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FLAG OF IRON--media blasters cover


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The ones at the Best Buy near me were the same- no slipcovers.

My Best Buy didn't even have this for the last 2 weeks. I had to go to FYE....thankfully it was on sale!!

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FYE always seems to get the MB SB DVDs (wow) on time... sometimes early! Found Flag of Iron a couple of days early AND on sale for $14.99. Guess I know where I'm going in October when Five Elements Ninjas comes out!

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stinks nobody has seen this at bb with a slipcover.i can get it there with my employee discount for 10 bucks.but will my ocd let me:tongue:

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Got it from Deep discount, took a while to ship, has the cardboard slip cover.

Also noticed that Linn Hayes was listed on the DVD credits as and adviser and the final credit was dedicated to his memory. nice.

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The Running Man
Also noticed that Linn Hayes was listed on the DVD credits as and adviser and the final credit was dedicated to his memory. nice.

Yeah it is really nice.

They've been doing that since the very first release. It shows just how response they were to dedicate the whole line to him since Heroes Two was released not long after Linn's passing.

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Got around to this one the other night, and I found it to be quite an unremarkable movie.

Solid action, but not enough.

Some very slow and dry scenes.

However, I might have missed a few things so I will be watching it again soon.

I guess unless you are a huge Venoms fan, this one is just slightly above average at best?

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Got around to this one the other night, and I found it to be quite an unremarkable movie.

Solid action, but not enough.

Some very slow and dry scenes.

However, I might have missed a few things so I will be watching it again soon.

I guess unless you are a huge Venoms fan, this one is just slightly above average at best?

I think there's just too much plot, but I love the flag fighting and the string of assassins. That's why I like it on dvd, skip right to the good parts :xd:

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Finally got a look, and the DVD is excellent overall. However...

although I was happy to hear an uncut, uncensored English dub, the way the audio was mastered was quite disappointing. Bear in mind, this is coming from someone who's gotten a lot of use out of audio editing and restoration software, so it's something a lot of you may not notice, but boy, do I hear it. It's the exact same two problems I found in the Well Go release of Two Champions of Shaolin. First, the noise reduction is quite overdone, so louder parts are somewhat muffled, while quieter parts have that weird "flange" effect; hard to describe, but it's there. Second, the damn time-stretching! Someone there thought he could actually improve the classicly bad English dub by stretching or smushing the audio as needed, so that the dialogue matches everyone's lip movements much more accurately. Sounds good in theory, but now everyone darts back and forth between "Speed Racer mode" and "heavy drunk mode", and this goes on during the whole film! Very unnatural, and very annoying. I sure hope they don't do it again, especially on Five Element Ninja.

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When I first bought the animeigo DVDs of the Lone Wolf & Cub movies, the thing I noticed when listening to the audio in headphones was the swooshing effect. It could have been cause by one of two things - over compressing the audio, or using some kind of noise reduction software. Another cause could be taking two channels or more of stereo, and folding it down into a mono. That's what happens with music, if someone tries to create a mono recording by folding down a stereo mix - middle 'channel' sounds muddled and swooshy.

It could be any number of those things that have affected the audio in Flag Of Iron, which is too bad. I'd rather hear a little crackle in the audio if it means hearing things properly, rather than a muffled, swooshy noise reduction processed audio track.


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Killer Meteor
When I first bought the animeigo DVDs of the Lone Wolf & Cub movies, the thing I noticed when listening to the audio in headphones was the swooshing effect. It could have been cause by one of two things - over compressing the audio, or using some kind of noise reduction software. Another cause could be taking two channels or more of stereo, and folding it down into a mono. That's what happens with music, if someone tries to create a mono recording by folding down a stereo mix - middle 'channel' sounds muddled and swooshy.

It could be any number of those things that have affected the audio in Flag Of Iron, which is too bad. I'd rather hear a little crackle in the audio if it means hearing things properly, rather than a muffled, swooshy noise reduction processed audio track.


Yes, the sound on Animego's Zatoichi Meets The One Armed Swordsman was dreadfully compressed. I'm going to have a go someday at synching the picture with the very good sound from the dreadful looking UK DVD of that film!

Celestial often overcompresses. There's just no life in a lot of those soundtracks when you compare them to old video prints or the trailers. Ditto some of the Golden Harvest films from Fortune Star.

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You reminded me of what happened with "The Invincible Armour." There's a DVD (probably a boot) out there where the mono track was made into stereo by simply moving one channel's audio just the tiniest bit out of phase. I didn't realize it until I combined the channels for "Chop-Sucky" clips, and the audio very nearly disappeared! That's nuts.

I believe there are still youtube clips of the old tape, in case anyone wants to compare with the DVD. I'll give you the worst example of time-stretching: the part where Lin Hui-Huang's character intros Iron Panther and Iron Monkey. In the DVD, it's "D-o-n-'t y-o-u k-n-o-w t-h-e-m? T-h-e-y-'r-e f-r-o-m t-h-e i-n-ffff-a-m-o-u-sss I-r-o-n F-l-aaaaaa-ggggg"!

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Killer Meteor
Finally got a look, and the DVD is excellent overall. However...

although I was happy to hear an uncut, uncensored English dub, the way the audio was mastered was quite disappointing. Bear in mind, this is coming from someone who's gotten a lot of use out of audio editing and restoration software, so it's something a lot of you may not notice, but boy, do I hear it. It's the exact same two problems I found in the Well Go release of Two Champions of Shaolin. First, the noise reduction is quite overdone, so louder parts are somewhat muffled, while quieter parts have that weird "flange" effect; hard to describe, but it's there. Second, the damn time-stretching! Someone there thought he could actually improve the classicly bad English dub by stretching or smushing the audio as needed, so that the dialogue matches everyone's lip movements much more accurately. Sounds good in theory, but now everyone darts back and forth between "Speed Racer mode" and "heavy drunk mode", and this goes on during the whole film! Very unnatural, and very annoying. I sure hope they don't do it again, especially on Five Element Ninja.

I thought the English mono sounded OK, but the pitch did seem odd. Then again, I often find that with Celestial's Mandarin tracks. Sounds like mega noice reducation at times, which makes the canned dialogue even more annoying

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Killer Meteor

Watched FLAG OF IRON again last night. First time round, it thought it was average. Now I think it's great!

I'm normally very critical of the compiled music scores of Eddie H. Wang, whose MO seems to be to flood the films with innapropiate De Wolfe tunes. And the "Flag" theme here, reused in MY YOUNG AUNTIE, is very wrong for such a grim film. But thankfully, Wang excels later by scoring The Spearman with two very eerie cues that were earlier in DAWN OF THE DEAD. Lung Tien Hsing looks pretty goofy in his Jesus/Glam-Rock duds, but with THAT music...I start getting the shivers!

And kudos to the Iron Flag team's Dracula capes! Awesome!

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