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Fun Poll of Fu Sheng's 1974 films.


Which is your favorite Fu Sheng film from 1974?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is your favorite Fu Sheng film from 1974?

    • Heroes Two
    • Men From the Monastery
    • Friends
    • Shaolin Martial Arts
    • Na Cha the Great
    • Five Shaolin Masters

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Guest ekisha
I'm gonna vote for 5 Shaolin Masters. After all It's my favourite Fu Sheng movie.

Same goes for me Masked Avenger !

Best Athena .

My pick would be Cat Vs Rat, but since it's limited to 74 only, i just had to agree with you. I like the main theme song, story, action, acting and everything. And the most important thing - the final confrontation.It is a classic depiction of SB Vengeance!

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My pick would be Cat Vs Rat, but since it's limited to 74 only, i just had to agree with you. I like the main theme song, story, action, acting and everything. And the most important thing - the final confrontation.It is a classic depiction of SB Vengeance!

ekisha ,

Cat Vs Rat is a true classic comedy Shaw ! Great performances all around, & the nutty beard plot ..Brilliant ! LOL !

& Gordon Lui as a failure at Kung Fu ! ( Unbelievable...) !

Strange thing though ,I have meet several fans who do not care for this one...?

By any account anyways, I would love to be THE ROYAL CAT (!)

...or even THE WATER RAT !!! Hehe , great movie !!

Xiexie Athena ..;)

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I wonder .... why in this mix of movies in the same year of production, seems that the mytological character like Na Cha, is not appreciated, or at least, for the general audience is most exciting to watch classical fights (obviously wuxia style)? If not a martial pure martial movie, with the stereotyped schema of poor vs rich, or oppressor vs humble people, or shaolin vs wutang or school vs other school, when a director take the risk to make a mytological "mise en scène", don't care too much?

Well, just a claim for the fantastic work of Na Cha. Alexander made a giant work in this movie. Maybe few mediocres "special effects" or some details of shooting dissapoint a little, but is a great job of an actor, which with only 19 years old, carried on a heavy character, not so simply as it seems, based upon the legend of a hindu demigod with great talent.


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Fang Shih-yu

There are more than a few reasons why Na Cha the Great gets kicked around as it does, and you've already stated some of them, dear Alexandra!:wink: Also consider that Fu Sheng is playing a mythological character who's seen as a deity by many people, and some take issue with this like those who gripe over actors' portrayals of Jesus in films! To lesser degrees, a lot hear the "word-of-mouth" about the film, then decide to pass on it; you're bound to even find a few who won't bother with it because the IVL DVD is non-anamorphic!:tongue: Considering NCtG is currently out-performing Friends in the poll, that's a fair indication that people like Na Cha somewhat. I'd ask why nobody has even cast one vote for Friends!:khi3f:

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5 Shaolin Masters is my favorite Fu Sheng kung fu film, but Proud Twins has my favorite Fu Sheng performance. In my opinion, the role typifies what was so appealing about Fu Sheng; the laughable, care-free exterior to go with the unassuming martial arts mastery. The Proud Twins role was made for him -- who else could be raised by the most hardened criminals to steal and kill, only to emerge from it as a prankster with a smile always on his face?

So you get Fu Sheng, who with all the traits and upbringing needed to become a serial killer, INSTEAD gets involved in an epic 'lost twins' adventure, and puts his abilities to use by helping other people and always staying one step ahead of the curve of everyone else in the 'dog-eat-dog' world. Add in some wu xia twists and turns and your usual martial arts ass-kicking, and you have Fu Sheng at his finest.

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Rondre Sleaze Twin

Why in the hell does he play Fang Si Yu so much. He played him in Heros Two, Men from the Monastary, Shaolin Avengers, 5 Shaolin Masters, Shaolin Temple and its a another one. Are these sequels becuz some of the movies are exactly the same. And in some he is invincible and others he is not. So confusing.

