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Why are ppl so hard headed to jackie chan's doubles?


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Guest Markgway

Bruce did all of his own fight sequences in ENTER but he wasn't an acrobat and so in two places he was doubled by Yueh Wah. No big deal unless one suffers from an incurable case of acute hero-worship. There hasn't been a stunt in a Jackie movie that he couldn't do; but for a variety of reasons doubles have been used. Everyone is doubled in Hong Kong. That's just how it is. People need to accept this and get over it.

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Bruce did all of his own fight sequences in ENTER but he wasn't an acrobat and so in two places he was doubled by Yueh Wah. No big deal unless one suffers from an incurable case of acute hero-worship. There hasn't been a stunt in a Jackie movie that he couldn't do; but for a variety of reasons doubles have been used. Everyone is doubled in Hong Kong. That's just how it is. People need to accept this and get over it.

This is true... now Tony Jaa on the other hand... Actually, in his case, I've read that there are things he wouldn't be able to do, but instead of doubling him, they just scrap the idea. So basically it's a case of "he does it or not at all".

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I'm glad this thread has remained a positive one and resulting in some awesome conversatoin.

Seriously! :bigsmile:

Thanks Bus I for one did not know it was Bob doing the somersaults in I'm Gonna Get You Sucka.......gosh you think you know a guy. :tongue:

Also- little known fact- I doubled for Dudley Moore for the scene in 10 where he has sex with Bo Derek. Tough job, but somebody has to do it. :wink:

I once found a website that had photos of most or all of the times Yuen Biao had doubled someone......so many films so many doubles. I wish I could be 1% as acrobatically talented as the man!!

Do you remember the name of the website?

This is true... now Tony Jaa on the other hand... Actually, in his case, I've read that there are things he wouldn't be able to do, but instead of doubling him, they just scrap the idea. So basically it's a case of "he does it or not at all".

He's damn impressive!

And Markgway- "No big deal unless one suffers from an incurable case of acute hero-worship"! Love it! :xd:

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The Running Man

Also, remember the large amount of injuries Jackie has taken in his career, including the famous "hold in the head" and he's still running around doing action movies.

Tony Jaa hasn't done anywhere near the amount of films as Jackie's output and I haven't heard of any injuries he has gotten that are comparable to Jackie's so far.

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tonight i got this Jackie fan say on my youtube page(http://www.youtube.com/user/Mafilmfanvids) "What the HELL is your Jackie Chan stunt doubles video about? And who the HELL is this bey logan he has a lack of knowlage about Jackie how could anyone let him do commentries with garbage like that? Jackie dose 'all of his own stunts' also you have a lack of knowlage as well how can you even do uploads for martial art films? Is bey logan even real or is it just you making up about these commentries?"

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Tony Jaa is still a baby in terms of action stars so of course he wont be doubled yet, but when the bad back . knee, ankle sets in then he will have no choice, Don't forget Jackie was one of the best stunt men in HK back in the early 70's. there is only a few moves he had difficuly with, mainly fast flexible acrobatics see Snake in Eagles shadow and Drunken master where he was doubled by Brandy Yuen,

even the Great Kuo Chue has ued a double, but only once. Not sure if Yuen Hwa or Yuen Tak were ever doubled, I did not watch their recent films but not back in their hayday.

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Jaa's stunts dont compare...he did like 2 stunts on an elephant in Ong Bak 2...Ong Bak 1 he had some nice once n protector some nice ones but NOTHING compared 2 Jackie yet

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tonight i got this Jackie fan say on my youtube page(http://www.youtube.com/user/Mafilmfanvids) "What the HELL is your Jackie Chan stunt doubles video about? And who the HELL is this bey logan he has a lack of knowlage about Jackie how could anyone let him do commentries with garbage like that? Jackie dose 'all of his own stunts' also you have a lack of knowlage as well how can you even do uploads for martial art films? Is bey logan even real or is it just you making up about these commentries?"

I told you these fans are hard-headed. The person either worships chan and is in denial or is not a big Jackie or martial arts fan.

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"Have you noticed, once you have succeeded in convincing a man of

something incredible, he believes it with an enthusiasm that he wouldn't

dream of showing for an obvious, simple fact?" - Sir Harry Flashman,

_Flash For Freedom_ by George MacDonald Fraser

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Speaking of Yuen Biao and doubling, you reminded me of all the stuff going on in the end fight for "Snuff Bottle Connection." AWESOME film, but man, when doubling isn't done right... apart from that woman in "Tiger Love", or whoever played Huang Rong in a given "Brave Archer" film, I can't recall it looking more obvious. The great fully-white-haired Hwang Jang Lee kept getting replaced by some guy in a TP'ed turban! :xd:

BTW, one morbid joke I tell everybody about Jackie Chan is the same joke I tell about Rakim and other legends from their bygone heydays: they all lost it because they had the nerve to stay alive. Even Fat Elvis for another 10 years would've had an adverse effect for him. Michael at 50? Speaking strictly for his legacy, it was probably just in time, but would've been better at 30. Bruce? You might wanna kill me for this, but it could've been him opposite Jaden Smith, and we'd have confirmed the existence of the "saw scene" long before now, because we wouldn't care that much anymore. It happens to everybody. We appreciate what JC was in his time.

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I told you these fans are hard-headed. The person either worships chan and is in denial or is not a big Jackie or martial arts fan.

This so called commentary person must be one of those types who read the tabloids...he'll believe only what's written in them or what the promotional material says.

And this is why Jackie has his own stunt team...because he can use some to double even himself, not just the supporting cast of his films. It doesn't bother me in the least bit. As a matter of fact, I'm one of the supporters of his transitioning into a potential dramatic career as he wants to do.

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On 12/8/2009 at 12:25 AM, dionbrother said:

Vincent Lyn once recalled Jackie faking an injury outtake for the OPERATION CONDOR credits!

I remember an old alt.asian-movies post from Jeff Pruitt who relayed how Ken Goodman had also witnessed this.

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On 12/7/2009 at 3:07 PM, KUNG FU BOB said:

Other times, he was doubled because he was injured and the production couldn't afford to wait for him to recover to get a shot. Or, as in the case of the leap from building to building in RUMBLE IN THE BRONX, it was to prevent JC from re-injuring himself. Stanley Tong, who executed that stunt, said that JC's ankle had been injured so many times before, that even though they knew that he could physically make the jump, they were too afraid that he would re-injure his ankle and hurt the production. So instead of taking that risk, Tong performed the stunt instead.

The injury in RITB is why Chin Kar-Lok returned to double for Jackie in the Pachinko fight scene in Thunderbolt

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