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Merantau (2009)


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It makes sense if you want to get your DVD in Tesco!

Basically, if you're a member of this forum, you probably know your martial arts films at the very least and many members will also involved in some kind of martial arts activity themselves. You are the converted and don't need any pointers to find your favourite movies. You know your stuff and have an informed opinion on action cinema.

However, most people are casual buyers and a great many mainstream punters are iffy about subtitles and world cinema in general. Adding the word warrior basically smoothes these worries over and makes it easier to get titles into the mainstream retailers

A few very powerful companies have the lions share of the UK market and DVD distributors sometimes have to make a minor compromise in order to get the title on shelves. The only way to keep these DVDs coming in an increasingly squeezed market is to appeal outside the niche market. Merantau is a great cross over movie. It's accessable and shockingly violent, two very easy selling points. so that's why it's had the name change, in order to increase it's appeal

I'm guessing the Warrior is a reference to Warrior King. Outside of Kung Fu Cinema circles, most people won't be well versed with the genre, but they'll know Tony Jaa unless they've been living under a rock. His films and style are nominally similar to Merantau (to the untrained eye) so what better way of associating the movie with something familiar.

It's classic exploitation movie marketing in a way. The Italian horror film makers of the 70s and 80s constantly swapped their titles about, with many movies being retitled in the States in order to ride the coat tails of a successful hit. This is a less outrageous example.

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Hi blueskies, do you know where I can buy or download broken path?

It sounds amazing. I really liked Merantau, some of the camerawork like the 360 degrees shots were great, and the guy has talent. I don't think people should be too eager to call him a Tony Jaa clone, the fighting style and choreography is very different I think. Like there are quite intricate exchanges which you don't get so much with Tony Jaa. The bloody westerners were shite though!

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I've seen poorer acting from Westerners in Eastern movies. Japanese zombie movie Junk was the worst offender for me. The Japanese actors reading phonetic cards held up behind the cameras were more convincing than the American they had in that film.

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That stuff has been on youtube for over a year now. There is an official youtube channel for Merantau check it out.

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That stuff has been on youtube for over a year now. There is an official youtube channel for Merantau check it out.

I'll wait and see what extras are on the DVD. It would be nice if all the promotional material available on the internet is on the DVD. I find it highly disappointing when DVDs don't have the disc full of extras when there's been tons made and released on the internet.

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Extra Features on the Merantau Warrior disc...

Over 60 minutes of exclusive extras:

Deleted Scenes

Behind the Scenes

Making of Feature

Theatrical Trailer

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That stuff has been on youtube for over a year now. There is an official youtube channel for Merantau check it out.

I know, I just need all the promo materials I can lay my hands on! In most places I'm telling people about the film for the first time, so those video blogs are really handy!

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It's a vanilla disc I'm afraid

That is hugely disappointing especially with so much material available. I'm going to have to decide whether to cancel my pre-order and maybe wait for the region 1.

Do you know why distributors chose to leave them off?

Does anyone know of any other English subtitles version

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I checked out a fair amount of this film. Like a lot of people have said, the fights have next to no impact or brutal force behind them. More like an incredible theater display. I'm definitely going to watch the whole thing though.

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That is hugely disappointing especially with so much material available. I'm going to have to decide whether to cancel my pre-order and maybe wait for the region 1.

Do you know why distributors chose to leave them off?

Does anyone know of any other English subtitles version

DVD extras info ammended:

Over 60 minutes of exclusive extras:

Deleted Scenes

Behind the Scenes

Making of Feature

Theatrical Trailer

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DVD extras info ammended:

Over 60 minutes of exclusive extras:

Deleted Scenes

Behind the Scenes

Making of Feature

Theatrical Trailer

That's good news cult labs!:bigsmile:

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I saw the trailer for this a while back and noticed that it looked like it was trying really, really, really hard to be Ong-Bak. (There have been tons of comparisons made between the two). I just hope it can shed those comparisons and turn this new silat guy into a superstar in his own right. There are too many one-hit wonders in this genre.

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" Like a lot of people have said, the fights have next to no impact or brutal force behind them."

So you're looking for movies to be full of brutal force?

While on the surface it looks like an OB type movie, I found the action to be done in more of Jack's style.

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As I was promoting Bodyguards and Assassins in another thread, I gave away a prize copy to one of the contributors at random.

I'll do the same here (UK only though sorry). So any thoughts on the movie, add them and, as long as you don't mind giving me a postal address, I'll mail out a DVD to one lucky member at the end of release week (the movies out 7th June).

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I've already got mine ordered from HMV on Monday, so it'd be pointless putting my name in the hat for that giveaway :wink:

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The setting of the film is similar to "Ong Bak" but otherwise, apart from a slight facial resemblance, it could just be one of any other number of martial arts films.. Iko Uwais does have skills though and does okay with the drama as far as a martial arts actor is concerned

Consider though that this is his first film, and, unlike Tony Jaa, I'm not even sure how much film work Iko has done before, if any even.. from what I heard he's starting working towards a new movie now, so in time we'll see what he is capable of.

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Hello BLfan!

If you want a free copy of the DVD, drop me a PM.

I've got a copy to give away so I picked you out from the people who've contributed to this thread. Completely random choice.

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Hello BLfan!

If you want a free copy of the DVD, drop me a PM.

I've got a copy to give away so I picked you out from the people who've contributed to this thread. Completely random choice.

Sent you a PM!!!

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