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The Secret Rivals

Guest HAZ74

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Just saw the soulblade DVD of this. I know its well regarded, but aside from a couple fight scenes, this flick was kinda flat. I expected better from the direction & the actors. Has anyone else seen this & the "not bad, but not great, either."? The extras were amazing, though.


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What kicking films do you regard as being superior to Secret Rivals? If possible, could you please tell us your Top 3 or Top 5 favourite kung fu flicks?

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Guest morgoth

One of my top 15 favorite movies ever. Corey Yuen was bringing some new stuff and it was still a little rough around the edges.

Hey Haz-I remember a while ago you said you were going to see Shaolin Temple Strikes Back(MArk Long, Chang Shan), did you ever see that?

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Guest morgoth

And best kicking films, I have to put Death Duel slightly ahead of Secret Rivals. Not saying Eagle Han is a better kicker but it was amazing watchign him in that movie. He may be even mroe limber than John Liu! Plus when DOn Wong Tao jumps out of nowhere to kick the baddie, it is WAY better on death Duel with the full impact.

Leg Fighters was also better IMO, but only because of how unique it was and how effectively it was used.

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I dunno. It was a really good bad movie. The fighting was nice, but I need more. If all its gonna be is an acrobatic display, I may as well watch the cirque to soleil. Give me some decent cinematography. Put on act, emote. Make me care about what's happening. I just saw Bells Of Death. No where near as good in terms of fighting, but that movie looked cool & the lead was bad ass & I was happy to watch the bad guys get beat. As per request, here are some movies I've seen recently liked:

Yellow River Fighter

Touch Of Zen


The Shaolin Temple (Jet Li)

Fist Of Fury

Crippled Avengers

The Buddhist Fist

Those are the kinds of movies that gripped my imagination. Secret Rivals could have been so much better. Its not like the had poor locations. That 60 foot tall buddah statue was wicked. And there's like one lousy shot of it. Dude might as well have been training in a parking lot. I don't know why this movie has a good rep. If this is good, then a movie like "The Burning Temple" is the height of cinematic excellence. lol

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Guest morgoth

Hey HAZ, I can't send you a message and I don't know if you saw my post. Have you seen Shaolin Temple Strikes Back? I remember a while ago you said you were going to see it and I have never heard that many opinions on it.

Also, you have to realize how old Secret Rivals is and the fact that it brought a somewhat new type of style. Not perfect or anything, but still good.

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Guest morgoth

I didn't like Invincible Armour near as much. It was very good and was a bigger production, but hwang was not right for that role. Still, the whitehaired mutants fight with Phllip Ko is one of the coolest things ever and the music is the sh!t.

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Had no luck with Shaolin Temple Strikes Back! My shop sold the last remaining copy before I could grab it. I got High Risk & Fist Of Fury 1991 today for 10 bucks each cause a store is closing up. Didn't Secret Rivals come out in 76-77? That's not that early.



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Guest morgoth

Look for the double movie disc of it that comes with Shaolin Blood Mission. Not good picture quality, and you won't really be able to follow the story, but it is dirt cheap. And Blood Mission is a good version and Hwang(Silver Fox) shows off even more in that classic.

You may really like Shaolin Strikes Back though, so it is probably best to get a good version. See it any way you can though. Chang Shan is the baddest man on the planet!

And BTW- I thought this movie took a big turn from what was being made in 1975 and before. I am sure some other people noticed it. Like I said, not perfect, but always nice to see the start of something new.

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Guest Chinatown Kid

Secret Rivals deserves credit for being I believe the first Superkicker movie of the time featuring two legfighters(Liu and Hwang) pitted against one another that started a trend. The choreography looked rather sloppy at times but overall pretty good and action packed. Wong Tao looked good as well with his southern styles and also with the nunchukas. The sequel was rather similar with Tino Wong replacing Tao, I prefer Wong Tao over Tino so I favor the first film over the sequel. I think they improved even better with Invincible Armor which looks much more polished overall with better choreography imo.

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Guest Markgway

I tend to see good Kung Fu as the icing on the cake rather than the filling, which is why I'm so harsh on many of the films you guys love. It's not that I didn't appreciate the action, just that I need more to engage me. It's a matter of perspective if you will.

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Guest morgoth

Totally understandable Markgway, I don't mind watchign a good drama, but I am a HARDCORE action junkie. Literally 99% of the movies I watch are action flicks. Except I am probably one of the rare peope who watches a movie, and I really don't care about having a good story, it is just a bonus for me:D

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Guest Lei Kung

Is there an aka for Shaolin: The Blood Mission. I got this in the VA 10 pack and it was definitely the gem. Even the picture and sound far excelled the rest. The box didn't even say anything about Hwang Jang Li. And yes, I thought Invincible Armor topped Secret Rivals, another of my all time favorites. Yuen Biao even had a cameo.

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I love the movie. But I think the hype, and the fact that it was the first of it's kind goes against it. It depends on WHEN you see it as well. If you're watching nothing but 80s kung fu films, and then see something from the mid-70s, it's going to naturally have slightly less of an effect on you.

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Guest Yakuza954

I saw the old Ground Zero version and fell asleep. I then saw the new SoulBlade release and found it alright and watched it all the way through. So in that case the viewing quality of the movie was a major factor in how much I ended up liking it. Still though.. not even one of my favorites from the era. There are also A LOT of Wong Tao/Hwang Jang Lee/John Liu movies I prefer over it.

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Guest jadebadger

Err, am i supposed to "read between the lines" there? Is there some hidden message? Is Timmy trapped in the well?

Soulblade, is that you?

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