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BCI Titles picked up by Funimation


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I think it important a dub is always included if one exists, regardless if the quality is subpar, if one don't like it, they can use the subs.

I think it was Funimation that released the Ultraman Tiga discs, and they should have included the dub, as I may be wrong, but I don't think these would sell well, as the dubbed TV show is what we saw on TV. yeah, the dub may have been sucky, but still, it should have been on there.

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Any idea if they'll be releasing other films by Sabu? I've got the BCI edition of UNLUCKY MONKEY and some boots of his others, but I can't seem to find a copy of DRIVE anywhere.

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Cover art for Shaolin Hand Lock and 14 Amazons up on Amazon (heh, ironic):


According to the blown up images on the Amazon pages, they're part of the "Hong Kong Connection" series... makes me wonder what else they may have in store.

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What odd looking artwork. I don't like that very much.

Still, it's the disc itself that counts ;). I sent them an email, but they've yet to respond. I might try phoning.

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I kinda like them.... at least they put some kind of creativity into them. I've seen worse.

Some better views: (not to take away any juice from the guy OldPangYu)



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The Silver Fox

Yeah that artwork is highly suspect.The Shaolin Handlock cover is somewhat passable but The 14 Amazons looks like a bad greeting card with elves or something. The font is way too fancy.

IMO, cover art should be strong and simple- esp. for classic kung fu releases. Didn't anybody who does these covers take graphic design or study typography? Make it understandable for heaven's sake. Is this cabaret or kung fu? I honestly couldn't tell based on that cover.

Anyway,now that I've taken a second look at the Shaolin Handlock cover it's pretty awful too. It looks as though David is dancing the Macarena while tripping on acid inside a leprechaun-themed video game.

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LOL I agree with The Silver Fox.

'The 14 Amazons' looks like statues from 'Shaolin Wooden Men', whilst 'SH's colours are horrible - too 'psychedelic'. Although enticing for the non-MA buyer, those cheesy statements at the top as well aren't very appreciative of the film professionally.

They're using the wrong and inappropriate kind of creativity (reminiscent of Momentum Asia's range). These movies should be just treated like any other, they seem to be trying too hard with the results showing.

Although the BCI covers were a bit clichéd with the border design, I'd chose those over these. I wasn't a fan of DD's Shaw artwork, but those were better than this as well. I think the better (but not as best as they could be) designs came from Image Entertainment (even though the DVDs themselves leaned towards the negative side). 'The Magnificent Trio' caught my eye - the font was of a Western film from the 50s (horses, etc) - but a little too strong for a Chinese period film.

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Blood Sword, we've had some discussions, and you seem like a smart guy, but the statement you just made is exactly what I was talking about. What purpose did it serve other than to take a shot at him? It accomplishes nothing. It was simply negative baiting. I gathered that the forum was a place to talk about stuff with like-minded fans. Not a place to hurl insults. Isn't there a "F**k you" forum somewhere that caters to aggressive negative comments where you can express that part of your personality? I'm sure there is. Come on brother, can't you just be nice? :squigglemouth:

That was harsh post but whatever..what I have been reading post of bobo got impression that dub is vital.Considering original language is chinese if he cannot watch them without dub can move to disney channel where all is pure english.

Again I do not mean to insult bobo(I do not know him) I believe he is fan of genre too.But should have some stamina to accept non-dub releases also.

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That was harsh post but whatever..what I have been reading post of bobo got impression that dub is vital.Considering original language is chinese if he cannot watch them without dub can move to disney channel where all is pure english.

Again I do not mean to insult bobo(I do not know him) I believe he is fan of genre too.But should have some stamina to accept non-dub releases also.

if you release a movie non-dubbed in Germany (especially for Movies that HAD a dub here!) you can be sure you will be out of business very soon. all the Shaws flopped here except 36 Chambers, because they all had lousy cheap new dubs even when old ones existed. nobody who is used to watching these movies dubbed, be it in french, german or english, would want to settle for a chinese Dub with Subtitles. it's fact and you can't ignore that. i didn't buy a single Shaw in Germany because the new Dubs are extremely lousy and unbearable. and if i wanted the Original Version, i would have bought it 3 years before the movies were released in germany. if you are a DVD Company releasing movies in a Country where everything is being dubbed - you HAVE to include that dub else you are gonna fail miserably.

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nothing...I get it now if you have seen your fav movie in subtitles it beneficts when see it in dubbed version..stupid me,forgive me.

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I might be wrong, but I tend to think most of us prefer the old school dub. Now, if a dub does not exist, that's fine, I watch many subbed movies and greatly enjoy them, I watched Five Brothers last night, and it did not have a dub. But the old school dubs are great, to me at least, and make the movie even better, like King Boxer, watching that in dub would be a greater experience to me, than just having the sub. But I do think, the DVD companies should always include a dub option, the old school one, or all if more exist, along with the original language, as this makes the release definitive, and pleases everyone.

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I like the english dubs for the old school campy feeling I get while listening to them. It takes me back to the first time I saw the movie. That being wrote........I would love for all companies to release the movies with original unaltered language and english dub.

So far DD and Media Blasters have been doing a good job of that.

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Adding a(n original) dub is good for two groups of people: The purists/completists and the "non-subbers" who "don't like to read". As sad as it is, I know a lot of people who would still rather watch a film dubbed than subtitled. This being said, a lot of people will still not buy a film if it's not dubbed.

