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Meng Fei


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Agree with you 50% in all your message, but: the "babyface" must not be condition for give always to an actor the same character --that is to say -- the good and nice boy.


By the way, I wasn't speaking for myself when I commented on his "babyface" being the reason why HK & East Asian filmmakers always cast him as the good guy...

If one watches some of his expressions in Hands Of Death[aka TKB] or The Prodigal Boxer, it becomes apparent that Mr. Fei would have made a terrific villain with that 'babyface'...

After all, Italian maestro Sergio Leone took one of America's most beloved film actors--Henry Fonda--and made him into a baby-blue-eyed, smiling killer of unprecedented callousness in Once Upon A Time In The West(1968)...

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By the way, I wasn't speaking for myself when I commented on his "babyface" being the reason why HK & East Asian filmmakers always cast him as the good guy...

If one watches some of his expressions in Hands Of Death[aka TKB] or The Prodigal Boxer, it becomes apparent that Mr. Fei would have made a terrific villain with that 'babyface'....

I understand very well what you said in your post, the filmmakers wanted him mostly as the good and nice boy, and I believe that Fei Fei as villain could be impressive.


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I understand very well what you said in your post, the filmmakers wanted him mostly as the good and nice boy, and I believe that Fei Fei as villain could be impressive.


In his lengthy film & TV credits, there HAS to be a villainous part in there somewhere for Meng Fei...We just haven't come across it yet or if someone who has seen it, hasn't yet brought to our attention in this thread.

By the way Alexandra, you really did justice to Mr. Fei in putting up this thread. If there was a way for you to contact Meng Fei directly via email, that would be something...From his photos that were uploaded here in this thread, he seems like a pretty accessible fellow and not a recluse.

He's got to have his own website or press agency which receives his fan letters or emails and responds...Wouldn't it be a treat if it could be tracked down...?

Those photos of his which were uploaded certainly say plenty about the activities of his life & career...As the old saying goes : A picture is worth a thousand words.

P.S.--Alexandra, here is the late Fu Sheng & Meng Fei's frequent co-star Mr. Chi Kuan Chun's email address from his website www.chikuanchun.com...Mr. Chi Kuan Chun is a real life Hung Kuen martial arts master; currently, his official website is still under construction. However, Mr. Chun or his representative could maybe provide some feedback and memorabilia about his many collaborations with the late Fu Sheng, whom he knew pretty well. Like Meng Fei, Chi Kuan Chun settled down in Taiwan.


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I took a few screenshots from Kung Fu of Eight Drunkards, the film is not remastered so the quality is not the greatest, but they are of Meng Fei so they aren't bad!


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Meng Fei in Kung Fu of Eight Drunkards




I think his drunken style is as good as anybody's that I have seen and he doesn't even get drunk to do it. :yociexp45:

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Thank you MarsHarmony for the fantastic screenshots of KFof8D. :laluot_15:

They are absolutely fabulous. I noticed 16 different range of expressions (of course captured by the "eagle eye" of Mars) and sincerely Fei Fei was an excellent actor, no doubts, some of those expressions demonstrate his talent. Awesome.


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I meant to say how super those shots that slazinger_7 posted, thank you for those. Meng Fei really does look like a nice guy.

Chi Kuan Chun did an interview, posted in the AFS thread, that he did not care for Fu Sheng very much, so I don't think he would appreciate a lot of questions about Fu Sheng, that being said, I still think they did great work together.

Hopefully he likes Meng Fei and would be more open to discuss their many collaborations.

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I meant to say how super those shots that slazinger_7 posted, thank you for those. Meng Fei really does look like a nice guy.

Chi Kuan Chun did an interview, posted in the AFS thread, that he did not care for Fu Sheng very much, so I don't think he would appreciate a lot of questions about Fu Sheng, that being said, I still think they did great work together.

Hopefully he likes Meng Fei and would be more open to discuss their many collaborations.

Those still shots pretty much sum up what I always maintained in the past about Mr. Fei being a much, much better actor than he was ever given credit for...But now, it seems there are Meng Fei fans who are surfacing and are active in an almost total REVISION of his film career.

30 years before I found out that the hero of TPB & HOD[aka TKB] was the same guy as Fang Ta Hung of FSM, as a kid, I really related to Mr. Fei's characterization of The Prodigal Boxer...Especially, his relationship with his mother. I had a similar relationship with my own, so I really related to that character. As with many pre-adolescent/adolescent/post-adolescent young fellows, I was equally reckless, fun-loving, and fearful of mother as Fei's character in TPB.

