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Kid With The Golden Arm - Media Blasters


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this is an awesome movie. i personally have over 150+ shaw brother titles and this by far is one of the best titles

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Fang Shih-yu
...i personally have over 150+ shaw brother titles...

Are all of those martial arts titles, or have you ventured into "the Forbidden Zone" and gotten titles in other genres?:bigsmile:

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Morgoth Bauglir
is this release really of the UN-CUT version of this film?

all English versions in curculation for the last 30 years had many minutes, mostly dialogue, cut from the original.

I assume this DVD has the same footage that was on the other remastered DVD releases. Do you know what was cut?

Did you find the other easter egg where the arm highlights gold on the "extras" screen? (one of those screens that displays the lead character). Not a great extra, but was fun to find.

Yeah it was on the extras menu. I'm not at my house right now. I think it is a short English dubbed trailer?

Are all of those martial arts titles, or have you ventured into "the Forbidden Zone" and gotten titles in other genres?:bigsmile:

This is an interesting topic. I wonder if there is a thread on this. Maybe someone knows of a thread and can bring it back up?

I've been to that "Forbidden Zone" at least a few times. Pretty much all horror movies, which I've enjoyed, except for Black Magic. I haven't seen any comedies. After hearing what people have to say about Mr. Funny Bone, I've been scared to.

I don't know if Super Inframan counts, but that movie is tons of fun.

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MAN Deep Discount is dropping the ball lately. FINALLY got my Four Swords 4 disc set today, but STILL waiting on Five elemental, and Kid :(

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mantis FIST

Does this version contain an uncut English dub. The version that was on Kung Fu HD did not feature a full English dub. The audio dropped out during the scene when Kuo Chi talks to wei Pai's girl, just before they let him out of the room that heals him.

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Bronx Rican
Does this version contain an uncut English dub. The version that was on Kung Fu HD did not feature a full English dub. The audio dropped out during the scene when Kuo Chi talks to wei Pai's girl, just before they let him out of the room that heals him.

You mean where he says, (paraphrasing) "no need to look for me, I'm right here"? It's there, and the dub sounds complete, AFAIK. Also uncut: Wei Pai says "bastard" several times, and I kinda miss the fun I had watching him say "Nonsense" instead. I also miss dubs that HAVEN'T been time-stretched to match the Chinese dialogue. That crap's here again, definitely to stay for good; however, the DVD's still a keeper.

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Also uncut: Wei Pai says "bastard" several times, and I kinda miss the fun I had watching him say "Nonsense" instead..

Uh oh. Sounds like they did a re-dubbing of the English track. We all know the original/only dubb has Wei Pai's infamous "Nonsense".

If he says "Bastard" in the English Dubb of this movie, then um, er, we may have a problem Houston.

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You mean where he says, (paraphrasing) "no need to look for me, I'm right here"? It's there, and the dub sounds complete, AFAIK. Also uncut: Wei Pai says "bastard" several times, and I kinda miss the fun I had watching him say "Nonsense" instead. I also miss dubs that HAVEN'T been time-stretched to match the Chinese dialogue. That crap's here again, definitely to stay for good; however, the DVD's still a keeper.

I can't remember, does the old Ground Zero DVD have "nonsense"? I do remember it was letterboxed and had a decent picture, for ground zero anyway.

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I can't remember, does the old Ground Zero DVD have "nonsense"? I do remember it was letterboxed and had a decent picture, for ground zero anyway.

ALL versions of this film have the dubb "nonsense". That's my point. If the dubbing is changed, then it's safe to assume there was new dubbing for KWTGA to fill in the missing parts I and others have been asking on but gotten no response.

The best way to compare is to watch and verify the dubb is complete the opening scene where the guards report to Sun Chien that the have the escorts (ie Short Axe and Long Axe) scouting ahead.

That's not enough though, now how does the character dubbing compare (same voice actor or different voice actor?) with the original version?

It's all a moot point now if they just did a new English Dubb altogether...

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Bronx Rican

I don't hear anything wrong whatsoever. The "nonsense" dub was always a very obvious censoring of the original English dialogue; I do not believe it was like this from the beginning. "Nonsense" is said the exact same way, every single time, and you can even hear the music cut off when it happens. It was spliced in. The "scouting" line is also in here. I believe this is the complete, uncut original dub on this DVD.

