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Young Ip Man?

Drunken Monk

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Now wondering if I should get it now or wait for a UK release?

Not sure anyone's actually picked this up yet for a UK release, so I'm getting the HK Bluray (once it's definitely confirmed as region free)

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A funny consequence happened due to this film. Ip Chun was claiming that he played his character as he remembered Leung Bik. Well, Leung Bik never existed, and Ip Chuns bravado has got him into some very hot water. Apparently in the film Yuen Kay San is portrayed as being inferior to Ip Man at Wing Chun when in reality Yuen Kay San actually reluctantly taught Ip Man such things as Chi Sau.

Yuen Kay San was well and truly Ip Mans senior in Wing Chun. And now Ip Chun has been forced to admit this in a rather humiliating turn of events. The Yuen Kay San guys, after keeping pretty much silent on the matter, have said enough is enough, and this week Ip Chun, and the director, Si Kwok Lam have had to officially apologise to Yuen Jo Tong, Yuen Kay Sans grandson. Both Ip Chun and Si Kwok Lam had to serve tea to Jo Tong in apology for the misrepresentations of Yuen Kay San in the film.

还原历史:   “咏春三雄”齐名    姚永强介绍,当年在佛山,他的爷爷姚才与叶问、阮奇山并称“咏春三雄”,三人齐名,武功不相上下。阮奇山 的徒孙梁湛声还提供了祖传的记录,记录上写明, 阮奇山师从冯少青,而叶问与其他多个咏春武者一同在阮奇山的门下。“这本记录是上世纪70年代 留下的, 这也不能说叶问是他的徒弟,但论资历,阮奇山排第 一,叶问最后,叶问向他请教很正常。

^ "冼国林向阮祖棠斟茶道 (Xi Kwok Lam serves tea to Yuen Jo Tong)". Yang Sing National Newspaper (China). 2010. Retrieved 2010-07-16.

^ "还原历史: (Restore History)". Dayoo Newspaper (Guangzhou, China). 2010. Retrieved 2010-07-18.

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I'm glad they had to apologise. There's already too much internal politics in Wing Chun, we don't need any more.

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OK I got to watch this movie yesterday and I thought it was an excellent movie. I don't think the whole storyline is 100% accurate, and possibly at times far fetched. But the action scenes were really excellent. My favorite part is when he meets Ip Chun and starts sparring with him, and then he is trained by him in a different style of Wing Chun. Overall I think this movie is a really good prequel to Donnie Yens Ip Man movies.

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Very good film. If you enjoyed Ip Man then you should like this too, good action choreography, shame Sammo wasnt in the film longer.

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Who plays Yuen Kay San? Is the supposed slight to him a big part of this movie?

I don't know who played him. I'm not sure if it was so much of a 'slight' as deviating from history and implying that Ip Man was better because he was YKS' Sihing (according to the film).

Of course, the real history is much different.

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Guest Yi-Long

Got the HK dvd yesterday, and tried watching it last night but only saw 10 minutes of it (fell asleep)

Anyway, the picturequality on the DVD wasn't very good, and it had a bit of a brownish tint which was a bit too much. Maybe that changes as the movie moves on, but in the first 10 minutes, it was very noticable.

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The Amazing Psycho Per
Anyway, the picturequality on the DVD wasn't very good, and it had a bit of a brownish tint which was a bit too much. Maybe that changes as the movie moves on, but in the first 10 minutes, it was very noticable.

Yes it does change when the movie moves forward in time when Ip Man is older. I guess it's supposed to highlight the fact the this section of the movie happens "in the past", compared to the main time frame of the movie.

I found the movie to be fairly enjoyable, if you overlook it's many flaws. The fights are good, but not great, and wires are kept to a acceptable minimal level. Nothing memorable, something I could revisit for the fight display, but I really doubt I could stand another viewing of the entire movie though. When the characters are not exchanging blows, the entertainment factor is inexistant and things get pretty tedious.

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Watched it 2 days ago.

Started out great, with some very nice fight-scenes, nice choreography and camera-angles and such. Casting was also impressive. Would have preferred to have seen some more training-scenes, especially with the old guy in Hong Kong.

However, halfway through it kinda loses it's nice pace, and the fight-scenes kinda decline in quality, almost as if they were rushed. Especially the scene where Ip Man fights the gang of 'ninja's', is severely unimpressive, with Ip Man throwing very weak looking kicks and it all just slow and just misses the 'intensity' needed when doing a scene like this.

The end-fight is nice, but a bit too short and it just lacks that something 'extra' that the classics in the genre have.

All in all, an OK movie and certainly worth a watch, but what starts out as an extremely promising martial arts movie, ends up being a 'could have been classic'.

And that's a huge shame, cause it had all the ingredients and potential to be more than that.

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Has anyone picked up the Region 2 yet? Any word on the transfer? I find the Cine Asia transfers to be inferior to the HK releases. Might pop into town today and get myself a copy if all is good...

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I find the Cine Asia transfers to be inferior to the HK releases.

Metrodome released this in the UK. Surprised they didn't release it on Bluray too :squigglemouth:

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Sorry, assumed it was a cineasia release! Watched the region 2 the other day, enoyed the film, much more fight action than the Ip Man films albeit minus some of the dramatic quality that adds that emotional attachment to really care. Still, def a thumb up.

Didn't think the transfer was great, looked pretty soft with the same going for the soundtrack. Will pick up the hk release for the DTS and hopefully better picture. Sure the tech guys can explain the softness, that whole 60/50hz transfer thing...

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I watch this movie again today and after a second watch I was a bit disappointed with the storyline, about how his adopted brother betrayed the family, it never focused on it at any point in the movie, I guess that was the element of surprise but did it need that? And some of the end fight between Ip Man Tin Chi were a bit to choreographed and slow, but still a good movie.

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I finally got around to watching this last night and after hearing many negative reviews, I was actually pleased to find that it wasn't all that bad. Yes, the character of Ip Man is terribly underdeveloped and the plot feels fairly run of the mill but it's pretty enjoyable.

I thought the fights were pretty good though I actually expected a little more from the trailers. I felt a tiny bit disappointed but the action was certainly enough to keep me (and my wife) happy.

All in all, a good, if a little confused, film. It's nothing special but definitely worth a watch.

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Got the HK blu ray yesterday, can confirm its all regions. Nice picture and lossless audio. Extras are interesting. making of, trailer and an audio commentary by the director and Ip Chun. The good thing about this is the commentary is subtitled. I think its a good film, how realistic is anyones guess but it was great to see Sammo and Yuen Biao together again even if its not long enough.


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