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Meng Fei


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You are right though, celebs do read these forums and they use alias to go online and make comments. I was present to see a Hong Kong celeb go online a few yrs back and make a comment at a forum. His comment made no difference as the blogger who was terrorizing the sites went on a global rampage that ended up with FBI and lawyers and police involveement in Canada , Malaysia,Hongkong and the States.

This couldn't have been Mr. David Chiang or Mr. Ti Lung, could it? I understand that both of them live in Vancouver, Canada...

Also, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if the REAL Mr. MENG FEI joins this thread sometime in the future under an alias and purposely annoys Alexandra (as this thread's starter) for some mischievous fun...MENG FEI off-screen might carry over some of that playful quality Alexandra's crazy about...She's really a sweet person. I think deep down you are fully aware of that.

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Yes Slazenger. I have the movie Shaolin King Boxer. The copy I own is a decently dubbed copy. I attained it through Groung Zero, Wu-Tang Clan. It has a biographies on the main cast and crew,bonus signature fights from cast(over an hour), Interviews with Meng Fei, Liu Chai Jen and Wilson Tong. These interviews have english subtitles but are heard in the actors native tongue, mandarin. There are also many Wu-Tang features on the DVD as well.

It also has Bruce Law who starred with Fei in Secrets of the Shaolin Poles as Fong Ting. What a stellar cast. Meng Fei and Chen Kuan Tai were brilliant in their roles. Meng Fei was very reminiscent of his role in Enter The Whirlwind Boxer with his white fan and boyish smile.

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The H/Kong celebrity I am talking about is Andy Lau Tak Wah. You bet it would be a riot id Meng Fei came here and be a cheeky one:wink: Ialso had the opportunity to meet the Taiwanese singer/composer Zhou Chuan Xiong who had good things to say about Meng Fei. A lot of people sais how beautiful and strong Ms Oropesa was and still is.

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I also had the opportunity to meet the Taiwanese singer/composer Zhou Chuan Xiong who had good things to say about Meng Fei. A lot of people sais how beautiful and strong Ms Oropesa was and still is.

Well...Mrs. YeungLiza did captivate MENG FEI...She stated that he came looking for her.

That picture which I uploaded of the two of them says plenty...As I related the age old saying, a picture is worth (or says) a thousand words.

With all due respect, she is a hot looking lady herself. I saw some of her film clips uploaded on YouTube. Coincidentally, I share her birthday!

She and MENG FEI should have appeared in a movie together, at least once. MENG FEI displayed a real romantic flair in his intimate scenes with Filipina actress Edna Diaz in The Dragon, The Lizard, The Boxer (1977)...Some of his fight scenes with Ramon Zamora were priceless...

Also, in that film one gets a real surprise at Mr. FEI's contemporary 70's wardrobe. He's got on some pretty cool combinations which I had hoped to emulate as a kid.

Although, as I recall, when I first saw Dragon, Lizard, Boxer, I wasn't thrilled at seeing MENG FEI in a romantic role with the hot Edna Diaz. It is only 2-3 years later (when I started to "discover" girls, passing into adolescence), that I learned to appreciate the man's on-screen acting versatility as a romantic lead. From watching FEI's scenes with Edna Diaz, one can clearly understand his liking for Filipina women...I would drop a line or two about my PRE-marital interests but my wife wouldn't appreciate it AT ALL...So I'll pass.

You don't know how many fistfights I got into as a kid because of the Bruce Lees, Chen Kuan Tais and MENG FEIs...But always in self-defense or jumping in to help someone else out, even when it wasn't really any of my business. LOL. Not once do I recall being the one who started it as a kid. :wink:

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What a stellar cast. Meng Fei and Chen Kuan Tai were brilliant in their roles. Meng Fei was very reminiscent of his role in Enter The Whirlwind Boxer with his white fan and boyish smile.

Yes ma'am...That combination of Chen Kuan Tai & MENG FEI was sensational. I wonder if they did more films together?

Lau Kar Wing was terrific as well. He was one ruthless villain. I love it at the end fight when he pulls out that sword with which MENG FEI had impaled the actress upon the tree-trunk and starts to use it...Priceless. Mr. Wing's fight choreography in this film was terrific as always.

I tried to count how many times the bad guys called the characters of Chen Kuan Tai and MENG FEI--"Those bastards Chu and Ting...!"--in those horribly dubbed voice-overs...LOL.

