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Merantau (2009)


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Guest Yi-Long
Yeah I'm going to have to jump in here and agree with you in response to Yi Long. Of course I would also prefer to see films uncut and enjoy them as they were meant to be. But film business is exactly that - a business to get their work shared with as many people as possible, and unfortunately comes with sacrifice or concessions, but in the end it provides us with the film in a proper package and in return we can support those behind it so they can keep making films, and hopefully, with further success, have more options in distribution and marketing etc.

The bad attitude is also unnecessary, attacking DragonSword like he's offended you personally, it's just a film, take it easy. A fanboy without a spine? Well I agree with him. I would gladly pay to support an official release because it supports those who made it.

Not to mention firing off your frustrations at Mr Evans, man would have loved the opportunity to discuss the film with him directly but you keep persisting with your heroism, so probably won't even have a chance for that now.

I don'tthink I was at any point in this thread 'firing off my frustrations at Mr. Evans', and I have just been my normal self, but if you have some quote somewhere from me to proof me wrong, please be so kind as to post it, so I can apologize to Mr. Evans.

And the 'spineless fanboy' wasn't aimed specifically at Dragonsword, and actually it isn't even aimed specifically at kung fu cinema fans, as there are spineless fanboys who buy George Lucas horrible cuts as well, but obviously he fits the description.

He says he's very much against western distributors cutting up asian movies, and then hands over his money to them and says:' thanks! Job well done! I'll enjoy this!'.

If you can't call that spineless, then I don't know when you can...

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I don'tthink I was at any point in this thread 'firing off my frustrations at Mr. Evans', and I have just been my normal self, but if you have some quote somewhere from me to proof me wrong, please be so kind as to post it, so I can apologize to Mr. Evans.

And the 'spineless fanboy' wasn't aimed specifically at Dragonsword, and actually it isn't even aimed specifically at kung fu cinema fans, as there are spineless fanboys who buy George Lucas horrible cuts as well, but obviously he fits the description.

He says he's very much against western distributors cutting up asian movies, and then hands over his money to them and says:' thanks! Job well done! I'll enjoy this!'.

If you can't call that spineless, then I don't know when you can...

Yeah but why do you have to use derogatory terms like that here? Were all fans, we have disagreements and we all want to have the best quality films as they were meant to be seen, but unfortunately thats how the business is. I imagine that directors are also resigned to having to compromise their art for the business - I don't imagine any of them would like to spend so much time and care with their work only for parts of it to be cut out.

I can somewhat agree with DragonSword's intention - no its not ideal that we might be stuck with a poor english dub release, or a version with major cuts etc, but at the same time, at least we have the chance to watch it in a proper quality release as opposed to supporting bootleggers. The support may ultimately reflect on the quality of those behind the film and give them more ideal avenues to distribute their work in the future. However it came to be, I'd rather pick up an official, licensed copy of "Merantau" and support those directly involved rather than seeking out a poor quality bootleg.

Re your posts to Mr Evans, look I don't want to go quoting posts here and trying to analyse what you said, I just thought you were a bit too persistent, maybe passionate in your views, but considering it is his first major movie project, I don't think he is the person who can take on those comments. I think it would be more appropriate to encourage him with his work rather than the business of it. Maybe I misinterpreted your intentions, that's just how I saw it, so if I misunderstood, then it's my fault.

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Guest Yi-Long
Yeah but why do you have to use derogatory terms like that here? Were all fans, we have disagreements and we all want to have the best quality films as they were meant to be seen, but unfortunately thats how the business is. I imagine that directors are also resigned to having to compromise their art for the business - I don't imagine any of them would like to spend so much time and care with their work only for parts of it to be cut out.

Spineless fanboys ARE a problem. I know they're fans who just want to enjoy it all, but when you don't actually stand up for what you want, and better yet, what you DESERVE as a paying customer, then you're part of the problem. Some might not like to hear that, but that doesn't mean it can't be said.