My sister and her girlfriends liked Meng Fei & Fu Sheng mainly because of their looks back then. Of course, I never really understood what went through the minds & emotions of pre-teen and teenage girls...But I guess as they matured, they obviously came to appreciate way more than just the looks of those two martial arts stars. Just like us guys came to appreciate a lot more than their fighting prowess as we too matured and saw what fine actors those gentlemen were. The one thing that always baffled me was how many females liked all those guys : David Chiang; Ti Lung; Fu Sheng; Meng Fei; Chi Kuan Chun; Chen Kuan Tai; etc., etc...I mean none of them really made any movies that catered to female audiences back then. They were all martial arts ACTION stars targeting mostly male audiences of all ages...

Those photos of Mr. Fei which I was fortunate enough to find and upload, really do say a lot about his life & career...About what type of a family man he is as well as a professional actor & STAR. Even his current activity in the healthcare product business is covered in those photos...

Excellent photos MarsHarmony! I just showed Mr. Fei's youthful photos from 8 Drunkards to my nieces, and they think he makes the Johnny Depps & Ashton Kutchers look like car salesmen...LOL. They couldn't believe that those are photos of a former Asian martial arts star! I'm trying to acquaint my nephews & nieces with some of the things which I grew up on...There is a whole new generation than from the one I grew up in that has no idea of the great personalities that once graced the silver screen of world cinema...Or even in the music industry, for that matter : Santana; Deep Purple; Led Zeppelin; Steely Dan; Chicago; K. C. & the Sunshine Band; Donna Summer; Bee Gees; etc., etc...

P.S.--I wasn't aware Mr. Chun wasn't particularly fond of the late Fu Sheng...Objectively, I can understand it. He always came across as a no-nonsense serious martial artist & actor to me...From past feedback, I do remember that Chi Kuan Chun and Meng Fei got along pretty well and held mutual respect for one another.

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Chi Kuan Chun did an interview, posted in the AFS thread, that he did not care for Fu Sheng very much, so I don't think he would appreciate a lot of questions about Fu Sheng, that being said, I still think they did great work together.

I wholly agree...Chi Kuan Chun & Alexander Fu Sheng were probably one of the greatest onscreen match-ups EVER. Whatever their off-screen relationship may have been, their onscreen chemistry was pure cinematic genius---Mr. Chang Cheh was responsible for that. Hats off to the legendary Chang Cheh!

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If MarsHarmony have amazing screenshots of Clutch of Power.......I will be very grateful!:tongue:


I simply adore him.


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MarsHarmony don't worry ... post any screen captures of Fei Fei movies, you are the best doing this!


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Hello Marharmony , hi Alexandra, I did not hook up here for a while, hello to all of you beautiful Meng Fei fans out there . Boy there is so much to our boy that I did not know. Thank you all for the info. Did you all know he was married to the Filipino actress Elizabeth Oropesa and they have a son Gabriel? Gabriel will be about 18 or 19 by now or a year or two older. Good to be back

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Hello Marharmony , hi Alexandra, I did not hook up here for a while, hello to all of you beautiful Meng Fei fans out there . Boy there is so much to our boy that I did not know. Thank you all for the info. Did you all know he was married to the Filipino actress Elizabeth Oropesa and they have a son Gabriel? Gabriel will be about 18 or 19 by now or a year or two older. Good to be back

Hi Mengfan,

Are you sure about that? Those photos of Meng Fei & family clearly show his eldest son and he is NOT Elizabeth Oropesa's son from Mr. Fei...I'm not sure if they had any children from their marriage...Without engaging in gossip about Mr. Fei, the only publicized online personal info regarding their marriage has stated that it ended due to 'Meng Fei's infidelity' [i.e. Mr. Fei allegedly cheated on Elizabeth Oropesa].

This son of his, shown in Meng Fei's family pics, is a post-adolescent and has appeared as a model & actor in Taiwanese media. His real name is Wang Baixiang, although his professional name is Meng Xiang. From those photos of the Meng Fei family, Elizabeth Oropesa is certainly not Meng Xiang's mother...