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I remember once reading about a colloquial breakdown of the 3 basic genetic types of the semi-obsolete term (as you stated) "Caucasian" :

Indo-Caucasian -- Caucasoids indigenous to West Asia and Central & South Asia.

Euro-Caucasian -- Caucasoids indigenous to Europe and Russia.

Afro-Caucasian -- Caucasoids who are indigenous to North Africa : Amazigh/Imazighen(pl.) or Berbers; a unique group, who are fair to very fair-complected Caucasians but with doliocephalic craniums similar to that of Sub-Saharan Africans [i.e. Black Africans]. The sandy-blond, redhaired mummies of so many ancient Egyptians attest to them being of Amazigh/Berber [indigenous North African] origin...For example, the mummy of Pharaoh Ramses II has red-hair.

Anyway, enough about genetics and anthropology...Let's get back to MENG FEI and The Shaolin Kingboxer...

Had you ever heard of this MENG FEI-Chen Kuan Tai starrer before?

I couldn't believe the opening credits...They mis-spelled Mr. Chen Kuan Tai's name as CHEN GUAN TAY and Liu Chia Liang's name as LIU CHIA RONG!.

Yes, of course, is annoying for the rest of the people to read about this science, just one more: Africa ... the only way today is DNA and language family trees, not the colour of the skin or the cranium shape. Ancient egyptians were more close to the bantu speakers than the bereberes. And Ramses II had not reddish hair, he tinted it with henna. Back to Fei Fei ....

I don't know if Chen Kuan Tai and Fei Fei starred other movies...:squigglemouth:

I noticed too this mis-spelling


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Ancient egyptians were more close to the bantu speakers than the bereberes. And Ramses II had not reddish hair, he tinted it with henna.

Sweet, Sweet Alexandra,

With all due respect, I have to disagree with you on Ancient Egyptians being close to Bantu speakers. Believe me, they were and still ARE of Imazighen origin. I have a couple of very close PURE Egyptian family friends and they are of Amazigh descent.

I am in contact with a very small Egyptian community here, believe me...I am speaking from direct contact.

Just watch any of the Egyptian movies of the 50's/60's/70's/80's up to the present day on YouTube. Pure Egyptians are a lower Mediterranean people and NOT AT ALL Arab or Sub-Saharan[black]. I have several Egyptian cable channels among other international channels in my satellite dish. Their movies are fun to watch.

Watch former Miss Egypts Yara Naoum, Elham Wagdi or Egyptian film stars Adel Emam, Saleh Selim, Khaled Abol Naga, etc...

Those are PURE Egyptians...Not Arab-Egyptians.

By the way, Egyptians don't pronounce the letter "J"...They pronounce and spell it as "GH" or a hard G sound...Just a little tidbit.

Omar Sharif is actually of Lebanese descent, not Egyptian--his birth name was Michel Shalhoub.

You were right about Pharaoh Ramses II's surviving hair having henna applied to it--I apply henna to my graying hair--but in-depth studies of his hair samples clearly resulted in him having auburn straight, wavy hair in his youth (as did some other pharaohs whose hair samples were also tested). He wasn't from royal stock originally, but of a rural warrior social class...

Anyway, I will not bring this up again as I don't want to go off-topic from your thread's subject : MENG FEI !

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Anyway, I will not bring this up again as I don't want to go off-topic from your thread's subject : MENG FEI !

I disagree with you but...

Please, write me in private for discuss the egyptian stuff, as you says, here is the place for Fei Fei subjects, my apologizes to all the people for an off topic here.


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here is the place for Fei Fei subjects

I did some research and so far I think The Shaolin Kingboxer (1976) was the only screen teaming of Chen Kuan Tai and MENG FEI.

Since Mrs. YeungLiza didn't respond to my question about FEI Chai being the adopted or biolgoical son of Choy Lee Fut Sifu, Tam Fei Pang, and grandson of Sifu Tam Sam, I must conclude that it was most likely a publicity stunt by the South Sea Film Company.

Mrs. Yeung did mention that FEI's biological father died when FEI was very young and he has no recollection of him. And that FEI's biological father was half-Russian. She further informed us that Mr. FEI has a younger half-brother.

