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Merantau (2009)


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I'm sure we can all agree when they release a DVD of any movie we should have both versions on it, and it should be up to us to decide which one you want to see. I know I hate to double-dip on movies. But again its just a matter of making more money off of us!

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Yi long, hey mate if you feel so strongly contact the distributor's personally. Okay they won't answer but at least you're getting your feelings known. Nobody important is going to read what you think on this forum.

I know how you feel I've contacted dragon dynasty and Cine Asia about the legend of Fong Sai Yuk 2 a few times... Got answers from Cine Asia but there's nothing on the horizon.:frown:

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Guest Yi-Long
Yi long, hey mate if you feel so strongly contact the distributor's personally. Okay they won't answer but at least you're getting your feelings known. Nobody important is going to read what you think on this forum.

I know how you feel I've contacted dragon dynasty and Cine Asia about the legend of Fong Sai Yuk 2 a few times... Got answers from Cine Asia but there's nothing on the horizon.:frown:

As I explained before, I've tried that in the past and it seems a bit useless.

When I comment on review-sites and fora and inform the community about what chopped up version they'd be buying, and informing them about the possible alternatives, I'm reaching a whole lot more people, who will hopefully vote with their wallet.

And like I said, in Holland you see people from the companies who release these cut movies reply in the comments at times, so yeah, then they DO take note.

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Guest Yi-Long
£1.99 @ Amazon UK :tongue:

That's stunningly cheap. Sadly, I still won't be buying it due to it being cut. Principles and such. Sadly.

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Guest Yi-Long
Your loss. You fight a war you will never win.:cry:

Maybe, but at least I won't be guilty of being part of the problem. I'm not responsible for any warcrimes.

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Guest Yi-Long
I may be part of your problem...not my problem...We don't live forever so enjoy while you can before your eyes go blind.:cry:

I agree life's too short, which is why we should fight these battles when we can and hope publishers will take note of our wishes and change their ways, giving us the movies the way we want them, instead of how they THINK we should want them.

Do I think 'we will win this war'!? Realistically? No. Cause you'll always have stupid people making these kind of stupid decisions, and you'll always have stupid or simply uninformed people picking up these butchered incomplete releases. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop trying. And it certainly doesn't mean I am going to waste any of my money on these releases, which would just 'feed' the problem even more.

I know I probably can never solve the problem, but I certainly don't want to be part of it either.

Also, I'm glad Gary was here in the discussion before and explained stuff and has expressed his intention to do better with the next release, so maybe in that small way it did help a bit. Although we will have to wait and see ofcourse.

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Guest Yi-Long
Man, I was hoping for you guys to tear into each other... I'm a bit sad, :(

Last time we did that, Dragon Sword got banned... :wink:

Not on my account btw. I'm not easily offended.

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He got banned before?? Damn, that's crazy!!!! I wouldn't want to see him get banned again, he's one of my favorite posters, his post in the Spike Lee thread is golden....

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Guest Yi-Long
He got banned before?? Damn, that's crazy!!!! I wouldn't want to see him get banned again, he's one of my favorite posters, his post in the Spike Lee thread is golden....

I believe it was Dragon Sword. I don't really keep track of all the people who openly threaten to cut my throat though, so I could be mistaking him for someone else...:xd:

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I believe it was Dragon Sword. I don't really keep track of all the people who openly threaten to cut my throat though, so I could be mistaking him for someone else...:xd:


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Guest Yi-Long
Yes ...yes you are Yi...You just don't like loosing.:cry:

Oh, I hate losing. The last time I lost it was many years ago, and it was awful.

I believe it was when I lost my virginity to your mother...

I still have nightmares.....


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Maybe, but at least I won't be guilty of being part of the problem. I'm not responsible for any warcrimes.

Part of the problem being that you show the distributors that there's an audience and a market to make money from? The same reason why films like this get released to make money. And without that money distributors and film-makers won't see the profitability of making these films let alone releasing them. I know you have your principles and apart from cutting your nose to spite your face. Your protest does nothing to benefit yourself or other martial-arts fans. apart from save yourself money.

I also think it's a crazy position that you would only a own a longer version of the film, even if you preferred the shorter "international cut" of a particular movie. Actually you've just reminded me of something you posted recently. Do you own ashes of time? Because under your principles you can only have been Redux version! I bet you bent your principles and own and watch the shorter theatrical version!

