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Cat Versus Rat

Blood Sword

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Movie which could have been masterpiece but not quite made it.From beginning 30 mins are best when 2 student teach each others skills,some great choreography and funny moments..

45 mins after that when Emperor arrives,it`s still good.There are few really good scenes,part where Fu Sheng tries to steal Jade is hilarious:bigsmile:...

Was expecting big things when Cat and Rat go after thieves but that is where disappointment came.There is few good moments but LKL went too far in slapstick and corny jokes:cry: in few parts it`s almost pain to watch...

Overall still recommendable and Fu Sheng displays his skill with sword more than one time:xd:

How do you guys rate this?

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Back in the days when I was still collecting VHS and searching for anything directed by Lau Sifu, this was a really rare movie. It took forever to find, and when I finally did, my expectations had been built up tremendously by watching all of his other movies. I was sorely disappointed that it was a silly comedy and not a kung fu extravaganza. I had been led to believe it was more along the lines of the husband and wife from HEROES OF THE EAST competing via martial arts, except two guys. So I figured it would have some humor, but geez! I like the cast a lot, and some of it was very funny, but despite some good action, it was just not what I had hoped it would be.

I actually got the poster for it recently (which I like a lot), and that made me think- it's time to give this one another shot. After my second viewing I'll post my thoughts on it here.

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The choreo is awesome, Lau dai sigung (crazy, I gotta start calling him that now), can't help but teach, even when he's promoting silliness - the showcase of nine rings sword and spear usage from his brother is top notch, up there with anything from Heroes of the East or otherwise. That stunt of flipping off the roof is nuts. Yeah, it gets polarizingly ridiculous, but the choreo is incredible.

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"Cat vs. Rat" is one of my favorite action comedies from Liu Chia Liang, and Fu Sheng.

I had no idea of what to expect, when I first found it two or three years ago on dvd, I even thought Fu Sing was supposed to be the cat!

It is presented with a no apologies attitude about how much fun this movie is, as a broad, almost cartoon style, very close to 'operatic' comedy. The characters and situations are all larger than life, and that supports the daffy style of play.

Adam Cheng Siu Chow plays his part perfectly straight, he is the balancing pole, the center anchor that all the nonsense revolves around, and he does a great job with what could be a dull role for the wrong actor, and he is super in the action scenes. Lydia Shum is brilliant as the 'Rat's' mother who spurs him on in their quest to be the premier family on the block. Kara Hui Ying Hung is so fun as her brother's (Adam Cheng) one woman cheer leading squad and kick ass backup support. Hsiao Ho is a water rat, down to his drenched hair and whiskers. And I love Gordon Liu Chia Hui is so great, so funny as the Emperor.

Fu Sheng is hysterically funny at times. He manages to pull off a character, who is not a true good guy, nor is he really truly bad either, he is just a 'rat' looking out for his own, and yet is still the most likable character, a rogue you can't help but love. And I will just say in a nut shell that his martial art skill is very well highlighted throughout the film, especially in the scene with the wonderful Lau Kar Wing. They are awesome!

And for pete's sake, if NOTHING else, you get to see Johhny Wang Lung Wei have fun! That is worth the price of admission right there.

This is a brilliant and fun action comedy. It gives you a huge amount of talent and play, and with a sweet and good nature, and I have watched it at least five or six times. I love "Cat vs. Rat".

post-1078-144191886383_thumb.jpg Fu Sheng and Adam Cheng

post-1078-14419188638_thumb.jpg Johnny Wang Lung Wei, King Lee King-Chue, Fu Sheng, Chang Chan Peng, and Hsiao Ho

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I actually got the poster for it recently (which I like a lot), and that made me think- it's time to give this one another shot. After my second viewing I'll post my thoughts on it here.

Oh, Bob! yes you should!

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First half is far better than the second half, i wish Lau would of stuck with the rivalry between the two clans. Choreography is awesome as usual.

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First half is far better than the second half, i wish Lau would of stuck with the rivalry between the two clans. Choreography is awesome as usual.

Okay, I rewatched it, and I have to agree with AbeRudder.

I was pleasantly surprised by the first half, and couldn't believe I'd had such a bad response to it during my initial viewing. Funny stuff, with some cool weapons choreography! I loved the battle between Fu Sheng and Lau Kar Wing- nice action. And I liked the intro of the Emperor, and the jade stealing too. But once Rat and Cat went to the island to retreive the jade it became a tedious chore to sit through. It seemed sloppy, pointless, and like big waste of time. The whole bit where the Rat gang was lowering from the ceiling to attack just seemed to go on forever! :sad: When it was over I put on the "wine tasting" scene from DIRTY HO to recover. :wink:

Still, overall, I'm glad I watched it again. So thanks MarsHarmony. :wink:

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I really ended up liking this one when I re-watched it. The first time I was blown away by the first half and left cold by the second. After watching it again, the inventiveness and creativity behind the second half started to shine through. It doesn't always really work, to be honest. Wang Lung Wei's jumping through the walls that are clearly plastic/canvas doesn't even have a chance to look good. Nonetheless, even the second half has some great moments.