We know that Sifu Tam Fei Pang was pure Chinese...So that part of my researching that title card from Young Hero Of Shaolin (1975) that stated MENG FEI as the grandson of Tsai Li Fu master Tan San[Tam Sam], turned out to be a false lead.

It doesn't lessen my respect for Mr. FEI as a Kung Fu personality, however. But it would have been something if it would have been a biographical fact.

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Mrs. Yeung,

I grew up in Los Angeles and my formative years were the 1970's...We youth didn't have any heroes to look up to from the TV shows and films back then...There were the Steve McQueens, Clint Eastwoods, Charlie Bronsons, Lee Van Cleefs, Roy Scheiders, Richard Roundtrees, Ron O'Neals, etc...

But NONE of them were the type of heroes or role models that appeal to young boys like when we came across Bruce Lee, Chen Kuan Tai, David Chiang, Ti Lung, Chi Kuan Chun, Alexander Fu Sheng, and last but not least--Meng Fei...

These guys gave us noble and honorable heroes to look up to and emulate...I think my generation was the last that had heroes of that caliber...

Look at todays "heroes" worldwide...They are all a bad joke! There are no more Bruce Lees or Meng Feis around for the youth of today...

However, I am becoming an Elizabeth Oropesa fan also...No joke. There is quite a large Filipino community here in the U.S. : FIL-AM Association of America...

That was a RARE picture I happened to have found of yourself and Meng Fei which I uploaded here...I am really shocked that there aren't MORE photos of the two of you...!

Here in the U.S. media, photos of celebrity couples are saturated....

It is INDEED a privilege that I managed to upload a photo of celebrities Meng Fei and Elizabeth Oropesa[Mrs. Meng Fei]...Without sounding ill-mannered or impertinent, Mr. Fei clearly appears to be really taken up with who and what he's looking at in that photo (I mean you, of course)...A picture says a thousand words...

Gabriel is 6-ft. 1-in.!? Man, that is tall. It is truly fascinating that you have Apache heritage as well. That is fantastic! So this means Gabriel is Filipino, Han Chinese, Apache American, and Russian! This young man has got to be very, very intelligent, indeed with that mixture. Digital Animation...Excellent. Toy Story 3 just released here in the U.S. and has already broken records for an animated feature...

I also wanted to congratulate you on your great humanitarian work for the sickly...You are truly a remarkable celebrity...Almost NO such showbiz people ever have a second career like the one you have chosen.

God bless you and your son Gabriel. We Meng Fei fans pray that Mr. Fei sees it in his heart to revive personal contact with you in the near future...A family should be together...Even if there is more than one. I was raised Muslim even though my mother's side are all Roman Catholics and I was baptized...Polygamy is lawful in Muslim religion as long as it is done with honor and respect and all families are tended to and cared for with equality--this is straight from the Koran. In the U.S., polygamy is still practiced in the Mormon Christian state of Utah...Please forgive me if I have gotten too personal, but we pray for you and Gabriel and that you are in some way reunited with Mr. Meng Fei. Gabriel looks like a strapping young man and really does look like his Dad...But taller.

Did you ever consider writing an autobiography about your life as a celebrity and as a CLAIRVOYANT...And Meng Fei's wife...? A book has lasting power...It would certainly be a bestseller!

I have one last question for you...As a recognized clairvoyant, can you foresee any reunion or even personal contact between yourself & Gabriel and Mr. Fei sometime in the future...Or is such a vision too personal for even a clairvoyant to foresee with clarity or accuracy?

I also wanted to THANK YOU profusely as a Meng Fei fan (and now an Elizabeth Oropesa fan, also) for coming out and graciously offering information about another celebrity--being a celebrity yourself. You have truly done the UNPRECEDENTED for a former showbiz celebrity!

My Filipino friends would freak out if I told them...

As I related to a friend, us men have a propensity to be self-centered and like to talk about ourselves...But women tend to be more selfless and self-sacrificing...They prefer to talk about those whom they love. As you have about Mr. Meng Fei & his son Gabriel.


