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Another Horror Remake: The Howling


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The classic 1981 werewolf flick THE HOWLING is the next to get the reboot. Shooting is beginning in February with screenwriter Joe Nimziki also making his directorial debut. Producers will be Joel Kastelberg and Etchie Stroh.

Due for release October 31, 2010

I liked the first Howling and the second. The third was weird for me (werewolves with kangaroo-like pouches), the fourth was a rehash of the original (hence the name Original Nightmare), five, six, and seven were flat out terrible.

Have some doubts about the re-boot, but if the tone and FX come close to Dante's original, then I'll be happy with that.

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An American Werewolf in London will be joining that..bullshyt!

What- a remake of AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON also? Seriously?

I'm always ready to see a good werewolf film, so I'm open-minded about this. But I'm not interested in seeing more silly CGI werewolves. The original book that THE HOWLING is based on (by Gary Bradner I think?) is quite different from the film. So if they concentrated more on the "secret theraputic refuge" aspect like the novel, it might be interesting.

Still, in 29 years, despite huge advancements in special FX technology, the werewolf transformations that were created by a then 19 year old Rob Bottin for THE HOWLING (made for peanuts BTW), and by Rick Baker for AWIL haven't even come close to being surpassed. I say to these new filmmakers- rise to the challenge. Let's see what you've got!

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I have to agree with Bob there. I loved the transformations in the original Howling and American Werewolf in London.

When I saw the CGI effects used in werewolf films such as American Werewolf in Paris and Cursed as well as Bad Moon, I was somewhat disgusted.

I'm a werewolf-aholic, and I did see the transformation scenes in the upcoming Wolfman remake and they seem to combine Rick Baker's FX with a dash of CGI. That I don't mind, but if its all CGI, I can't really stand that.

I've yet to read Gary Brandner's novel but I have always been tracking it down.

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Amen cgi has ruined these movies, fx needs to be first and foremost in these movies, do something different - unique, I'd love to see the bar raised, I might be interested in one of these movies, till then...

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sifu iron perm
What- a remake of AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON also? Seriously?

I'm always ready to see a good werewolf film, so I'm open-minded about this. But I'm not interested in seeing more silly CGI werewolves. The original book that THE HOWLING is based on (by Gary Bradner I think?) is quite different from the film. So if they concentrated more on the "secret theraputic refuge" aspect like the novel, it might be interesting.

Still, in 29 years, despite huge advancements in special FX technology, the werewolf transformations that were created by a then 19 year old Rob Bottin for THE HOWLING (made for peanuts BTW), and by Rick Baker for AWIL haven't even come close to being surpassed. I say to these new filmmakers- rise to the challenge. Let's see what you've got!

yeah, Landis sold the rights and mentioned a proper remake to be completed next year.

Carpenter's The Thing was exceptional , the sfx in that was way ahead of its time.

The New Wolf Man movie looks fantastic, its a real deal remake of the classic universal film.

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What- a remake of AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON also? Seriously?

I'm always ready to see a good werewolf film, so I'm open-minded about this. But I'm not interested in seeing more silly CGI werewolves. The original book that THE HOWLING is based on (by Gary Bradner I think?) is quite different from the film. So if they concentrated more on the "secret theraputic refuge" aspect like the novel, it might be interesting.

Still, in 29 years, despite huge advancements in special FX technology, the werewolf transformations that were created by a then 19 year old Rob Bottin for THE HOWLING (made for peanuts BTW), and by Rick Baker for AWIL haven't even come close to being surpassed. I say to these new filmmakers- rise to the challenge. Let's see what you've got!

I hate CGI werewolves!!!!!!!

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Carpenter's The Thing was exceptional , the sfx in that was way ahead of its time.

The New Wolf Man movie looks fantastic, its a real deal remake of the classic universal film.

Rob Bottin's work again! He's never done any work that was less than excellent. TOTAL RECALL, STARSHIP TROOPERS, ROBOCOP, the guy's truly a makeup effects artist.

Yeah, I can't wait for the new WOLFMAN. I've just lent the original 1941, Lon Chaney Jr. version to my son. He wants to check it out before he sees the remake. I'm glad he's willing to watch old classics. He just watched ON THE WATERFRONT- one of my all time faves- and was floored by it. :wink:

I hate CGI werewolves!!!!!!!

Burning's too good for 'em! :tinysmile_angry2_t:

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I'm a werewolf-aholic, and I did see the transformation scenes in the upcoming Wolfman remake and they seem to combine Rick Baker's FX with a dash of CGI. That I don't mind, but if its all CGI, I can't really stand that.

The new remake looks alright but.... They hired Rick Baker to do the effects except for the transformation scene. They are going to use cg for that. This is what I've read and as much as I hope it's not true it probably is. Sad, really. Another failed effort really

Speaking of werewolves, I just watched Silver Bullet and as campy and cheesy as the movie is, the church scene is classic.

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Speaking of werewolves, I just watched Silver Bullet and as campy and cheesy as the movie is, the church scene is classic.

The movie's just okay, but I agree- the church scene is great. Good casting for the preist too. Shame they didn't stick more- especially stylistically- to Stephen King's book. Bernie Wrightson drew these incredible werewolf pictures, then FX man Carlos Rambaldi comes along and makes a big silly bear costume! :smile: It didn't even look vaguely like a wolf! Terrible, terrible looking werewolf. And Carlos was the guy who made ET! So we know he's got some talent- what's up with that? He's a real hit or miss FX artist IMO.

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It seems as if Hollywood forsees the end of this Vampire trend and want to try their luck with Werewolves (which have never really hit it big at any point in time).

I say, bring it on!

I love me some Werewolf movies.

The Vampire and Zombie stuff needs to stop for about ten years.

Give it a rest.

Shaun Of The Dead was pretty much a farewell letter to the Zombie genre and Vampires have become a joke with this Twilight nonsense.

I'm not very enthusiastic about the The Wolfman remake, it resembles more of an action movie than it does a horror flick, but I'll check it out anyway:smile:

As for remaking THE two best Werewolf movies ever (The Howling, American Werewolf In London)...

it isn't a shock. I knew they'd get around to them eventually.:cry:

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