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Is there a petition we can sign to force Ridley Scott to only make Alien movies?

It was incredible. Worth seeing in 3D, IMAX 3D if possible.

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Is there a petition we can sign to force Ridley Scott to only make Alien movies?

It was incredible. Worth seeing in 3D, IMAX 3D if possible.

Yes it was! Not disappointed in anyway. I was totally immersed in the questions it raised and what was answered and not answered. Here's hoping the inevitable sequel opens up the Alien universe even more.

It really makes the Alien movies feel like minor sidestories compared to what was revealed in Prometheus.

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Great special effects, great sound, and exceptional art direction makes the film unique in its' own right. But I have to say that the film as a whole doesn't bring anything new to the table and the story made me pensive at times, especially when the ending kicked in. It did leave answers to some questions that the first Alien film raised and an implication that a sequel on the way for more questions on other questions that was unanswered. The cast was mixed though and - beside Theron and Fassbender - the film didn't have actors with enough presence to carry the film. In comparison to the first Alien film, this had less thrills and didn't pull off the horror factor as good.

But I really enjoyed the film and will definitely see it again in its' original form - if there even is an extended/director's cut existing.

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mantis FIST

See this is 3D. It will blow your mind! Fvcking awesome movie. slightly predictable witthe guy pearce role. Other than that it was sick!

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OK I'm going to go against the grain here I was kinda of disappointed with this movie. Yes it was good, and it answered a few questions but really I was waiting for more to happen and it just didn't, it went stale. Yes there leaves off that there should be another sequel to it. But it left you with the Why factor? And what didn't make any sense was the Alien (Engineer) that was seen in the 1st. movie that was in the chair when Ripley's crew 1st. discovers it, wasn't in this one and it should've been the Alien at the end. And I wasn't impressed with the new throat hugger's either. The One at the end was Nasty though. Too much hype and it just didn't deliver, what I was expecting.

IMO: This movie would be better viewed on DVD, and I pissed that I wasted my money seeing it in 3D, wasn't worth the extra money.

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I saw this movie on friday and it was better than I expected. It didn't scare me to much but I found it pretty engaging. By the way, am I the only one who found Noomi Rapace's body very attractive? Especially in that "c-section" scene.

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I saw this movie on friday and it was better than I expected. It didn't scare me to much but I found it pretty engaging. By the way, am I the only one who found Noomi Rapace's body very attractive? Especially in that "c-section" scene.

I heard Charlize Theron had an almost naked push-up sequence???? I'd pay double to see BOOBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!:tongue:

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I heard Charlize Theron had an almost naked push-up sequence???? I'd pay double to see BOOBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!:tongue:

It was as much as Noomi. They have these wraps on thats sort of like a bikini.

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Drunken Monk

I think everyone was expecting a bigger "Alien" tie in and I'm glad there wasn't one, actually. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and was impressed by the fact that it has made me think more than any film has since...hm..."Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind."

I left feeling underwhelmed, but the more I think about it, the more I like it. The questions it poses, without revealing answers, is actually quite intriguing and though I was expecting something very different, I very much enjoyed it.

I don't know who everyone expected xenomorphs and face-huggers galore. I think Ridley Scott just chucked those references in to please fans.

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I saw this movie last night with my girlfriend and we both loved.

This is the best sci-fi movie in a long time in my opinion. It is the first sci-fi movie that didn't focus on action since District 9.

The Alien references were perfectly executed and the sets and costumes were amazing.

It left me with unanswered questions and there were a couple "wait a minute why did that happen" moments. But, it was a great movie. I can't wait to see it again!

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Drunken Monk

The theories regarding this film are incredible. Some people have come up with such in depth analysis!

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I guess I'm just stuck on the whole Alien theory and that is what I was expecting it to explain the Alien Legacy. But it went in a totally different direction. And honestly I didn't like how it left off, it really didn't explain anything, other than it touched on a religious factor on the creation of Man, and disproved Darwin's theory of evolution.That's why I really don't understand all praise this movie is getting. Honestly I think I would have enjoyed this movie more watching it on Blu-Ray.