So, all that being said, no dub = less sales = less Shaw Brothers DVDs released. It's the American way... as embarassing as it is.

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These classic dubs should not be neglected or dismissed either. They are works of art in themselves, and an integral part of the films history and fanbase.

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So, all that being said, no dub = less sales = less Shaw Brothers DVDs released. It's the American way... as embarassing as it is.

I guess that is about ultimate truth...

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Killer Meteor

I tend to prefer the Shaws dubbed into English, particulary the mid-70s lot, because I find a lot of the Shaws in Mandarin to be utterly tedious. Sounds like three old people speaking slowly into a mike, with little or no effort to make the voices match the actor. I know the English dubs were guilty of this too, but at least they make me laugh.

Curiously, I don't find this problem with non-Shaws 70s kung fu films. Is Celestial using too much noice reduction, making everyone sound odd?

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Dub/Sub, its an old debate. We all have different interests. I like these movies because they provide me with a window on to another culture. I'm not interested in an english dub. I used to think that the dubs really only appealed to people who just wanted to laugh at Asian people, trivialize Asian films, that they were filled with racist overtones, and that they went over well with Americans because they're racist & dream of Americanizing the world. Then I thought about it again, and was like fcuk all that. That's just crazy talk & I'm all wrong. They're just movies & people are free to like what they want. Watch them, enjoy yourself. Dub/sub, as long as you feel good after seeing a movie, that's a good thing.

If they want these things to sell, the biggest issue for me is price. Image films here are like 20 bucks. Same for Media Blasters. Dragon Dynasty, too. 20 bucks is alot of for a DVD with an ugly cover that you can download for free. None of the above companies are re-translating the subs; they re-word them. And there's seldom a cool promotion attached to the release - Image had that poster giveaway with one of their early DVD's and that was a nice gimmick. Those fox dvd's that were 8-9 bucks were amazing once they stopped with the dubtitles. A couple even had some mono tracks. I waited for the Dragon Dynasty films to go on sale before picking them up. The DD release of 5 Venoms is 16.99 here. Its not even 4 gigs. I can download that in about an hour, rip it to an DVD-5 that cost a buck, and I'm done. It would take me longer to get to the store & back. Price it right, & people will buy.

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I agree, but also I see it from another angle too.

I am a big Paul Nashy fan, and it was great when BCI was releasing his films on quality DVD, but I suspect the Paul Naschy fanbase is was smaller than Shaw, or MA in general, and BCI was selling these DVDs really cheap, and I am all happy, because I rather cheap with my spending, but then I wonder how can they make any type of a profit making these really nice DVDs, but selling them at bargain prices, and just how many people know who Paul Nashy even is, and are buying them. In retrospect, I kinda think they should have released these in a mid-way Criterion manner, making them limited editions, really limited amount, and a higher price. Because only a few people would want these to begin with, and if they were limited to like 500, or something, they could probably have sold them for $25.

Now when it comes to Shaw, and MA, I also look for the best deal. Sometimes I even venture into boot territory, but I really prefer getting a quality legit release. I think the multi film sets are appealing to me, as they can be a good deal for your money, and get quality legit releases. I just bought the 2 Image 4-dvd sets, and got a good deal on those. But being a collector/hoarder and a cheapy, I scan the Amazon and eBay looking for the best deal. I just got Thunderbolt Fist in the mail today, an Amazon seller was selling it new for like $2.00 but the top of the case was cracked, it had a slight tear in the paper, but still, I just put it in a new case.

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I just bought the 2 Image 4-dvd sets, and got a good deal on those. But being a collector/hoarder and a cheapy, I scan the Amazon and eBay looking for the best deal. I just got Thunderbolt Fist in the mail today, an Amazon seller was selling it new for like $2.00 but the top of the case was cracked, it had a slight tear in the paper, but still, I just put it in a new case.

Those 4-dvd image sets are a great value at the right price. One shop here has them for 40 bucks, another for 25. I think you're right - if they did some kind of limited edition thing, like a numbered edition with an autographed card or something, I would get more excited. The BCI titles had reversable covers & that was enough to make me go "WOW I want to buy that!" lol. If you're going to charge 20-25 bucks for a movie I can get for free online, in Chinatown for 2-3 dollars, from DDDhouse for cheaper, or on sale when the company goes broke, at least give me a weird gimmick!

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Guest Markgway
They are works of art in themselves

Oh, come on! I grant you the fun factor and the nostalgia factor but they ain't art, babe. Even the people doing them didn't give two shits most of the time. lol

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Dub/Sub, its an old debate. We all have different interests. I like these movies because they provide me with a window on to another culture. I'm not interested in an english dub. I used to think that the dubs really only appealed to people who just wanted to laugh at Asian people, trivialize Asian films, that they were filled with racist overtones, and that they went over well with Americans because they're racist & dream of Americanizing the world. Then I thought about it again, and was like fcuk all that. That's just crazy talk & I'm all wrong. They're just movies & people are free to like what they want. Watch them, enjoy yourself. Dub/sub, as long as you feel good after seeing a movie, that's a good thing.


Jesus christ don't get running man going:angel:

What the fuck do these movies have to do with america? Americans are racist? Where do YOU live, fantasy land? most of these movies were dubbed in England anyways:neutral:

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I like the fact that they actually put in some thai characters next to chinese ones on the Shaolin Hand Lock cover - a nice touch since part of this movie takes place in thailand. It's not often details like this can be found on a cover!

However, i do agree with so many others here, original poster IS the way to go for cover designs.

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