I can somewhat agree with DragonSword's intention - no its not ideal that we might be stuck with a poor english dub release, or a version with major cuts etc, but at the same time, at least we have the chance to watch it in a proper quality release as opposed to supporting bootleggers. The support may ultimately reflect on the quality of those behind the film and give them more ideal avenues to distribute their work in the future. However it came to be, I'd rather pick up an official, licensed copy of "Merantau" and support those directly involved rather than seeking out a poor quality bootleg.

I'm not saying anyone should give money to bootleggers. I know I sure never have, and I never will.

However, that doesn't mean you should spend money on a poor release either. And I absolutely disagree with the notion that if we don't 'support' this, that these movies will stop being made.

I do believe sincerely that when fans give out a very clear and consistent message that we aren't going to support this kinda treatment, that studios and filmmakers will one day actually pick up on that, and possibly change their ways.

Re your posts to Mr Evans, look I don't want to go quoting posts here and trying to analyse what you said, I just thought you were a bit too persistent, maybe passionate in your views, but considering it is his first major movie project, I don't think he is the person who can take on those comments. I think it would be more appropriate to encourage him with his work rather than the business of it. Maybe I misinterpreted your intentions, that's just how I saw it, so if I misunderstood, then it's my fault.

Considering you're the one accusing me of 'firing my frustrations' at Mr. Evans, I think I'd kinda like to see some quotes to back that up.

Cause as far as I know, I've been my usual curious self who is just asking questions about an issue I'm very much interested in.

I can understand it isn't a very 'fun' issue, but I do feel it's an important issue, and I'm sure that Mr. Evans who himself is a fan, of all people, can understand why I ask, and more importantly, has been very kind and informative so far.

Like I said before: We've been complaining about this kinda stuff for many many MANYYYYyyyyy years.... right!? If someone from within the industry drops by for a visit, we can discuss this, right!?

Now if Harvey Weinstein would drop by on this board, THEN you would see me firing off some frustrations... :wink:

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Guest Yi-Long
Haha your funny Yi-Long. You think some Shaw Bros director will waste his time reading your comments, you think he will change his schedule over your stance on the industry? You think you will single handedly change the industry? Fight all you want but I don't ever recall websites or phone numbers where I can just get ahold of a director and tell him to not do this, and not do that. The money talks first, bullshit walks. It doesn't matter what the fan wants, it's a business and where the money goes, the product goes.

Money does indeed talk, which is why I'm not part of the problem, and you are.

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Guest Yi-Long
@ Yi-Long I don't like butchered movies but I'm not going to stand around and weep, cry and moan to the filmakers until they release the version I want. I can appreciate things, because life is too short and the film is entertaining in its current version. I don't have time to wait around for special editions so I support these movies regardless of what cut I'm getting. I may not like what I eat for dinner every night, but I eat it anyway and appreciate what I have.

Don't blame me for your problem. I never wrote a check out to the Weinsteins and others you hate. If anything I have supported imports for many years. I have got a couple DD releases but this isn't why you aren't getting your Director's cuts. I'm not made of money anyway Yi-long, and most of my movies I have I got used anyway.

You either bought this movie new, and thus voted with your wallet, telling them that you're perfectly fine with being served butchered cuts of great movies...

... OR you bought it 'used', as you say most of your movies have been bought used, which would go against your statement that you 'support' these movies, cause that means the makers aren't seeing any of your money either....

Which is it!?

So you can take that idea and wipe your ass with it.

Why would I want to wipe my ass with your bullshit!? That kinda defeats the whole purpose of wiping one's ass, wouldn't it...!?

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We don't know, which is why I've been asking Ghevans about the reception it's gotten in Indonesia, and we can't know, cause we aren't being given the chance to form that opinion about which cut is better. It's already been decided for us.

I've got the DVD of Love Exposure here. Unknown Japanese movie, uncut, 4 hours long. And it doesn't even have martial arts in it either. How come distributors are perfectly OK with releasing that movie uncut!?

I'm kinda in a dilemma here. I'm not spending money on a cut movie, nor do I spend money on censored movies, or dub-only movies, or whatever. In fact, I hardly ever even decide to watch such a release, deciding I will just wait for an uncut version instead, and if that will never come, then I'm shit out of luck...