P.S.--Viewing your public profile, I found that we share the same birthday...What a coincidence. I have the same username in IMDB and I wrote the only message board post under Meng Fei's IMDB profile. I also added some of his photographs which no one else had added. There is only the few sentences offered by a K JUNO on Mr. Fei's IMDB biography. Maybe, if or when you have some free time, you could add Mr. Meng Fei's biographical info and some more photos...Who could possibly be more qualified then yourself? IMDB is obviously the most widely viewed movie website in the world.

dear slazenger_7, there are no coincidences in life. Makes my heart glad that i'm sharing my birthday with the fan of the man I truly love. I knew a few things about Gabriel before he was born, but most clairvoyants cannot see their own future. Even if It's written in the person's fate, things can still change because of free will, God's gift to us. For example, if a man is MEANT to marry a certain woman because it was written in his hands. These will not happen if he makes the wrong decisions, goes with the wrong crowd and does the wrong things. He will end up marrying the girl he impregnated (the wrong girl) because he's a gentleman, but he got drunk when he was out with the wrong friends. The gift is also our curse. God will never impose. We will always be given the choice. The moral lesson here is to learn from our mistakes.

Boy did I make plenty! But I promise you, I learned from them.

I'm sorry, I do not mean to preach. In my clinic, I ask my patients to pray to whomever they believe could help them, as long as it's not the devil. Religion does not have anything to do with it. In our house in Taipei, there are two prayer rooms. One Catholic, and one Buddhist/Taoist. He would pray to my Jesus, I would pray to Guan yin. I also know how to pai-pai and kowtow using the joss sticks. He thought me how. We would go and hear mass to a Catholic church, and we would also go to his temple and pray. We never had a problem with that. He built my praying room without me asking for it.

He is a very sweet man. And you're right, funny without even trying. I remember very well when I was about to give birth to my son, Gabriel. While I was being wheeled hurriedly to the delivery room (my baby is halfway out) Mr. Yeung came running after me just before the door was being closed. He asked me in a very loud voice: "Mrs. Yeung!! If I pray to Jesus, will he help??" I didn't know whether I should continue screaming or laugh. I supposed I managed a quick nod, and I could hear Mr. Yeung saying "In the name of the Father! The Son! And the Holy Spirit!!" before the door closed on his face. I smiled inside and knew me and my son would be alright.

Wait! That's not the end of it! The following day, I woke up to his smiling face, telling me how big our son was, and very handsome like him. I quickly agreed because I saw my baby right after birth. Then a nurse came in looking for Mr. Yeung... the nurse said my husband have been going to the nursery talking to the wrong baby. And that she is going to bring our baby in a few minutes.

I had gas pains from laughing too much. Of course he had a valid excuse. He said: "You see Mrs. Yeung, I am always teary eyed when I look at the babies, that's why I made a mistake. But you see, when our true baby come, he will be handsomer!". Boy, do I love that man. Especially when he smiles like that. Believe me, this is all true. I gave birth at the Adventist hospital in Taipei. I'm sure he will laugh when he remembers this.

I found the thread because I've been looking to buy a copy of all his movies. My son said I should check this forum he stumbled upon. He tries to get any update about his father. I do too. I remember very well how hard he cried when a chinese friend showed us Meng Fei's picture with another woman and their baby son a few years back. All I could do was cry with him, and hold him close to my heart. I assured him that his father is a good man, and that he was truly loved when we were all together. And that's the only thing he should remember.

slazenger_7, you are very eloquent, but humble. From the way you write, I can tell that you are a good man. Your wife and children are very lucky. Always remember, there's a reason for everything. Meng Fei is also a good man. But even highly evolved souls makes a few mistakes... everybody should learn how to forgive. Again, this does not have anything to do with religion. I'm talking about love.

Buying a scanner tomorrow.

Photos will be posted as promised.

More blessings to you slazenger_7, Love, yeungliza

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First of all, I did not mean to offend anyone in this thread. If I did I do aplologize. I am an avid fan of Meng Fei and an equally supportive fan of Elizabeth Oropesa. I think she is a beautiful, talented and caring person as a n actor, wife wife, mother and human being. Thank you MS Oropesa for coming here and setting the record straight about a few things about Meng Fei. I guess I was only going by what I read in the papers and heard from others. Some of these people were supposed to be "reliable" sources. We could not have gotten better insight about the man himself. THANK YOU again Ms Oropesa.

