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Merantau (2009)


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If someone releases Goodfellas with 20 minutes cut, or Groundhog Day with 10 minutes cut... it should still be possible to 'enjoy' it. Doesn't mean I'm going to support a cut version.

1. so what you're saying is even if you enjoy the international cut and an extended version is not released with English subtitles you will not support the film and buy the International version of Merantau?

2. What if you buy the extended version with subtitles if it gets released on DVD in Indonesia, watch it and think the international version is better. Do you then buy the International version?

You're the one who's saying I've been rude to Ghevans, where I've only been asking some questions. Some critical questions maybe, which he might not like to hear, but is still about a serious issue. I've been pretty damn polite as well.

So you show me exactly where I was impolite towards Ghevans. Quote the relevant sentences which I'm sure won't be hard for you, since you are so insistent that I've been rude.

Just show me the quotes.

There's nothing wrong with asking questions , it's the way you asked them and talk to people. As I said before I mean no offence to you but if you can't see from reading back your own posts then you need some lessons in civility. I wasn't the only one who thinks you were rude.

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Guest Yi-Long
Yi Long While you might be sharing your opinion with people here, friends, family and others. You're sharing an opinion without any real information.

1. You've never seen the international cut. which in the end you may prefer.

Doesn't matter. It's the principle that counts, and that says I'm not buying an incomplete movie.

I might prefer to look at the Mona Lisa if someone painted over it with Shakira's face plus some sexy naked boobs, and maybe everyone else would think it's an improvement as well. Doesn't mean they should be doing that or that I'd condone it...

2. You've never seen the director's cut as released in Indonesia, so don't know it's superior. Its speculation on your part.

I agree it's speculation, but it's based on hundreds, if not more, examples of other asian movies which have been 'cut up' and 'butchered' for a 'western audience', and the fact that hardly any of those movies is 1 bit better in their cut form, and most people seem to prefer the original versions of those movies.

If the reception to the indonesian cut was generaly very positive.... why the need to cut it up anyway? I know Ghevans explained, and like I said, I can partly understand their motivations and fears... but that certainly doesn't mean I agree with it.

3. The director said that the international cut was better responded to by test audience's than the longer cut.

Actually, I believe he said there were SOME detractors of the indonesian cut who complained about the slow build up, while others embraced the movie very positively.

On the other hand, you've already heard here on this forum that some people 'complained' about 1 fight being cut out, plus some other build-up stuff... also from people who watched that indonesian cut or the deleted scenes, and thus were slightly disappointed with the new cut.

4. While many people here would like to see the longer cut or at least the international cut with the additional fight sequence. Few if any feel like they have been ripped off having purchased the DVD/Blu ray/rented Merantau.

Maybe. maybe not. But the people here are informed and thus know which cut they're buying. Most people aren't informed, and once they find out they've paid money for an incomplete release, many of them DO kinda feel ripped off. Wasn't it Daisho who said so about his Good, Bad and Crazy purchase!?

5. While you're expressing your opinion trying to dissuade people from spending money buying Merantau are you giving them both sides of the story, that many martial-arts fans from this forum and many others think Merantau is a very good martial-arts movie... And some even considerate to be one of the best of the year or even last few years?

Ow, like I've said before, I'm sure it's a great martial arts flick, and everything I've seen about it, is great. However, if the subject of the western release comes up, I won't just tell people it's supposedly a great movie, but also that it's been cut quite a bit, and they might want to wait till a better release comes around, or it drops in price, or they can first borrow it from a friend, or whatever...

The fact that it is a great movie is all the more reason it should never have been cut in the first place btw.

6. While you're doing your damnedest to persuade people not to buy are you telling them that there in all likelihood won't be an alternative Western release to see the longer cut. And most probably denying themselves the opportunity to see a top martial-arts film just because you can't see the version you want to see.

I'm just informing them that they'd be buying a cut version. Some people care about that stuff, and others don't. That's their decision and they're perfectly capable of making up their own mind about buying it or not.