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Drunken Monk
I guess I'm just stuck on the whole Alien theory and that is what I was expecting it to explain the Alien Legacy. But it went in a totally different direction. And honestly I didn't like how it left off, it really didn't explain anything, other than it touched on a religious factor on the creation of Man, and disproved Darwin's theory of evolution.That's why I really don't understand all praise this movie is getting. Honestly I think I would have enjoyed this movie more watching it on Blu-Ray.

The "Alien" connection was over-hyped and Ridley Scott himself warned people that they would be disappointed if they thought it was going to be heavily tied in. With that said, however, I, for one, was pleasantly surprised by the tie in...


The giant face-hugger, the "crucified" Xenomorph, the alien at the end etc.

The lore of "Prometheus" proves that the aliens found in "The Alien Quadrilogy" have been around for years. The one at the end was not the beginning as the carving of the alien on the wall proved.

I'm intrigued what it all means and thoroughly enjoy the theories.


I kind of like its ambiguity. The aliens' agenda regarding Earth was interesting and the question of "Why?" remains. The answers seem to be found in what we thik of Earth, rather than what the film tells us.

I also like the whole idea of the Engineers getting pissed off because we killed Jesus.

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I saw this today and I was very impressed. I've heard a lot of people say this film leaves more questions than it answers. However, it does answer the most important questions, which, not trying to sound too spoiler-y here, is the origin stuff. Honestly I'm still thinking about it. Very cool story...the movie doesn't make you jump much, but it does make you think. I want a sequel!

But I have to say that the film as a whole doesn't bring anything new to the table

I disagree. It really opened up the Alien universe by getting into the mythology of the space jockeys. And there's so much more now that it can explore. I can't wait to learn more.

But it left you with the Why factor?

And what didn't make any sense was the Alien (Engineer) that was seen in the 1st. movie that was in the chair when Ripley's crew 1st. discovers it, wasn't in this one and it should've been the Alien at the end.

The movie is very aware of the fact that it left a lot of 'why'. That's what made it so interesting. And you know, box office willing, they'll be more answers to come.

And how come it didn't make sense that it's different? You learn here *spoilers* that there is more than one ship. There are many, in fact, and many space jockeys. This could be explained in the next movie.

And honestly I didn't like how it left off, it really didn't explain anything.

As a whole, I felt it explained the stuff you've been wanting to know forever. The fact that it posed new questions just makes the universe more interesting. I wish I knew all the answers....but this is really the most excited I've been about the Alien franchise in a LONG time.

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Drunken Monk

I liked the film but don't necessarily agree with you, Massa_Yoda. While I'm excited for the "Prometheus" saga, if, of course, there is more to come, I don't think it did much for the "Alien" universe.

But then, I suppose it did introduce the Engineers. I guess it's the "Alien" fan in me that actually wants the origin of the Xenomorphs explained. I want to know exactly where those weird headed, second-set-of-teeth having monstrosities came from!

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Warning spoilers below. Check out the Ridley Scott link I posted. I did not see it here on the thread.

Prometheus (2012: Ridley Scott) *** (possibly add a ½)/****

Was there anything more stupid than trying to pet a snake-like creature you understand nothing about? One of the import rules about traveling to unknown places is to treat everything as hostile until you know otherwise. There were a few too many moments like in many horror films where the characters have to do something incredibly dumb to set up their demise. The two running away from the main crew early on was pretty ridiculous, though that was more palpable than the “snake” scene; though now that I think about it one of those two included the same person who had no fear of the fanged Day of the Tentacle creature (fear of dead alien carcasses, no fear of huge tapeworm with teeth).

Where the film is at its best is the visuals, set design and pace of exploration set early in the film. I saw it in 2-D and it looked splendiferous with the look of the barren planet, interior designs of the dome and the CGI (especially inside the “alien” spaceship). There are plenty of quasi-intellectual questions posed in the film such as “where do we came from?”, “who created the creators?” and “why is there fetus in my belly trying to rip its way out?”. The film plays with these questions nicely enough, though I probably could have used more intellectually stimulating scientists.

Noomi Rapace as Elizabeth Shaw continues the strong heroine found in many of Ridley Scott’s movies.