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Fang Shih-yu

Before everything else, Fu Sheng did not play "Fang Shih-yu" in Five Shaolin Masters.... Now, the reason Fu Sheng played "Fang" in four movies in Chang Cheh's "Shaolin cycle" of films is because Cheh wanted him to do so! Fu Sheng was under contact for Shaw Brothers, and whatever director wanted him for a role, he'd do it, and for a few years, Cheh had him exclusively. (It would be a while before Cheh began focusing on "Venoms" projects that Fu Sheng would finally work for other directors like Sun Chung and Chor Yuen.) For a string of films, Cheh wanted to do stories related to the Shaolin Temple and the usage of "authentic" (stylized for film) martial arts like Hung fist, likely because fight choreographer Lau Kar Leung was a practitioner of it and may have suggested the concept to the director. You are definitely right about the similarities of these four movies; the pictures that followed Heroes Two are not so much sequels as they are reworkings of a limited timeframe in the lives of real Shaolin fugitives like Hung Tsi Kwan and Fang Shih-yu. (Bottom line: Fang lived a short life, compared to Hung.) As noted elsewhere, HT is actually a small story that happens with the period of time covered in Men From the Monastery; Shaolin Avengers is an elaboration on parts of MFtM with backstory thrown in. It's all a glamorization of events in a small era time in Chinese history whose legacy lives on with the still-thriving study of the martial arts style that is the Hung fist!!:bigsmile:

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There are more than a few reasons why Na Cha the Great gets kicked around as it does, and you've already stated some of them, dear Alexandra!:wink: Also consider that Fu Sheng is playing a mythological character who's seen as a deity by many people, and some take issue with this like those who gripe over actors' portrayals of Jesus in films! To lesser degrees, a lot hear the "word-of-mouth" about the film, then decide to pass on it; you're bound to even find a few who won't bother with it because the IVL DVD is non-anamorphic!:tongue: Considering NCtG is currently out-performing Friends in the poll, that's a fair indication that people like Na Cha somewhat. I'd ask why nobody has even cast one vote for Friends!:khi3f:

Personally , I think David Chiang ruined Friends for me. His character was not very likeable, always sulking and the self pitying just really got on my nerves. Not to mention that he and Fu sheng has zero onscreen chemistry, their friendship was not believable at all. I always preferred Ti lung and Fu sheng who had massive onscreen chemistry. Now had Fu sheng led Friends by himself and the rest of the supporting cast without David Chiang, it would have been better. I voted for Na Cha, the great. It was the first earlier film I saw with Fu sheng and I thought the film was very cute and I enjoy it alot.

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Fang Shih-yu
Personally, I think David Chiang ruined Friends for me...Now had Fu sheng led Friends by himself and the rest of the supporting cast without David Chiang, it would have been better.
In general, we can say the story for Friends is quite good; to me, it plays off like a sophisticated HK take on a Bowery Boys movie! (That's what those movies needed: topless women!:tongue:) Shuffling around the leads would've produced a stronger result on-screen, but which way to go? As played by David Chiang, his character has so much going on that when Fu Sheng shows up, he seems like one thing too many for Chiang to manage, initially, so whatever turn-around he does [for befriending Fu Sheng] is too fast and not completely believable. How Chiang (Fu Sheng, too) interacts with the other guys (and Lily Lee) does work; if Fu Sheng were dropped, Bruce Tong (he worked in the pool hall) could've worked better with Chiang. If Chiang were dropped, maybe Wang Chung would be better for being paired off with Fu Sheng (they did fine together in Police Force); given Ti Lung's screen personae, there's NO WAY he could pull off playing a "starving artist"!:yociexp115:
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Fang, you're right, Ti lung had too much a of presence to pull of as a starving artist, but overall Ti lung and Fu sheng had much more greater onscreen chemistry than with David Chiang and maybe Chang cheh noticed that because afterwards the movies Fu sheng and David Chiang would be in, would be with an ensemble cast, so they wouldn't have much time just those two together. I think Wang Chung would have been a better choice for the main character in Friends; I agree with you that he and Fu sheng had the chemistry in police force and was very believable as friends. I remember reading some time ago, that Friends was actually supposed to be an international movie, with the same people that worked with David Chiang on that vampire movie(sorry forget the name), but they pulled out last minute, something like that. So it is no telling had the movie kept its original storyline, how it would have been. It's not bad, but it was not one of my favs.

