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The Code Of Shapes


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Animal styles are the 5 Shaolin Masters code of modern day society. If 3 new starters arrive at a company and need 3 new accounts created, you could be in a position where you need to administer this and provide 3 passwords to their Manager. You may be curious to know if any of your superiors have ever seen The Victim or 7 Grandmasters or know anything at all about Kung Fu movies, despite there being maybe 0.5% chance comparable to getting 3 numbers in the National Lottery. Of course this is due to the lack of public exposure to this very specialised form of entertainment, and for some, a way of life, called Shapes. And we are not talking Donnie Yen, Bruce Lee, David Carradine or Chow Yun Fat. Without ever having to initiate a conversation you could simply email your Manager with the following passwords:




Only a Kung man would understand the significance of those 3 passwords! The majority of the population may be slightly curious without looking further into the interesting choice of prefixes or may think nothing of it at all. If I were the Manager, and somebody emailed those passwords to me, I would immediately know that I was dealing with a unique individual who knows about shapes! I would befriend this person and have them promoted, as if to pat him/her on the back and say "Well done for breaking free from the flock of sheep that exist all around us within this office. I recently observed the end fight in Secret Rivals II for the 25th time, and what I witnessed can only be described as a miracle, which cannot be explained in any language spoken by mere mortals. Only our God, Hwang Jang Lee, can explain this to us when we reach Kung Fu Heaven"



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Im not trying to be a dick here, but Falkor, you need to open your mind!

So people that doesn't acknowledge kung fu flicks as the ultimate form of entertainment, are sheep??

picture this; in that same office, there is a guy who is a fanatical uber fan of blaxploitation, poliziotteschi, hammer horror or whatever! A niche film genre fan, just like you. But to him... YOU'RE THE SHEEP!!! Because YOU fail to recognize whatever it is that HE is into, as the ultimate form of entertainment! Did you ever think about that?

People who claim to have the undisputed truth on their side, and looks down on any and everyone that doesn't share their "enlightenment" are, to me, fanatics. And thereby narrowminded. It doesn't matter if it is islam, christianity, vegetarianism or kung fu movies!

You are allowed to have your opinion, and think that everything but kung fu flicks is crap! But movies are art, and art is subjective.

Do I feel that the people who thinks that Transformers 2 is the best movie ever made, are morons? Yes! Im not perfect. But im not fanatical about it. And deep down I know that they are just people (admittedly with poor movie taste) just like you and me. So I can't really generalize, and label them sheep, as if they are some kind of underlings (even though I might want to:D)

It's good to have hobbies and interests. And you are obviously quite the oracle, when it comes to this genre. And I know that you put a lot of work and effort into this interest of yours. But can't you just enjoy it, without belittleling(?) everyone else that doesn't think like you? Futhermore, if everyone was into kung fu flicks (and then by your defintion, not sheep), it would be mainstream, and I bet it would lose its cache or cool, for you and many other hardcore fans, pretty damn quick!

I love movies (of all kinds), martial arts, 80's music, console gaming, japanese garden design, cool Budweisers and brunettes with big tits. But I don't look down on everyone that doesn't. Just because some people don't share my specific interests, that doesn't make them sheep!

You need to open your mind, and let the sunshine in, my friend:)

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So people that doesn't acknowledge kung fu flicks as the ultimate form of entertainment, are sheep??

You misunderstand. It has nothing to do with the "ultimate form of entertainment" based on whoever's opinion; it has everything to do with the type of society we live in where people generally follow only mainstream commercial films or whatever they've been brainwashed into seeing through TV advertisements and recommendations from other "sheep". The key thing with this thread is the "lack of public exposure" to Kung Fu movies. Very few people know what animal styles are--not because they don't like kung fu movies--but because they've never even seen shapes.

I love movies (of all kinds), martial arts, 80's music, console gaming, japanese garden design, cool Budweisers and brunettes with big tits.

I don't see how other hobbies and interests come into it. Just because I may appear close-minded when it comes to movies, this doesn't mean that movies (Kung Fu) is my only hobby. In fact, I am open-minded to all types of movies. I've had exposure to every genre you can think of, but Kung is artistically and scientifically superior to all the rest IMO. And before somebody drops the "balanced life" argument, you don't need to watch all movie genres to have a balanced life. When Bruce Lee was developing his martial arts, he would accept was is useful and reject what isn't. I do not need or want Sci-Fi in my life when I've got something that is altogether more amazing: shapes. Again, this doesn't affect my other hobbies; I still order 10 miles of string every week, so I can fly 10 kites in a train, on a windy day, and attempt to beat the altitude record set by the Germans in the early 20th century, and so on and so forth....

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