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I'm preparing to watch Leo Fong's TRANSFORMED with Fred Williamson. I'll bet it's worse!!!

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I found it to be watchable dreck for 12 year olds. If you were expecting more, you were fooling yourself. And if you think its one of the worst movies of all time, I can name about 100 movies directed by Jess Franco you need to see.

I think a lot of the film (transformers 2) is unsuitable for 12 year olds personally. Now whether or not you like Jess Franco or what, none of his films ever wasted $200 Million and never strived to be so dumb. Franco may be a little too loose and experimental at times. Contrary to how he feels about them, they don't have mainstream appeal. A whole different type of film he makes. I've seen other Bay films (even like some of them) so I kind of new what to expect. I pretty much forgot the 1st Transformer film. But love the original animated movie.

To me this is worse cause of all the time and energy spent to make something so bad. No I wasn't expecting the Godfather or anything like that. I just wasn't expecting to not be insulted by the shear stupidity of the movie. Now if you like the film and had a great time good for you. But some people actually thought they saw "the greatest movie ever made", that kind of irks me and they fail to properly explain why.

I know there has been some interesting back and forth from Ebert and others regarding this film.

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Franco's movies don't strive to be dumb, they just are. He used to find the fandom for his movies weird, then he learned to profit from it. I have friends who are nationally known fanatics for his stuff, and I don't get it, unless you have a fetish for boot licking. And I've watched too many of his movies.

I don't find the film unsuitable for 12 year olds, but I grew up watching pretty much anything I wanted at that age (one reason I'm on this board). Kids nowadays are expected to watch Barney, the Wiggles and Sesame Street until they are 14. I grew up on Charles Bronson, Bruce Lee, Clint Eastwood, Hammer movies, Shaw flicks, etc. And nothing in TRANSFORMERS 2 is as harsh as DEATH WISH. 70s and 80s were just different times.

As for the money and effort, that's just the business of movies in Hollywood. It made its money back and served its purpose. What used to be B movies are now big business. I'd rather this be a hit than some nasty piece of work like the last two Bourne movies, which were headache inducing and far leftwing in their politics(and wasted the efforts of talented martial artists by destroying their fight scenes with confuse-o-vision). And I don't care what Roger Ebert says about anything. I live in Colorado where Ebert came out here to speak on some "Let's stop eating meat" seminar. He doesn't look like he abstains from heavy calories and protein, so he shouldn't lecture me.

TRANSFORMERS 2 is glossy, time-killing junk. It's the modern equivalent of TARANTULA or THE GIANT BEHEMOTH or GAMERA VS. BARUGON. I was too old for the cartoon when it aired, so I have no preconception of what its supposed to be. All I know is it looked like robots were actually fighting in a forest and were standing on buildings in New York and I was impressed. Would I watch it again: hell no.

As for the people who think its the greatest movie ever made, the new generation of movie goers are special effects junkies. I work with alot of them and that is all they care about. Nerds were defending the inept and retarded recent Star Wars trilogy, they are going to praise and defend movies that are even worse in the next decade. Just something to get used to.

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If anybody cares, Leo Fong's TRANSFORMED was awful. Born Again Christian martial arts movie. Not a good mix. His commentary was entertaining, though.

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Jesse Smooth
If anybody cares, Leo Fong's TRANSFORMED was awful. Born Again Christian martial arts movie. Not a good mix. His commentary was entertaining, though.

How was Fred Williamson's performance? Christianity in MA movie? that's a no-no.

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Glorified cameo, but he gets to fight Tadashi Yamashita. Looks fit for 68 years old. The Hammer still has it.

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Guest Markgway

It doesn't really matter if a Jess Franco movie is shit since nobody cares.

Films like Transformers 2 shape the future of cinema. If it makes a gazillion $$$ then there will be more of the same... perhaps ever worse.

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It doesn't really matter if a Jess Franco movie is shit since nobody cares.

Films like Transformers 2 shape the future of cinema. If it makes a gazillion $$$ then there will be more of the same... perhaps ever worse.

I understand what you're saying but I would prefer to say "future of consumerism" rather than "future of cinema". I've read some people liken the support for Transformers 2 to the ideas in the movie Idiocracy coming into real life. I wouldn't go that far but I did find that comparison quite funny.

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I've read some people liken the support for Transformers 2 to the ideas in the movie Idiocracy coming into real life. I wouldn't go that far but I did find that comparison quite funny.

I would because it's already happened.

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I'll second that! Idiocracy, for all it's shortcomings, is probably the most poignant futuristic portrayal, ever made.... and that is down right terrifying!

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I've been good so far, avoiding the sequel.

If you guys want to see a good sci fi film, check out "Moon". It's not an action packed, shoot-em up fest. It's more of a thinking film, but not in a boring way. If you liked The Outer Limits TV series, it's dramatic in that sense, but its well-done as well. Don't let the 2001-esque appearance in the trailer throw you off, it's nothing like that at all.

It's not a huge release, so you gotta really dig for a theatre near you if it's still playing.



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It's in 1 theater in my city. I've heard nothing but high praise for it and am anxious to see it myself. In fact due to kungfusamurai's proclamation, I will go see it. :D

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It's in 1 theater in my city. I've heard nothing but high praise for it and am anxious to see it myself. In fact due to kungfusamurai's proclamation, I will go see it. :D

Check it out soon, before it's gone! :)


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i didn't get the documentary comment. but i thought you were looking for that film. so i posted the link.

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Guest Markgway

Idiocracy is a fictional film, but society is becoming so dumbed down I'm wondering when it'll pass as a documentary.

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saw transormers 2 ....and i loved it...action packed till the end...plus megan fox

i don't why peaple hate michael bay but he does know how to put over the top action scenes together

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