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Fist of Fury: The Legend of Chen Zhen (2010)


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Let's hope there's less of Donnie imitating Bruce as he did in the Fist of fury TV series.

Bengs I couldn't agree more that it's going to have to be something special to compare with Fist of Legend .

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Let's hope there's less of Donnie imitating Bruce as he did in the Fist of fury TV series.

Bengs I couldn't agree more that it's going to have to be something special to compare with Fist of Legend .

No, I think it is unlikely.. if you mean imitation as in copying Bruce's mannerisms & fighting characteristics and so on.. the approach and background of the character in this film is too different.. with the superhero element they were talking about, it will probably be more acrobatic, exaggerated, more of the top

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Guest Yi-Long

The clip was too short for me to tell if I'll like it or not. It seems very over the top, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing.

I am a bit worried that it will be a bit too dark, so it will be hard to see what's going on and who's doing what, and probably with very quick editing to emphasize that this Chen Zhen strikes from the shadows lightning fast. I really hope they will stay away from that and just go for clean clear choreography and angles and cuts, but I just have a feeling they won't.

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Guest WuxiaFan
The clip was too short for me to tell if I'll like it or not. It seems very over the top, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing.

I am a bit worried that it will be a bit too dark, so it will be hard to see what's going on and who's doing what, and probably with very quick editing to emphasize that this Chen Zhen strikes from the shadows lightning fast. I really hope they will stay away from that and just go for clean clear choreography and angles and cuts, but I just have a feeling they won't.

2nd that!


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Donnie Yen Returns as Chen Zhen, But... His Legendary Fist Hath Fury No More?

-- Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen --


Recently, a brief preview clip of Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen was shown at Hong Kong Filmart 2010, the visitors were all very impressed by the action scenes that they could never had enough, but noted Donnie Yen's resemblance to Kato from Green Hornet.

Donnie Yen explains that he had been discussing with director Andrew Lau at length, hoping to make a breakthrough in his appearance, and eventually, they decided to create this comicbook superhero outfit. In addition, the film will be a departure from Donnie Yen's previous action choreographies, presenting something completely new.

Producer Gordon Chan says that he and director Andrew Lau are close friends who grew up together. Having worked with Donnie Yen on Painted Skin, he has explicit confidence in him. This collaboration gives him immense happiness, far exceeding his initial expectations, "When I was thinking of making this film, they were the first to come to my mind, what kind of sparks would be generated when the three of us team up?"

Andrew Lau says that filming went on very smoothly, and the trio enjoyed working with each other, "Filming for The Return of Chen Zhen proceeded at great speed, much faster than I expected. It's now undergoing post-production."

Legend of the Fist: Return of Chen Zhen is scheduled for release on October 1, 2010 and flashbacks from some classic moments in Fist of Fury could be seen in the film.


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Return of Chen Zhen: A Trend-setter or Follower?

Producer Gordon Chan explains the origin of the Chinese title for the film, "In the title 《精武风云》 Jing Wu Feng Yun, Jing Wu refers to my Fist of Legend, while Feng Yun denotes director Andrew Lau's Stormriders. My story, his look and feel, a la Stormriders. This is how the title came about."

Donnie Yen pondered over it for years before accepting this project. Same goes for Andrew Lau, "Gordon Chan has done it before!" Eventually, they came up with a new concept, to elevate Chen Zhen into a superhero, Chen Zhen would not only be fighting the Japanese, but he would also be a symbol of justice, a superhero, so Chen Zhen's image in the film would be more fantastic, like Green Hornet's Kato, or like Black Mask.

Andrew Lau recalls, "Donnie Yen turned down the project flatly at first, saying that there were so many other Chen Zhen films out there already, what could you have come up with that would be new? It wasn't until one day, when I told him we're shooting a superhero film, was he open to negotiations."

Gordon Chan elaborates, "My script has never been rejected before, this was the first time, Andrew Lau returned the script to me. Actually, during the production, Andrew Lau, Donnie Yen and I were challenging ourselves everyday, and constantly aiming even higher and higher. For instance, pertaining to me my script, Andrew Lau told me, 'This still won't do, write a little more!' So, I could only acquiesce. I rewrote the script eight times, and still had to keep changing it on the set. But I was very happy with the process, for through endless experiments and discussions, we've made many breakthroughs."