I cannot think of David (Michael Fassbender) without comparing him to Data/Lore (Brent Spiner). Of course Brent had years to work on his character (one of the benefits of television is that it is easier to create a complicated psychological profile for your character than it is in a movie) and helped helm a cult following of his persona. I see a yearning in David in his Pinocchio complex but also an anger brewing underneath the Peter O’Toole exterior almost akin to a walking version of HAL 9000. He is certainly one android that does not appear to be following any of Asimov’s “Three Laws of Robotics.”

Here is a link to a Ridley Scott interview I have seen posted several places: http://www.movies.com/movie-news/ridley-scott-prometheus-interview/8232

While there is no extra scene after the credits there is a small little extra text graphic which relates to Weyland.

It was funny that folks almost walked out too early before the birth of the “alien.”

Some unanswered questions (possibly answered by sequel; possibly left ambiguous):

Why did David taint the drink for Charlie? Why do the engineers want to (in the words of Bender) destroy all humans? It seemed like the point was forced too much where the remaining engineer seemed to be programmed to try to rid the humans he saw without much of even trying to communicate with the automaton. David needs Elizabeth Shaw up to a point at the end. He needs her to get him to a ship which he can use to fly away. But after that point, does he need her?

Some questions that might be answerable: How did they determine their DNA predated ours? Is that even possible? What the hell did Fifield (Sean Harris) become?

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Drunken Monk

There are theories upon theories upon theories...


David tainted the drink because he was working for Weyland. He wanted to see if such a biological weapon would gift eternal life to he who consumed it. Or at least I think so. David was, it would seem, serving his master.

Why the Engineers wanted to destroy humans is up in the air, but I like the theory that, basically, we got too big for our boots. The Engineers designed us to be perfection: peaceful, tolerant etc. However, we complete ruined what they had created for us and were becoming smarter...better...more powerful.

I also like the theory that the event that caused the Engineers to want to destroy humans happened roughly 2000 years ago and so it was possibly the murder of Jesus Christ.

There is an essay out there implying Jesus was a form of Engineer sent to make Earth a better place but we destroyed him.

Piggy backing off that is the fact that, much like the Engineers, humans (Weyland) have created their own race...androids. We were now becoming Gods, just like the Engineers. That is why the final Engineer is so angry at David and tries to kill him. David is a product of the human God Complex.


The biggest question for me is where did the aliens come from? I mean the aliens found in "Alien," "Aliens" etc. Why are they so special to the story? When was the first one made? How? Why?

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Just plain spoilers in this post ...

There are theories upon theories upon theories...


...I also like the theory that the event that caused the Engineers to want to destroy humans happened roughly 2000 years ago and so it was possibly the murder of Jesus Christ.

There is an essay out there implying Jesus was a form of Engineer sent to make Earth a better place but we destroyed him....


The biggest question for me is where did the aliens come from? I mean the aliens found in "Alien," "Aliens" etc. Why are they so special to the story? When was the first one made? How? Why?

There was a reason I posted the link to the director since he directly talks about the Jesus notion:

Movies.com: You throw religion and spirituality into the equation for Prometheus, though, and it almost acts as a hand grenade. We had heard it was scripted that the Engineers were targeting our planet for destruction because we had crucified one of their representatives, and that Jesus Christ might have been an alien. Was that ever considered?

RS: We definitely did, and then we thought it was a little too on the nose. But if you look at it as an “our children are misbehaving down there” scenario, there are moments where it looks like we’ve gone out of control, running around with armor and skirts, which of course would be the Roman Empire. And they were given a long run. A thousand years before their disintegration actually started to happen. And you can say, “Lets’ send down one more of our emissaries to see if he can stop it. Guess what? They crucified him.

Well the planet they arrived to was definitely a biological weapons factory of sorts (at minimum a harvesting planet). But where the aliens created, part of the planet, arrived at a different time ...

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What a waste of time. Spend all of that money and have that long a playing time and do and say, nothing. After all of that, cheat for an ending. I have always like Ridley but wtf was that?

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What a waste of time. Spend all of that money and have that long a playing time and do and say, nothing. After all of that, cheat for an ending. I have always like Ridley but wtf was that?

Bummer that you didn't like it. I thought it was awesome, personally.

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