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Inglorius Basterds


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Got to see a private screening of Inglorius Basterds today. First off, I am a big Tarantino fan. Second the movie is a big disappointment for me, but that does not mean it's a bad movie. On the contrary, it had great characters, excellent dialogue, and fantastic exposition. The problem was the entire film was exposition and the main story was the sub-plot.


Undoubtly there are going to be a lot of hate for it. For one thing it is not an action movie, it was more a character driven piece. For a movie about the Basterds, they sure weren't in it very much. The Shoshanna, Landa, and the other characters were all great, but they were given the most screen time and their stories were minor compared to what should have been told, which was the Basterds mission. Everyone's stories intertwined with one another like all Tarantino films, but he left the main story more as a background.

The opening was awesome as well as the intro to the Basterds. After that we get intoduced to other great characters like Hugo Stiglitz, a Nazi officer who kills his superiors. Donny Donowitz (The Bear Jew) who kills Nazis with a baseball bat that the SS think is a Golem. And a host of other interesting characters that are introduced, but never explored, much like the most interesting parts of the story.

Definitely Tarantino's weakest effort, but still much better than most of the Hollywood releases this year. This will get a lot of flack.

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if anyone has seen the original(have it in my to watch pile..but ill watch it first then tarantinos version)how does it compare or is it a complete different storyline.....

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if anyone has seen the original(have it in my to watch pile..but ill watch it first then tarantinos version)how does it compare or is it a complete different storyline.....

I've seen the original, and from what I was told, the stuff in the trailer for the new one is not a big part of the movie (which froffeecoffee confirms). Apparently QT liked the title, and the original film, but only used it's plot as a jumping off point for his film. So I don't think it matters which one you see first.

The US DVD release of the original is really nice, uncut, and even includes the film's soundtrack.

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if anyone has seen the original(have it in my to watch pile..but ill watch it first then tarantinos version)how does it compare or is it a complete different storyline.....

I've seen the original, and from what I was told, the stuff in the trailer for the new one is not a big part of the movie (which froffeecoffee confirms). Apparently QT liked the title, and the original film, but only used it's plot as a jumping off point for his film. So I don't think it matters which one you see first.

I've seen the original also and most definitely Tarantino's is a completely original story. He only used the title and the concept of a team on a mission in WW II.

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I'm so pissed the previews looked awesome! I was going to see it as soon as it came out! Now I hear its blows DAMN! Gotta get the Boot! :cry:

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I'm so pissed the previews looked awesome! I was going to see it as soon as it came out! Now I hear its blows DAMN! Gotta get the Boot! :cry:

Speaking of boot does QT foot fetish show up again? I bet this one has lots of close ups of army boots.

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Honestly don't know how anyone could be remotely excited by a new QT movie. The man doesn't have a single original idea in his head, his films are pastiches of other, superior works. Probably had his finest moment with Pulp Fiction, which I admit is a good movie, but since then nothing of any worth.

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Speaking of boot does QT foot fetish show up again? I bet this one has lots of close ups of army boots.

Of course, but it's for a good reason. During an interrogation, the Landa character has his suspect put her foot in his lap.

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Honestly don't know how anyone could be remotely excited by a new QT movie. The man doesn't have a single original idea in his head, his films are pastiches of other, superior works. Probably had his finest moment with Pulp Fiction, which I admit is a good movie, but since then nothing of any worth.

I definetly wouldn't say it around any QT fanboys, but that is exactly the way I feel.

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It's the only way to feel, if you know anything about movies and movie history! The guy's an unoriginal douche hack!

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Guest WuxiaFan
Honestly don't know how anyone could be remotely excited by a new QT movie. The man doesn't have a single original idea in his head, his films are pastiches of other, superior works. Probably had his finest moment with Pulp Fiction, which I admit is a good movie, but since then nothing of any worth.

KILL BILL?:neutral:

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As a huge fan of QT I was counting the days til this arrived - and after seeing it, I honestly wish II had not bothered.

It's a mess, frankly, and riffs far too much on his older films - I don't believe for a second that he's been toiling over the script for close to ten years.