I'm looking at this from this viewpoint: As a customer, I'd want to be informed about what cut I'd be purchasing. And according to most people on most fora, it seems there are many people who feel the same way. Just look at the discussion about a couple of frames being cut from The Dark Knight. People don't like it. The remember certain stuff from the cinema and when it's not on the final disc, they feel cheated. So people are informing eachother about that, so everyone can make an informed decision for themselves.

7. Given how few truly good martial-arts films that are released each year and how much effort you've gone on to bemoan seeing a butchered version of the film (as you describe it). You're quite happy to watch it even more butchered on television cut up with advert breaks.

Maybe, but at least I won't be paying for an incomplete movie and thus supporting such practices.

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Guest Yi-Long
1. so what you're saying is even if you enjoy the international cut and an extended version is not released with English subtitles you will not support the film and buy the International version of Merantau?

That's exactly what I'm saying (glad you caught on btw...).

2. What if you buy the extended version with subtitles if it gets released on DVD in Indonesia, watch it and think the international version is better. Do you then buy the International version?

Nope. I'd stick with the complete original version. That's the way the movie was intended originally.

There's nothing wrong with asking questions , it's the way you asked them and talk to people. As I said before I mean no offence to you but if you can't see from reading back your own posts then you need some lessons in civility. I wasn't the only one who thinks you were rude.

You said I was being rude to Ghevans.

I haven't.

I've been 'rude' to some other people here, although generally as a response to rudeness and blatant dumbness from them frst, which makes me have to repeat myself much too often.

And btw, I'm not repeating myself because I like to repeat myself. I repeat myself because some of you guys can't manage comprehensive reading, and I'm kind enough to go through all the extra effort as to slowly explain it to you again. And again. And again.

I've been talking to Ghevans in exactly the same manner as I do to pretty anyone else around here on this forum. Not sure why that's suddenly considered 'rude', but personally I'd be much more of an ass if I'd suddenly change my complete personality just to suck up to 1 guy who made a great movie.

I've asked Ghevans the questions I as a fan and boardmember and potential consumer am interested in knowing the answers to. Plus I've expressed my personal opinion on the matter of 'international cuts', which I've always done in the same fashion.

Which WE have always done.

Which brings me to pretty much the whole issue of this 'rude' discussion. You're a bunch of fucking hypocrites.

For many MANY MANYYYYYYYYYY years now, we're ALL been complaining about the piss-poor treatment of asian cinema by western distibutors. Everytime another movie got cut to bits for 'the western audience', we're ALL been upset and we all felt those responsible shoudn't be in this business, that we shouldn't be supporting this shit, that we should inform those about the cuts and different versions available. Etc etc.

Basically, we pretty much all agreed about what we want, what we don't want, and how we all feel about it and how we should/could 'fight' it.

Am I wrong?

So, when the director of a great asian movie drops by, and we are never going to be given the opportunity to watch it in the original cut because some western distributors feel character building and such 'is just not our thing', I could do two things.

1: I could ask the questions I'm interested in knowing the anwers to, and Mr. Evans has been kind enough to share his views on the matter and answer my questions.

2: I could suddenly pretend it's all not a big deal, suck up to Mr. Evans, tell him I love the movie, tell him it's perfectly fine that we're being denied the complete movie, and attack everyone who dares to ask some questions about it, just so he knows I've got his back!

I went for option 1. It's clear as to which option some of you guys chose...

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Maybe. maybe not. But the people here are informed and thus know which cut they're buying. Most people aren't informed, and once they find out they've paid money for an incomplete release, many of them DO kinda feel ripped off. Wasn't it Daisho who said so about his Good, Bad and Crazy purchase!?

