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Who were the Action Choreographers of Magic Ring?


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神環 The magic ring /

Credits: 導演, 楊雁雲.

出品人, 張文耀 ; 監製, 張琴 ; 策劃, 張善瑚 ; 製片, 尚止戈 ; 編劇, 張信義 ; 武術指導, 葛炮 ; 攝影, 陳喜樂 ; 剪輯, 黃秋貴 ; 音樂, 周福良.

Casts: 嘉凌, 張翼, 衛子雲, 林小虎, 黃西田, 羅江, 常楓, 韓甦, 孫越, 止戈, 關洪, 施威, 羅冰清, 鄭海源, 宋長江, 葛炮, 小黑, 房正豪.

Prod. Co.: 立昌(香港)電影事業公司.

片名: 神環

導演: 楊雁雲

編劇: 張信義

演員: 嘉凌, 張翼, 衛子雲, 林小虎, 黃西田

出品公司: 立昌有限公司

發行公司: 立昌有限公司

出品年: 1976

國別: 不明

片長: 2720

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Looks like it was just this guy:

Ko Pao

Action Director

Crazy Acrobat (1974)

Heroine (1975)

The Female Chivalry (1975)

Traitorous (1976)

Moonlight Sword and Jade Lion (1977)

Chivalrous Inn (1977)

Shaolin Iron Claws (1978)

The Lady Constables (1978)

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Chia Ling AKA Judy Lee

Fantastic image Falkor, thank you very much!

It's a very timely thread, I was just about to ask, what is exactly known about this film beyond whats on the hkmdb? Any information or images would be very much appreciated!


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Chia Ling AKA Judy Lee

Good question Falkor, and thanks for the scans. There is little/no information online about this. All I know is this:


Shapes, the action in that sequence does look a little lack lustre, but it could still be a good film with an interesting plot and good drama. What's the name of this film? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_osRtaPNORA&feature=related

Any other Judy Lee rares? The Devil's Owl? Deadly Confrontation?

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Chia Ling AKA Judy Lee
Strange Skill , not a good film at all

Really? The clip looks brilliant!

Spy Ring Kokuryukai is exquisite, anyone know if the prints circulating are cut at the end? It seems quite an abrupt and nonsensical way to finish such an epic film?


Legend Of Mother Goddess is a good laugh, watching Snake Woman's Marriage raw, however is not...

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Fantastic image Falkor, thank you very much!]

That was posted by FLK Pete a while back. The only other images I came across were these from Colin G:



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Chia Ling AKA Judy Lee

These stills are quality, thanks Giles and Pete Jr. When you look at Chang Yi in the first picture in the thread you don't expect to later see him rolling around against a giant styrofoam lobster in the same film. That's testament to the man's charisma.

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These stills are quality, thanks Giles and Pete Jr. When you look at Chang Yi in the first picture in the thread you don't expect to later see him rolling around against a giant styrofoam lobster in the same film. That's testament to the man's charisma.

That lobster is supposed to be a scorpion that is Chang Yi's deadly secret weapon.It is usually carried around in miniature form in a nicely crafted little box.

This is a good movie with great action and a solid plot.It is set during one of the many revolutionary periods in one of the famous dynasties in the history of China but the story could be fictional.

Chang Yi is the lord/warlord/ruler/commander of the region in the era of which the movie is set.Barry Chan belongs to a valiant group of revolutionaries/patriots hell bent on bringing an end to this regime.Chia Ling,her kid brother and another colleague who stutters are students of a grandmaster who abhors any kind of tyranny and injustice.

No one is Chang Yi's match but only the grandmaster knows of something that can possible destroy him and that is The Magic Ring.

To acquire this ring,one has a embark on a perilous quest like in The Mummy,Indiana Jones,Lord Of The Rings etc.Chia Ling and co volunteer to risk their lives on this quest and did they succeed?.................well...............eh...........just.

Anyway this ring is not a finger ring but a slightly bigger golden ring that can be thrown at an opponent I mean use as a weapon as in Ways Of Kung Fu.The magical ring can also expand and contract from approx 6 inches minimum in diameter to roughly 2 feet maximum when the need arises.

Eventually during the end fight Chang Yi took on all four protagonists at once but when he realised that the duel was taking longer than necessary even though our heroes/heroine where no match for him he decided to unleash the scorpion so he can end the battle quickly then attend to other more important issues.

Chia Ling now knew that even the snowball's chance in hades that they might have had of winning had evaporated so she took out the Magic Ring hidden in her chest pocket and flung it at the scorpion which had now increased in size to human form so it can pulverise it's opponents.

The Magic Ring then hovered over the scorpion's head for a moment,became larger,then slipped through the head of the scorpion and tightened itself around the neck.

This messed up the scorpion's psyche causing it to switch sides and counter attack Chang Yi and his cohorts instead.

Still Chang Yi was almost invincible but he made a grave error of trying to finish off the scorpion by a deadly blow to the head while sitting on it's back after frantically failing to get the ring off the neck..As he was about to strike,the scorpion swung it's enormous tail and gave Chang Yi a big sting which sent him to his maker.However our protagonists suffered one casualty due to bad guy Yi's might and tenacity.

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Well definitely in West Africa where I have projected The Magic Ring a lot of times and where it was re-released many times because of it's popularity though I've realised that most the stuff we used to get was also shown in South Africa and the Caribbean but KFC member Zhunaid would be the best person to confirm this as he used to run a theatre down in South Africa.