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Hi Mengfan,

Are you sure about that? Those photos of Meng Fei & family clearly show his eldest son and he is NOT Elizabeth Oropesa's son from Mr. Fei...I'm not sure if they had any children from their marriage...Without engaging in gossip about Mr. Fei, the only publicized online personal info regarding their marriage has stated that it ended due to 'Meng Fei's infidelity' [i.e. Mr. Fei allegedly cheated on Elizabeth Oropesa].

This son of his, shown in Meng Fei's family pics, is a post-adolescent and has appeared as a model & actor in Taiwanese media. His real name is Wang Baixiang, although his professional name is Meng Xiang. From those photos of the Meng Fei family, Elizabeth Oropesa is certainly not Meng Xiang's mother...

Yes Meng does have a son named Gabriel with Elizabeth Orapesa. I can be a bit off with the age of the son but I watched the movie that Ms Oropesa produced herself about her life with Meng Fie. Up to about six years ago, she was complaining about how Meng does not even make an effort to contact their son.

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Yes Meng does have a son named Gabriel with Elizabeth Orapesa. I can be a bit off with the age of the son but I watched the movie that Ms Oropesa produced herself about her life with Meng Fie. Up to about six years ago, she was complaining about how Meng does not even make an effort to contact their son.

Elizabeth Oropesa actually made an autobiographical documentary about her marriage to Meng Fei?

From what has already been posted in this thread, Meng Fei was Elizabeth Oropesa's 4th husband...

It is hard to evaluate whether or not celebrities ought to publicize to any great extent their private lives...That would be a matter of serious debate. In the U. S., professional careers are sometimes ruined if personal info damaging to one's reputation is publicized.

Nonetheless, it is hard to envision Mr. Fei as having abandoned his own offspring after viewing all those photos taken of him with his son Meng Xiang [Wang Baixiang]...He seems to be a really doting father.

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Elizabeth Oropesa actually made an autobiographical documentary about her marriage to Meng Fei?

From what has already been posted in this thread, Meng Fei was Elizabeth Oropesa's 4th husband...

It is hard to evaluate whether or not celebrities ought to publicize to any great extent their private lives...That would be a matter of serious debate. In the U. S., professional careers are sometimes ruined if personal info damaging to one's reputation is publicized.

Nonetheless, it is hard to envision Mr. Fei as having abandoned his own offspring after viewing all those photos taken of him with his son Meng Xiang [Wang Baixiang]...He seems to be a really doting father.

I love Meng Fei. always did. No disrespect to him, we are not perfect, he is not perfect either. I do not admire him because of his looks mainly, although we cannot discount his looks. We have to be realistic of the fact that the man is only human and he has made mistakes in the past. He does have a son Gabreil with Ms Oropesa when they were married. If she decided for whatever reason to make a film about theitr lives together, who are we to dispute that. I am sure she went through the right channels or else Meng Fei could have sued her. Are there not movies made on the lives of Elvis, the Kennedeys and others RIGHT here in the States?. Even Priscilla Presley hand picked that Jonathan Reis Myers to play the King Elvis. Please not let us jugde Ms Oropesa because we are all big fans of Meng Fei. Let 's keep it real.

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I love Meng Fei. always did. No disrespect to him, we are not perfect, he is not perfect either. I do not admire him because of his looks mainly, although we cannot discount his looks. We have to be realistic of the fact that the man is only human and he has made mistakes in the past. He does have a son Gabreil with Ms Oropesa when they were married. If she decided for whatever reason to make a film about theitr lives together, who are we to dispute that. I am sure she went through the right channels or else Meng Fei could have sued her. Are there not movies made on the lives of Elvis, the Kennedeys and others RIGHT here in the States?. Even Priscilla Presley hand picked that Jonathan Reis Myers to play the King Elvis. Please not let us jugde Ms Oropesa because we are all big fans of Meng Fei. Let 's keep it real.

I think you maybe misunderstood my remarks...I wasn't passing judgment on Ms. Oropesa at all. I was just surprised when you mentioned that in that documentary she publicly complained about Meng Fei not seeing their son...I wasn't at all disputing Ms. Oropesa or her claim. But as you stated, she probably went through the proper legal channels. And I'm certainly not aware of the legalities of some of the SE Asian countries.

However, I did speculate that it was hard to envision Mr. Fei abandoning any biological child of his...Going mainly by those photos of him and his family that were uploaded here in this thread...It seemed difficult to envision as he appears to be a doting father.

