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Help with "Chop-Sucky"

Bronx Rican

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Bronx Rican

5/07/2011 UPDATE: More solved audio. I may offer the audio in new, remastered video clips.

4/22/2010 UPDATE: Thanks to you guys here and my further research and progress with the "Chop-Sucky" series, I thought it time to update the list of audio clips below, and to announce that collected audio clips will be available here very soon!

I'll make the backstory as short as possible.

My "Chop-Sucky" series on YouTube (

) came from a love of old-school English dubs of kung films. I've seen the mad debates on these forums. My opinion is, really no such thing as a great kung fu dub; some are pretty good, a lot are average, most bad, and some... MY GOD. HOWEVER, I wouldn't have it any other way, because the result is a singularly unique brand of unintentional humor that never fails to entertain me. It's hard to explain. I don't laugh at bad anime dubs the same way; those are just upsetting.

Anyway, I have a good friend who's a much bigger fan of these movies than I am, and props to him for introing martial flicks to me. While I picked out my favorites, he collected EVERYTHING he got his hands on. Shaws, Ocean Shores, other indies, you name it. I was the one with a twin-VCR setup back in the days - which led to my current knowledge of video editing - so we taped plenty of stuff from channel 5, and whatever we didn't see on sale, we rented, and I copied for him. We gathered anywhere from two to three hundred movies in total before the 90's. With my cassette recorder ready, I went through a lot of those tapes, collecting my favorite examples of mistranslations, poor ADR scripting, dialogue errors, overwrought line reads, etc. for my personal enjoyment. He's gone to live in Colorado years ago, and the last time we discussed all his old tapes, he said they were mostly in storage, and I don't know yet if he's ever retreived them.

I've since replaced the majority of my old samples with newly recorded and mastered .wav files ripped from my own DVD collection and from DVD rentals. Corresponding video footage was also gathered for the "Chop-Sucky" clips, to share the things I find funny with the Web. My point is, the longer I can avoid the trouble of rummaging through my distant buddy's collection for movies I can't locate on my own, the better. My current problem is that there are quite a few samples left over where I've since forgotten exactly what films I got 'em from. This is where you guys come in. I'm hoping this knowledgeable community can help identify the source of at least a few of these samples, to keep my video series going, and to bring my audio project closer to completion. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. The samples are below:

SOLVED! Audio from "Master Killers".



May be a Shaw film, might be a David Chiang character saying, "I wouldn't advise it."



No idea


No idea: it's nothing but fighting grunts.


SOLVED! Audio from "One-Armed Swordsmen".


The single most hilarious thing about this film is that stupid fanfare, that plays EVERY SINGLE TIME the hero turns up in any scene.



SOLVED! Audio from "Inheritor of Kung Fu".




Ocean Shores tape. One of those mid/late-80's dubs using synthesized music, most notably (and most pathetically) a cheap instrumental rendition of Nu Shooz' hit "I Can't Wait."




Carter Wong plays some kind of a treacherous prince or general in here.


SOLVED! After listening to the Fortune Star dub of this film, I realized this clip is from the original English dub of John Woo's "Hand of Death".


SOLVED! Audio from "Dragon Fist".


SOLVED! Audio from "The Clutch of Power".




Ocean Shores tape.


Ocean Shores tape; could be the same as above. Wei Ping Ao's character is the one giggling like Elmer Fudd.


SOLVED! Audio from "Shaolin vs. Lama".


No idea


No idea


This came from a trailer on an Ocean Shores tape. The word "Boxer" might be in the title.



SOLVED! Audio from "Shaolin Martial Arts".


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Flashlegs Pete Jr

These are really good have you got a web site with more of the audio captures??

I think Shaw Brothers had the best dubs such as this one I really like the old school Shaw dubs..

This is one of my favorites..


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It would really help if you could also post the video clips if available.You'll get faster results.

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the first one is : Master Killers

the Kwon young Moon one could be "Inheritor of kunmg fu"

the one where the guy says "look at that girl" sounds like Dagon fist when Pang gang sights Nora.

the lastone is Shaolin martial arts

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spearman lo tat

No idea




these quotes come from The Clutch of Power--Leung Kar Yan, Meng Fei, Chen Sing, et al.

