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Massacre Survivor for £2000


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I'm thinking of feigning sick so I can go home and check my mailbox...almost called in sick this morning, too.

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Now that the guys in the US are starting to get theirs, the final 3 copies for UK/Europe will be dispatched in less than 24 hours. Apologies for the delay; I couldn't manage it all last week with the extra films you needed. tdb, being in the States, had his Massacre sent last week, but with his additional 4 movies still to be sent etc.

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Now that the guys in the US are starting to get theirs, the final 3 copies for UK/Europe will be dispatched in less than 24 hours. Apologies for the delay; I couldn't manage it all last week with the extra films you needed. tdb, being in the States, had his Massacre sent last week, but with his additional 4 movies still to be sent etc.

And what about me? Did you already dispatched my copy to Brazil?

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Watched it last night - far exceeded expectations! The weapons and fight choreography were fantastic. Wong Chung was absolutely on fire in this movie. Personally I think it's better than 7 Grandmasters, and that being said, I'm shocked copies managed to get almost completely lost over time. Definitely worth the money to save it.

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Wow, this sounds like a must-see...isn't there ANY chance this could get released through a boutique label like Media Blasters? I'm dying to see this, but I can't buy it, and I don't have anything rare to trade. :sad:

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I'm sure that MB wouldn't release this as the print is not good enough for a mainstream release... sadly. :squigglemouth:

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That does suck that the quality of the print is the only reason a major company may not release it.

How awesome if Celestial or a company similar to them cleaned up and remastered as many martial arts movies as possible??? OH man.

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Guest Markgway

It would cost a lot of cash (for a legit small company) to restore that print to DVD quality.

It's sad, but that's what happens to some films. Thankfully when it comes to Kung Fu those are the minority.

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HI London folks!

Just had a rather exciting phone call - some of our friends will be screening a lost film of MASSACRE SURVIVOR on Thursday 25th March - doors at 7pm.

Personally I have no idea how rare this is- but after finding this forum and doing other research I can see that a lot of people would be really interested and I'd like to share the joy!


It's free to get in!

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Erik, Karlos, Prinnysquad: Massacre is now on it's way to you UK peeps, so expect it manana! :smile: (and be prepared for a good show)

Thundered Mantis: your next batch has been sent out today as well. Also, another one of the Spanish guys who contributed to Massacre; this has now been re-sent to the correct address.

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SP 03281-000 is the correct address? You received it yet? Any problems contact me: rarekfm@hotmail.com

Forget what I said, Falkor. I just received my copy of MASSACRE SURVIVOR today. I'm at work now. I can't wait to watch it tonight!!!!

Thanx, m8.

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^ Enjoy buddy! It's a cool film. Glad to hear that people are getting their copies :bigsmile:

Just watch out for those 'circular slicers'!!!! :xd:

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thundered mantis

Thundered Mantis: your next batch has been sent out today as well.

Woo ho! Tell about fast business! :bigsmile: Thank you so much m8! Korean classic kung fu is so underrated is ridiculous!

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*Ballet movements (I wish I could mention specifically what I am referring to)

There is something very unique and altogether amazing about how Shih Szu is choreographed in Massacre Survivor: the amount of twists and turns based on the circular hoop--it's beyond Bagua! However, it's not just in the main fight scenes, but also in the training scenes somewhat and against the two guys in Cherry Palace. It's literally breathtaking...

I just analysed the 2nd part of the end fight, and Shih Szu performs no less than SEVENTEEN (17) 360 degree turns!!! At one point she does 3 turns in a row, and on the 2nd one she raises her leg so gracefully during the middle of the triple rotation... Of course it's mixed up nicely with at least 10 flips/somersaults, jumps and dives. I just can't believe what I'm seeing re: the choreography. Any gymnastics judge would give Shih Szu's performance 10/10 without hesitation!

I think you'll struggle to find any other shapes piece where so many turns have been expertly blended into such slick choreography without looking like Pai Mei's laughable performance in Clan Of The White Lotus!

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Film has arrived. Thank you Falkor and the other guys!

I've already watched it and I'm mightily impressed. I'll post up my thoughts over the weekend.

