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big boss saw scene must be out there !


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during the 90's all bruce lee films were cut in the uk therefore i got copies uncut from an advert in a martial arts mag. i got all films but i was told big boss is a poor copy and the madarin version. at the time i thought nothing of it and sent for it i payed £40 for it. it had all the scenes in but quality was bad washed out colour. cart scene/more bodies in the ice/saw scene/prostitute scene before bruce goes to boss house was all there the saw scene was the best part of the film the pics on the web are not what you see in the film at all you see front view of bruce. the guy falls back into the camera thats it ! at the time i was not aware how rare this footage was all i thought about was getting a good quality copy of it. i used the tape as a blank in the end. i made a real mistake there ! no one else had this footage the guy stopped trading he must of got done for copyright ! he never anwsered my letters after ! one thing i dont get is one scene was missing at the end bruce sticks his fingers into the big boss and blood drips down - this scene was not in the film i had !!!!! someone must have a copy of this film as i could not of been the only person that bought from this guy in the 90's - can anyone recal ordering copies from southend - on - sea ,essex !

LINK : http://www.network54.com/Forum/104776/message/1257171627/big+boss+saw+scene+must+be+out+there+%21

Don't know what to think about this.

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cart scene/more bodies in the ice/saw scene/prostitute scene before bruce goes to boss house was all there

could this be treu ? than it was the 100% uncut version

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I've just ripped off my own face and eaten it!

Aw, I was going to rip MY face off and eat it, but if I do it now, it'll seem like I'm just copying you :sad:

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Aw, I was going to rip MY face off and eat it, but if I do it now, it'll seem like I'm just copying you :sad:

For the love of god, please don't film yourself doing it. 'Cos then it'll be censored and we'll all have to spend the rest of our lives tracking down the missing footage. Talk about life imitating art, imitating kung fu, :xd:

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Killer Meteor

Everything CREDIBLE I've read suggests the saw scene was NOT in the finished film. And, sure, it'd be great to see, but I think its just as elusive now as it was in 1972.

But, hey, prove me wrong.

I actually think the shorter cut of The Big Boss will probably remain better then the longer one. Lo Wei sometimes did not know when to say no, and I think the whole idea of delaying the final battle for ANOTHER gratutous sex scene would probably kill the momentum.

And am I weird for finding the US dubbed version of The Big Boss to be my current fave kung fu movie?

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The several scenes that werementioned DID exist in 1979/80. I was at the Kung Fu Monthly film show in London that screened the mandarin print of Big Boss (which gives away my age somewhat)(. The Cart scene, Indoor scene (shown in trailer), more bodies-superimposed over the waterfall and the 2nd hooker scene (BTW Bruce didn't take, ahem...lomg with her), BUT the Saw in the Head shot WAS NOT IN THAT PRINT!!! and it was pretty beaten up too...probably a regular HK cinema print from 8-9 yrs previous.

According to some...the saw shot only saw the light of a projector at the premiere and was removed afterwards. If that VHS did exist, it was the premiere print!


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Guest Markgway
And am I weird for finding the US dubbed version of The Big Boss to be my current fave kung fu movie?

Yes. Next question.

I was at the Kung Fu Monthly film show in London that screened the mandarin print of Big Boss (which gives away my age somewhat)

Somewhere between 48 and old fart?

Did it taste annoyed? :angel:

...and salty.

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I was at that film show too, and what carl saysis true, the Saw scenes was not in the film but everything else was.

To be honest from what i remember your not missing much....just the hype over the years has made it legendary so to speak. And yes im an old fart too!!...:tongue:

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I was at that film show too, and what carl saysis true, the Saw scenes was not in the film but everything else was.

To be honest from what i remember your not missing much....just the hype over the years has made it legendary so to speak. And yes im an old fart too!!...:tongue:

Eh, any new footage, especially stuff like this we've been wanting to see, is worth it. I remember I freaked out on two occasions when seeing new footage:

1. When seeing the HK cut for the first time 11 years ago and seeing the uncensored "final attack" during the last fight, having no prior knowledge of that shot.

2. Seeing the "master collection" US release, which snuck in the extra shot of the cousins running to the factory after Chan and Wong have "disappeared"... not in any other version I've seen to this day.

So I still say we are still "missing much"... maybe not "Game of Death outdoor footage/log scene much", but still a big deal.

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ShukoCarl, the only UK dealers I remember from the 90s were Dave in York, Stefan in Leeds and the infamous (at least in my house) Flicks 'N Kicks down south.

I asked a bootleg-loving pal of mine today if he ever dealt with someone from Essex - alas, he said no.

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i remember buying these on vhs-they were advertised in one of the martial arts monthly mags.£40 a tape,photocopied covers and full screen.but the Big Boss was the regular version from what i recall.

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I know for sure this exists - and I also know for sure that Kioko has a genuine copy - and it is exactly the way as described in the opening mail.

If we wait - this will come out in time.

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Killer Meteor
I know for sure this exists - and I also know for sure that Kioko has a genuine copy - and it is exactly the way as described in the opening mail.

If we wait - this will come out in time.

Have you actually seen it?

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I have the full version including the saw scene in a pristine negative, but after careful consideration I've decided to take it with me to the grave. I've already written my testament clearly stating that I should be buried with it, without any copy being taken of it. Sorry about that, guys.

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Guest Markgway
I have the full version including the saw scene in a pristine negative, but after careful consideration I've decided to take it with me to the grave. I've already written my testament clearly stating that I should be buried with it, without any copy being taken of it. Sorry about that, guys.

Really? I just burnt mine last week. It was awfully cold here in Jockland and I couldn't be bothered turning on the gas fire. So out came the matches. Ahh glorious winter warmth.

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need proof

Proof that I have seen it?

Obviously I can not do that - you either believe me or you don't.

That's your perogative - not mine.

Proof that it exists?

It will be out soon so everyone will have it.

When you have your copy - will you come back here and say "fair enough" KQ told me so?

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Killer Meteor
Proof that I have seen it?

Obviously I can not do that - you either believe me or you don't.

That's your perogative - not mine.

Proof that it exists?

It will be out soon so everyone will have it.

When you have your copy - will you come back here and say "fair enough" KQ told me so?

But people have been saying this for years. I find it absurd, or telling, that no-one can provide a screencap to back up their claims.

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