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Fang Shih-yu
I remember reading some time ago, that Friends was actually supposed to be an international movie, with the same people that worked with David Chiang on that vampire movie (sorry forget the name), but they pulled out last minute, something like that.
So you're saying Friends could've been another joint venture between Hammer and Shaw Brothers, like The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires?:khi1d: Now, that's interesting! Do you recall where you may have picked up this information?:ooh:
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Yeah, actually I read it here. I wasn't a member then so I didn't responded. Gosh I wish I could have saved those pages. But if I'm not mistaking, I think it was our dearly departed friend, Linn Haynes who may have reported on this news. He was very resourceful and very missed; much like our friend Teako170, now maybe he knows about this and can elaborate more.

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Also consider that Fu Sheng is playing a mythological character who's seen as a deity by many people, and some take issue with this like those who gripe over actors' portrayals of Jesus in films!

I will post the history of Ne Zha (Na Cha or Nalakuvera) (the real history and the fictional one), in AFS thread soon. I made a short study about this deity, very interesting indeed and interesting why Chang Cheh was the only one that set the character on screen and nobody else?

Who voted for Ne Zha? I watch three now. :smile:


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Personally , I think David Chiang ruined Friends for me. His character was not very likeable, always sulking and the self pitying just really got on my nerves. Not to mention that he and Fu sheng has zero onscreen chemistry, their friendship was not believable at all. I always preferred Ti lung and Fu sheng who had massive onscreen chemistry. Now had Fu sheng led Friends by himself and the rest of the supporting cast without David Chiang, it would have been better. I voted for Na Cha, the great. It was the first earlier film I saw with Fu sheng and I thought the film was very cute and I enjoy it alot.

I have not seen Friends yet :cry: so I can't post any commentar.

But is true that existed more "chemistry" in the duetto "Ti Lung-Fu Sheng" than "David Chiang-Fu Sheng". Is a inexplicable mystic into the world of acting. Although David Chiang and Alexander were good friends in private life, the "magic" on screen was given when he worked with Ti Lung. Sun Chung and Chor Yuen understood this very well indeed. :wink2:

Ah! you voted for Na Cha! Grrrrrrrrrrrreat! :tongue:


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Here is a summary of the real hindu history of Nalakuvera, or Na Cha (Ne Zha) in chinese, of course there are many sources for read it, but this is one (the reading is Nalakuvära)



Sometimes a curse can be a blessing. Once, a very, very long time ago, Nalakuvera and Manigriva, sons of the demigod Kuvera (treasurer of the heavenly planets), were enjoying the company of young women in a lake on Shiva Loka. They were drunk and naked. It so happened that sage Narada Muni passed by and recognized them. The women were ashamed in the presence of the sage, and immediately covered themselves, but Nalakuvera and Manigriva did not bother to cover their nakedness nor did they stir to offer their respect to Narada Muni. Narada Muni considered that these two sons, although devas, had become fallen, and on the spot cursed them to take the form of trees for one hundred demigod years, after which time they would come face to face with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Trees are naked and exposed to the elements, and vulnerable because they cannot move from where they are growing. Thrust into forms just suited to their consciousness, the brothers remained as trees for thousands of years, until one day, Lord Krishna, who had descended in His pastime as Krishna, the son of Yashoda and Nanda Maharaja, got into mischief and so vexed His mother that she bound Him with a rope and tied Him to a mortar to keep Him out of trouble while she attended to her chores. The Lord was a mere toddler, and the mortar was very heavy, but Krishna pulled it and dragged it till it became stuck between twin arjuna trees. He continued nevertheless to drag the mortar, and actually uprooted the two trees, which fell down with all their limbs and branches. Out from the broken trees came two personalities, their bodies effulgent. These two persons, Nalakuvera and Manigriva, immediately offered prayers to Lord Krishna. Krishna smiled and spoke to them, “It was already known to Me that sage Narada saved you from gliding down to hell from pride due to possessing extraordinary beauty and opulence as demigods. You are very fortunate not only because he cursed you, but because you had the great opportunity to see him. If someone happens by chance to see a saintly person like Narada Muni face to face, he becomes liberated. Therefore, your lives have become successful because you have now developed ecstatic love for Me. This is your last birth within material existence. Go back to your father’s abode, and by remaining in devotional attitude, you will be liberated in this very life.”

