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Shaolin Temple (1982) Jet Li


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As I took the burned DVD i received from a good friend, my girlfriend layed on the sofa waiting for me to pop it in. I really didn't know what to expect, truthfully I thought Jet Li's didint make alot of movies in the 80's, I thought I was going to be disappointed. WRONG! These fight scenes amazing! Weapons amazing! Jet Li at his best! Please tell me what you thought about the movie.

- Goldenfist

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The Silver Fox

i bought a Korean version of this fairly recently. Great film, as mentioned great fights and weapons. I don't think the SPCA would be too thrilled with it but i guess you can't please everybody ha,ha.

The version I got is widescreen and the transfer is beautiful. It is a must see for Jet Li fans for sure.

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Shaolin Temple always puts a smile on my face. The training sequences with Jet Li are top notch and you can't beat the mock exterior studio sets that they made for those scenes. He really works his butt off in that movie. You should definitely check out the other two movies. Kids from Shaolin is a great movie but unrelated to Shaolin Temple.

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I knew that you'd dig that flick! :D

My favorite part is when they show Jet training as the seasons change. Mind-blowing weapons work!!!!!!!!!!! Also, the sad drunken monk's display... wow.

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shaolin drunkard

It`s best of the series,high quality film definitely.Sequels did not impress me even as fights in those were good,in nonaction scenes was about to fall azzzzzzzzz.

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my girlfriend layed on the sofa waiting for me to pop it in.

You might want to rephrase that XD

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Ha ha!

Anyway, I wasn't that thrilled by this movie. I believe it was Eastern Heroes marketing that had a part in labelling the films as "sequels", but they aren't.

I did sort-of like 'Kids From Shaolin', whilst 'Martial Arts Of Shaolin' was in a league of it's own because it was really a Shaw film (or at least distributed by them - with their sound effects, etc) with Lau Sifu's style.

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Great film, I prefer the LKL directed Martial Arts of Shaolin which has some amazing action over the original ST but only just. I didn't care for Kids From Shaolin too much, apart from the end fight it's gash.

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You know I realized after watching the youtube I never seen this movie:o Here I thought Martial Arts Of Shaolin was the best Jet film I've seen so far, Li - LKL!!!!!! But I need to check this one out soon.

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You know I realized after watching the youtube I never seen this movie:o Here I thought Martial Arts Of Shaolin was the best Jet film I've seen so far, Li - LKL!!!!!! But I need to check this one out soon.

Yeah, you gotta see this bro!

Compared to GH and SB stuff it may seem a little bit bland. The "set" is the real Shaolin Temple (I believe), but the costumes, dialogue, scripting, choreography, and cinematography just don't have the same colorful pep as the big HK studio films at the time. Still for their first foray into martial arts cinema, these mainland cats did a great job. And if you don't find yourself humming the theme song "Shaaaaolin, Shaolin..." I'll be surprised. :D

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The AC did little for me... nowhere near HK standards! But the rest was decent, beautiful locations and sets!

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The AC did little for me... nowhere near HK standards! But the rest was decent, beautiful locations and sets!

I know what you mean. Personally, I did enjoy the AC, but it didn't have the same impact as the work of the studio films. But like I said, for a first film... wow! However, the solo forms and weapons work was simply astonishing!

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Drunken Monk

I think this movie is stupidly underrated. It has some mind blowing choreography and the early displays of wushu are some of the best ever committed to film.

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Pity Jet didn't do more traditional films like this one- maybe ST is one of those thats overlooked (and obviously unknown in wider circles) but I rate it very highly lots of shapes on display including some sick drunken style.

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Killer Meteor

Shaolin Temple is a very interesting film, though not a brilliant one

Kids From Shaolin is just vulgar. Especially the sight of a grown man kissing the penis of his new born son...

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I would rank them:

1) Martial Arts of Shaolin - All the best elements of ST (Yue Sing-Wai's swordwork, Yue Hoi's mantis fist, etc) along with higher production values and Lau's choreography. An outstanding film.

2) Shaolin Temple - Jet's season transition section is something that can be watched hundreds of times without getting stale, and the overall action is great. There are some off-putting parts though, especially with the lamb slaughter.

3) Kids from Shaolin - a little too juvenile in some parts, but some good scenes. Just doesn't fit into the overall trilogy as well as it should.

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shaolin drunkard

Kids From Shaolin is just vulgar. Especially the sight of a grown man kissing the penis of his new born son...

Aww,had forgotten that.But that grown man has brilliant skill with sword.

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butcher wing

this is a main land movie thats why it doesn't have the same flair as the HK stuff. This movie was so big in china in 84-85 when it came out that young men from all over china were quitting work and dropping out of school to go to the temple to learn kung fu or try to become a monk. the government then had to issue a statement stating that this was just a movie a depiction of the life back then, and to NOT quit work or drop out of school .

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Kung Foolery

How are the audio tracks for these movies on dvd?

Do they have any of the terrible added effects?

I see one dvd is 5.1 and that usually is a bad sign.

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Would you agree this film is pretty average compared to other mainland films, such as South Shaolin Master and Pride's Deadly Fury? After watching this again recently, I judged Jet's performance as being inferior to two other guys in plain white, who were performing better Wu Shu IMO. One faught during the end fight at the other end of the harbour to where Jet was fighting the bad guy; the other in the penultimate fight on top of a narrow wall (and on the ground). Jet didn't do any animal styles, but the other 2 Wu Shu guys did!


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I remember being really dissaponited with it, after all the hype and build up it got, I rushed back from working in Switerland just to watch it, I could have stayed there an extra week, but the power of kung was too much I had to see it. After the first training scene with the 13 pole monks I thought yes this is going to be the best film ever made, but it went down hill form then on. Jet's traning scene was fantastic, and the story was quite well told,

I think in terms of movie making and structure good story telling Prides deadly fury is the best mainland martial arts film, Intrestingly the film star Lin Jin FEng was the coach of The beijing Wu Shu team of who jet was a key player. they should re make Pride's deadly fury with Scott Adkins and Mike J white as the western fighters and get a new guy to fight em, I'm a bit tired of donnie and co they are getting a bit dull.


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