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Massacre Survivor for £2000


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You don't have to thank me. We all stuck together and were stronger willed than even the best football teams during World Cup Finals. We smashed it big time! The 17 contributors showed unparalelled support and determination for this most wanted film of the shapes universe. We reversed the expansion of gravity to suck this right back to the point of a singularity and a BIG BANG! We set out to get Massacre through 2 months of frustration and uncertainty, AND WE GOT IT!!! I am shocked, surprised and awe-struck by the dedication and enthusiasm shown by so many. I have never quite experienced anything like this, be it at a spectators sporting event or in the office. If we were to start a business together I'm sure we would overtake Bill Gates by our sheer team spirit and determination! I have never felt this proud being part of any group, until now, because we were that brilliant.

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You don't have to thank me. We all stuck together and were stronger willed than even the best football teams during World Cup Finals. We smashed it big time! The 17 contributors showed unparalelled support and determination for this most wanted film of the shapes universe. We reversed the expansion of gravity to suck this right back to the point of a singularity and a BIG BANG! We set out to get Massacre through 2 months of frustration and uncertainty, AND WE GOT IT!!! I am shocked, surprised and awe-struck by the dedication and enthusiasm shown by so many. I have never quite experienced anything like this, be it at a spectators sporting event or in the office. If we were to start a business together I'm sure we would overtake Bill Gates by our sheer team spirit and determination! I have never felt this proud being part of any group, until now, because we were that brilliant.

Hehehe finaly we have it. :)

I will look to it with a good beer!

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People's interest in rescuing a lost film seems to boil down to four factors:

A genuine interest in the film.

An interest as part of the community to rescue a lost entry.

The finances involved.

Taking a risk on the goodwill and word of others.

Luckily, the guys who pledged came through and showed themselves to be honourable people. But it did come close at one point. Even then, however, people pledged extra, such was their determination to see the project through. This proves to me that there are plenty of people out there who put their money where their mouth is. There also seems to be a number of people who would have liked to contribute, but couldn't spare the finance involved, which is fair enough.

Falkor seemed to be caught in a catch 22 situation. He had to declare a price for each contributor early on, to gauge interest levels. I have no doubt that maybe up to 50 people could have contributed, at £40 a shot, if he set that as the starting target. The risk with that, though, was that if people started dropping out (for whatever reason) or not coming up with the money when it mattered, then the cost per person would have rose up and up, potentially causing more people to drop out. The more people who are involved, the more problems the project could face.

I think Falkor did absolutely the right thing on this occasion in laying his cards on the table and saying, 'this is what it'll cost, this is how many people we need. If you bomb out, so does everyone.' That gave people months to prepare and sort themselves out.

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Well said! I would never have guessed fans nowadays had become genuine enough to put their money where their mouth is. Not even Toby in a million years would have guessed that. Kung Fu fandom has come a long way and matured a great deal since the days of Canton Viper.

I just watched Massacre Survivor... 5/5! There are many things I want to discuss as there were many things to analyse. You will need to see this at least 3 times to fully appreciate it. I am so happy about the smoothness and fluidity of the SRestore solution compared to the Restore24 that was featured in all the clips I posted last week. It's so much more readable and watchable now even if certain artifacts have appeared. Sure, the colour correction could always be tweaked, for there is still some red in outdoor/temple scenes, but hey, the print was bloody stained with blood, so to get it looking that good is remarkable. There's certainly nothing distracting that would stop you watching it fully in the comfort of your home. It's already on its way to you guys in the States and Europe. Damn, we have a lot to discuss about this:

*Training scenes (the ones you haven't seen!)

*Shih Szu's opening martial arts performance/sequence (amazing!).

*Formations (nice to have them included)

*Shih Szu's kicks (can't give away too much)

*Similarities to 7 Grandmasters and Born Invincible

*Weapons (can't give anything away)

*Ballet movements (I wish I could mention specifically what I am referring to)

*Aerial acrobatics (can't give away too much)

*Acrobatic flips with specific type of landing (can't say yet)

*Shih Szu's daggers (interesting)

*The fight in the restaurant (intense)

*The Bodyguard's weapons and props.

*Even more discussion about all the weapons in the movie (Killer Clans influenced no doubt)

*The many characters/famous stuntmen

*The end fight and application of the training scenes

*The music during the temple scenes

*The progression of the 10+ fight scenes from simple to complex.

*The way the villain is killed.

*Understanding the plot and "The First in Chiangnan" Group.

*The kick from Fearless Duo is also in Massacre Survivor!

*One Japanese camera angle.

Best £150 I've ever spent--easily! :bigsmile:

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Hehehe finaly we have it. :)

I will look to it with a good beer!

Guys, I would like to introduce you to... another one of the 18 Shaolin Masters! That's right; he's one of us whose responsible for saving Massacre Survivor! He is a Shaolin man!

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While I didn't have the funds available to contribute, I'm glad that you've all been dedicated enough to rescue this film. I too would like to say 'congratulations!'

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Sounds a great film, Falkor, really can't wait to see it now!!

And I 'd also just like to thank Falkor and the rest of the group for helping the dream become a reality - it's been a blast, guys!!