From: KRSNA The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vol 1, Chapter 10, “Deliverance of Nalakuvara and Manigriva”.


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Mamma mía!

He was only 19 years old when Na Cha was shot! :laluot_08:

This is brutal beauty, and what expression for God sake!


How many hairstyles he had in the movie? Two? :confused:

I guess two.


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Symbolic elements of the real Nalakuvera (Na Zha) and the Chang Cheh screenplay:

I observed that the following symbols were followed in the movie

Concerning the hindu symbols:

- Lotus flower (that is to say the rebirth of Na Zha as demigod). In the movie after the sacrifice, the supreme abbot take a lotus as the way for bring life to Na Zha. In the picture posted here, Na Zha wears a skirt made of lotus leaf and in the neck lotus flower.

- Spear

- Ring

- Red scalf (re invented in the red outfit in the movie, red is the color of this demigod)

- The "vajra"... this is essentially a tibetan buddhist element, strong important in tibetan religion. Is not present in the movie.

- Wheels with fire (they are the "vehicle" of this demigod, all the hindu deities have a vehicle for their movements)

Concerning the personality

- Young, fresh (Na Zha is a young demigod)

- Smiling (this demigod smiles all the time)

- Trickster (this demigod use tricks for get his purposes)

- Rogue

- Mischievous

The script do not follows the real Na Zha's hindu version, because when this demigod was venerated in China, took some elements of taoism, but essentially, the soul of Na Zha is present in the movie.

The character was a little modified in the movie, but fit very well with Alex's temperament.


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Great research and background on Na Cha, thank you Alexandra for sharing that wonderful information. It is very special indeed to read.

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There all good with the exception of Na cha.....I go for 5 shaolin masters from that list,

But my fav Fu sheng movie is: The New Shaolin Boxers 蔡李佛小子

The Choi lee fut style performed by Fu sheng in this movie was top notch IMO.

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Great research and background on Na Cha, thank you Alexandra for sharing that wonderful information. It is very special indeed to read.

Thank you "Milady" :kiss:

Is only the chapter devoted in the hindu version about the real Nalakuvara (or Nalakuvera). Then, I searched the symbols related with the demigod in the movie, and was fun. :nerd:



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Go here to see the Shaw movie that preceded Na Cha the Great!

(WARNING: no subtitles! :eek:)


Thanks Brother Fang! My internet connection seems to be super slow and I could watch only the first ten minutes of movie, then, the transmission speed fell down and stopped the running time every second, so, I will wait for watch it in Argentina time, not in China time, because many people is connected and that could be the reason for the painful download of the movie.

Hug! :kiss:


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Morgoth Bauglir
Thanks Brother Fang! My internet connection seems to be super slow and I could watch only the first ten minutes of movie, then, the transmission speed fell down and stopped the running time every second


This always happened to me using internet explorer, but after to switching to firefox I never have a problem watching stuff on youku.

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This always happened to me using internet explorer, but after to switching to firefox I never have a problem watching stuff on youku.

Awww! I use Firefox! In Tudou I have not problems but with Yuoku is a nightmare! :squigglemouth:


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