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Guest Yi-Long
Part of the problem being that you show the distributors that there's an audience and a market to make money from? The same reason why films like this get released to make money. And without that money distributors and film-makers won't see the profitability of making these films let alone releasing them. I know you have your principles and apart from cutting your nose to spite your face. Your protest does nothing to benefit yourself or other martial-arts fans. apart from save yourself money.

I also think it's a crazy position that you would only a own a longer version of the film, even if you preferred the shorter "international cut" of a particular movie. Actually you've just reminded me of something you posted recently. Do you own ashes of time? Because under your principles you can only have been Redux version! I bet you bent your principles and own and watch the shorter theatrical version!

I have Ashes of Time on VHS, not on DVD. The VHS version is the uncut version.

I'm not going near the Redux.

And as I mentioned before in this discussion: I'm not going to spend money on cut releases.

I also hope that publishers and moviemakers start realising that a part of their potential audience just isn't interested in buying an incomplete movie. I'm sure SOME of them browse forums and check out a bit of what the market is saying about their releases. If they see sad people like me bitching about these movies being cut and advising people to stay away from buying these incomplete releases, I hope that they keep that in mind the next time they decide to bring out an asian movie here and are considering butchering it...

Like I said, I don't expect to win 'the war', but that doesn't mean I can't stick to my principles and fight it anyway, in any way I can. That's what principles are sometimes about: fighting windmills.

Gary mentioned he'll try and make sure that his next movie will get the same release here in the west as it gets in Indonesia. That would be 1 little difference that hopefully has been accomplished. We might not win the war, but perhaps we can achieve to win a few small battles here or there...

...and buying an incomplete movie just fuels the problem, cause your money will justify their butchering.

If you want to see the (cut) movie, then just borrow it from a friend, or download it, or watch it on TV, or whatever. Just don't support it with your money, and spend that on those releases that ARE uncut. Once publishers see that uncut movies are selling better than butchered ones, they might get the hint.

But again, I'm just speaking for myself here. Everyone else can do what they want. Just don't complain about western publishers continuing to release fucked up incomplete movies when you are going to buy those releases anyway.

edit: I remember Miramax or Sony or whatever approached City on Fire and a bunch of other asian sites to advertise for their cut version of Shaolin Soccer. Instead, we put up a free advertising banner for the HK DVD of Shaolin Soccer, to advise visitors to the site to go for that version instead. A bunch of other asian sites followed our example (except Kung Fu Cult Cinema, who took the money and free poster or something).

Ah, those were good days.

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I have Ashes of Time on VHS, not on DVD. The VHS version is the uncut version.

I'm not going near the Redux.

And as I mentioned before in this discussion: I'm not going to spend money on cut releases.

I also hope that publishers and moviemakers start realising that a part of their potential audience just isn't interested in buying an incomplete movie. I'm sure SOME of them browse forums and check out a bit of what the market is saying about their releases. If they see sad people like me bitching about these movies being cut and advising people to stay away from buying these incomplete releases, I hope that they keep that in mind the next time they decide to bring out an asian movie here and are considering butchering it...

Like I said, I don't expect to win 'the war', but that doesn't mean I can't stick to my principles and fight it anyway, in any way I can. That's what principles are sometimes about: fighting windmills.

Gary mentioned he'll try and make sure that his next movie will get the same release here in the west as it gets in Indonesia. That would be 1 little difference that hopefully has been accomplished. We might not win the war, but perhaps we can achieve to win a few small battles here or there...

...and buying an incomplete movie just fuels the problem, cause your money will justify their butchering.

If you want to see the (cut) movie, then just borrow it from a friend, or download it, or watch it on TV, or whatever. Just don't support it with your money, and spend that on those releases that ARE uncut. Once publishers see that uncut movies are selling better than butchered ones, they might get the hint.

But again, I'm just speaking for myself here. Everyone else can do what they want. Just don't complain about western publishers continuing to release fucked up incomplete movies when you are going to buy those releases anyway.

edit: I remember Miramax or Sony or whatever approached City on Fire and a bunch of other asian sites to advertise for their cut version of Shaolin Soccer. Instead, we put up a free advertising banner for the HK DVD of Shaolin Soccer, to advise visitors to the site to go for that version instead. A bunch of other asian sites followed our example (except Kung Fu Cult Cinema, who took the money and free poster or something).

Ah, those were good days.