Yes it was me who complained about The Good, The Bad ,& The Weird being cut up! And I'm still pissed off at that! That is why I see your point and I don't disagree with you Yi-Long I only disagree with you on not seeing the movie at all even if it is cut up. Listen nobody wants to see scenes cut out, but is that going to stop most everyone on here from seeing this movie whether they get it from overseas or not. Almost all my Asian movies are from overseas, yes I hate to double dip on the same movie, but if I really want to see a movie I'm not going to wait for almost a year or longer for it, to be hopefully be released in the US but when it gets a legit release with hopefully better quality, I'll buy it once it comes to the US. I had OngBak 6 months b4 anyone in the states even knew anything about this movie, and I turned a lot of my friends onto Tony Jaa, they were amazed at him as I was also. Listen I respect how you feel, I like to rant and rave also, that is why you got to love this forum we get to hear everyone's point of view. I guess some people think you get a little carried away, but hey I'm doing the same with my movie also, I want the legit uncut release and more so because I bought the damn thing on BR and I agree it should have both versions on it, let us decide which version is better. People who watched it feel cheated on the end and they have a right to. With Merantau when you see the deleted scene I do wish it was left in the movie and Mr. Evans even stated that he loved that scene as well, because it did tie into the film. But he explained why he left it out, to bad though it was a great scene.

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Yeah we get Yi-long's point he doesn't need to repeat himself a thousand more times. I wouldn't hold my breath for some unedited cut, in the meantime I'd rather make use of my time instead of waste it waiting around for uncut versions. Yi-Long claims to be a fan of these movies but he doesn't want to bother with a theatrical cut so he must not be very interested in these movies to begin with.

I agree with all of what you said Dragon sword completely especially the highlighted part. Given how few quality martial-arts films are released each year I really couldn't wait to see the film and wasn't disappointed in the slightest. The thing is lots of these films not just martial-arts films go on the festival circuit and get edited. Sometimes it's just part of the film-making process. I just find it funny he would rather watch it on television cut up with advertising than even pay to watch it as a rental! I have very little money to spend on DVDs any more but if I was passionate enough to want to buy the longer cut, I would sure as hell want to see the shorter cut at my earliest opportunity, and renting it. Anyway I'm not gonna argue with him any longer, what can you say to someone that would actually continue to watch the longer version of the film even if he preferred the international version. that's beyond stubborn. I'd watch whichever version was the most enjoyable!

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Guest Yi-Long
I agree with all of what you said Dragon sword completely especially the highlighted part. Given how few quality martial-arts films are released each year I really couldn't wait to see the film and wasn't disappointed in the slightest. The thing is lots of these films not just martial-arts films go on the festival circuit and get edited. Sometimes it's just part of the film-making process. I just find it funny he would rather watch it on television cut up with advertising than even pay to watch it as a rental! I have very little money to spend on DVDs any more but if I was passionate enough to want to buy the longer cut, I would sure as hell want to see the shorter cut at my earliest opportunity, and renting it. Anyway I'm not gonna argue with him any longer, what can you say to someone that would actually continue to watch the longer version of the film even if he preferred the international version. that's beyond stubborn. I'd watch whichever version was the most enjoyable!

Once again, your lack of comprehensive reading is stunning.

First of all, I said I would stick with the international version. I wouldn't buy the cut version. That's because it's about the principle, which I've explained time and time and time again. I wouldn't financially support a cut movie, or a censored game, or whatever else I disagree with.

I'm sure if I love the 'international' cut, I'd like the longer cut as well. Maybe slightly less than the 'international cut' (although given the piss-poor trackrecord for butchered asian movies actually being better than the original version, I'd doubt it...).

Second of all, I said I could always check it out when it was ever shown on TV, or if I could borrow it from a friend who has it.

You are stating I prefer to watch my movies cut up and interrupted by commercials.

Here's a shocker for you, but not all TV-stations interrupt movies for commercials. If the BBC buys it so they can show it on BBC3 or BBC4, I will get to watch it without commercials. If the Dutch public network buys it: no commercials. If the Belgian public networks buys the rights: no commercials.

If I borrow it from a friend: No commercials.

If it gets shown on one of commercial networks here in Holland, it would have commercials, but TBH I don't really mind them anyways.

I certainly don't mind it enough that I would buy an incomplete movie and support the publisher for denying me the original version.

BTW, I like how you get upset about commercials during a movie, yet you're perfectly fine with 20+ minutes getting cut out ...(!)

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Guest Yi-Long
Yeah we get Yi-long's point he doesn't need to repeat himself a thousand more times. I wouldn't hold my breath for some unedited cut, in the meantime I'd rather make use of my time instead of waste it waiting around for uncut versions. Yi-Long claims to be a fan of these movies but he doesn't want to bother with a theatrical cut so he must not be very interested in these movies to begin with.