So that's why I hope that this movie will get an uncut release somewhere, sometime, so I can check it out...

Well that is because it's a drama. There's more emphasis on the story, characters, and drama, in which it makes no sense to cut it. Whereas there's a large proportion of people who will watch action/martial-arts films who don't want to be dragged down by lots of story and drama. Some people just want wham-bam, thank you ma'am ....and in English !

Okay it's a different cut of the movie but that's not to say it's inferior. Really you are cutting your nose to spite your face. I think it's a shame but who am I to argue if you want to deprive yourself of a very good movie. Just out of curiosity does that mean you won't watch the international cut at all? You're refusing yourself the opportunity to see which version is better?It's not like the distributor randomly cut out scenes to bring the time down. The director painstakingly went over the film again and tried to only cut out the extraneous material. He also felt that he improved some of the pacing of the film iirc from his comments.

Speaking of international cuts I remember watching a fantastic film called Leon. I didn't realise there was no longer cut and when I eventually saw it I thought it was better. That isn't to say that the shorter cut is a shit film and not worth watching. It's still very good and I could still watch it and enjoy it.

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I bought a couple blu rays of movies i watched when i was younger and came to find out they were missing parts, that makes me mad. I had good memories of those movies now tarnished by someone else because they thought it be better. I think it is wrong especially when i go to a theatre see a movie buy it a few months later on blu ray and it is missing parts. Personally i wish they would just give both versions i don't think it be a big deal or atleast make sure both are available so i can make my own decision not someone else making it for me. Just my opinion.:tongue:

Hopefully in the future there will be a simple editing tool so you can add and remove scenes as you feel fit. Then you can include any of/some /all the deleted or extended scenes, use the alternate ending, change the music or just see it as it was intended. Tailor the film to your own tastes!

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They didn't even add what they cut to the blu ray even as deleted scenes or anything that is what sucked. It was like classic movies to me too. I think it is wrong to cut if already shown that way. I don't have the power to not watch a movie though because of the cuts mainly because they don't release any of the uncut ones usually. Shame really in my opinion. :tongue:

Originally Posted by:blue_skies

Hopefully in the future there will be a simple editing tool so you can add and remove scenes as you feel fit. Then you can include any of/some /all the deleted or extended scenes, use the alternate ending, change the music or just see it as it was intended. Tailor the film to your own tastes!

Yeah that be great as long as they have those scenes and stuff on the blu rays or what ever medium they are using..

I think there is no excuse really on a blu ray not to have the extra things or both uncut etc., if don't want to do that then atleast have a uncut version. Some do include the uncut version and some have a uncut version also, but most don't. Personally i think all should have one(as in cut and uncut in one) or both(as in separate uncut and a cut version.). My 2 cents...

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Considering you're the one accusing me of 'firing my frustrations' at Mr. Evans, I think I'd kinda like to see some quotes to back that up.

Cause as far as I know, I've been my usual curious self who is just asking questions about an issue I'm very much interested in.

I can understand it isn't a very 'fun' issue, but I do feel it's an important issue, and I'm sure that Mr. Evans who himself is a fan, of all people, can understand why I ask, and more importantly, has been very kind and informative so far.

Like I said before: We've been complaining about this kinda stuff for many many MANYYYYyyyyy years.... right!? If someone from within the industry drops by for a visit, we can discuss this, right!?

Now if Harvey Weinstein would drop by on this board, THEN you would see me firing off some frustrations... :wink:

No its not a fun issue as you said, and you were persistent about it. Anyway, as I mentioned in my previous post, perhaps I misunderstood your intentions and I already considered myself at fault if that was the case.

Why don't you write a email or send a letter to the distributors or the people in question if you feel so strongly about it; I don't think messages on a forum are going to make much difference. Then, at least you would also get a answer from the people who are behind that part of the business.

If Mr Evans happens to pass this post, I wonder if he would consider answering a few more questions about the film itself.

