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Darkest Sword AMRS Project!!!

Flashlegs Pete Jr

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Flashlegs Pete Jr

This is our latest Project from AMRS (Asian Movie Restoration Society ) which consist of about 24 fans including the late Linn Haynes who contributed to one of our BEST projects before he died...The Ultimate Version of Hitman In The Hand Of Buddha....UNCUT!!! subbed & Dubbed..Anamorphic widescreen.


We have dedicated all projects in Linnś memory since he died......We have been in existence for approximately one year and to date we have finished 6 projects exclusive to AMRS members only on FLK forum.

This latest project is specially dedicated to Linn Haynes simply because we were all his friends a FLK as he was one of our senior moderators before he died and a good mentor to us all.

THE DARKEST SWORD ( The ULTIMATE VERSION From AMRS) Classic Swordplay at its BEST!!!



We are sorry we cannot share the movie with you all who also loved Linn Haynes as we do at FLK.....But we can share in his memory by the effort all our members put into this last and perhaps BEST Project from AMRS!!!











This Project is dedication to our Kung Fu Mentor and good friend LINN HAYNES!!!

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Guest Markgway
We have been in existence for approximately one year and to date we have finished 6 projects exclusive to AMRS members only on FLK forum.

Why exclusive? Don't tell me that you're in the business of "preserving" movies for only a couple dozen people to enjoy? Because obviously that would be insulting to the rest of us... and I'm sure you would never do something like that. I'm sure you would never post such a huge "fuck you" on this forum - right?

We are sorry we cannot share the movie with you all who also loved Linn Haynes as we do at FLK....

I'll bet. Cannot states an inability not an unwillingness.

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well maybe they are worried about these titles getting in the hands of stiller?

for now I wish to see all sides since for now I choose no sides in the matter

looks great by the way

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oh come on, someone respond to this

The reason there is a lack of responses is because, generally, viewers of KFCF aren't particularly interested in rare films (apart from a handful of members) and wouldn't buy it even if available to them. Statistically, there is always a major contrast in the ratio of topic views and replies when it comes to Rares.

I've probably got certain facts wrong, but the way I see it is like this...

FLK are trying to make money from a very specialised movie genre, where people generally don't like it enough to pay out for special versions of rare movies like this. By making it exclusive--and announcing this in public--FLK are more likely to shift closer to 2 dozen copies. However, if they were to sell it on demand to Joe Bloggs, I doubt they would shift half a dozen. You could say its like a limited edition, branded in a way to remind us of its significance, which makes it more special to the die hard fans who really care about the genre (particularly obscure titles like Darkest Sword). FLK are very clever, and at the same time deserve to make as much money as possible from all the efforts they've put into subtitling and designing the menus etc. I wish them all the best of luck regarding the success of this title and other subtitling projects--completed and in-progress.

Stiller is another nice guy just trying to support his family and make a living. You may have spied on some of his business transactions on eBay or even bought a copy yourself and found out it wasn't "original"*, but there is no need to feel jealous of Jack. He has quarrels with nobody other than against idiots who have insulted his nationality, so there is no reason to take anything personally regarding his activities. You may have been brainwashed into thinking what a bad guy he is, in which case I suggest you get to know him.

*That reminds me: going off-topic, I remember collectors used to pay a lot of money for lobby cards (in reality, cardboard photos) because of their "original" value (a scan in their eyes would be worthless), that is, until Celestial came about, who really do hold the original negatives:



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Shaolin Chamber 36

All I can say is HOLY FREAKIN' S**T! That looks like a MUST OWN, MUST SEE movie if I ever saw one. The DVD menu, filmographies, cast gallery, etc. looks even better than most Kung Fu/Martial Arts DVD retail releases out there today! GREAT WORK to all involved. I stand up and applaud the AMRS and all their hard work in putting this together, Linn would of been proud and I bet very excited to sit down and enjoy this fine looking film....

now.. how do I get a copy? :)

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Personally I could care less about The Darkest Sword, since im not really into swordplay, or rares for rares sake!

But why come to a forum full of fans and collectors and plug a movie, that they can't buy or watch???

Im sure FLK is doing a great job with these movies, and it is a noble effort indeed! But dangling titles that you're not gonna share with "the common man", in front of people like this is unfathomable to me??