And it's also a lot of fun to compare this one to King Cat, a late sixties version of the same story directed by Hsu Tseng-Hung. It's incredible how different HK and Shaw Brothers films had become in barely more than a decade. From wuxia to kung fu; from melodrama to comedy; from films with action to films built around action scenes.

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LKL films are like that, great first halves, wierd second half, slapstick almost out of place comedy, and freeze frame endings. For a director so serious about Kung Fu his films are wierd to me.

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It`s a real ashame he was not into serious kung-fu films.Choreography is 2nd to venom crew only,sometimes equal.

I guess there is fair amount of people who love kung-fu movies where is comedy and nobody gets killed or seriously injured(I love my young auntie,lady is the boss...) but for me bloodshed is cream on the cake:kiss:

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Try out EXECUTIONERS OF SHAOLIN, SHAOLIN MANTIS, EIGHT DIAGRAM POLE FIGHTER, and LEGENDARY WEAPONS OF KUNG FU. All of these feature bloody deaths, the first three are serious stories throughout, and definitely all four have phenomenal second halves to them. LWoKF features one of the greatest weapons duels of all time!

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Try out EXECUTIONERS OF SHAOLIN, SHAOLIN MANTIS, EIGHT DIAGRAM POLE FIGHTER, and LEGENDARY WEAPONS OF KUNG FU. All of these feature bloody deaths, the first three are serious stories throughout, and definitely all four have phenomenal second halves to them. LWoKF features one of the greatest weapons duels of all time!

I have seen them all.....Shaolin Mantis I mentioned in another topic is one of my top10 shaws,diagram sooooo good too...I do not care much of legendary weapons or executioners(beginning where gordon liu kicks bucket is great tho)

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I was never that taken with Executioners compared to most other kung films until I started training in hung kuen, now I swear it's one of the deepest, if not 'the' deepest kung film possibly going as I can interpret. Gordon's death is some Chang Cheh residue sideshow to the serious deepness of what's really going on in this film I think.

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I have seen them all.....Shaolin Mantis I mentioned in another topic is one of my top10 shaws,diagram sooooo good too...)

I just saw your list, and noticed someone disagreed too. I think SHAOLIN MANTIS is really underrated, and it's one of my favorites too. The story is really different from the usual genre stuff, and seems to make the film more powerful once it gets to the action.

I do not care much of legendary weapons or executioners(beginning where gordon liu kicks bucket is great tho)

When I first saw LEGENDARY WEAPONS OF KUNG FU, the comedy stuff in it was so grating that it really colored my opinion of the film. But if you go back and watch it again, other than Fu Sheng's scenes, it's a really bad ass movie with incredible action! I don't know- maybe you've already seen it more than once. But if not, I highly recommend a second viewing.

I was never that taken with Executioners compared to most other kung films until I started training in hung kuen, now I swear it's one of the deepest, if not 'the' deepest kung film possibly going as I can interpret. Gordon's death is some Chang Cheh residue sideshow to the serious deepness of what's really going on in this film I think.

That's cool man. :nerd: I feel you on that. A lot of films took on new meaning for me too after I started training. It definitely gives you a whole new perspective on what you're watching.

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When I first saw LEGENDARY WEAPONS OF KUNG FU, the comedy stuff in it was so grating that it really colored my opinion of the film. But if you go back and watch it again, other than Fu Sheng's scenes, it's a really bad ass movie with incredible action! I don't know- maybe you've already seen it more than once. But if not, I highly recommend a second viewing.

I have seen it twice.With english dub and subtitles.While there is some outstanding scenes(gordon liu is in those) there is not lot to offer me to watch if completely again in this lifetime.I am maybe only person in the world who yawns in last battle between Lau brothers....

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I am maybe only person in the world who yawns in last battle between Lau brothers....

Yes! You're the only one. :xd:

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Morgoth Bauglir
LKL films are like that, great first halves, wierd second half, slapstick almost out of place comedy, and freeze frame endings. For a director so serious about Kung Fu his films are wierd to me.


