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Kid With The Golden Arm - Media Blasters


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Hurry Up PLEASE!!! :tongue:

Man I went up there, and looked through the Martial Art section with a fine tooth comb...and nothing.... then I asked to clerk to look it up for me, and he said "it came out on May 11" lol "but we currently are out of stock" .......::neutral:

so I guess, I'm gonna have to hope that HKflix sends out my preorder today.

This movie is starting to turn into a mythological object lol

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not available on Amazon, I'm guessing its been pushed back again.

Shockingly at HKflix.com they say its in stock right now... and also over at buy.com

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Morgoth Bauglir

Nice to see this FINALLY being released. Hopefully it shows up in stores soon.

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It seems to be available from one of the vendors at amazon. What was the latest release date?

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Morgoth Bauglir

The original release date was 12/29/09, then it got pushed back to 4/27/10, then 5/11/10. They should have updated people that the new release date was going to be 6/8/10, but luckily hkflix.com was kind enough to do so. Thanks hkflix!

Mediablasters- you suck! But I will still buy your DVDs.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Yeah the main reason for me is the dub. It has been hard to restrain myself from getting a Panmedia version but I refuse to give money to that shit company. Hopefully the dub sounds nice and clear on the Mediablasters version.

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I'm excited for the 1.) the english dub, and 2 I like to support companies releasing these movies in the US!!

I have the Region 3 version so it's not a super huge deal to me....I want the dub and original language on the same disc and THOSE DAMN NUMBERS ON THE SPINES!!! :tongue:

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Why are you guys so excited about this release anyway, is it just because of the English Dub?...Any fan would have the R3 dvd anyhow.

It's more than just an English Dub.It's being released in the U.S and it's getting recognition and more fanbase if it isn't already happening.. The general public will be able to discover gems like this and maybe even more releases from the Shaw brothers film vault.. It's only encouraging to buy this dvd and supporting shaw brothers film...

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Morgoth Bauglir
It's more than just an English Dub.It's being released in the U.S and it's getting recognition and more fanbase if it isn't already happening.. The general public will be able to discover gems like this and maybe even more releases from the Shaw brothers film vault.. It's only encouraging to buy this dvd and supporting shaw brothers film...

Good point! I was looking for Golden Arm at Best Buy yesterday and an employee asked me if I needed help finding anything. I told him yeah, I need to find Golden Arm! He was totally confused. After a couple minutes I stopped him from searching for it and told him he isn't going to find it. We ended getting into a nice long discussion on kf movies. He is a true fan of these movies I could tell, but he doesn't know jack about the oldschool genre. We ended up playing "name that movie" game for a while, and every movie he was asking about was an oldschool movie that he had seen as a kid. He tried to recommend me some movies to repay the favor, and the 2 movies he recommended to me were Fearless and Crouching Tiger, movies that everybody has seen or has at least heard of. This guy I could tell would LOVE a movie like Golden Arm, but there's no way he would ever go online to seek out the region 3 version, because he would never know about it if it wasn't in a store. There's LOTS of people out there like this guy. I know it!

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Jackie Fhan

I'm taking a chance with deep discount, they are out of stock, but with their 25 percent off you can get it for 10 dollars.

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Guest Steve Fu aka Sugafoot

If you go to bestbuy.com you'll see that this title is unavailable in stores; however, you can order it online for $14.99 (US) and it should ship within one business day. it was backordered just this past Monday so they must have just gotten it in. hope this helps. i know this thread helped keep me up to date. i figured i'd pay it forward.

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I'm taking a chance with deep discount, they are out of stock, but with their 25 percent off you can get it for 10 dollars.

I've done over one hundred deals with DD. You don't usually take a chance (they have only not delivered once and they refunded it); however (and this is my biggest issue with them) I have found them quite slow (I am in California so HK Flix is quite fast while DD is slower than snail snot).

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I got my conformation number today. It actually shipped out to me! I ordered through Buy.com.

I'll let you guys know when it shows! :khi8j:

Saturday would be perfect, but I'm thinking more like on Monday it'll show...

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lol Morgoth, I know exactly what you mean...I've done the same thing at countless best buys/FYE's

Where the employee will try there damnedest to try to help out, but have zero clue of what I'm talking about....

Back when King Eagle was released comes to mind most recently...

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Jackie Fhan

I see, well I meant by take a chance order it, if it doesn't come get it later. I don't have to have it right now.. I mean it could be one of my favorite movies.. but on a semi budget I'll be alright. I'm just into a lot of things. Movies, games.. game music ha... so I have to spread it out sometimes. If it doesn't work out with them, I'll just get it down the road off amazon or hkf.

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Richard York


I was supervising production on the Shaw titles for Media Blasters. I am no longer with the company. But THE KID WITH THE GOLDEN ARM was the final regular Shaw release I oversaw. As usual, I can't speak for its lateness, but I can tell you that the release holds up nicely and should please those of you eagerly awaiting its arrival. Not to spoil the surprise for you Easter Eggheads out there, but there are two versions of the film. The main feature is the recent Celestial remaster, the one considered to be out of sequence. The "hidden" feature (which isn't that hard to find) contains a re-edit of the sequence in question which many are familiar with via previous video releases, available in both English and Mandarin with English subtitles.

My final Blu-Ray project was HEROES TWO. As I left the company, the title was in its finishing stages. I think people will be happy to see that the Blu-Ray will be everything the DVD wasn't. This includes a nice progressive encode, the English audio married to the remastered original THREE STYLES OF HUNG FIST (only available in Mandarin on the DVD), and will include for the first time the Celestial re-edit of THREE STYLES with its modern music and graphics, and new narration in both English and Mandarin with English subtitles. Of course, it'll contain Linn Haynes excellent commentary and the other video extras available on the DVD.

It's been a privilege to work on these titles and to have come to this forum and read your positive responses, as well as taking your suggestions to heart and apply them to improve our titles wherever possible. I hope, despite the lateness of some of them, you feel that they've been worth the wait. I'm proud of them and hope the remaining 9 titles in MB's current acquisitions list end up of equal quality without my supervision. I'd like to thank specifically Linn Haynes for guiding me through the initial stages, Mike Leeder for his dedication and support, and to you guys, the true fans whose deep knowledge of these films was a constant source of guidance.


Richard York

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Jackie Fhan

Well nice of you to stop by, just curious though.. why did you leave the company? Do you expect their future releases to keep up being progressive and great transfers? Do you see the company getting a hold of more movies to release that they do not have rights to currently? Again, thanks for stopping in.

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Well, Heroes Two sounds very promising, and not just an upgrade from SD to HD a la Deadly Duo. Don't get me wrong, Deadly Duo looked really good in HD, but it was the only difference compared to the DVD... not a complaint, just an observation :tongue: However, it looks like you went the extra mile on the blu-ray of Heroes Two. Looking forward to it!

As for the Shaws "post KWTGA", I'm now worried. It sounded like you knew what the fans wanted in both technical terms as well as extra goodies. Now who knows how they may turn out. And they've been the best Shaw Brothers DVDs so far :sad: Then again, if they're taking the chance on doing "day and date" simultaneous DVD and blu-ray releases for Iron Bodyguard, perhaps they could still be all right... but lord knows, between Dragon Dynasty's 36th Chamber blu-ray and Well Go's SB Blu-rays, that there are plenty of PAL-to-NTSC 1080i transfers. Le sigh...

Well, in short, if you can somehow stay in contact with someone to tell them progressive scan only, that'd be great :wink: So it sounds like Iron Bodyguards will be the first sign as to where Media Blasters will be headed... fingers painfully crossed...

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