I am a fan, although certainly not as knowledgable nor dedicated as many others here are, but I also have some principles.

One of them being that the treatment of asian cinema and it's fans has been absolutely awful forever, and I certainly am not going to reward that shit by giving those responsible any of my money.

Do I want to see this movie? Ofcourse! Everything I've seen and read about it, is extremely positive. Am I going to step over my own principles so I can watch it in an incomplete form? No I'm not. Others will. That's fine.

Just don't pretend you're 'supporting' the industry, and next time we get fucked over again with a cut release of a great movie, don't bother complaining here over it, cause you're part of the problem.

So yeah, I very much want to see this movie, and it certainly would have been nice if Ghevans and the publishers would have made sure that I would have gotten that chance by just releasing the movie here in it's original form.

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Wow, this thread is gettin serious like Monkey Fist vs Eagle's Claw serious, LOL... For the past week or so, I have enjoyed Yi-Long and DragonSword's witty banter at one another.. Will this thread go for 30 more pages, let's hope so, LOL...

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Once again, your lack of comprehensive reading is stunning.

First of all, I said I would stick with the international version. I wouldn't buy the cut version. That's because it's about the principle, which I've explained time and time and time again. I wouldn't financially support a cut movie, or a censored game, or whatever else I disagree with.

I'm sure if I love the 'international' cut, I'd like the longer cut as well. Maybe slightly less than the 'international cut' (although given the piss-poor trackrecord for butchered asian movies actually being better than the original version, I'd doubt it...).

Second of all, I said I could always check it out when it was ever shown on TV, or if I could borrow it from a friend who has it.

You are stating I prefer to watch my movies cut up and interrupted by commercials.

Here's a shocker for you, but not all TV-stations interrupt movies for commercials. If the BBC buys it so they can show it on BBC3 or BBC4, I will get to watch it without commercials. If the Dutch public network buys it: no commercials. If the Belgian public networks buys the rights: no commercials.

If I borrow it from a friend: No commercials.

If it gets shown on one of commercial networks here in Holland, it would have commercials, but TBH I don't really mind them anyways.

I certainly don't mind it enough that I would buy an incomplete movie and support the publisher for denying me the original version.

BTW, I like how you get upset about commercials during a movie, yet you're perfectly fine with 20+ minutes getting cut out ...(!)

I absolutely hate commercials as they certainly are more offensive to ruining the films flow than watching the film edited by its director to minimise its editing.

Maybe you're lucky enough to watch the film in Holland/Belgium with no commercials. It still says nothing about your love for martial-arts Cinema that you would happily wait rather than paying for a rental fee.I have little money but would certainly not wait for free TV to show it. I would certainly call it bullshit for you to say it will appear on BBC 3/BBC 4 because the odds are between slim and none in Merantau being shown on those channels. It's far more likely that that the 4 hour Japanese film that you mentioned earlier in the thread would appear on BBC 4 than Merantau one either BBC channels.

Anyway as you have said you would happily watch it with commercials rather than watching the international cut without. I think you have lost any ground whatsoever.

Whatever you say the fact is that people who were buying DVDs are supported and whatever you say you are not supporting the industry.

Just out of curiosity...

Are you at least sending e-mails complaining to the various distributors in Holland/US/UK about Merantau ?

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Guest Yi-Long
I absolutely hate commercials as they certainly are more offensive to ruining the films flow than watching the film edited by its director to minimise its editing.

Maybe you're lucky enough to watch the film in Holland/Belgium with no commercials. It still says nothing about your love for martial-arts Cinema that you would happily wait rather than paying for a rental fee.I have little money but would certainly not wait for free TV to show it. I would certainly call it bullshit for you to say it will appear on BBC 3/BBC 4 because the odds are between slim and none in Merantau being shown on those channels. It's far more likely that that the 4 hour Japanese film that you mentioned earlier in the thread would appear on BBC 4 than Merantau one either BBC channels.

Anyway as you have said you would happily watch it with commercials rather than watching the international cut without. I think you have lost any ground whatsoever.

