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Lam Ching Ying

One Armed Boxer

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One Armed Boxer

Lam Ching Ying has always been one of my favorite actions stars..even though he became famous with his ghost busting roles..he still delivered many excellent kung-fu performances, usually in supporting roles but nevertheless he was instantly recognizalble and passed away far too early.

I thought I would create a thread for people to share their favorite movies with Lam Ching Ying and what it is about them you enjoyed. For me personally I would say my top 5 movies, in no particluar order, would be -

The Magnificent Butcher - Lam Ching Ying vs Yuen Biao in a brief but awesome fight, they would square off again briefly in a modern day setting at the end of My Lucky Stars.

Heroes Shed No Tears - His performance as the crazed Vietnamese colonel is one of his best, he's brutal to the end!

Encounters of the Spooky Kind - Excellent fight with a bench against multiple attackers, and one of the few movies were we can enjoy Sammo Hung in the actual starring role!

The Prodigal Son - Probably his best kung-fu performance, so many great fights it's impossible to choose just one.

Mr Vampire - The movie that set his reputation as the go-to man for ghost busting characters, this movie is filled with great humor and great action.

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Lam Ching Ying is in my top 10 HK stars list. He always delivered the best he could.

My favourite LCY films are Mr Vampire 1992, School On Fire, The Return Of Pom Pom and Her Vengeance. Of course he is good in both acting & fighting.


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One of my personal favorite based on his likability. He played his roles with dignity, but had enough of a sensitive side to show his characters had heart.

Mr. Vampire1-3

Magic Cop

Vampire vs. Vampire

Pom Pom and Hot Hot

The Prodigal Son

Eastern Condors

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One of my personal favorite based on his likability.

Hehe! I really liked Lam Ching-ying, but what i have always found intriguing is how in contrast to his masterly roles, according to Sammo Hung if there was a fight in a bar when they were out drinking, it was usually started by Lam Ching-ying!

My favourite is always going to be Prodigal Son. In fact I always turn the film off when his character dies.

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Hehe! I really liked Lam Ching-ying, but what i have always found intriguing is how in contrast to his masterly roles, according to Sammo Hung if there was a fight in a bar when they were out drinking, it was usually started by Lam Ching-ying!

:xd: That is funny.

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One Armed Boxer

Many great choices! I always enjoy how he keeps a completely straight face even when in the craziest of situations....riding an emu through Africa in 'Crazy Safari' springs to mind as a classic example!

I also read that it was Lam Ching Ying who trained Michelle Yeoh how to fight...yet another reason we have to thank him for!

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silver hermit

he was way under used but always enjoyable no matter what role he was in no matter how small. i wish he played some leads in the old school kung fu films. i wish sammo hooked him up like yuen biao. he never had an iconic kung fu film but his spiritual and comedic roles more than make up for it. i dont think that is true for any other action actor.

The Magnificent Butcher

Encounter of the Spooky Kind

The Prodigal Son

The Dead and the Deadly

Mr. Vampire

Heroes Shed No Tears

Mr. Vampire Part 2

Mr. Vampire Part 3

Eastern Condors

School on Fire

Painted Faces

Her Vengeance

Prince of the Sun

Magic Cop

Encounter of the Spooky Kind II

Slickers Vs Killers

Crazy Safari

Shy Spirit

The Tantana

Banana Spirit

Legend of Wong Tai Sin

Lover's Tear

Mr. Vampire 1992

Mad Mad Ghost

Wizard's Curse

Skin Striperess

Rape in Public Sea

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Try Prodigal Son.

ive seen that,would have nice 2 c him as the main star in a full blooded martial arts film like yuen biao had knockabout sammo had magnificent butcher,that sort film and him as the main guy would of been awesome!

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Lam Ching Ying is beyond awesome!!

Prodigal Son one of my all time favorite fu flicks and he really is a revelation in that movie. Also if Bruce Lee makes you assistant action director you know the man had skills!!

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How could anyone hold anything against the great Lam Ching Ying? He was without doubt one of the hardest working and totally selfless men in the movie business. His first thoughts were always on what was best for the film and never on promoting himself. He will always be very much missed. The gap he left could never be filled.

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Lam is truly a legend in Hong Kong Cinema. A Peking Opera student of Fan Fok Fa to stuntman to being the Hong Kong equivalent of Peter Cushing in terms of the trademark role of the "vampire hunter". Lam has worked with the best in the field and nearly 12 years after his death, this thread is just proof that "legends never die". :D

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One Armed Boxer

I thought I'd resurrect this thread as I just got through watching 'Her Vengeance' (1988) which contained another excellent performance from Lam Ching Ying, who plays a wheel chair bound ex-triad, now trying to lead a peaceful life as a hostess bar owner in Hong Kong.

Although he mainly plays a supporting role to Pauline Wong's vengeance seeking character of the title, whenever Lam is onscreen he steals the movie away from her, he just has a great authoritative presence here.

While quite serious in its tone, this movie wasn't quite the sleaze fest the artwork suggests, although it does have its dark moments. However there are also the random moments of HK craziness to be had, such as one scene were, once Lam agrees to train Wong how to fight, he decides to chase a cockroach around the rooftop of his bar, crushing it under his wheelchair while balancing over the edge of the building - worthy of including a video clip!

The finale features Lam & Wong waiting for the gang, who were responsible for Wong's rape & assault at the beginning of the movie, in the hostess bar which has been rigged with a variety of booby traps. However, we still get to see Lam in a very desperate and gritty scuffle against Billy Chow, there is no sign of the graceful Peking Opera training to be seen, and it's all the better for it.

Definitely worth a look for fans of the great Lam Ching Ying!


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