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Right, I'll just shove a little disclaimer in here before appearing ignorant.

I've got no where near the expertise and knowledge-base of you other guys. I'm very new to the genre and, I'm embarrassed to say, have watched less than triple figures of genre flicks. So you're getting the impressions of a real novice here. I don't really know much about the technical side of martial arts, or the backlog of thousands of films others have watched.

So, the pleb's view:


The only other films I've seen (first exhibition of ignorance, lol) that compare to the tone of Massacre Survivor are Rebellious Reign and Eight Diagram Pole Fighter. Both of those films are relentlessly serious, and punch a heavy dramatic weight. The pain, frustration and anger that the lead actress displays here is clear and affecting. I thought the scene where she howls on the steps of the temple, with the rain hammering her and the surroundings, is superb. It is very atmospheric and drags the audience into her plight. The pacing of the film is spot on - there was a solid focus on every part of the story. The fights are a good length, the conversations concise and interesting, the emotional sequences are well handled, and the training bits are exciting.

The sets and locales are also splendid. The opening march through the rain is particularly impressive. I noticed the sets are used to good effect to juxtapose the characters and their situation: The evil rebels sat in luxurious surroundings, surrounded by blossom trees, compared to the stripped-down pain and fury Shih Szu forces herself to go through in the temple training sequences.

Falkor has gone into great detail on the fights. I haven't watched it that closely yet, but I found the shapes work to be good, and the weapon styles and varieties to be interesting. Loved those half-moon blade things! And the spiky hoops - wow!

After all the hype I was preparing myself to feel let down by Massacre Survivor. But that hasn't happened. It has met my expectations in some respects, and surprised me in others. I never expected such a serious tone, but I'm so pleased it's turned out that way, because the other two films I mentioned before are among my favourites. The acting and casting are uniformly good, the pace of the story is superb, the choreography very good (from the perspective of my limited understanding, anyway) and the production values quality.

The technical quality of the dvd is streets ahead of those early shots. There's moments where it goes pinky/brown-er than normal, and there's a lot of wear on the film, but that just adds to the charm for me. It really does feel like what it is - a lost classic! The job on the subtitles has been super, I had no trouble reading 99.9% of them. I also love the gallery and restoration extras, not to mention the quality box art.

Very, very pleased, and I once again extend my thanks to the other contributors, Jamal and Falkor for their efforts.

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I just analysed the 2nd part of the end fight, and Shih Szu performs no less than SEVENTEEN (17) 360 degree turns!!! At one point she does 3 turns in a row, and on the 2nd one she raises her leg so gracefully during the middle of the triple rotation... Of course it's mixed up nicely with at least 10 flips/somersaults, jumps and dives. I just can't believe what I'm seeing re: the choreography. Any gymnastics judge would give Shih Szu's performance 10/10 without hesitation!

Now that's some cool coreography indeed. Think i'm gonna have to watch this film again as I missed a load of stuff (possibly due to excessive alcohol consumption before, during and after the film!!!) :wink:

So, the pleb's view:


LOL - nicely put mate! Great review though, and it sums a lot of the film up nicely. It really is a great that I hadn't heard much about, and i've been interested in Kung Fu movies for over 15 years now. Really great that people contributed, and saved it :xd:

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Right, I'll just shove a little disclaimer in here before appearing ignorant.

I've got no where near the expertise and knowledge-base of you other guys. I'm very new to the genre and, I'm embarrassed to say, have watched less than triple figures of genre flicks. So you're getting the impressions of a real novice here. I don't really know much about the technical side of martial arts, or the backlog of thousands of films others have watched.

Prinnysquad it matters not a jot (at least to me) whether you've seen 30 films or 3000 films- An honest review (which is what you've given) is what I'm interested in.

The review is concise without giving too much away- Why don't you add your review to the reviews thread so people can then add their thoughts to that thread also it will keep all views\thoughts on the film in the correct place

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Thanks guys.

Yeah, I could do that. It would be great to chat about it without worrying about giving away spoilers :wink:

It's not really much of a review, just some impressions really. As long as people don't mind it being a bit light in content!

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