Some great moments and good performances (Christoph Waltz is truly a revelation) but overall, for me, a big let down. :sad:

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Guest I Like Elaine

I don't care what anyone says, this was pure and simple great cinema. I'll even go as far to say that it's his best film yet.

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Shaolin Chamber 36

I also enjoyed this movie. Even though it was filled with dialogue, it had my attention all the way through.

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It's the only way to feel, if you know anything about movies and movie history! The guy's an unoriginal douche hack!

I agree. He's basically doing the movie equivalent of hip hop music, by sampling other people's work. He does give credit where it's due, but you can only keep doing that for so long before it gets played out. In the end, he's as bad as those film companies who insist on making remakes of films rather than coming up with original stories.

I'll still check out Basterds, but cautiously. In addition to QTs borrowing of other people's ideas and genres, I'm also annoyed by those long-winded, pretentious dialogues he likes to put in his flicks. It's cool for the first few movies but after a while, it's just same old same old, and not in a good way.

I enjoyed Kill Bill (only Vol.1, I hated 2), but over the years, I find it doesn't hold up so well.


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The dialogue is the worst part of his films!

His films are ALL ABOUT HIM! They don't have characters.... just actors spewing QT's pointless blather!

He fails to see that as a writer, you have create a voice for each character! Nobody speaks the same way. Every character has QT's voice, way of speaking, choice of words etc. MASSIVE FAIL!!!!!!

If three different characters use the word "commode" in the same movie, instead of "the john", "the can", "the crapper" or whatever, then that's the writer talking, not the characters! And everyone is not a pop culture expert and quirky wordsmith.... people have different character traits, just not in QT movies. BAD WRITING!!!!

He's so in love with the sound of his own voice and crappy dialogue that he fails to realize this.... it is really quite sad!

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IMHO, Kill Bill was awful, and ripped-off just about every know kung fu movie.

I was mostly excited about it because I was hoping it would get more people interested in the kung fu and samurai flicks. But I guess they all thought Tarantino was some genius who thought up all this stuff on his own.

For me, his strongest efforts were Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, because at that point, he was trying to make a name for himself. Now that he's made his name, he's just a formulaic hack. I'm still going to check out the film, hoping it won't be putting the "terd" into Basterd. If he lets me down with this one, I'll boycott his films. I've been boycotting movies like Trannyfoamers and GI Choke all summer.


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Inglourious Basterds came in number 1 at the box office this weekend, pulling in 37.6 million. :tongue: Followed by District 9, which some say is the number one movie this summer. Got to check that one out.

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Guest WuxiaFan
IMHO, Kill Bill was awful, and ripped-off just about every known kung fu movie.

Wow! Totally disagree. :ooh: I'm not a QT fan either, but after watching KILL BILL many times and listening to Tarantino talk fu, I think it's a complete homage to kung fu, samurai, and female revenge flicks, not a ripp-off. IMO, I think QT is a true fan of the genre and KILL BILL is a masterpiece (watching both 1-2 as one movie and the Japanese uncut versions). If the KB films were just rip-offs, I don't think Sonny Chiba and Gordon Liu would have participated and resurrected two of the most famous and iconic characters from HK and Japanese cinema: Pai Mei and Hattori Hanzo. Chiba and Liu didn't need the money.

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I agree. He's basically doing the movie equivalent of hip hop music, by sampling other people's work.

Only difference, his stuff is good. Most hip-hop (in this day and age) sucks. QT has the ability to sample, mix and steal, and the result is something better than what he bites from.

As for Inglorious Basterds... movie put me to sleep. Disappointing. I'll have to check it out again when it comes on DVD for a second opinion.

And trust me, I don't mind a lot of dialogue (I prefer it over action), but this one.... just put me to sleep.

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wow, i never seen so many mixed reviews on a film. Must be either a love it or hate it type of film.

I knew as soon as watched it there would be a big mixed reaction of love or hate. I liked it, but didn't love it. But I think good directors and good movies promote that type of reaction. It makes us analyze and express our pleasure/displeasure about what we identify with or identify as unsatisfactory. At least Tarantino gets us to debate, unlike a Ratner, McG, and Bay.

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