is a very special case. It's one of the last great late 70s shapes classics that has yet to be put out. If Toby decided that every film was that special to him, at least 100 classics we have now would not have seen the light of day. During the last 20-30 years, many people have helped shaped the scene, but none more so than Toby. It's now 2010, and the only shapes films left to surface that are comparable to Massacre would be only Magic Ring and Woman Of The Hour (possibly 1 or 2 others). If you put those in front me together with Massacre and 10 unseen bashers (including uncut Big Boss), I would easily choose Massacre Survivor without hesitation! You can see the movie has it all from a great cast and choreographers, animal styles and training scenes. We may be down to a handful of unseen shapes classics from the land of Taiwan, but that doesn't mean they must be crap, either. If you put together all the evidence, it's plain to see that such a cast and crew (of Massacre) would have had a very hard time making a bad movie. They are some of the biggest names in the business. I remember fans claimed to have seen Magic Blade in the theatres and said it was crap, only to discover years later from the Celestial release that it's a pretty good movie! Massacre looks like a serious bit without any comedy! I know several eyewitness who categorically stated that this is one of the best movies ever made. I understand it may be hard to believe... I've never had a better reason to spend £100 in my life. 2010 will be the best year for kung yet! You know the HKFA tried contacting and ordering kungs from Rare Kung Fu Movies? They don't even have Massacre... Thanks to all the fans/collectors who have come forward so far willing to make a contribution. I was very negative at first, but we now have a very realistic chance of raising the full sum! Massacre is within our reach...

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Toby has the power to make Massacre Survivor extinct like the dinosaurs! If he was really greedy, he could demand a 10K ransom from HKFA to stop that happening.

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I didn't realize that Toby was the son of Ken Russell! Loved The Devils. Ken isn't exactly a blockbuster director. I don't think his movies earned a lot of money. He's more infamous for the warped or controversial types of films he makes.

Isn't Toby Russell the guy who does all those interviews with the former kung fu stars, in his british Chinese accent? For a snobby english rich kid, he certainly took the time to learn about another culture, and while he has made money off of it (as many people have - no angels in that business), he's at least interested in sharing information and movies with everyone. Plus he has the financial resources at his disposal to look for hard to find films, whereas a large DVD movie manufacturer would not bother. I'm guessing 2000 pounds probably just covers the amount of time he's spend working on hunting down the film print and transporting it back home and converting it to DVD (if he's going to be doing that), with a few bucks on top to earn a profit.

I can't afford 100 pounds for a DVD, so all the power to you guys who are investing in it!


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Falkor and I don't see eye to eye often, and while I am not as eloquent a writer as our fluffy dragon friend, I must agree with him about Toby. He has been 'a guy I buy stuff from' for over 10 years now, and over the last few years I like to think my friend too, I am indebted to him in many ways and he has never shown anything but kindness and generosity to the young upstarts who want to know it all. He has done so much that many of you know nothing about for the fans of the genre. Remember back in 1994 those 8 Shaw Brothers movies that Made In Hong Kong amazingly managed to get their hands on ? Thank Toby. Remember all those interviews on the Hong Kong Legends earlier discs ? Thank Toby. You know all the interviews you keep seeing on new dvd's with old kung fu legends such as the recent Lee Yi Min interview ? Thank Toby for many of those too. Remember that super rare movie Snake Deadly Act that nobody had ? Thank Toby. Fact of the matter is that he has a passion and a drive that few people possess and he wants to share his love of kung fu with anyone who also has a genuine love for it. He has done more to help promote old rare classics in the west than any other person and has brought to light many rare classics that you and I may never have gotten to see if not for his tireless efforts and it saddens me to hear people who know nothing express opinions to the contrary. He is a great guy and I won't hear a word said against him. I wish we had hundreds of people like him, if we did then the world would be a much brighter place - unfortunately there is only one.

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I can't contribute, but I would like to see it someday. It has to be good for so many people to chip in to pay for it.

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I am sure it is a good movie....and I think it will be worth the wait...I think the money is alot for me to pay but I have been waiting forever to see it. I think Toby does a great service for this genre and I have never seen a group of fans fight as much as kung fu fans. It is the main reason I have faded out of the picture the last few years. If we all tried to support each other we would have a small but strong base...however...that is never going to happen. I like Toby alot and he has been very good to me in the past. I am sorry if others feel different but I think he is an asset to the hobby. There is no point of debating the cost of this film or what Toby should do with over 100 films he has on reels....this thread is simple...if you want the film and are going to pay then say so...if not then don't sweat it....no need for us to bicker over it or get off the subject. Again, it may be not as good as we think but it is a movie many have wanted to see and this is a chance....

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