EDIT: Incidentally, I'll be going to OTAKON on Friday morning in Baltimore (representing the OverClocked ReMix community), and they'll be showing Golden Arm sometime that afternoon. If I'm not still waiting on line for my badge, I might compare things there.

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mantis FIST
I also miss dubs that HAVEN'T been time-stretched to match the Chinese dialogue.

More than likely it was veri-sped and then conformed (phase aligned) to the Chinese print. The two dubs should be in phase when played together. That is what we do at my studio when we add a foreign dub to a film.

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Bronx Rican

It's the "nonsense" dub for Wei Pai's "bastard", not the other way around; trust me on this. Proof is not required; anyone with the old copies and a set of ears can figure it out for themselves. Too bad Sabidote's channel isn't still around for this purpose. Matter of fact, give me a couple of hours, I'll edit my own example.

More than likely it was veri-sped and then conformed (phase aligned) to the Chinese print. The two dubs should be in phase when played together. That is what we do at my studio when we add a foreign dub to a film.

Right. I read about this technology a while ago, and I figured that's what happened with all these recent releases. Problem is, they were never meant to be in perfect phase originally, and although it surely saves a lot of time and work, a lot of the lines are drawn out unnaturally, making these characters sound half-drunk ("allthoughh I've nevvverrr mettt hhhimmmm"), and I could tell even without being too familiar with the dub. Some of the music suffers too, such as the scene after Iron Robe is killed and Golden Arm shows up. Maybe they should just ensure that the start of each line is in phase, and then leave the rest alone.

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I'm not an expert, but if Celestial are adhering to this practice, maybe they should have scanned their actual audio at a very high rate, but worked within the ideal project rate, so they'd have the 'extra' frequency at their disposal, without having to interpolate everything?

I can understand how frustrating it must be for people listening it back. It is the fault of the dubbing studio for not getting it right initially I suppose (or just the nature of the facilities, etc, which couldn't be helped). Aside from lip-sync reasons, something like this maybe required if you were working with another version (and it needs to be spot on - for branching or whatever). If it must be carried out (carefully), there should be guidelines (so that it's not noticeable).

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I got this release, and I have to say it looks great. I'm still trying to figure out that weird moment when the guy comes back saying that iron robe sent up the signal, then after a whole bunch of stuff happens, the next scene shows the cart breaking down and iron robe sending up the signal.

And, how the heck did the men find out where the cart had been taken? Did Hai To leave a trail of bread crumbs?

I also didn't understand the need for Sun Chien's character to have a double. I thought the guy hiding inside the cart would turn out to be a master swordsman, that's why the head guard character was suspicious. I mean, he looked like the legendary killer, and nobody gave him a hard time about being that guy, so why bother having a double?

One observation I noticed was that the people who died heroically in this film were impaled straight through their bodies. Whether it was sword, spear or fist. Even Wang Lung Wei got the Fu Sheng/Fong Sai Yuk special right up the wazoo. ;)


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It's the "nonsense" dub for Wei Pai's "bastard", not the other way around; trust me on this. Proof is not required; anyone with the old copies and a set of ears can figure it out for themselves. Too bad Sabidote's channel isn't still around for this purpose. Matter of fact, give me a couple of hours, I'll edit my own example.

I have all of sabidotes files. I know the original eng dubb had nonsense.

My point is, this "bastard" snippet came from nowhere. It's not like an optional ENG dubb (voice actors the same), So we know this film had one ENG dubb (like on sabidote's channel) for 30 + years. Then we know there has been missing ENG audio. So much so that when Tokyo Shock delayed there release to add the ENG audio.

Now months later we have a "new" eng dubb only differential being the "bastard" addition no one has ever heard EVER.

I just have the feeling that they added new ENG audio to fill in the missing parts and never really acquired the complete ENG audio (the nonsense dubb uncut that's been missing for over 30 years).

1 of 2 things:

1. Either the "bastard" dubb is an optional/uncensored DUBB that never was released or and was recently found just in time for this release.


2. Tokyo Shock added the missing parts with voice actors because they never found the original ENG audio (the one with the "nonsense" dubb). This won't be the first time a dub was never found and the dubbing re--done to complete the DVD release. Thinking of the chinese dubbs for the celestial releases. ALOT of them were re-done.

WTF?!? Is the same voice actor saying "bastard"?