Meng Fei has a very interesting background indeed. Very impressive family tree. I have to go now but will check in very soon. I want to again apologize for any negative or hurtful comments I posted. I also want to thank Ms Oropesa from the bottom of my heart for sharing this insite into Meng fei's life with us. We would have never known all this . Take care of yourself and your family.

dear mengfan, nothing to worry about. I don't get easily offended. Don't change your THANK YOU'S, I think they're just fine. You are not being hurtful, I understand perfectly. I think you have a very honest personality and a big heart. THANK YOU very much.

Love, yeungliza

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Thank you Mrs. Yeungliza... I am really happy for have you in the Forum. I hope you can understand our feelings for Fei Fei (sorry, I am not disrespectful, but since I knew him, of course in his movies, I started to call him Fei Fei, don't know the reason).

Only a simple question: can you speak spanish?

More later


dear Alexandra, yes I can speak a little bit of spanish, but not very good. My descendants on my mother side are spanish.

slazenger_7 is right, you are very sweet. You cannot offend anybody.

Love, yeungliza

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He is a very sweet man. And you're right, funny without even trying. I remember very well when I was about to give birth to my son, Gabriel. While I was being wheeled hurriedly to the delivery room (my baby is halfway out) Mr. Yeung came running after me just before the door was being closed. He asked me in a very loud voice: "Mrs. Yeung!! If I pray to Jesus, will he help??" I didn't know whether I should continue screaming or laugh. I supposed I managed a quick nod, and I could hear Mr. Yeung saying "In the name of the Father! The Son! And the Holy Spirit!!" before the door closed on his face. I smiled inside and knew me and my son would be alright.

Wait! That's not the end of it! The following day, I woke up to his smiling face, telling me how big our son was, and very handsome like him. I quickly agreed because I saw my baby right after birth. Then a nurse came in looking for Mr. Yeung... the nurse said my husband have been going to the nursery talking to the wrong baby. And that she is going to bring our baby in a few minutes.

I had gas pains from laughing too much. Of course he had a valid excuse. He said: "You see Mrs. Yeung, I am always teary eyed when I look at the babies, that's why I made a mistake. But you see, when our true baby come, he will be handsomer!". Boy, do I love that man. Especially when he smiles like that. Believe me, this is all true. I gave birth at the Adventist hospital in Taipei. I'm sure he will laugh when he remembers this.

Hello Mrs Yeungliza

This story is priceless. I can imagine the situation, is absolutely incredible funny and sweet. Thank you for share with us your lovely memories.


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dear Alexandra, yes I can speak a little bit of spanish, but not very good. My descendants on my mother side are spanish.

slazenger_7 is right, you are very sweet. You cannot offend anybody.

Love, yeungliza

Thanks to you Mrs Yeungliza,

It seems that my point of view concerning some writings is far different from other persons, I am a castillian speaker woman, is very hard to write all the time in english and as a latin one, I have "warm blood" so, my apologizes to all the friends here. Ah, I made a joke concerning your discovery of the thread, I am not a "personality" :smile:


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The following day, I woke up to his smiling face, telling me how big our son was, and very handsome like him. I quickly agreed because I saw my baby right after birth. Then a nurse came in looking for Mr. Yeung... the nurse said my husband have been going to the nursery talking to the wrong baby. And that she is going to bring our baby in a few minutes.

I had gas pains from laughing too much. Of course he had a valid excuse. He said: "You see Mrs. Yeung, I am always teary eyed when I look at the babies, that's why I made a mistake. But you see, when our true baby come, he will be handsomer!".

I found the thread because I've been looking to buy a copy of all his movies. My son said I should check this forum he stumbled upon. He tries to get any update about his father. I do too. I remember very well how hard he cried when a chinese friend showed us Meng Fei's picture with another woman and their baby son a few years back. All I could do was cry with him, and hold him close to my heart. I assured him that his father is a good man, and that he was truly loved when we were all together. And that's the only thing he should remember.

Greetings, Mrs. Yeung!

What you related is both hilarious and heartbreaking...

Hilarious about how your husband was talking to the wrong baby...

And heartbreaking when you related how Gabriel felt when he saw the picture of his father with another family...

Again, I am at a loss of words for any further observations on the subject...

My 2nd son was born 9 lbs. 4 oz. and my wife weighed 95 lbs. before her expectancy...And he was born natural, no C-section...The little guy broke his right clavicle upon delivery...I was wondering how much did your son weigh and how big was he at the time of his birth?

Your philosophy about the Almighty and the exercising of our free will (and it's consequences) was truly inspiring...And begs further contemplation.

