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Avatar by James Cameron...


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They showed a special 16 minute preview of this at the I-Max theater a while back, and one of my friends- a serious film lover, who's opinion I truly trust- said it totally floored him. He raved that the 3D was beyond anything he's ever seen, even putting recent 3D stuff like UP to shame. He described a shot (I won't put in spoilers) where he said "you weren't watching a movie... you were there!" I said that people were complaining- based on the trailer- that the alien CGI stuff looked just okay. He said that when he watched the trailer he thought the same thing, but that on the big screen it was incredible, and totally lifelike. I was psyched for this before, but after his comments... I CAN'T WAIT! :nerd:

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Well I did also see the preview in IMAX and I was blown away also, so I'm telling you this movie looks like its going to be awesome.

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WHAT! who's James Cameron? Never heard of the guy. I KNOW John his "brother" was actually credited for Aliens. Plagarist (spelling?)

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It looks like Starship Troopers and Apocalypto. It has a weird look to it as the real people, the cgi people and the cgi beings don't match. If he was going for seemless, it didn't work.

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Not impressed with the footage. Looks like one of those silly Ursula LeGuin books adapted for the screen. Lemme guess, the movie will be "military people mean and bad, primitive blue catpeople are good, save the rainforest, recycle toilet paper."

Clearly, Cameron lives in a bubble where no one is telling him he's out of touch.

You can file it under "homo."

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Not impressed with the footage. Looks like one of those silly Ursula LeGuin books adapted for the screen. Lemme guess, the movie will be "military people mean and bad, primitive blue catpeople are good, save the rainforest, recycle toilet paper."

Clearly, Cameron lives in a bubble where no one is telling him he's out of touch.

You can file it under "homo."

Bingo!!! What a world the hollyweenies live in.

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Bingo!!! What a world the hollyweenies live in.

I don't know..i mean this is James Cameron. The guy responsible for my favorite action movies ever.

He didn't just direct good movies, he wrote really good characters. I have faith that this will be more than just humans: bad, aliens: good. I'm sure there will be good humans too. And possibly bad aliens.

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I don't know..i mean this is James Cameron. The guy responsible for my favorite action movies ever.

He didn't just direct good movies, he wrote really good characters. I have faith that this will be more than just humans: bad, aliens: good. I'm sure there will be good humans too. And possibly bad aliens.

We can only wait and see.

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Guest WuxiaFan
Well I did also see the preview in IMAX and I was blown away also, so I'm telling you this movie looks like its going to be awesome.

Daisho - after you see it, please let us know what you think! I'm curious about this movie because I do like James Cameron.

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I wonder if it'll manage to turn a profit since it's basically the most expensive movie ever made. Either way I'm definitely stoked to check it out in 3D.

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The film is getting rave reviews from critics and audiences. I haven't been following it that much and have few expectations. I'm curious about the new effects technology employed in this film. I plan to see it today, I guess in 3-D, and will report back. I may write up a review for the main site if it seems appropriate.

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I recently got back from my screening of AVATAR in 3-D. That's the first 3-D movie I've ever seen in a movie theater actually and it looked great. Took about 10 minutes to get used to it though.

The film itself is fantastic overall. It felt like I was back watching ALIENS again for the first time. I loved the hard, military sci-fi stuff even though they were the bad guys. My only complaint is that the story was too similar to the plight of Native Americans, right down to the culture and spirituality. It also reminded me of DUNE and some of Hayao Miyazaki's anime films, especially PRINCESS MONONOKE.

Visually though, it's incredible and well worth checking out in theaters. Just be sure to go to the bathroom first. It's almost three hours long.

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So it exploits the thrill of Military action while condemning the military and celebrating primitivism and greenie weenie fruitiness. Ever notice how unprogressive cinematic science fiction has become?

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I didn't expect anything more nuanced from Cameron in the plot but I was a little surprised how idyllic he chose to make the natives. I was more uncomfortable with how quickly and easily the scientists and several military personal were willing to turn against their own people and kill them. There is a difference between wanting peace, or even refusing to fight and turning active traitor. Cameron clearly wanted the audience to side with the traitors and I couldn't quite do that, regardless of how bad the humans' actions were portrayed. Besides, the military commander in charge of the humans was a badass, cruel and heartless, but one tough son of a bitch who never gave up. I couldn't help but root for him by the end. He reminded me of Chang Cheh's early film heroes actually.

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Ah, as soon as my health allows I'm going to rush to the theater to see this with my family! Can't wait!

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Not impressed with the footage. Looks like one of those silly Ursula LeGuin books adapted for the screen. Lemme guess, the movie will be "military people mean and bad, primitive blue catpeople are good, save the rainforest, recycle toilet paper."

Clearly, Cameron lives in a bubble where no one is telling him he's out of touch.

You can file it under "homo."

you sound just as narrow minded and knee jerk as the "other side" you condemn

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wow!!! .....wow!!! yeah, it's pretty DOPE! right now, i'm in awe of the quality in the production! "Outstanding!"

after i see it again, i might have something else to say, we'll see....! & i HIGHLY RECOMMEND seeing it on the IMAX/3D!!!


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you sound just as narrow minded and knee jerk as the "other side" you condemn

What other side? Liberal hypocrites condemning technology, the military and manifest destiny, all while enjoying the benefits of it?

The reviewers who didn't drink the Kool-Aid verified exactly what I suspected. Armond White, a gay black reviewer said this:

"Avatar is the corniest movie ever made about the white man’s need to lose his identity and assuage racial, political, sexual and historical guilt."

I can tell that from the trailer. And the animation looks no better than an episode of REBOOT.

Hollywood science fiction is obsessed with primitivism. It has always been a half-century behind on literary sci-fi. Never see Jerry Pournelle's work adapted, or when they adapt Robert Heinlein, they reduce his best known book into a satire of Nazi propaganda. Hollywood hacks are still ripping off FLASH GORDON 80 years later, and so-called progressive nerds lap it up.

I'm tired of guilty white liberals. They dominate the bulk of Hollywood movies and television. Might be the reason I prefer foreign movies and old westerns.

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What other side? Liberal hypocrites condemning technology, the military and manifest destiny, all while enjoying the benefits of it?

The reviewers who didn't drink the Kool-Aid verified exactly what I suspected. Armond White, a gay black reviewer said this:

"Avatar is the corniest movie ever made about the white man’s need to lose his identity and assuage racial, political, sexual and historical guilt."

I can tell that from the trailer. And the animation looks no better than an episode of REBOOT.

Hollywood science fiction is obsessed with primitivism. It has always been a half-century behind on literary sci-fi. Never see Jerry Pournelle's work adapted, or when they adapt Robert Heinlein, they reduce his best known book into a satire of Nazi propaganda. Hollywood hacks are still ripping off FLASH GORDON 80 years later, and so-called progressive nerds lap it up.

I'm tired of guilty white liberals. They dominate the bulk of Hollywood movies and television. Might be the reason I prefer foreign movies and old westerns.

You sound a little angry there, I guess it's your right to do so. Although I don't agree with some of the views you've expressed here (which seem quite "partisan") your explanation and reasoning behind them adds a bit of insight.

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