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This bickering about the dub is "nonsense". The word "bastard" is on the Ground zero DVD of the movie which was taken from a foreign source. More gore, but dialog scenes missing. It's not on any of the prior television prints that were floating around prior to that such as all those expensive Dragon Video tapes. I bought enough of them. You can hear Wei Pai say, "The..." then the expletive is drowned out so as not to be heard (on the TV prints). His uttering of "Nonsense" is still in there (on the TV prints) as it is on this DVD (the new MB disc).

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Bronx Rican

Yeah, I keep forgetting to clarify that "nonsense" isn't gone. The original "nonsense" utterance was taken from the scene at the poisoned inn after Hai Tao says "only I would guess where (the traps are)". It was that utterance that was used to edit the rest of the dub's audio. It is the same voice talent, because it was from the original recording. Sorry I hadn't gotten to the vids yet; busy with other things (it's actually my birthday today), but I'll try again tonight.

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the way the nonsense line is delivered is beyond hilarious :Ayociexp119:

cracks me up everytime

BTW Happy B-Day Bronx Rican!! Enjoy your day:khi8j:

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Bronx Rican

It went much quicker than I expected, so here we are:


The first scene is the original scene where "nonsense" is uttered.

The next two are from the original dub. The two scenes after that are the same as the previous, except here I edited the audio using the original "nonsense" to emulate the audio in the "classic" censored dub. Since those two scenes are the only ones approaching profanity, it made sense (see what I did there?) for broadcasters to simply replace "bastard(s)" with it. people could tell in the 70's this was a censoring. I'm just saying, all one needs to do is listen to the DVD to know it is uncut and uncensored; no "authoritative" verification required. All that said, again, I miss the "nonsense" dub too, but then anyone with the right editing tools could bring it all back! :xd:

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mantis FIST
Maybe they should just ensure that the start of each line is in phase, and then leave the rest alone.

Yeah maybe. Depends on what the studio wants. Sucks that you can hear the time stretching artifacts. If the dialogue is in sync the SFX could be off by a frame or two and still look natural to the eye.

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Richard York

2. Tokyo Shock added the missing parts with voice actors because they never found the original ENG audio (the one with the "nonsense" dubb). This won't be the first time a dub was never found and the dubbing re--done to complete the DVD release. Thinking of the chinese dubbs for the celestial releases. ALOT of them were re-done.


I can assure you that MB/Tokyo Shock never did any re-recording themselves. Any new re-dubbing was done and supplied by Celestial for any number of reasons.

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It went much quicker than I expected, so here we are:


The first scene is the original scene where "nonsense" is uttered.

The next two are from the original dub. The two scenes after that are the same as the previous, except here I edited the audio using the original "nonsense" to emulate the audio in the "classic" censored dub. Since those two scenes are the only ones approaching profanity, it made sense (see what I did there?) for broadcasters to simply replace "bastard(s)" with it. people could tell in the 70's this was a censoring. I'm just saying, all one needs to do is listen to the DVD to know it is uncut and uncensored; no "authoritative" verification required. All that said, again, I miss the "nonsense" dub too, but then anyone with the right editing tools could bring it all back! :xd:

Thanks. No one is doubting that the new dvd release has "bastard". So we are saying there are two ENG dubs for this movie?

In your example, part 1 where Wei Pai says nonsense, that voice sounds like the one used in the ENG dubb. Right after that Kwok (Hai To) says "Right... All nonsense!" You left that part out of the "uncensored" sample you used. Does he say that too? If he says "Right! All bastards!" it would be interesting to hear his dubb actors voice.

all one needs to do is listen to the DVD to know it is uncut and uncensored;

Yeah but one needs to buy it. Sorry, its not worth it if what we are looking at is something recently added to the dubb as opposed to leaving the original.

It's not recorded anywhere that censored dubbed parts were added for tv audiences. I can think of Magnificent Ruffians where they muted/censored out a "bullshit" line by Kwok, but kept in the "bastards" line by Chiang on the same ENG dubb for tv. Sounds inconsistent to me to claim they were censoring dubbs. Then again we never got an ENG dubb/remaster release of that did we?

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I can assure you that MB/Tokyo Shock never did any re-recording themselves. Any new re-dubbing was done and supplied by Celestial for any number of reasons.

Ok not Tokyo Shock. But my point is that new re-dubbing was done and supplied by someone [Celestial] for any number of reasons. And you have confirmed that.

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