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My work colleague watched it with his girlfriend. They both thoroughly enjoyed it and had to abort another movie they watched directly afterwards because it wasn't as good and they needed to see more Kung! He is watching Massacre Survivor again tonight because he was so impressed... been talking about it all day at work.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Oh so you think you can brag about how good it is falkor and I won't get jealous!:tinysmile_angry2_t:

But seriously, congrats on getting this. I hope I can see it one day so I can see the goodness of this movie. I don't have much to trade, so it may be awhile before I see it.

but something is worrying me. Red Sun aka Panmedia aka Yin Yang aka Bonzai aka Golden Dragon, and who knows how many more names this bootleg company has. I would hate to see all of you people pay good money to get this super rare title, only to see it in a mall kiosk in a couple weeks. Or maybe I'm totally off on this and you don't mind it getting booted? I just don't know how you are going to stop this from happening. Maybe voodoo? You should get a curse put on the movie so that whoever knowingly gives it to the pirate will have something really horrible happen to them, and the pirate:xd:

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I was woken this morning by the postie with my copy of Massacre Survivor!

Popped the disc in to check it, and it looks like a top-notch piece of kung fu entertainment. Unfortunately I've got work to do now, but come this evening I'll be settling down with a drink, a box of popcorn and a lost kung fu classic!

Thanks Toby, Falkor and all the other contributors for making this possible, especially those who donated extra.

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I was woken this morning by the postie with my copy of Massacre Survivor!

Popped the disc in to check it, and it looks like a top-notch piece of kung fu entertainment. Unfortunately I've got work to do now, but come this evening I'll be settling down with a drink, a box of popcorn and a lost kung fu classic!

Thanks Toby, Falkor and all the other contributors for making this possible, especially those who donated extra.

In that case why not post up a review in the reviews thread- people can then comment accordingly

Is it killer or over hyped...

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Guest Markgway

To prevent immediate bootlegging (it'll happen eventually...) try keeping note of who you sell/trade to. No one here is going to trade it to Stiller - are they?

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Oh so you think you can brag about how good it is falkor and I won't get jealous!:tinysmile_angry2_t:

But seriously, congrats on getting this. I hope I can see it one day so I can see the goodness of this movie. I don't have much to trade, so it may be awhile before I see it.

but something is worrying me. Red Sun aka Panmedia aka Yin Yang aka Bonzai aka Golden Dragon, and who knows how many more names this bootleg company has. I would hate to see all of you people pay good money to get this super rare title, only to see it in a mall kiosk in a couple weeks. Or maybe I'm totally off on this and you don't mind it getting booted? I just don't know how you are going to stop this from happening. Maybe voodoo? You should get a curse put on the movie so that whoever knowingly gives it to the pirate will have something really horrible happen to them, and the pirate:xd:

I'm really curious to see if this film shows up on their radar and, if so, just how fast they will get it out there. Have these guys bootlegged almost every Rarescope title? I thought they had done quite a few, but still tend to stick to what would be best known. I never saw bootleg copies of Dream Sword, Lost Swordship etc.... some wuxia titles from Rarescope, but the Red Sun guys have a huge library at this point.

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I'm very sorry that I was unable to contribute but very glad for the fans to get what they deserve, I hope you all enjoy it.

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Guest Markgway
Will this gem be available to the masses? :neutral:

That's up to the individuals who now own copies of it.

I suspect only trusted traders will get first bite.

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thundered mantis

Got the note on the mail yesterday, but couldn´t go to the post office to pick it up till today (got fri and mon free at work as they owe me a lot of free days).

Have just seen it, and I´m still disturbed! It is much better than I expected. It is a shape fest galore. Action is fast, crisp and complex. Shih Szu does both a great action and acting work, kudos to her. She totally convinces in her fights. Her crane is fast and solid, great stances, nice kicking. She is much less doubled than I though. All the big names do not only have screen presence but plenty fighting time. Yuen Yat Chor fights in pairs with another famous guy whose name I don´t remember. A lot of excellent and varied weapons work, you see the Yuen clan seal there. This is much better than Cotton Mill or Along Comes a Tiger, to mention other rare gems, and also much better than Buddha Assassinator and Instant Kung Fu Man, purely talking on action basis. As a movie I liked it better too. Serious tone there. A couple of phrases from Shih Szu to his father killer:

-"I´ll drink your blood, eat your flesh"

-"I´ll sacrifice you to my father"

Wow! chills on my spine!

The training scenes are very good. And in the final fight I experienced a shapes overload, couldn´t properly process it.

Sorry for this random post, I´m still in a bit of a shock. I guess this one will filter and in a couple of months most of the interested people will be able to watch it. From my point of view, this one was totally worthy, not just for the rareness, but for the own movie values.

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Well said--like the true fan that you clearly are! :smile: Very good first impressions feedback indeed! I feel the same way...

Yuen Yat Chor fights in pairs with another famous guy whose name I don´t remember.

We need to do a Bruce Long special on this film to match all the names to faces.

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Damn this country's lousy postal service. My dream of a Massacre Survivor weekend has been totally skanked.

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Damn this country's lousy postal service. My dream of a Massacre Survivor weekend has been totally skanked.

Sorry to hear that buddy, that's a real Shame. Damn the UK postal service sometimes!

Sorry to rub it in, but my copy arrived midweek, so I'm thinking that tonight will be the perfect time to get some cold beers out of the fridge and get down to some serious Massacre Survivor action!!! I haven't read much of whta other peopl have written yet as I want to keep as much as possible a surprise. Then I'll head back and see how much other people enjoyed it.:bigsmile:

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Yup - this film was definitley worth saving!

Cool characters, cool sets, cool shapes, cool coreography, cool acrobatics and some cool weapons (absolutely loved the claw!)!!!!

Need I say anymore?! :wink:

N.B. - Yes, I do actually - Cool DVD cover! :xd:

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Guest Markgway

This is great news. Not only have you guys saved a rare movie but an actual honest-to-God good rare movie! Kudos.

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