Fine, you made a disc that you put a lot of work into, and that you are proud of. That's great... more power to you! But if it's only available to "the elite" at FLK, then why not just keep it to yourself??

It's like dangling a candybear in front of a hungry child, and then eating it yourself, in front of its face!

Like I said, Im not personally too bothered by this, since I don't care about the movie in question. I just fail to comprehend your thought process!

And Falkor... I also recognize the huge efforts you're making for the genre! But your elitist and 'holier than thou' attitude is getting tiresome!

My two cents..... feel free to take your shots....!

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And Falkor... I also recognize the huge efforts you're making for the genre! But your elitist and 'holier than thou' attitude is getting tiresome!

You obviously failed to read or acknowledge my above reply otherwise, if you understood business, you wouldn't be so shocked and surprised about FLK.

Please explain how my attitude makes me seem elitist? I wasn't aware I came across that way. I have respect for Pete, but I choose to run my business differently, as I'm not in it for making a profit. I deal with both collectors and fans of any level.

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This version of The Darkest Sword is not for sale and not for profit. The members of AMRS contribute elements to the project and then each recieve a copy when it's finished.

I realise it may look to some that Pete is showing off, but im positive he's just proud of the work and wasnt intending to upset people.

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Looks like a great project. Kudos to Pete, Falkor, Jamal, & others who put together these projects and bring attention to movies that we would never get to hear about otherwise.

Despite any differences of opinion that we might have over these kinds of projects, let's try to keep this thread as civil as possible, if only because Linn's name is mentioned as a contributor. It's sad that he's not here today to enjoy this movie.

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This version of The Darkest Sword is not for sale and not for profit. The members of AMRS contribute elements to the project and then each recieve a copy when it's finished.

So all 24 members contributed to that project? Wow, that is some project...

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Im just gonna bow out of this one then! Don't wanna start another flame war over stuff I really don't care about!

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Flashlegs Pete Jr

I'm not going to attempt to defend myself or AMRS to be honest....but I will say that I don't need to boast about these projects, but I will express my complete loyalty and gratitude to all the AMRS members and say....They are the best bunch of fans in the WORLD in my books....We started this CLUB over a year ago and we invited EVERYONE & ANYONE!!! it was an open shop for all to join via FLK...I was very apprehensive to post such an idea on Fandom just in case I was jumped on.....Many members joined immediately and a few chose to opted out before it actually kicked off.....all the members who took part then decided to pull together and work on the ULTIMATE VERSIONS of great kung fu we all love to watch....

We all wanted the same thing here and so we initiated democratic votes on all issues....such as not allowing our effort to get into the wrong hands such as being "Stolen" against our wishes etc...so we decided to make it an in-house club as oppose to a RUN OF THE MILL set up.....In doing this we decided to set up rules for the club as such, bearing in mind every single member is asked to contribute period!!! otherwise his/her membership could be in question in terms of lack of support and to avoid members you actually put their hearts into the project not to feel discouraged in any way.

These members I assure are totally devoted to these efforts and I think had we made this effort an open option to all we may have had to suffer disagreements with one another of which every member in the AMRS would be opposed to....

Like I said this is in no way a defense....this is a justified reasoning to support my fellow members who are all committed to these projects wholeheartedly I must say.....and not everyone fan around have this commitment I have to say....hence this is the reason its now a members club (Damn!! The Forum is a members Setup)...I posted this thread in memory of Linn Haynes who was 100% in support of this IDEA & ITS COURSE FROM INCEPTION TO WHAT IT HAS BECOME TODAY!!!

I posted an INVITE TO ANYONE WHO WANTED TO JOIN US at AMRS 03/03/2009...Not one person came forward....Not one!!!...does this seem like an elite...no this was pure and simple NO INTEREST....


I want to thank Falkor for his kind words......and say you know what its all about Falkor.....its a passion for these movies and as you say not everyone will appreciates a RARE!! movie such as DARKEST SWORD!!! so its no big deal to lets others know we exist ONLY A FEW WOULD WANT TO SEE THIS OBSCURE RARE!!!

We do not SELL!!! these projects..and its not about money!!!