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Guest Yi-Long
Yeah Yi-Long write a letter instead of insult hundreds of people on this forum calling them problems because they buy kung fu movies. These people don't have the knowledge that we do on this forum about cut versions and so forth. These people just want to see a kung fu movie so you can't blame the consumer. If you want to blame you blame the distributor. Because calling people the problem is causing problems and not talking about the problem will not fix the problem. So address the problem to the correct businessman and you maybe will then help change the problem.

You ARE the problem. You, me and everyone else on this board, the kung fu cinema fans, ARE the intended audience and thus intended customers.

You really think average joe has even heard of Merentau? Hell, most of them still don't even know what Ong-Bak is.

WE are the ones who will be watching this in the cinema and buying it on DVD/BR. WE are the ones who will be doing the positive word-of-mouth and recommending it to our friends. WE are the ones who are on forums and websites writing the reviews and such.

Now, as those fans and customers, we can do 2 things. We can accept the cuts, love the movie, and tell everyone to go see/buy it.

Or, since we disagree about the cut version we're once again 'given' (paying for), we can use that knowledge to inform others, our friends, people on forums, that they'd be paying to watch/buy an incomplete version. And they can still choose to buy/watch it.

You're 'insulted' because I'm saying you're part of the problem? Tough shit. You are. Deal with it or don't deal with it. I don't care. Just don't come cry about it, cause that doesn't make it less true. Like you said: Money talks, bullshit walks. YOU are the one supporting cut versions. YOU are the one validating those cuts cause YOU are the one buying the cut version. Not me.

Now, you and Bengs seem to think I'm persistent about this. That's partly true, and there are 2 reasons:

1: I'm asking a few questions, some of which I don't get an answer to, in which case I'llask the question again. Very simple. Right!? In each and every post I've been my normal polite self towards mr. Evans, whom I respect, but being polite doesn't mean I can't ask 'critical' questions where I'm simply interested in what lead to the decisions that were made, and if there is any chance that we WILL one day be able to get our hands on the complete movie.

Call me crazy, but on a board that's ALWAYS bitching about asian movies getting butchered by the studios, you'd think those would be valid questions to ask, when once in a blue moon someone from the industry actually drops by and is answering some of our questions and listening to our opinions...

Wow. I'm such an impolite asshole(!)

2: You think I'm repeating myself? Yes I am. You know why I'm repeating myself? Cause I'm being polite and respectful towards you and Bengs. You think I like repeating myself? No, I don't. In fact, simply the notion that I still haven't sent out my army of cyborg-hamsters after you illiterate bastards means I've been extremely kind so far...

But when you people are taking very simple and straightforward questions and remarks out of context, or giving them you're own interpretation and getting offended over it, or think that I'm 'attacking' Ghevans, or that I'm 'firing of my frustrations at HIM', then

I have to repeat myself, sadly, to make it clear what I actually said AND mean by it.

Now, I don't mind doing that once. I kinda start minding it when I have to do it twice. Yet right now we seem to be stuck in a circle where I rationally explain my points, and you're dealing with them like you're a fucking grapefruit.

Maybe, instead of instantly getting your panties in a bunch after reading half a sentence, You might actually try and read the complete post, see if you can understand the complete message I've been trying to convey, and if it's unclear, you might need to sit back, take a zip of your glass of milk, and try again. Maybe ask for some help from someone who does have a grasp of comprehensive reading.

Although, considering this post is once again already over 5 sentences long, and I doubt you've even reached this far before hitting the 'reply'button in a frenzy...

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Observation in Irony:

I find it ironic you would refer to someone as being illiterate and yet misspell the word. That cracks me up.

That's not intended as a dig btw. Just an observation.

Carry on.

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Guest Yi-Long
Observation in Irony:

I find it ironic you would refer to someone as being illiterate and yet misspell the word. That cracks me up.

That's not intended as a dig btw. Just an observation.

Carry on.