Andrew Lau remarks, "There is plenty of room for development in between the fictitious and reality, I tried my best to find a balance, trying to be creative, without being too over-the-top, I could take some criticisms, but I would not want my movie turn into something freakish."

Gordon Chan continues, "You can say that Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen is a luxurious version of Fist of Fury. While both I and Donnie Yen have done Chen Zhen film and TV series respectively back then, and there was the Japanese dojo both in works, both of us were completely floored on arriving on the set of Return of Chen Zhen everyday: How could there be such a beautiful Japanese dojo! Really thought it was very good, very majestic.

"In this scene, Chen Zhen faces 150 karate experts, at that time, we recruited many, many real-life kyūdan black-belt karate experts to fight Donnie Yen. So, once, when director Benny Chan came visiting our set, his jaw dropped too: 'Didn't know you could do it so magnificently!' This scene was a very big challenge to Donnie Yen, so I believe that he is always able to give everyone surprises."

Andrew Lau adds, "We possessed a kind of creative policy when filming The Return of Chen Zhen, each action scene should not stop at the set, but it also shows the mood of scene, like what kind of fresh ideas could be added to the fighting, the elements that the audience could never imagine. For example, when I shoot a less complicated action scene, I would add many special touches, like a rainy night, or when the temperature drops to -3 °C, I would also have to shoot, so, we were always 'playing' with the audience."


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If they didn't call the character Chen Zhen would some of you guys be more excited about this project? I think if they were going to make something so different then they should have just called the character something else and let the image of Chen Zhen rest in peace in peoples minds.

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Kung-Fu Chen Zhen Returns


"Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen" will hit Chinese cinemas in October.

"Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen", the latest film about one of the best-known action heroes on China's screens, will hit local cinemas in October, producers have announced.

Investors said at a press conference on Monday that they are expecting a box-office take of 500 million yuan (US$73.3 million). That number, if reached, would make the film one of the most profitable Chinese-language films of all time. "The Founding of a Republic", last year's box-office leader, earned 420 million yuan.

Donnie Yen, who portrayed the fictitious martial-arts hero Chen Zhen in a 1995 TV drama, reprises the role that has also been played by Bruce Lee and Jet Li. A frequent character on China's big and small screens, Chen Zhen is usually portrayed as a student of martial-arts legend Huo Yuanjia (1867-1910).

"Unlike Bruce Lee's Chen Zhen who's uneducated, or Jet Li's version, Donnie Yen has to go further. Yen's Chen Zhen returns to China from France, and is more mature and romantic than previous incarnations," explained Gordon Chan, the film's producer.

According to the production team, Yen's Chen Zhen is a special agent who works against Japanese spies in 1920s Shanghai.

The film also stars Shu Qi, Anthony Wong and Huang Bo.


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Looks like Donnie has made huge modifications on the DTG-style. Apart from the Bruce scream (hopefully that will just be during the flashbacks), wow!

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The trailer looks good, kinda of a cross between The Chinese Connection meets Kato! I just hope that he doesn't make the mistake when he made the TV series and speed up all the fight scenes that is the only thing that ruined that series for me.

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I just hope that he doesn't make the mistake when he made the TV series and speed up all the fight scenes that is the only thing that ruined that series for me.

Totally agree with you daisho2004. The speed up fight scenes are so bad.

At one moment in the new teaser trailer, I thought it was going to happen (where he was wearing the white suit) :xd:

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From the trailer looks like Donnie's making this like Chin Kar Lok's version of The Green Hornet from 1994. One special thing about that movie is that Chin made use of the horizontal wire work to make him be able to leap across the floor quicker and further than a regular human a lot like Donnie in this new trailer. The style he was using in this movie was called Mizong Fist or Lost Track Fist. The style of Chen Zhen and Huo Yuan Jia.

check this clip out from Chin Kar Loks 1994 Green Hornet


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I watched the trailer earlier today and I thought it looks like a fun martial arts movie.

I also agree with daisho totally looks like cross between Chinesse Connection and Kato. That equals cool to me!! :smile:

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