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Massacre Survivor for £2000


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Not trying to stir the pot, but in the interest of clarity....is the "seller" in question here Toby Russell himself in both cases?


Falkor was the seller of the project. Toby provided the reels and Falkor sold the DVD, to my knowledge.

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I am another person who can't believe it was sold for £5 at the screening. That just doesn't make sense.

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Killer Meteor

Well I'm glad I didn't get burned. The mere fact it was Falkor running this thing made me wary

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I want everyone to see movies like this to try to generate interest. I am not upset at putting up 100 pounds because I am not a hoarder. I am not upset at not getting credit for the donation because I don't have an ego about that sort of thing. I will say I might be a bit reluctant to put up the money again for another project since I don't have much money right now. Also....to the people that call me a sucker for trying to help a film become public that was private for years....no comment. :crossedlips:

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I want everyone to see movies like this to try to generate interest. I am not upset at putting up 100 pounds because I am not a hoarder. I am not upset at not getting credit for the donation because I don't have an ego about that sort of thing. I will say I might be a bit reluctant to put up the money again for another project since I don't have much money right now. Also....to the people that call me a sucker for trying to help a film become public that was private for years....no comment. :crossedlips:

Hi there bro,

I totally respect what you guy's did to save this rare movie, No way are you a sucker or the others who helped in saving it. All You guy's that are involved are true heroes considering it would never have reached the thousands of fans out there if it wasnt for you guy's. Much appreciated what you did, Respect to all that were involved.



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I want everyone to see movies like this to try to generate interest. I am not upset at putting up 100 pounds because I am not a hoarder. I am not upset at not getting credit for the donation because I don't have an ego about that sort of thing. I will say I might be a bit reluctant to put up the money again for another project since I don't have much money right now. Also....to the people that call me a sucker for trying to help a film become public that was private for years....no comment. :crossedlips:

No, you guys aren't suckers. You did what you thought was the honorable thing to do. It's not often that people get the opportunity to get their hands on a film that was considered lost.

Just think of things this way. Someone who has a copy of a very rare movie that is public domain and decides to sell it will ask for as much as possible up front. They know that there's a chance one of the people buying it will either turn around and start selling a lot of copies of it for dirt cheap, or it'll end up on a torrent site. Toby knew that, and falkor knew that up front, that's why they insisted on so much money. Whether you were paying for the true asking price, only falkor and Toby know.


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Watching this dvd, I was surprised to see double windowboxing. There are 4 sets of bars. Two bars on the botton & then another 2 bars on top of those in a deeper shade of black. Got rid of it by zooming in. Ugh; looked pretty bad.

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lightning hopkins

Falkor was the seller of the project. Toby provided the reels and Falkor sold the DVD, to my knowledge.

Uh...so...who exactly was the one peddling the 5 pound DVDs at the screening? Curiouser and curiouser....

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I agree this whole Massacre Survival business and its outcome is unique.

It is a good inspiration to see how this all manifested and was completed. A real wonder.

That being said. To me it does not matter if the movie is sold after the fact for whatever price.

I would quickly buy a copy for $5 bucks with no concern how the movie got to me. And lets face its just another kung fu movie. Rare, yes, but there are so many that I have not seen that are rare to me. Look at Flashlegs Petes collection. If I was rich I would buy everything I wanted from him. They are all rare until you see them.

WE all love these movies as they have all given us something priceless IMO.

I've got $5 bucks today and maybe tomorrow. Who will sell me a copy for $5 bucks. I would luv to see it. As the rest of us who were not involved would.


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It's scandalous really.these contributors have been treated shabbily.

I was a silent contributor to the purchase of Massacre Survivor. Am I surprised that it was sold for 5£ at the screening? Not a bit! I even predicted it would be and I sent some PM to a few members of this forum about it before the screening took place. Is it unfair to all of those who spent 100£ of their own money? Of course it is. However, I'm baffled that people are surprised by this as it was so predictable! The screening was announced 1 day or 2 after the deal was concluded.......The DVD-Rs were ready to ship the next day. However, ‘til the last minutes we were told that the deal might be lost……..Seriously? Give me a break! There was no strings attached to the purchase and no one ever said this title was not to be shared and/or trade and/or sold for any given period of time. Falkor certainly did not! Anyone noticed that we were never told how much money was reached to conclude the deal? Only that the deal was made. Was it more than 2000£? If I had contributed more than 100£, as some investors did, I'd surely be curious to know! I just hope for everyone who invested 100£ in this deal did the same thing I did: put together a smaller group and share the expense. It makes the 5£ sale much easier to swallow, even if it was so predictable in my view. :wink: The good thing about all this? This rare title saw the light and now can be seen by all the fu fans. The bad thing? Who would be ready to invest again in a similar future release? Much cheaper to wait for the 5£ sale………

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It's pretty telling & very sad that Falkor has been silent. I emailed him early on about contributing. I asked if this was going to be sold to other people for less than what he was asking, & if the people on the forums were the only people who this was going to be sold to. I got no reply, not an answer, so I didn't contribute. I though about saying something, but I didn't want to throw off all of the good vibes this project was putting out. One thing that had me surprised in this thread is, if you go back a few pages, that Falkor was offering up another person's DVD custom projects for sale as his own. That was a big red light for staying away from this project. The guy who put this up for downloading is, at the worst, a little naive. Falkor spoiled the good will he built up for something like 25 pounds. And to stay silent is even worse.

