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AVN: Alien Vs. Ninja


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Got this information from Twitch, new film with action from Donnie Yen stunt team member Yuji Shimomura:

Fresh on the heels of yesterday's announcement of the brand new Sushi Typhoon label of cult excess from Japan's Nikkatsu Corporation comes the specifics of the first product of the new label. From writer-director Seiji Chiba and action director Yuji Shimomura - the writer and director of Death Trance, respectively - comes ALIEN VS. NINJA!

Once upon a time in Japan, there was a band of great Ninja warriors led by Yamata called Iga Ninja. One day they witness a flash in the sky and a roaring giant ball of fire crashes into the distant forest. The warriors rush into the deep woods in an attempt to identify the mysterious fireball. There, instead of finding predictable enemies, they are stunned to face never-seen-before creatures with claws and fangs, the aliens! The hungry brutal aliens start to savage and feast on the Ninja warriors, leaving only a few to survive. Yamata and his warriors swear to avenge their comrades' deaths and risk their lives to challenge the aliens. However, none of the Ninja weapons, neither their swords nor their throwing stars, has any affect on the alien warriors. Now the Japanese greatest Iga Ninja face the biggest challenge ever!

Masanori Mimoto, Shuji Kashiwabara, Donpei Tsuchihira, Mika Hiji, Yuki Ogoe and Ben Hiura star. And thought the film is still in post, Nikkatsu are showing a raw-footage promo reel here that features lots of blood, lots of action and, yes, lots of ninjas. If you're thinking Predator as filtered through Tokyo Gore Police, you're not far off.


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This looks awesome, as long as you dont try to take it to seriously....Loving the 2nd coming of Ninja movies as of late!

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The Amazing Psycho Per

According to amazon, this hits the shelves Feb. 22 2011 on both DVD and BR.



Can't wait! :nerd: I was so pissed to miss it at Fantasia this summer...

PS: I think this should be moved to the japanese section though...

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Blood Sword

It would be far better movie without that blondhaired coward.Sitting in dentist chair is more fun than watching scenes his acting.

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so i`ve finally got to watch this too the other week.

underwhelming. yet not too bad a time killer. gotta give it at least that.

had had an idea of what to expect beforehand, as i`m more or less pretty familiar with japanese STV digicam productions (in the action, MA, gore genres).

absolutely nothing to write home about. still worth a one time watch to the genre fans imo.

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I watched this last night lol, haliriously awesome and bad in a good way,its almost a indescribable film,you want to say its crap but its so outrageous its hard not to be entertained by it.

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I watched this last night lol, haliriously awesome and bad in a good way,its almost a indescribable film,you want to say its crap but its so outrageous its hard not to be entertained by it.

thats the main problem with these japanese cheapos- they all follow the same simple formula.

have u seen a bunch, nothing of the over the top outrageousness comes as a surprise anymore. all u get are repetitive vibes and structures. its basically the same picture slightly remodelled over and over again.

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its basically the same picture slightly remodelled over and over again.

That's the history of kung fu cinema, too :xd:

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That's the history of kung fu cinema, too :xd:

break it down all the way to the basic structure of a movie (3 segments, build of a story arc etc) and its the same with ALL (exceptions proving the rule) motion pictures :nerd:

but if u were serious about that, i`d have to disagree. and since u re probably very familiar with all the tokyo gore police, kibakichis, robo geishas and mutant girl squads this world has to offer, i believe u re just teasing.

otherwise i`d have to assume that my kung fu must be better than your kung fu. :bigsmile:

ps: u tease u disrespect u`ll be having my private ninja squad on your a$$ soon.... just so u know. :wink: yeah naturally they re the most silent and the deadliest with the blackest gear and the most insanely pimped out gadgets, so dont even think about a comeback.

pps: 2 titles in this pseudo-category of movies stand out in my mind instantly- "oneechanbara" & even more so "machine girl". guess thats not too difficult to come up with tho and its not much of a news at least not to the majority of this board.

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Oh, I've got my ninja squad, too. And they're all 18 year old Japanese girls :nerd:

You say kung fu movies have more variety than... what exactly? How would you define the "cheapo Japanese movies" you were talking about? That could include about 200 different genres... Sushi Typhoon's productions alone vary from critically acclaimed crime film (Cold Fish) to family friendly tokusatsu adventure (Karate Robo Zaborgar), and zombie splatter (Helldriver).

And what is the formula they all follow?

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