If only I was smart enough to predict the advent of home video and the future acceptance of martial art flicks in the West,I would have been one of the world's largest collectors today as I had access to tons yes tons of material but lo and behold................anyway this always makes me sad.The closest I came to predicting home video was wishing that I could also see the visuals,which were very captivating,somehow in my tape/cassette recorder when I played or listened to Bollywood music.If only.......................

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Chia Ling AKA Judy Lee

Superb knowledge, thanks Kwok! Interesting / sad that is was very popular in Africa but ended up getting lost all the same. Perhaps there is hope...

That is a shame, but hey, the best thing about these films is watching them rather than owning them, and I'm sure you have a great collection to watch!

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Superb knowledge, thanks Kwok! Interesting / sad that is was very popular in Africa but ended up getting lost all the same. Perhaps there is hope...

That is a shame, but hey, the best thing about these films is watching them rather than owning them, and I'm sure you have a great collection to watch!

Thanks a lot and I completely agree with the second statement of your post but strangely and many people are amazed when I tell them that I am not a collector at all thats why I lament not making use of the past opportunities I had.

I move about a lot so it is very difficult for me to collect anything but what seems to work in my favour is I have been involved in cinemas for a very long time and in those days this was our main source of entertainment because we had no TV and luckily Hong Kong Cinema,Kung Fu Flicks from other outlets,Indian Cinema,Spaghetti Westerns and Peplums with a dose of Hollywood stuff including Blaxploitation,were the mainstream movies in equal measure.

The fact that these movies were shown and repeated many times and as I was once a projectionist/cinema manager,and the fact that I am sort of still in the trade,serves my memory well.

You'll be surprised to know that I give away most of the Celestial / Hong Kong Legends etc releases to less fortunate fans in Africa who have no means or access of re-living the nostalgia of the glorious past through the dvds..My goal now is just to watch the movies make significant mental notes then send the discs to Africa so they can be shared among friends and fans.Thats why I seldomly write reviews because I no longer have access to the source material.

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Chia Ling AKA Judy Lee

You're putting us to shame with your philanthopic view on kung fu films! It sounds like knowing the value of those reels at the time would have been a shackle on your life anyway, and have been enriched by the experience of travelling. I too struggle with the truism 'Nothing prevents happiness like the memory of happiness'. You must have some great stories about the cinemas back in the heyday.

I guess copying dvd-rs of your films is not an option?

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You're putting us to shame with your philanthopic view on kung fu films! It sounds like knowing the value of those reels at the time would have been a shackle on your life anyway, and have been enriched by the experience of travelling. I too struggle with the truism 'Nothing prevents happiness like the memory of happiness'. You must have some great stories about the cinemas back in the heyday.

I guess copying dvd-rs of your films is not an option?

Hey Judy! thanks for your concern and its amazing that you read my mind.Yes indeed I do have a hell of a lot of stories to tell and I think the last hurrah would be to depict this on screen.If I live longer I intend to make a movie about this subject with the working title of " Au Cinema African Style " It will be a blast.Trust me.

Regarding dvd-rs well as you know this is still a sensitive matter because I am involved in the industry in a some ways this is why I don't even do trades - please I can't elaborate on this -.but I do accept legit viewing copies when available and give them back when I'm through unless it is fine by the distributors or right owners to keep afterwards.Most of these discs are individually watermarked anyway so that's ok.The honest truth is there is so much going on with so much catching up to do that I would never have the time to occasionally sit through any collection and Kung Fu cinema is not really my forte.Bollywood cinema is my thing which is very time consuming trying to keep up to date with for the past 3 decades.

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You'll be surprised to know that I give away most of the Celestial / Hong Kong Legends etc releases to less fortunate fans in Africa who have no means or access of re-living the nostalgia of the glorious past through the dvds..My goal now is just to watch the movies make significant mental notes then send the discs to Africa so they can be shared among friends and fans.

Some fanboys are probably shrieking right now (haha) but I have to applaud your efforts as well. There's something very fulfilling about passing on a little joy with others, who may not have the same opportunities that many of us take for granted. Good job Kwok....

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Chia Ling AKA Judy Lee
Hey Judy! thanks for your concern and its amazing that you read my mind.Yes indeed I do have a hell of a lot of stories to tell and I think the last hurrah would be to depict this on screen.If I live longer I intend to make a movie about this subject with the working title of " Au Cinema African Style " It will be a blast.Trust me.

Regarding dvd-rs well as you know this is still a sensitive matter because I am involved in the industry in a some ways this is why I don't even do trades - please I can't elaborate on this -.but I do accept legit viewing copies when available and give them back when I'm through unless it is fine by the distributors or right owners to keep afterwards.Most of these discs are individually watermarked anyway so that's ok.The honest truth is there is so much going on with so much catching up to do that I would never have the time to occasionally sit through any collection and Kung Fu cinema is not really my forte.Bollywood cinema is my thing which is very time consuming trying to keep up to date with for the past 3 decades.

The movie would be wicked. You really should make it, but make sure you write down your stories in case you are unable to make it for one reason or another. Too much gets lost in the ether.

Well making a dvdr copy of your own dvd for your own use can't be wrong, and I doubt you sending a dvd to african kids is going to hurt sales, but whatever works for you. I can imagine Bollywood would be harder to keep up with, I don't think the magic stopped in that genre...

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