No idea


this is from Shaolin v Lama--Alexander Lo, William Yen, Chang Shan, et al

No idea


this is from the same movie as the audio you posted from Kwan Young Moon, that shapes already identified as Inheritor of Kung Fu--with Kwan, Ti Lung, Pearl Chang Ling, et al.

sorry that i only know these. btw, your youtube Bad Kung Fu Dubs installments are beyond hilarious--excellent stuff! keep doing your thing! cause if it wasn't for the Bronx.....lol!

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I've seen your ASSORTMENTS before and your captions are quite hilarious.My favourite is the " Hate White " technique ( No offense to White people,just the terrible foley that sounds like the words in quotation).

I understand your frustration and though there is no excuse for such bad dubbing there was an issue of making the original language syllables match the lips of the actors to some extent so that it is not too far out of sync and that it can also seem to make some sense in the English language during the dub hence the " Grunt = Pause " for lip sync;as is also to be noted in the different prolonged scenario of "whoareyouwhatareyoudoingherewhatdoyouwantofme" all in one go in 7 Steps of Kung Fu.Even the other brief pauses and bad grammar is part of "solving the problem".I honestly think " But Still " should be something like " however " or " even so "

Nevertheless I've always wanted to shoot (pun intended) the guy/guys/robots or machines who produce those god-awful voices and I tell you what; I always imitate the noises made by those punching bag lackeys when I sneeze.This gets my kids rolling with laughter.

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The Swordsman Nonsense sounds like Black Lizard but I am not certain.If its not,it could be some other Chu Yuan film.I know I've seen this but as we all know these films are very very similar so please post some video clips or post longer audio files.

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Bronx Rican

Just to clarify things from the first post:

There's no dub hate at my end: can't hate anything that gives me so many laughs! My videos are starting to have an MST3K quality about them, which is surely no coincidence, because I'm a big fan of Mystery Science, and it's the same kind of affinity for the humor that comes out of less-than-quality filmmaking.

I don't have copies of these movies, so there are no videos; these are mp3s of some of the many audio recordings I made nearly twenty years ago from my friend's old tapes. I only recorded the funniest bits. These samples are the remaining, un-replaced leftovers of the old recordings where I have little or no recollection of the films they came from, which is why I'm asking here. When I find out, I can find the films again and then make new audio/video clips. When I run out of films I can get my hands on, then I'll bug my old friend for the rest. I'm sure he's got more than a couple of rares. When I'm done catching up, I'll be sure to make the .wavs available here for anyone who's interested. You guys have been tremendous so far!

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No idea number 9 could be " The Mystery Of Chess Boxing " though not 100% certain

No idea number 10 could be " Cripple Avengers " or " King Boxer " both also not 100% sure.

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I've seen your ASSORTMENTS before and your captions are quite hilarious.My favourite is the " Hate White " technique ( No offense to White people,just the terrible foley that sounds like the words in quotation).

This would make a great character for a movie, You'd have to spell it like Haight White or somethingXD

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Great work, I love the old school dubs. I was watching Two Champions of Shaolin counting "but still's" I got to seven when I realized there were even more "listen's" That would be a funny video just but still and listen back and forth.

Number 10 I just watched King Boxer and I don't think that's it, could be Crippled Avengers, my current copy is on subs no dubs.

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Bronx Rican

infra, I'm so pissed at my "Two Champions" clip, because I found out later that I missed a "but still...", the one where Tong tells "Mr. Gao" that he is quite strong, and "Gao" looks unconvinced. I can't do it over now! I might place an annote at the end explaining the error. I hate it when things get by me!

@Kwok Choi: I own "Chess Boxing" (wait 'till I get to that clip!) and "Crippled," so it can't be either of those two. I will buy Dragon Dynasty's "King Boxer" release soon, and I'll check it. I do happen to have an old, possibly incomplete .doc file of my friend's entire collection, and maybe from that I should post a list of the dubs that are still unaccounted for. Thanks again.

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Bronx Rican

Necro-bump just to say thanks again to everyone for their aid in identifying some of these films, and I've finally updated the opening post with revisions detailing the 'solved" films. I'm also here to say that there's no point holding off on some of these audio clips because it's not difficult for me to simply have corresponding files available after uploading every new installment; this metric ton of files will be easier to keep track of this way. Expect to start seeing downloads very soon!

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