I honestly can't think of a Lau Kar Leung movie that has a good first half and a weird or bad second half, The only LKL directed movies I haven't seen are Cat vs Rat and Spiritual Boxer 1 and 2. All of the LKL movies I've seen are way better in the second half, mainly because of an incredible final fight. Shaolin Mantis maybe I could agree is better in the first half with the love story, then the second half almost has too much fighting. But I'm not complaining :xd:

The comedy isn't good at times I agree, but he still manages to deliver special moments like Hsaio Ho acting tough in front of the kids in Mad Monkey KF,the training in 36th Chamber, the emotional moments in movies like Challenge of the Masters and 8 Diagram, and there's no way I could list all the creative fights in his movies. I have no hesitation in saying he's a great director. A great movie director. Not just directing action.

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I thought the comedy in LWoC is great, LKL can go overboard with it though, have yet to see Cat vs Rat.

I can dig it now. But the first time I saw it, I hated all the Fu Sheng scenes. I think it's more that stupid music that plays during those scenes than anything else! But now- despite that annoying score- I get a kick out of the comedy, and totally appreciate Fu Sheng's physical comedy. I thought that Blood Sword might benefit from watching the movie sans those scenes. But if he's yawning during the climax... well, that movie is just NOT going to do it for him no matter what!:wink:

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LKL can go overboard with it though, have yet to see Cat vs Rat.


Its the only LKL film @ SB that I don't have (and one of 3 Fu Sheng films I don't own).

Have stayed away due to the excessive comedy (though I'm sure I will see it eventually).

Lady Is The Boss is one film where he went too far (for my taste) with the comedy.

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Lady Is The Boss is one film where he went too far (for my taste) with the comedy.

Yeah, you're not kidding! Awesome finale almost makes up for it though

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I honestly can't think of a Lau Kar Leung movie that has a good first half and a weird or bad second half, The only LKL directed movies I haven't seen are Cat vs Rat and Spiritual Boxer 1 and 2. All of the LKL movies I've seen are way better in the second half, mainly because of an incredible final fight. Shaolin Mantis maybe I could agree is better in the first half with the love story, then the second half almost has too much fighting. But I'm not complaining :xd:

The comedy isn't good at times I agree, but he still manages to deliver special moments like Hsaio Ho acting tough in front of the kids in Mad Monkey KF,the training in 36th Chamber, the emotional moments in movies like Challenge of the Masters and 8 Diagram, and there's no way I could list all the creative fights in his movies. I have no hesitation in saying he's a great director. A great movie director. Not just directing action.

Well it will simply come down to personal preference but I will cite several of his films that in my opinion start out promising then devolve:

Executioners From Shaolin: Everything is fine until Enter the Wing Ding.

36 Chambers: Training sequences were awesome but once he leaves Shaolin the second half of the film is anti-climatic.

Shaolin Mantis: As you mentioned the love story bogged things down and the patriot family just didn't act realistically to the situation, it was a fairy tale.

Legendary Weapons: The beginning is fine with the establishment of the cult and viewing the boxers taking bullets, then it devolves into chasing a guy who doesn't want to be found, not very interesting at all. Liu and Fu Sheng were underdeveloped and underused. And the fight at the end, though many of you consider it one of the best of all time, it doesn't save the film from mediocrity to me.

Dirty Ho: This movie was approaching greatness until the second half kicked in, LKL decided to have Gordon Liu's character injured, unable to fight, the great choreography disappears and the film becomes unremarkable at that point. It literally goes from High to Low.

My Young Auntie: Kara is the lead in the film and she is doing a fine job, then for whatever reason LKL decides he wants to take over the film and make it about him rather than her. Basically he does all the fighting at the end. Shouldn't she had been the hero at the end or is it just me who feels this way??

Cat vs Rat: I haven't watched it but its second half has already been discussed.

8 Diagram Pole Figher: This film is actually perfect, but I learned about the original script that has Fu Sheng coming back in the end...actually he would of been the central character, not Gordon Liu. I am going to sound like a bad guy here in light of the tragic death of Fu Sheng, but this film, imo, benefited with the change in script. At least its my opinion that the original storyline isn't as good. I like the idea of Liu going to the Inn to save his sister more so than a brother.

Martial Arts of Shaolin: This is a film that really didn't need comedy at all, yet its there. It started great but then the comedy kicked in and the threat became a joke.

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I have seen it twice.With english dub and subtitles.While there is some outstanding scenes(gordon liu is in those) there is not lot to offer me to watch if completely again in this lifetime.I am maybe only person in the world who yawns in last battle between Lau brothers....

I think you and I have very similar taste and preferences,:bigsmile:

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Iron Boat,you pretty much nailed it....Only reason I think heroes of the east is "only" almost perfect film is because that comedian who is in executioners of shaolin+many other shaws is around.Scenes where he is are not that bad but not really film does not benefict of him foolinh there.

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