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Well my Son is 6yrs Old so he loved it! I thought that they could've done without some of the Crude Adult stuff, why they were trying to get the laughs out of everyone was beyond me! I can see 1 or 2 jokes but I wanted more Action less Comedy!

Michael Bay apparantly really likes jokes involving dogs humping things. To me this has always been Bay's weakness, balancing humor with the action and drama. He's too over-the-top. Other action movie directors know when to hold back a little, not Bay.

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If you keep paying to see these dumb movies... they will keep making them!!!

That's what I always say.... but people don't listen!

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The Action was Awesome! The CGI was just Incredible! I mean when they transform your just sitting there like WOW!

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its a type of movie ...you shut your brain and just watch the action...no thinking required..or what is the moral/philosophy behind it...just sit ..enjoy the action..(that why i liked rambo 4)..

like some kung fu movies...really stupid plot..even stupier acting..but when the fighting starts you sit and enjoy

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Just seen this and, like the first one, it's a gorgeous turd of a movie.

I'm very saddened to see it's on course to make more money than God.

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If you keep paying to see these dumb movies... they will keep making them!!!

exactly, I saw this for free and was still pretty sore about it

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They were a little chaotic but I did like the robot battles, some of them were surprisingly kind of violent. They want Unicron for the third one.

Anyone see the IMAX easter eggs?

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To me, with CGI these days, it just ruins movies for me. G.I. Joe to me, looks horrible. Transformers 1 & 2 sucks more then Terminator: Salvation. It just seems like people like to bring back 60 - 80's movies and remake them, because some how they inspired them or some bull crap. I remember not to long ago, I heard their going to remake the "Warriors", that's a cult classic! Somethings they should just leave alone! DragonBall, is a perfect example! Listen, Im a teenager, and I didnt think any of the movies that came out this year or even last year were that great! I hated Eagle Eye, Live Free or Die Hard, or Indian Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. With American Action Movies today lack is a good plot, a original concept and a good director. My big time favorite movies though were 300 & Watchmen.

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GoldenFist: I have to disagree with you on the CGI in some movies the CGI is just totally Awesome what then can do no. I would have loved to seen CGI used in certain older Classic movies such as "JAWS" or even the Original "Star Wars" movies, that is just a few off the top of my head. But too much can kill a movie ur right about that! Now I love how the Transformers. Transform that is totally Awesome yes the movie was a disappoint in some aspects. But Hopefully the next one will be better from what I read last year there already working on parts #3 & 4.

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I would have loved to seen CGI used in certain older Classic movies such as "JAWS" or even the Original "Star Wars" movies, that is just a few off the top of my head.


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Why would you say that just think how much better those movies would've been not saying that I want to see remakes of them it just would've been great with the CGI Technology we have today!
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Guest I Like Elaine

Well I'm technically not a teenager anymore. But I'm young at heart as well as an old soul at times (haha). Yeah I guess I don't go for that type of humor (in large doses) as much as I used to. I just wish 200 million went to a more esteemed project or at least a less retarded one. I mean I just saw the viral video of that kid who got his WOW account shut off by his parents (I guess that would qualify as low brow humor) and that had me rolling for a good 20 minutes and it didn't cost more than the cost of his brothers hidden video camera.

What would you consider an esteemed project though? A martial arts adaptation of The King and I? A remake of Enter The Dragon with a CGI Bruce Lee? :) Does that sound like good summer blockbuster material? The Transformers movies are what they are. Big dumb summer blockbusters, without a lot of heavy themes. People aren't going to see this for the acting or humor (though it is one aspect of the movies). The special effects are the main attraction, and is why it costs 200 million.

Look the public decides this is "great" when it makes a ton of money. It kills smaller films with more original stories. It makes them less likely to get good distribution. I hate to say it but it dumbs down the general public tastes/diversity/exposure to movies and film/art etc. Nothing moves forward, there's room for both dumb and smart films (and everything inbetween) but the former seems to be dominating.
I don't agree with the logic that big movies will roll over the smaller ones. Wouldn't you agree a movie that costs lets say 20-30 million would be easier to be green lit than a 200 million dollar one? Also if a studio is smart, they won't release their independent art house movie on the same week as Transformers, or Harry Potter, or whatever. Besides that, different movies appeal to different audiences. There's room for both. What would you think a 13 year old kid would rather watch? Citizen Kane or the new Transformers?

The action direction was a mess that made me lose interest in what was happening on screen. I have other problems with the first film but that's the big one. The way digitally enhanced action is shot by filmmakers like Michael Bay and Stephen Sommers (VAN HELSING) is like Looney Toons cartoons without humor and likable characters. They just throw crap at the audience from every angle because they can. I understand the intentionally mindless rollercoaster aspect of these films but it does nothing for me when I can't feel any emotional connection to what is happening on screen. The fact that the main characters in the TRANSFORMERS films are robots only makes it worse.