And the whole team have a hand in every project!!!

All I contribute to AMRS is Video editing....

Goldenswallow-Does all our COVER ART!!!...and I must admit.....I'm nowhere in his class in terms of design...the man is a Don!!! and every single member loves his work...


Kermit-Did a wicked SLIDE SHOW for this DVD and in the past great sound tracks for our TRAILERS...The man feels terrible, if his input is not imminent towards these efforts (THIS IS COMMITMENT)...hence he always offers something and its all from the heart.

Venomsfreak- Took pains and effort writing out and typing subs for one of our most pleasurable projects of them all and this was extremely time consuming IMO (THIS IS COMMITMENT)

Whirlwind-Does every single CAST GALLERY!!! and its usually done the next day after we decide what is next!!! (TOTAL COMMITMENT)

Fabhui & (Late) Linn Haynes- Gave all the material to make it possible to put together Hitman In The Hand Of Buddha...no other uncut version is available except AMRS!!! sub and dubbed anamorphic widescreen with great special features (THIS IS COMMITMENT)

Ironfistedmonk- Gave all the material to make it possible to put together The Tormentor Exclusive version UNCUT!!!...no uncut version is available except AMRS!!!(THIS IS COMMITMENT)

Gfanikf & Hwang Jang Lee- They do extensive research for the Club and its running coupled with moral support in every aspect of the Clubs survival...(THIS IS COMMITMENT)

Rarebastard & Akatek- has always been like a mentor for all the club in assisting us with the best ideas and a logical way forward to enhance the clubs image.(THIS IS COMMITMENT)

Chi Liu San & Eagles Claw Champ- Support the club with stills and exclusive prints to work with our projects.(THIS IS COMMITMENT)

Kwai Chang-a Club organiser and head of the clubs decision making committee. His commitment is unquestionable and he supports for the AMRS club with liner notes and much more. The man is a die-hard fans of exquisite taste in a wide spectrum of the genre and his knowledge of the genre is one of most comprehensive IMO.

Knockabout- Damn without this guy AMRS would be DEAD!!! IMO....his research and information is of paramount importance to the Club's existence period!!!(TOTAL COMMITMENT)

Shawman- Has contributed numerous RARE!!! prints to support our projects coupled with his great enthusiasm makes his efforts second to none!!!(TOTAL COMMITMENT)

THE CLUB IS STILL OPEN TO NEW MEMBERS HOWEVER THEY HAVE TO BE COMMITTED AS THE CURRENT MEMBERS.....WE HAVE RULES NO TRADING OR SELLING OF THESE PROJECTS!!! its a group effort and we really dont want to see these on a shelf released in an obscure name for profit.( Please note a vote is taken on new members by all current members)

We also have relatively NEW MEMBERS who have not only given their moral support, but have also supported this Club with the best effort possible and 2 of them are my brothers...also a terrific member from Italy Francesco who has helped to put Darkest Sword together with our founder member Pollypolly (HE ACTUALLY STARTED THIS CLUB).....these guys did something I don't think many would have bothered to even associate themselves with this kind of COMMITMENT....Francesco translated the subs from the Italian print with Polly word for word and Polly then edited the Italian translation to perfection IMO!!!

Let me tell you all here......this is not an elite set up its a Die Hard set of fans who want to do for themselves and enhance their hobby's entertainment and joy for the pleasure of it....I just wanted to make it clear we were also doing something in MEMORY OF LINN...I hope you get my drift...


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silver hermit

its quite impossible to comment on someone else's motives so speculation in this case would be out of hand. pete can answer your questions best. my opinion is by him being so open about it in a open forum that is not FLK he is opening it up for anyone curious about the groups efforts or have elements that they can contribute with. be it prints, lobbys or knowledge. i don't know whats worse people coming together for a common cause for the betterment of the genre or sitting around bitching about sub-par versions and doing nothing about it. fans should aplude the effort made by AMRS to spearhead the next movement trying to promote and preserve the genre.

why is it the same people always bitching or putting down someones efforts put your money where your mouth is and join the movement or do something for the genre or don't be so quick to talk a lot of smack before gathering facts! ... i'm just saying

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For the slow folks.... Im not questioning anyones commitment or dedication! I think it's great!