I said it before, and I'll say it again...I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I knew I had a child of mine out there somewhere whom I hadn't seen since that child was 2-years-old...

Thank you for replying amidst your busy schedule. I mentioned to Alexandra that I don't think there is another MENG FEI site like this one anywhere in the world...So far none of us have been able to locate a MENG FEI website anywhere...I am beginning to wonder if there even is one. I wonder how Mr. FEI gets any fan letters or emails?

By the way, Donsol, Phillippines seems like an awesome place! Whale sharks and all! That gentle giant is the largest living fish in the world!

It is interesting that Mr. FEI is religious and is either Buddhist or Daoist [or both]. This is in contrast to the late Bruce Lee...I had read The Dao Of JKD and had understood that he was pretty much a non-theist[i.e. neither a theist, nor an atheist] like Jiddu Krishnamurthy, by whom he was strongly influenced. Did Mr. FEI ever meet Bruce Lee or what did he think about him in general? I know I had stated previously--one last question...But that was impractical.

What philosophies or famous persons in general did Mr. FEI admire and was influenced by?


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I knew a few things about Gabriel before he was born, but most clairvoyants cannot see their own future.

That sounds very interesting...May I ask what exactly did you foresee about your son?

How about Mr. FEI? Did you foresee meeting and marrying a martial arts superstar from HK or Taiwan?

Psychic abilities are a confluence of mind and spirit.

It has been said that most humans utilize only 2 % of our mind's full capability...And that geniuses such as Einstein or Edison utilize about 14 % of the human mind's full capability...

I wonder about those of us who have ever utilized 98-100 % of our mind's full capability...?

I think genuine psychics & clairvoyants (not frauds or charlatans), may be tapping into that remaining 86-98 % of the human mind which is unused...

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I mentioned to Alexandra that I don't think there is another MENG FEI site like this one anywhere in the world...So far none of us have been able to locate a MENG FEI website anywhere...I am beginning to wonder if there even is one. I wonder how Mr. FEI gets any fan letters or emails?

Yes, is true, as far I know there is not other place devoted to Fei Fei, so I invite to all of you to write, discuss, share, not only in this thread but in the Social Group, this place is a nice and comfy space for share experiences, material, feelings, whatever you want in a respectful way of course. I am thinking in another place that I am designing, as a massive space (maybe in three languages) for Fei Fei. You will have news.


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Yes, is true, as far I know there is not other place devoted to Fei Fei,

Absolutely...It is ridiculous that there are no Meng Fei websites out there...Or that they cannot be found!

So many much LESSER stars worldwide have websites dedicated to them...Yet no Meng Fei website?

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Absolutely...It is ridiculous that there are no Meng Fei websites out there...Or that they cannot be found!

So many much LESSER stars worldwide have websites dedicated to them...Yet no Meng Fei website?

Well, I posted this japanese website in this thread almost 2 months ago, remember?


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Well, I posted this japanese website in this thread almost 2 months ago, remember?


Right! I almost forgot about that one...I had accessed it through Google translation. So there is this ONE website.

This was an incredible find by you Asian Fury, considering nothing else beside this one is available anywhere...Seemingly nothing from mainland China, Hong Kong, or Taiwan from where it would certainly be expected.

Alexandra's MENG FEI thread has uncovered more photographs of MENG FEI than was known to be available...

And to top everything off, Mrs. MENG FEI (Ms. Elizabeth Oropesa) turns up and offers information that was not known to MENG FEI fans anywhere in the WORLD...

She has offered information that even Mr. MENG FEI himself isn't aware of...Such as how his eldest son Gabriel Yeung has been progressing and what he's been up to presently.

No MENG FEI website can lay claim to the presence of Mrs. MENG FEI (Ms. Elizabeth Oropesa), that's for sure...

But we haven't forgotten your effort with finding the Japanese MENG FEI tribute website...Thanks for that!

What has truly surprised me is that more MENG FEI fans here haven't posed any questions to Mrs. MENG FEI regarding the martial arts superstar...I mean who better than Ms. Oropesa to answer even general questions about Mr. FEI?