Also, I don't think that that the film was telecined because of the donations. I think the film had been authored to DVD a long a while ago, for release by Rarescope. The 2000 pounds is what it was worth to Toby Russell to release the DVD. Once he had the cash, it wasn't hard for Falkor to get the DVD. The deal could have been lost if the number hadn't been reached. It's not like the money was used to fund the DVD being authored. Toby has some great films & hopefully he'll team up with some people with more scruples to put out some of the lost rarescope classics. My impression of Toby is a positive one. I don't want to speak for him, but I don't think he expected this or wanted to be a part of something that ended up turning weird.

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I was a silent contributor to the purchase of Massacre Survivor. Am I surprised that it was sold for 5£ at the screening? Not a bit! I even predicted it would be and I sent some PM to a few members of this forum about it before the screening took place. Is it unfair to all of those who spent 100£ of their own money? Of course it is. However, I'm baffled that people are surprised by this as it was so predictable! The screening was announced 1 day or 2 after the deal was concluded.......The DVD-Rs were ready to ship the next day. However, ‘til the last minutes we were told that the deal might be lost……..Seriously? Give me a break! There was no strings attached to the purchase and no one ever said this title was not to be shared and/or trade and/or sold for any given period of time. Falkor certainly did not! Anyone noticed that we were never told how much money was reached to conclude the deal? Only that the deal was made. Was it more than 2000£? If I had contributed more than 100£, as some investors did, I'd surely be curious to know! I just hope for everyone who invested 100£ in this deal did the same thing I did: put together a smaller group and share the expense. It makes the 5£ sale much easier to swallow, even if it was so predictable in my view. :wink: The good thing about all this? This rare title saw the light and now can be seen by all the fu fans. The bad thing? Who would be ready to invest again in a similar future release? Much cheaper to wait for the 5£ sale………

I also was a contributor to the original release. Am I surprised that it was available to download a few weeks later? Absolutely not. I never contributed thinking it was going to stay in ~20 people's hands for any period of time. Am I surprised it was sold for 5 pounds at the screening? Not really, since it wasn't really accessible to everyone. Honestly, I assume only people in the London area really would go to the showing. Would I like to hear falkor's explanation? Kind of, yes. The fact that he seems to have disappeared lends to the prevailing sentiment that he did something wrong. In the end, I hope the original contributors took everything into consideration before they donated their money. I have to assume everyone who contributed could happily afford to do so.

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Early on he talked about how he could fork over the full amount or a large chunk of it, but then he probably wouldn't make his money back because even his best seller didn't achieve the sales he had hoped. Then he insisted everyone pony up more than 100GBP each, he wasn't going to settle for 20 per person, or the deal would be dead. The wait time was probably to allow for people to save up the money. The movie was probably converted to digital quite a while ago, especially if it was slated for a Rarescope release.

I hope he can clear things up soon. If he did make money above and beyond the cost of buying the DVDR from Toby, either through selling copies at the screening, perhaps he should be splitting the profits with the contributors, since you all invested in HIS deal with Toby. Otherwise, he should give up his original copy to someone else. For all you know, he might have down converted the quality.


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I hope he can clear things up soon.


I hope so too. Unfortunately, at this point I can't see this kind of thing ever happening again. There's just too much mistrust now. "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me."

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Falkor? Why would he come back to say anything to the people who are talking negatively about him when just three days ago

they were on his side? To get them back on his side? You guys are thinking about this way too much. He has another life to

lead besides Kungfucinema and Kungfumovies. Did Falkor force anyone to help pay for the movie? No. #1 have some respect for

the UK, true kung fu fiends #2 have some respect for the people who made this happen (especially the contributors). A film

like this had 0 chance of being released on DVD, just make sure you don't make your chances 0 for it to happen again.

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Killer Meteor
Falkor? Why would he come back to say anything to the people who are talking negatively about him when just three days ago

they were on his side? To get them back on his side? You guys are thinking about this way too much. He has another life to

lead besides Kungfucinema and Kungfumovies. Did Falkor force anyone to help pay for the movie? No. #1 have some respect for

the UK, true kung fu fiends #2 have some respect for the people who made this happen (especially the contributors). A film

like this had 0 chance of being released on DVD, just make sure you don't make your chances 0 for it to happen again.

True kung fu FIENDS. I like that...kind of sums up Falkor, who is now in good company with George Tan, Chris Alexis, etc. Take the money and run.

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Hmmm "naive", How ?

Did you anticipate the conversations that came out of this? You've got people talking about you on like 3-4 websites. This project didn't attract this much attention as your torrent. You've got the internet going nuts!

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Killer Meteor

I do wonder how long this scheme has been in the planning. Falkor has spent YEARS sending up Massacre Survivor as something akin to the second coming.

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