Wow... 1 spelling mistake in the whole post, and I happen to nail it exactly on THAT word..... :crossedlips::Ayociexp118:

Whoops... :angel:

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I really hate when we get off topic on a movie post it really takes people away from wanting to read it. I can see everyone's point. And as I have said many times b4 I agree with Yi-Long to a certain point. But to keep going on & on is really pointless. Everyone stated there opinion that is why we post here to review and discuss movies plain & simple not to bash each other. Unless the Mods decide to create a new section for Bashing movies and such that is a great idea then we can bash all types of movies/directors etc:

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Guest Yi-Long
I really hate when we get off topic on a movie post it really takes people away from wanting to read it. I can see everyone's point. And as I have said many times b4 I agree with Yi-Long to a certain point. But to keep going on & on is really pointless. Everyone stated there opinion that is why we post here to review and discuss movies plain & simple not to bash each other. Unless the Mods decide to create a new section for Bashing movies and such that is a great idea then we can bash all types of movies/directors etc:

Who's bashing movies?

And if you read back, I'm not 'going on and on about it'.

As far as I'm concerned, the only one who needed to reply to my initial questions was mr. Evans (which he mostly did), in which case I wouldn't have to keep repeating and explaining myself when Bengs and Dragonsword keep misinterpreting my posts/questions, and attacking me over it...

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Sorry let me make it more clear I was referring to the bashing of the movies being cut up and stuff like that. And as I have said and many people on here feel the same way, we all hate to see movies cut up but unfortunately we cannot do anything about it, yes we could not buy these movies but we only end up missing out on a great movie whether it is cut up or not. I want to see the movie the way it was meant to be released and let us judge for ourselves which is the best version out there.

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You ARE the problem. You, me and everyone else on this board, the kung fu cinema fans, ARE the intended audience and thus intended customers.

You really think average joe has even heard of Merentau? Hell, most of them still don't even know what Ong-Bak is.

WE are the ones who will be watching this in the cinema and buying it on DVD/BR. WE are the ones who will be doing the positive word-of-mouth and recommending it to our friends. WE are the ones who are on forums and websites writing the reviews and such.

Now, as those fans and customers, we can do 2 things. We can accept the cuts, love the movie, and tell everyone to go see/buy it.

Or, since we disagree about the cut version we're once again 'given' (paying for), we can use that knowledge to inform others, our friends, people on forums, that they'd be paying to watch/buy an incomplete version. And they can still choose to buy/watch it.

You're 'insulted' because I'm saying you're part of the problem? Tough shit. You are. Deal with it or don't deal with it. I don't care. Just don't come cry about it, cause that doesn't make it less true. Like you said: Money talks, bullshit walks. YOU are the one supporting cut versions. YOU are the one validating those cuts cause YOU are the one buying the cut version. Not me.


I really don't think you understand that by discouraging people from buying or watching this film, or any martial-arts film, that this film will make less money and as such make investors less keen on funding these movies. Martial-arts movies are not great big money spinners they are a niche market. Why do you think Hollywood doesn't make loads of them, or barely any whatsoever? Because there isn't the money in it! As you said money talks.

Given that we, that being the people who are buying the DVDs/Blu ray, are supporting the film, or films, making sure they continue getting made. Without them getting made you can't have your little hissy fit to moan that there isn't a full director's cut. Which let's be fair you're judging the film without even seeing the "cut" version, which has been largely very well received . We are not validating any cuts. As others have said we just want to see the films. And let's face it Merantau is well worth seeing being easily one of the best martial-arts films of the year and deserves to be as widely seen as possible .

I also think you're failing to acknowledge the difference between a distributor butchering the film so that it doesn't make sense and possibly only released with an English dub. Versus the director cutting away the fat to make a leaner, tighter movie that may well work better. Note that Mr Evans said that test audiences responded better to the international cut. Not that you would know because you don't intend to watch this version at all, to compare which is the best version of the film. In an ideal world we would have both versions on the DVD. However it's run by economics and a film like Merantau isn't going to make shed loads of cash. It doesn't even matter that it's miles and miles better than anything Jackie Chan has done in a decade but will only make a tiny percentage of any of his Hollywood movies, probably his asian films too, on DVD.

I also agree with the others that you should write to the distributors rather than being rude to the director whose came to post here as a courtesy. Fair enough you're a straight talker but it wouldn't hurt if you reeled in your attitude.