Considering I told you it's about the principle of not supporting a butchered release, I don't think I have. I rather watch it with commercials and have a clear conscience, instead of paying any money for it just to satisfy my personal graving for some martial arts action.

Also, if I want to see an incomplete action movie, I might as well go onto youtube and watch the fight-scenes there. I'm sure I'd 'enjoy' that as well.

Whatever you say the fact is that people who were buying DVDs are supported and whatever you say you are not supporting the industry.

I'm still buying movies (and games) that ARE getting a proper uncut release. That's how I send a message to the industry that there IS a market for these asian movies in their original form.

Just out of curiosity...

Are you at least sending e-mails complaining to the various distributors in Holland/US/UK about Merantau ?

Years ago with the whole Shaolin Soccer thing and all the other bullshit with dubbed cut up asian movies, I think I tried a couple of times to write them. I don't believe they ever bothered with a reply, or at least not any memorable ones.

In Holland, I just go on the most visited fora and inform everyone there which version they'd be buying, plus when those responsible show up in the comment-section or thread, I'll ask them questions about it.

Let's say Dutch Filmworks is releasing an asian movie. Ofcourse, it's the cut western cut. You'll see a comment from me underneath the review stating it's the cut inferiour release (it usually is inferiour btw), and telling the people where they can import the uncut version.

When there's a release-announcement, I'll be asking in the comments which cut we'll be getting, and if it's the cut version, I'll ask why that is. For example Hero. It's being released on BR so I'd ask why we (once again) aren't getting the director's cut.

So yeah, instead of writing a letter to a distributor, where I don't get an answer, I rather just inform people about what they'd be buying and what their options are if there are uncut releases available elsewhere.

Distributors just delete my e-mail. They don't care. But when my comments are underneath an article or a review that gets read by thousands of people who are interested in the movie, then maybe they'll notice. Also because usually people don't attack me over it, but agree that they don't want a butchered, incomplete, inferior version.

Please end the personal insults.

Can we still make death treats? It makes me feel manly.

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@Yi-Long, You and I need to go to a Coffee Shop, smoke up a bowl and eat some space brownies.... Is that tempting enough??

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Wow, I can't believe I register only to answer this.

Actually, I believe he said there were SOME detractors of the indonesian cut who complained about the slow build up, while others embraced the movie very positively.

On the other hand, you've already heard here on this forum that some people 'complained' about 1 fight being cut out, plus some other build-up stuff... also from people who watched that indonesian cut or the deleted scenes, and thus were slightly disappointed with the new cut.

Yi Long, you misunderstood GHEvans word. Those people who embraced the Indonesian version and the people who suggest Evans to cut the movie for international are mostly the same people, not two different-mutually-exclusive group. Believe me. I'm Indonesian and I saw the same response from different Indonesian forum. Only few people love the detail and that because the came from West Sumatra. They want to see their hometown longer and their language spoken (most of the deleted scenes used 'Minang Language' compared to 'Indonesian Language')

I've seen both cuts and discuss with friend who also see both version and we prefer the International cut. Only one scene we regret for being cut from International version.

I've listed the scenes being cut in imdb : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1368116/board/nest/159142076?d=159567803&p=1#159567803

Unless you were so interested to Indonesian culture, you probably don't care about those deleted scenes at all (except that job interview scene).

If you really want to see the indonesian cut so bad, you can

1. go to Indonesia and find the DVD, or

2. ask Indonesian friend to go to their home town and buy the DVD for you.

I warn you, however, that Indonesian version DVD:

1. is Region 3 if I'm not mistaken, and

2. has no english subtitle. Only Indonesian subtitle on the track.

Most of the illegal copies available on the net came from International version before Indonesian release date.

Personally, I prefer Merantau DVD to be like Ong Bak DVD when it released by Madman Entertainment a few years ago. It has two-disc, one is international, the other one is Thailand full version.

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Wow, I can't believe I register only to answer this.

Kunderemp, thanks for sharing that info with us! I'd guess that he'll appreciate the info, but doubt that your answer will please Yi Long though. He's made it clear that he would like to be the judge himself on whether it's better cut or not.