In contrast Steven Spielberg did an infinitely better job of allowing the audience to stay connected during the action in JURASSIC PARK. If you compare that CGI creature film to TRANSFORMERS you'll see that Spielberg's film has a soul whereas Bay's output has nothing to offer underneath its glitzy surface. His casting of Megan Fox only confirms this for me.

Ah okay. I have heard of the complaint that some people found the action confusing, but I personally didn't. Though I have to disagree with you about the emotional content of the main characters. I thought the animators and Bay did a good job of giving each Transformer their own personality and "acting".
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What would you consider an esteemed project though? A martial arts adaptation of The King and I? A remake of Enter The Dragon with a CGI Bruce Lee? :) Does that sound like good summer blockbuster material? The Transformers movies are what they are. Big dumb summer blockbusters, without a lot of heavy themes. People aren't going to see this for the acting or humor (though it is one aspect of the movies). The special effects are the main attraction, and is why it costs 200 million.

Hell no I wouldn't want the type of films you suggested. I'm not asking for this film to have a superb script just not one that's so downright stupid. There is a middleground you know? I don't see it your way, Transformers 2 doesn't work. The story flows in a sub-standard overlong way and is a waste of money with toilet humor I could of saw for free on tv. Why can't it have awesome robot fights as well as characters both human and robot that are not so annoying and stupid?

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Hell no I wouldn't want the type of films you suggested. I'm not asking for this film to have a superb script just not one that's so downright stupid. There is a middleground you know? I don't see it your way, Transformers 2 doesn't work. The story flows in a sub-standard overlong way and is a waste of money with toilet humor I could of saw for free on tv. Why can't it have awesome robot fights as well as characters both human and robot that are not so annoying and stupid?

Because that would require someone with talent to be interested and invested in creating art out of a fucking toy from the 80's. We should be grateful for what we got, if we want a Transformers movie at all. I thought the new one was better than the first (the story was SO much more linear and less rambling and nonsensical) , but the bad parts (humor, masturbatory military fetishization) are FAR worse. Not to mention the movie is horrifically offensive on several levels. But, I'm ashamed to admit, I really liked it, in spite of myself. I also HAD NO TROUBLE FOLLOWING THE ACTION or TELLING THE ROBOTS APART. I would like to go on record with that statement, thank you.

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Yes I don't think the Robots needed to talk like they were from the Hood, at times it was funny but over the top humor!

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Guest Markgway

CGI has replaced creative filmmaking.

DIE HARD 4.0 was great IMHO - but was it made any better by the CGI? No, of course not. It was great fun in spite of it.

DH4 worked largely because it had a witty script, engaging performers, and exciting REAL action and stunts.

The exploding helicopters and harrier jets were an overkill concession to a young audience spoon-fed on CGI.

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Drunken Monk

"Transformers 2" has made it into my list of worst movies of all time.

Was the CGI amazing? Yes. Are robots still cool? Definitely. However, this poorly scripted bag of shite, was basically a number of robot on robot beat 'em up scenes tied to together by a bunch of stereotypes and what where, essentially, a collection of thinly veiled fart jokes.

The film was dire. We got new Transformers we weren't even introduced to and those we were introduced to were basically what Jar Jar Binks was to the latter three "Star Wars" episodes.

Robot testicles? Come on. With a budget like that, aim for the stars, not the gutters.

The movie was ridiculous. Megan Fox was there for sexual relief and nothing else; constantly pouting and running in slow motion. Ok, so I don't have many complaints about that but still...

It seemed they also forgot about the fact the Transformers can change into vehicles as there was barely any emphasis put on it and most transformations were hidden from view by pivoting camera shots.

Michael Bay has passed the point of "substance." As long as he blows up cultural monuments and has a robot humping a leg, it's a sure fire hit.

Yup...a steaming pile of shit.

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Does anyone know if peter cullen was the voice of optimus prine in tranformers part 2. Im gonna check it out this weekend.

Yep, also Frank Welker reprises his voice for Soundwave.

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good movie. crappy 1 liners. great action. reused fight in a sandy little shanty not so good.

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I just watched it with my younger brother. I wasn't into much of the adult humor and silly jokes. The movie seemed to drag after a while and should have been shorter in length. The first action scene was cool and the fight in the forest with Optimus vs the 3 Decepticons was the highlight for me. Megan Fox looked hot as usual! Kind of disappointed with the ending. Too much military vs decepticons scenes and not enough robot vs robot action. The grand finale vs the fallen was very short and I wished it was longer.

Overall it was a ok movie with amazing CGI effects.

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I found it to be watchable dreck for 12 year olds. If you were expecting more, you were fooling yourself. And if you think its one of the worst movies of all time, I can name about 100 movies directed by Jess Franco you need to see.

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And if you think its one of the worst movies of all time, I can name about 100 movies directed by Jess Franco you need to see.

Or- don't need to see! CAGED VIRGINS anyone? XD

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