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Guest Yi-Long
I really don't think you understand that by discouraging people from buying or watching this film, or any martial-arts film, that this film will make less money and as such make investors less keen on funding these movies. Martial-arts movies are not great big money spinners they are a niche market. Why do you think Hollywood doesn't make loads of them, or barely any whatsoever? Because there isn't the money in it! As you said money talks.

Given that we, that being the people who are buying the DVDs/Blu ray, are supporting the film, or films, making sure they continue getting made. Without them getting made you can't have your little hissy fit to moan that there isn't a full director's cut. Which let's be fair you're judging the film without even seeing the "cut" version, which has been largely very well received . We are not validating any cuts. As others have said we just want to see the films. And let's face it Merantau is well worth seeing being easily one of the best martial-arts films of the year and deserves to be as widely seen as possible .

I also think you're failing to acknowledge the difference between a distributor butchering the film so that it doesn't make sense and possibly only released with an English dub. Versus the director cutting away the fat to make a leaner, tighter movie that may well work better. Note that Mr Evans said that test audiences responded better to the international cut. Not that you would know because you don't intend to watch this version at all, to compare which is the best version of the film. In an ideal world we would have both versions on the DVD. However it's run by economics and a film like Merantau isn't going to make shed loads of cash. It doesn't even matter that it's miles and miles better than anything Jackie Chan has done in a decade but will only make a tiny percentage of any of his Hollywood movies, probably his asian films too, on DVD.

I also agree with the others that you should write to the distributors rather than being rude to the director whose came to post here as a courtesy. Fair enough you're a straight talker but it wouldn't hurt if you reeled in your attitude.

1: Quote 1 single sentence from me where I'm rude to mr. Evans.

2: I didn't say I'll never watch it. I said I won't be spending money on a cut version. If it gets shown on TV or I can borrow it from a friend, I will check it out.

3: Martial arts flicks will always be made. But if western publishers treat these asian movies like this, I'd rather they DON'T buy the rights to them, so we can just import a subtitled uncut version from Hong Kong or Thailand or whatever.

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Could anyone please tell me which is the best dvd version to buy of this film?

Does any version include the deleted fight scene the director mentioned?

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The Blu-ray contains the deleted scenes (including the extra fight sequence) as an extra. They are not incorporated into the film if that's what you're looking or hoping for. (Don't we all wish for that.:tongue:)

I would encourage you to go with the Blu-ray which I believe is the international cut. At least that's my understanding.

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Got the Blu-Ray today, will be watching it tonight(finally)....I find myself getting further and further behind on Martial Arts films these days.

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1: Quote 1 single sentence from me where I'm rude to mr. Evans.

2: I didn't say I'll never watch it. I said I won't be spending money on a cut version. If it gets shown on TV or I can borrow it from a friend, I will check it out.

3: Martial arts flicks will always be made. But if western publishers treat these asian movies like this, I'd rather they DON'T buy the rights to them, so we can just import a subtitled uncut version from Hong Kong or Thailand or whatever.

1. I mean no offence but if you need me to quote when you were rude to Mr Evans you need lessons civility.

2. What happens when you watch it and enjoy it? Will you buy it then? What if extended version is not released with English subtitles? Will you support the film and purchase the international version?

3. I couldn't disagree more. Under your theory Ong Bak wouldn't have been released in the Western world and the only way to see the film was through imported versions without English subtitles. While you may have hated the alterations in music soundtrack I quite frankly think the UK version is fantastic and think it's an excellent example of Western publishers treating Asian movies well. In addition while you're grumbling about Merantau(or "cut" films in general) I think it's a very good release. I think it would be a crying shame for a film like this and many others not to be released by Western publishers, denying many people the opportunity to see such a film. Not everybody imports. Even on this forum there are many people from the US that only purchase US discs. And unlike the US in the UK you cannot legally going to a shop and pick up a foreign import in the shops.

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Guest Yi-Long
1. I mean no offence but if you need me to quote when you were rude to Mr Evans you need lessons civility.