Anyway, welcome to the forum, and hope you stick around now that you're here. :bigsmile:

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Guest Yi-Long
@Yi-Long, You and I need to go to a Coffee Shop, smoke up a bowl and eat some space brownies.... Is that tempting enough??

The chances of that ever happening are pretty damn slim, Jim... :wink:

Ok, Yi-Long, Have you ever seen Eastern Condors?

Yes I have. Decent movie. Slightly cut? Yeah. Did I know when I bought it? Don't believe I did. Would I have preferred the longer cut? Kinda depends on what the original version was. Kinda the same discussion as we've had about Fist of Legend and the longer cut I know and loved, but which still isn't available, and many here seem to be unclear about which version is actually the original/best release.

Wow, I can't believe I register only to answer this.

Yi Long, you misunderstood GHEvans word. Those people who embraced the Indonesian version and the people who suggest Evans to cut the movie for international are mostly the same people, not two different-mutually-exclusive group. Believe me. I'm Indonesian and I saw the same response from different Indonesian forum. Only few people love the detail and that because the came from West Sumatra. They want to see their hometown longer and their language spoken (most of the deleted scenes used 'Minang Language' compared to 'Indonesian Language')

I've seen both cuts and discuss with friend who also see both version and we prefer the International cut. Only one scene we regret for being cut from International version.

I've listed the scenes being cut in imdb : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1368116/board/nest/159142076?d=159567803&p=1#159567803

Unless you were so interested to Indonesian culture, you probably don't care about those deleted scenes at all (except that job interview scene).

If you really want to see the indonesian cut so bad, you can

1. go to Indonesia and find the DVD, or

2. ask Indonesian friend to go to their home town and buy the DVD for you.

I warn you, however, that Indonesian version DVD:

1. is Region 3 if I'm not mistaken, and

2. has no english subtitle. Only Indonesian subtitle on the track.

Most of the illegal copies available on the net came from International version before Indonesian release date.

Personally, I prefer Merantau DVD to be like Ong Bak DVD when it released by Madman Entertainment a few years ago. It has two-disc, one is international, the other one is Thailand full version.

Welcome to the boards, Kunderemp.

I understand your opinion, however, like Bob already mentioned, I dislike the fact that that decision is being forced upon me.

I'll give an example.

Was Titanic received positively? Yeah... hundreds of millions of people around the world LOVED it. Among those hundreds of millions, were there also detractors? Ofcourse. Some felt the build-up was too long, too slow.

... now... does that mean the publisher should only release a cut/shortened version Titanic on DVD/BR? 90-100 minutes, instead of 3 hours? Would everyone prefer that?

Personally, and I might be nuts, I kinda doubt it.

Listen, you are always going to have 'detractors', even when they are in the group that loved the movie.

A movie is seldom perfect. My favourite movie is Days of Being Wild. Many detractors have asked:" what the hell is Tony Leung doing in the final scene? It makes no sense". Now... would I miss anything vital if they'd cut that scene from the international version? Probably not. Would I enjoy the movie less? Probably not. Would I be okay with them denying me that scene when it's part of the movie? Hell NO! It's part of the movie.

As you also mentioned, the best option would be to just release both cuts. If this truly is one of the best martial arts movies of the decade, as many are claiming, there WILL be a market for the longer cut (although I think at this point it needs more and better word of mouth, and I won't be the one spreading it when it's only the cut version...).

There's a crazy long list of fantastic asian movies that we in the west still haven't been able to enjoy in the original uncut version. When history repeats itself over and over again, and the director who's partly responsible/involved with the latest case of giving us an 'international cut', I AM going to ask questions about it. :angel:

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In my opinion, the International version was better because it was shorter and had less talk on it but it lost the 'job interview' scene where Eric exhibited his capabilities of defeating someone in short time.

The scenes being cut were 1) Yuda's life in Sumatra where he had crush on a girl and being ridiculed by his brother for being not serious on working in the farm; 2) ceremony or ritual from his village celebrating Yuda's would be Merantau journey; 3) Yuda's attempt to teach Adit (the kid) the philosophy of Silat; 4) the job interview scene, in which on this scene, Eric invited Yuda to recruitment center when he found Yuda hadn't found any job yet.

kunderemp: Great post with the link you provided, and I think the only scene I really missed being cut out was the Job interview, as I have stated that is a great scene and Mr. Evans even stated he didn't want to have that scene cutout either.