I mean it would be like Linda Lee Caldwell coming here to Kung Fu Cinema.com forums and answering questions about the Little Dragon which were not known to Bruce Lee fans...Except that Linda Lee wasn't ever a celebrity in her own right--just Mrs. Bruce Lee. Here, we have a major Filipina movie star--Elizabeth Oropesa--no less...Answering questions about Mr. FEI! That would be the equivalent of Demi Moore answering questions about Bruce Willis or Nicole Kidman answering questions about Tom Cruise, here in the States...

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I add "The unbeaten 28" to my list to movies watched complete not only a segment.

I am going for more of course, available in my country.

I liked very much Unbeaten 28...maybe the direction of Joseph Kuo? Of course Fei Fei is fantastic in his character.


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I add "The unbeaten 28" to my list to movies watched complete not only a segment. I am going for more of course

Now, the BIG question...So far, which is your favorite MENG FEI movie as opposed to your favorite MENG FEI performance?

By the way, I have seen it in its entirety also...

You know I've noticed one thing, in just about every MENG FEI movie, he gets called "bastard" so many times by the English-dubbed bad guys that I wonder if Mr. FEI holds the onscreen record for a Kung Fu star?

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Hello everybody! Meng Fei's new family pictures that I promised can now be seen in my photo albums in my profile. Hope you like them.

My love to you all,


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That sounds very interesting...May I ask what exactly did you foresee about your son?

How about Mr. FEI? Did you foresee meeting and marrying a martial arts superstar from HK or Taiwan?

Psychic abilities are a confluence of mind and spirit.

It has been said that most humans utilize only 2 % of our mind's full capability...And that geniuses such as Einstein or Edison utilize about 14 % of the human mind's full capability...

I wonder about those of us who have ever utilized 98-100 % of our mind's full capability...?

I think genuine psychics & clairvoyants (not frauds or charlatans), may be tapping into that remaining 86-98 % of the human mind which is unused...

Greetings, Mrs. Yeung!

What you related is both hilarious and heartbreaking...

Hilarious about how your husband was talking to the wrong baby...

And heartbreaking when you related how Gabriel felt when he saw the picture of his father with another family...

Again, I am at a loss of words for any further observations on the subject...

My 2nd son was born 9 lbs. 4 oz. and my wife weighed 95 lbs. before her expectancy...And he was born natural, no C-section...The little guy broke his right clavicle upon delivery...I was wondering how much did your son weigh and how big was he at the time of his birth?

Your philosophy about the Almighty and the exercising of our free will (and it's consequences) was truly inspiring...And begs further contemplation.

I said it before, and I'll say it again...I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I knew I had a child of mine out there somewhere whom I hadn't seen since that child was 2-years-old...

Thank you for replying amidst your busy schedule. I mentioned to Alexandra that I don't think there is another MENG FEI site like this one anywhere in the world...So far none of us have been able to locate a MENG FEI website anywhere...I am beginning to wonder if there even is one. I wonder how Mr. FEI gets any fan letters or emails?

By the way, Donsol, Phillippines seems like an awesome place! Whale sharks and all! That gentle giant is the largest living fish in the world!

It is interesting that Mr. FEI is religious and is either Buddhist or Daoist [or both]. This is in contrast to the late Bruce Lee...I had read The Dao Of JKD and had understood that he was pretty much a non-theist[i.e. neither a theist, nor an atheist] like Jiddu Krishnamurthy, by whom he was strongly influenced. Did Mr. FEI ever meet Bruce Lee or what did he think about him in general? I know I had stated previously--one last question...But that was impractical.

What philosophies or famous persons in general did Mr. FEI admire and was influenced by?


Dear slazenger_7, when I got pregnant, I knew that my baby was a boy. I also knew what he should be when he gets older. But you see, like what I've said before, nothing is written in stone because of free will. I cannot influence him or force him to do anything he doesn't want. I can only guide him and be there for him, when he needs me. Some of the things that I saw, I didn't like. So I tried to make him avoid it from happening. This is my role as a guardian; as a mother.

Meng Fei was a fan of Bruce Lee, but would talk more about Alexander Fu-sheng, how he died, and his wife. He was a friend of Jackie Chan, and I am a devoted fan of Jackie Chan. (My husband is a very jealous man despite his good looks ) We don't talk about Jackie Chan very much.