I understand where you're coming from I just don't think it's going to help. It might be better if you can form a more organised campaign with lots of people complaining together, rather than in dribs and drabs. Show them that there's numbers and do so in a polite manner.

To be honest unless you're talking about substantial cuts to a movie or a release like the dragon dynasty Jet Li's The Enforcer without original language soundtrack, I'm just happy to get to watch a decent version of particular film on DVD. I don't really have any friends that would be likely to buy any martial-arts film to borrow from , downloading hasn't exactly gone well for my computer in the past, youtube or other full movie flash players will only sometimes be any good (the picture quality is usually so poor it puts me off watching it), and the likelihood of seeing any martial-arts films on standard British TV is extremely unlikely out side of a few recent Donnie Yen films, a bunch of dubbed Jet Li films, new English-speaking Jackie Chan films and a relentless tirade of Steven Seagal and Van Damme rubbish.

I have very little cash for movie purchases these days but any time I get a chance, I'm not going to deny myself the chance to see something like Merantau which in its current version is a very good film. Do I wish that the fight sequence that was cut out was in asserted? Yes. But when everything has been inserted that was removed from the Indonesian release, do I think it will be a better movie? I don't honestly think it will. The pacing is currently very good and the extra dramatic scenes might takeaway more than they actually add to the movie.

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Guest Yi-Long
I understand where you're coming from I just don't think it's going to help. It might be better if you can form a more organised campaign with lots of people complaining together, rather than in dribs and drabs. Show them that there's numbers and do so in a polite manner.

To be honest unless you're talking about substantial cuts to a movie or a release like the dragon dynasty Jet Li's The Enforcer without original language soundtrack, I'm just happy to get to watch a decent version of particular film on DVD. I don't really have any friends that would be likely to buy any martial-arts film to borrow from , downloading hasn't exactly gone well for my computer in the past, youtube or other full movie flash players will only sometimes be any good (the picture quality is usually so poor it puts me off watching it), and the likelihood of seeing any martial-arts films on standard British TV is extremely unlikely out side of a few recent Donnie Yen films, a bunch of dubbed Jet Li films, new English-speaking Jackie Chan films and a relentless tirade of Steven Seagal and Van Damme rubbish.

I have very little cash for movie purchases these days but any time I get a chance, I'm not going to deny myself the chance to see something like Merantau which in its current version is a very good film. Do I wish that the fight sequence that was cut out was in asserted? Yes. But when everything has been inserted that was removed from the Indonesian release, do I think it will be a better movie? I don't honestly think it will. The pacing is currently very good and the extra dramatic scenes might takeaway more than they actually add to the movie.

I can also understand where you are coming from, so if it's not a big issue to you, then obviously you should just buy it and enjoy it.

However, for me, thus strictly personal, I KNOW that stuff like missing scenes and such will just bother me alot while watching. I even have it when a movie is on TV and they've snipped a few scenes here or there for time-constraint or whatever. I just hate it. It also takes me out of the movie and it just stirs in my brain. I can't help it.

I'm not sure an 'organised' effort would really make a big difference. We could try it through EU regulation to force publishers to state which cut exactly they're selling. So when I come across an asian movie in the store, it should be made clear if it's uncut, or an 'international' version, or whatever. That way, many ignorent customers see it and will thus decide their decision on that knowledge that it's cut or not. Instead of just buying it and assuming it's the complete movie.

Other than that, like I said, whenever a review pops up for an asian movie, I check if it's uncut or not, and when I can I will warn others of a release in the comment-section below the review. I'm sure that will reach some interested buyers.

It will probably be a little while before my army of war-mongering pet-hamsters are ready to conquer this world and make me the ultimate worldleader, who will demolish scum like the Weinsteins and such butchering bastards, so for now, it's all I can do.

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That was my mom's sisters friend and she told me she never had to use a magnifying glass and a straw just to get someone's junk out.

DS is that what you meant to say?:ooh:

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Reel Power Stunts

Guys, please play nicely. You can insult each other through PMs if you must. Can we keep these forums friendly?

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sifu iron perm

We (family) watched this film and enjoyed it, so much potential from indonesia..so where is the director's cut of this film?

Let me know...

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sifu iron perm
I don't recall if there is a date yet but director Gareth Evans did post on either the "raid" or "Merantau" thread saying it's definitely coming.

thanks for the info bro.

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I believe he said there would be a new indonesian release (uncut) which will be region-free and will have english subs. So slightly different than a director's cut being released here in the west, but at least it's something I guess.

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