BTW: Welcome to the Forum.

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Yes I have. Decent movie. Slightly cut? Yeah. Did I know when I bought it? Don't believe I did. Would I have preferred the longer cut? Kinda depends on what the original version was. Kinda the same discussion as we've had about Fist of Legend and the longer cut I know and loved, but which still isn't available, and many here seem to be unclear about which version is actually the original/best release.

I wouldn't call it slightly cut.

The reason why i bring this out is the situation is real close to Merantau. Sammo made his movie and then GH executives thought it's too long so it was a cut. As a result the whole world saw this butchered version. What was cut is pretty same like in this case. Mostly character development stuff. Now 25 years passed since Eastern Condors was made and no word on director's cut. What i am afraid you might lose quarter of a century looking for the right version and not see it in your life. Most of us would like to see the director's cut of some movies but it doesn't mean we have to pass the chance watching the standard version.

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Guest Yi-Long
I wouldn't call it slightly cut.

The reason why i bring this out is the situation is real close to Merantau. Sammo made his movie and then GH executives thought it's too long so it was a cut. As a result the whole world saw this butchered version. What was cut is pretty same like in this case. Mostly character development stuff. Now 25 years passed since Eastern Condors was made and no word on director's cut. What i am afraid you might lose quarter of a century looking for the right version and not see it in your life. Most of us would like to see the director's cut of some movies but it doesn't mean we have to pass the chance watching the standard version.

Not really the same. Merentau has already been released for the indonesian audience uncut. They will also get the DVD UNCUT.

The distributors are making the decision to butcher it for the 'international audience', unlike Eastern Condors, which was butchered for everyone, including the HK audience.

Obviously, I disagree with both cases.

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I wouldn't call it slightly cut.

The reason why i bring this out is the situation is real close to Merantau. Sammo made his movie and then GH executives thought it's too long so it was a cut. As a result the whole world saw this butchered version. What was cut is pretty same like in this case. Mostly character development stuff. Now 25 years passed since Eastern Condors was made and no word on director's cut. What i am afraid you might lose quarter of a century looking for the right version and not see it in your life. Most of us would like to see the director's cut of some movies but it doesn't mean we have to pass the chance watching the standard version.

Ah yes. This is something I still long to see. On the original Hong Kong DVD I bought they have a long trailer that shows many scenes that were not in the film. :squigglemouth: I guess I'll always be on the lookout for this film uncut. But knowing how things were commonly handled in HK, that footage was probably snipped and thrown away. :sad:

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Guest Yi-Long
A small percentage, there's still hope, YES!!!!!!:bigsmile:

The chance of me going over to Dragon Sword's trailerpark and calling him 'a problem' to his face, is considerably larger... :xd:

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Not really the same. Merentau has already been released for the indonesian audience uncut. They will also get the DVD UNCUT.

The distributors are making the decision to butcher it for the 'international audience', unlike Eastern Condors, which was butchered for everyone, including the HK audience.

Obviously, I disagree with both cases.

If i am not wrong that version was released in Taiwan. Besides, Golden Harvest was the distributor for that film. The test audience thought that version was too long and boring.

They made the decision not Sammo. I am sure he wouldn't shoot that long scene if he didn't intended to release as the standard edition. The same thing happened with Merantau. You may disagree if you wish but i think it's like that, nothing complicated.

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Guest Yi-Long
If i am not wrong that version was released in Taiwan. Besides, Golden Harvest was the distributor for that film. The test audience thought that version was too long and boring.

They made the decision not Sammo. I am sure he wouldn't shoot that long scene if he didn't intended to release as the standard edition. The same thing happened with Merantau. You may disagree if you wish but i think it's like that, nothing complicated.

All the more reason that right now we need to voice up and hopefully make sure that that kinda crap won't be happening with this movie, with future generations also never being given the chance to watch the uncut original version.

But like I said, the indonesian audience at least still has the uncut version.

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