You're the one who's saying I've been rude to Ghevans, where I've only been asking some questions. Some critical questions maybe, which he might not like to hear, but is still about a serious issue. I've been pretty damn polite as well.

So you show me exactly where I was impolite towards Ghevans. Quote the relevant sentences which I'm sure won't be hard for you, since you are so insistent that I've been rude.

Just show me the quotes.

2. What happens when you watch it and enjoy it? Will you buy it then? What if extended version is not released with English subtitles? Will you support the film and purchase the international version?

If someone releases Goodfellas with 20 minutes cut, or Groundhog Day with 10 minutes cut... it should still be possible to 'enjoy' it. Doesn't mean I'm going to support a cut version.

And what if in 5 years time there WILL be an uncut release? Will I be able to trade the cut release at the store, pay 2 bucks extra, so I can finally have the complete movie!?

I'm not buying cut movies. I don't buy censored or dub-only movies or games. And I'm a damn patient guy.

They want my money? Fine. Just release the movie in the proper state, instead of releasing an incomplete version.

3. I couldn't disagree more. Under your theory Ong Bak wouldn't have been released in the Western world and the only way to see the film was through imported versions without English subtitles. While you may have hated the alterations in music soundtrack I quite frankly think the UK version is fantastic and think it's an excellent example of Western publishers treating Asian movies well. In addition while you're grumbling about Merantau(or "cut" films in general) I think it's a very good release. I think it would be a crying shame for a film like this and many others not to be released by Western publishers, denying many people the opportunity to see such a film. Not everybody imports. Even on this forum there are many people from the US that only purchase US discs. And unlike the US in the UK you cannot legally going to a shop and pick up a foreign import in the shops.

First of all, if there hadn't been a western publisher for Ong-Bak, there would have been an extremely big chance that the Thai release would have just had english subs. They weren't included because obviously the western publishers didn't want to run the risk of people importing the (uncut and better) thai version instead of buying the fucked up western version.

Also, if the thai release wouldn't have had the english subs, there would have been a huge chance that the HK release would have been the proper cut with english subs.

However, now HK isalso stuck with the butchered western release.

Now, YOU might really like the UK version. That's fine. Lucky you. I don't. In fact, I thought the new soundtrack was horrible and unneccesary. And according to pretty much everyone, the USA/Luc Besson/French cut, is butchered even worse...

You're right. Not everybody imports. But I sure as hell am going to warn my friends and people of fora I visit, about what version they would be buying, and if it's an incomplete version, I just give them my personaly opinion that I wouldn't support. If they DO, well, that's fine by me. That's their choice, but they should KNOW about it at least.

As someone else here also already mentioned: When you find out later that you spent money on a butchered version, and you were purposely DENIED the superiour version, you feel ripped off. And as I mentioned before, there should be a customer-rights law which states that the sleeve of a DVD/BR should clearly inform the customer as to what cut exactly they'll be purchasing (or not).

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Yi Long While you might be sharing your opinion with people here, friends, family and others. You're sharing an opinion without any real information.

1. You've never seen the international cut. which in the end you may prefer.

2. You've never seen the director's cut as released in Indonesia, so don't know it's superior. Its speculation on your part.

3. The director said that the international cut was better responded to by test audience's than the longer cut.

4. While many people here would like to see the longer cut or at least the international cut with the additional fight sequence. Few if any feel like they have been ripped off having purchased the DVD/Blu ray/rented Merantau.

5. While you're expressing your opinion trying to dissuade people from spending money buying Merantau are you giving them both sides of the story, that many martial-arts fans from this forum and many others think Merantau is a very good martial-arts movie... And some even considerate to be one of the best of the year or even last few years?

6. While you're doing your damnedest to persuade people not to buy are you telling them that there in all likelihood won't be an alternative Western release to see the longer cut. And most probably denying themselves the opportunity to see a top martial-arts film just because you can't see the version you want to see.

7. Given how few truly good martial-arts films that are released each year and how much effort you've gone on to bemoan seeing a butchered version of the film (as you describe it). You're quite happy to watch it even more butchered on television cut up with advert breaks.

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