Meng Fei's english was really bad when I met him. 90% of what he knows, he learned from me. He is a very good student, very smart. Very strong and very determined. Like what I've said before, he only saw me on TV and decided to look for me because he wanted me. He didn't worry at all about him being able to speak only very little english, I mean VERY little. He went straight to my house uninvited and told his filipino producer to tell me who he was. There was a big party in my house at that time, Fernando Poe and Dolphy were there to name a few. These are the two kings of the Philippine cinema. They were all smiling at what was happening while Meng Fei was being introduced to me. After the proper introduction, I whispered to the Filipino producer that: "I thought he was taller".I smiled because he was so full of confidence. I couldn't help but admire him. From that time on, he would wait outside my house as early as 7am with chinese food for my mother and me. Of course I would wake up lunch time and he would still be there, patiently waiting with a big beautiful smile. He would go to my shootings and not embarassed to carry my make-up kit or fan me when it's terribly hot.

Who wouldn't fall in love with a man like that? I left my family. I left my career for him. I followed him to Taiwan. Of course everybody was so shocked. My mother had a heart attack, so I had to come back. We didn't see each other for 10 years. Then all of a sudden he came back, looking for me again.

This time he didn't let me go. We got married. I lived in Taiwan for 7 years.

No slazenger, I did not see him in my dreams. I never bothered looking at my future. I did not think it was necessary, but I saw the house that he built for me in Taiwan before he even came back to look for me. I was sick at that time. and I told my best friend Jenny the details of what my future house would look like. Perhaps the reason why I did not see him is because it would not last very long.

My psychic ability is inborn. What I have did not come from any books. I don't know the difference between people who learned how to do some things that are unusual and from people like me. All I know is that I could see and talk to spirits since I was very young. They were my first playmates.

Enough about me for now.

Meng Fei's fans used to write him letters and send it to CTV. That's the television station that covered our wedding. The station would just let him know and he would pick them up. I don't know if he is 'techy' now, he wasn't techy then. Perhaps that's the reason why he is not into computers.

Believe me slazenger, anyone who will see the Whale Sharks up close would immediately fall in love with them. Their eyes are so gentle. I talk to them a lot.

Love, Yeungliza.

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Meng Fei was a fan of Bruce Lee, but would talk more about Alexander Fu-sheng, how he died, and his wife. He was a friend of Jackie Chan, and I am a devoted fan of Jackie Chan. (My husband is a very jealous man despite his good looks ) We don't talk about Jackie Chan very much.

Hello Mrs. Yeung,

First of all, I want to thank you profusely for posting your family photos with Gabriel, yourself, and your husband, Gabriel's Dad...

Words aren't adequate to express what MENG FEI fans must be feeling viewing those wonderful family photos you provided.

When I found all those MENG FEI photos from all over the internet, I thought I struck gold until I viewed the ones you just posted. I also have a deep sense of ambivalence now in retrospect for posting them here in Alexandra's MENG FEI thread at Kung Fu Cinema Forum. I cannot imagine what your son must have felt when he viewed those photos of Mr. FEI and his other family.

Nonetheless, for any MENG FEI fan, Alexandra's MENG FEI thread is unrivalled and complete thanks to your presence.

With all due respect to Mr. Jackie Chan and his accomplishments, in my view, he NEVER came close to some of my childhood martial arts movie heroes such as Bruce Lee, Chen Kuan Tai, David Chiang, Chi Kuan Chun, Ti Lung, Fu Sheng, or MENG FEI...

They were in a class all by themselves. Its just that with the exception of Bruce Lee, the others didn't get the proper U.S.-Canada or worldwide marketing and promotion that Lee had. From research of early 70's Hong Kong cinema, your husband--MENG FEI--was a contemporary rival with the '71 & '72 HK releases of Hands Of Death[The King Boxer] and The Prodigal Boxer.

Bruce Lee was quite articulate in English which helped him tremendously in the West, plus he was a terrific self-promoter. No one MARKETED Bruce Lee better than Bruce Lee...

Up until Five Shaolin Masters, Mr. FEI seemed to be aiming for the stars...I wonder what would have happened if director Chang Cheh would have taken far more interest in him with a career with Shaw Brothers than he had...? Did Mr. FEI ever discuss his doing only the one film with Chang Cheh and Shaw Brothers?

Also, Gabriel looks so much like his Dad, I wonder how Mr. FEI would react if he saw him now? We pray that this inevitable meeting takes place soon, Inshallah[God willing]...

Your life story is truly fascinating...!


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