I was just puzzled by the grandious presentation of said project, when no one, not involved, has a chinamans chance of ever seeing it!

It looks good, good for them!

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Drunken Monk

I'm of the opinion of a few members in here. While the projects look fantastic and I would love to get my hands on, say, an uncut version of "Hitman in the Hand of Buddha," I do feel the original way this thread was put forward held its fair share of pomposity.

Perhaps it was just the language used. For example, the repeated use of "no uncut version is available except AMRS!!!" does make it all sound a little like a commercial. Except a commercial where nothing is sold.

There is a difference between being proud and being boastful.

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Guest Markgway

To be clear...

1. If a fan or collective of fans creates a project then they are not obligated to share it among everyone. It's their work. However posting about it on an open forum along the lines of "guess what you're not getting to see" is both selfish and arrogant, even if it's unintentional.

2. There's talk about "real" fans and "people who really care". To me the real fans are the ones who want to see everyone have access to these rare movies not just an elite - and say what you will but there is most definitely an elite in Kung Fu Fandom. Any film I have access to I would trade on to someone else. It gives me no pleasure to hide or hold onto something knowing that others crave it. That's not a real fan that's a fanboy.

3. Do I comes across as rude or confrontational? Most likely. But it's because I care about the films. What that film is and whether I want to see it or not is actually irrelevent. If the film exists and someone, anyone out there wants to see it why should they be deprived because they don't have access to other rares or are able to commit to a special project. Films are for the masses not the few.

4. It saddens me to think that if prints of the likes of The Big Boss, Part II, Tiger Boy, and, Falkor's fave, A Massacre Survivor, turned up they would probably be "held back" because the plebs, sorry, casual fans, aren't ready for them. Like I said FLK and co are not obligied to share... but that doesn't mean they shouldn't.

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I kind of see it from both sides. I understand wanting everyone who wants to really see it should be able to have access to a said film. But generally speaking why should some in the position to do so bend over backwards to a certain sector of the community who's tastes are not as "refined" so to speak. I'm sure a lot of people are content with Jackie, Sammo, The Yuens and what not. But others want to dig deeper than that. I've even see some people here take an anti-rare attitude at times. What's up with that? Why try and help those kind of people (haters).

Didn't they say anyone willing to contribute can join the ARMS club?

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Shaolin Chamber 36

What are the qualifications necessary to become a member of AMRS? I am very interested and would love to be apart of the movement.

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The quality of Darkest Sword looks amazing. Maybe this is a subject for another thread, but I can understand the limited release projects like this get. Other people who do these projects end up getting them bootlegged. If you're doing this as a hobby & you put together a custom version of a dvd, it must suck to see that being peddled on ebay or in the stores. Rare films & KF movies have a limited fan base, and with downloading being so prevalent, I do see the future being in limited run collectors dvd's. Selling a film for its merits is passe in a world where you can pretty much DL anything your heart desires in a matter of minutes. DVD's are free in 2009, but sense of exclusivity will always be worth money.

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Flashlegs Pete Jr
What are the qualifications necessary to become a member of AMRS? I am very interested and would love to be apart of the movement.

The main thing is all the current members have to vote you in 100% acceptance (Everyone needs to know who you are). Therefore general character and dealings with fans on a whole plays a major part in becoming an AMRS new member. Its basically to avoid squabbles and petty disagreement of which we don't really experience in the club. Disagreements we have, but no one makes it in to a nonsense dispute that gets nasty.

Second thing you must have something to offer the club by way of material, knowledge of the genre or research assistance and perhaps rare title prints, however this is not important we have quite a few die-hards with untold material for projects including myself.

Third thing willingness to assist each project wholeheartedly and this don't mean loosing sleep, it can be as small as sharing stills and pictures for a particular project.

In a nutshell we just want everyone to get along with each other really, it a fun experience with rewarding results, not meant to be a headache with stress out individuals on your case.

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Flashlegs Pete Jr

Yes inside the FLK invisible threads we are all able to use real names and everyone contacts each other with various material such a mailing project info etc. In a club its important to have real contact....Darkest Sword subtitles was done by one member in "Rome" Italy and the other in "Prague" The Czech Republic without contact this would not work.

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