Also, I was just making comparisons about how sticky things get here in the U.S. in terms of lawsuits when any public comments or criticisms are made by celebs about other celebs...

And I was speculating on what the protocol might be about celebrities revealing maybe too much about their private lives as a subject for serious debate. I never actually passed a definite opinion on the subject matter, one way or another...

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I was not saying that that Ms Oropesa conplained about Meng Fie not contacting their son Gabriel in the movie about her life with him. Meng has been a neglegent father to Gabriel. He probably learnt from his mistakes from his lack of fatherly contact with Gabriel on how to connect with his other children. I say good for him, some people never learn.

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If he did learn, I repect him more. I did not make this up. Ms Oropesa conplined about Meng's neglegence in the past and I can't blame her. Thier divorce was quite acromonious but at the time, their then young son should not have had to suffer. Like I said, Meng was quite doting for the world and the camera in his family appearance on the TV show but we need to be open that he is human and made mistakes in the past. Let us not become blind fanatics here.

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If he did learn, I repect him more. I did not make this up. Ms Oropesa conplined about Meng's neglegence in the past and I can't blame her. Thier divorce was quite acromonious but at the time, their then young son should not have had to suffer. Like I said, Meng was quite doting for the world and the camera in his family appearance on the TV show but we need to be open that he is human and made mistakes in the past. Let us not become blind fanatics here.

I guess I must have also misunderstood you...When you mentioned about the documentary of Ms. Oropesa, the very next sentence was about her complaining about Meng Fei...I automatically assumed it was in relation to the documentary. My error.

However, I will have to differ with you on the fact that I am no 'blind fanatic' about Mr. Fei. If you have paid careful attention to any of my posts in this thread, that will become quite apparent.

Finally, even though this thread is generally about Mr. Fei's life & career, I think with this particular subject matter about his marriage to Ms. Oropesa and their son Gabriel is delving too deeply into Meng Fei's private life...So with all due respect to Meng Fei fans & Mr. Fei himself, I will no longer offer any more thoughts on the subject and concentrate mainly on Meng Fei the actor, martial artist, and star.

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I have noticed some differences of opinion on the privacy of Mr Fei, and in this regard I wish to clarify: this space devoted to him was intended to express freely and in a respectful way, to read and share information that enrich us as each one can provide several perspectives thoughts, feelings, passions, criticisms and all I can say about the life and work of Mr. Fei. I can not tolerate in any respect as another member of this forum, point out that something must be said and that another should not say, with arguments that seem frivolous, and saying that a partner is a "blind fan", a fact which I consider insulting because no person has rights to label or tag to anyone about their admiration for the artist which is speaking. As for being a fan, I wish to clarify once and for all, that every person in this place, nothing but admiration for an actor, an actress, a director, a choreographer, but consider them smart enough to think they have spirit critical, because as we all know, the "blindness" is caused precisely censorship, discrimination, and even if you look in history, is what has led to the misunderstanding of the other, leading to the worst wars that can be imagine. Here, no one will say what you should speak or what you should not talk. Here there is freedom and respect for an artist, which we feel admiration and we have a critical mind and to look objectively at your work and life issues, always with respect, to share with all, mainly because, rather than being " "blind fans" are fans of talents. This I would like to close the case because it is painful to see that this space is wasting time on the whims of those who say what they should say or not.

When I think you can talk about facts of life and career of an actor, I understand that none are able to judge their action. Since an actor achieves fame, is already a public person, where his exposure to the world is enormous, and is subject to all kinds of opinions about their private life since he stopped being a public figure, like it or not. It is the rule of the game. It is clear that a person like any other that makes mistakes, but we are not to judge. Or we enter into what the tabloids fluff. Everywhere you look, on any public figure, be read stories of all kinds about his private life, whether married or not, if he had children or not, if it was a faithful husband or a casanova, is part of the game I repeat. The data reported here about his private life can be very useful for all who admire Mr. Fei, only an anecdote, not just started this debate which we are not trained or authorized, both morally and ethically.

And all I say this as someone who has felt very bad reading the messages, and as moderator of Meng Fei Fans Social Group, I do not want these sputtered prevent the free expression of my friends or feel intimidated. Here are many people who have much to offer, and that is wonderful, so I suggest to follow this path, and that detracts think hundred times before writing any censorship. Thank you.


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Ahh Everlasting Chivalry...


Director: Li Chao Yung

Year: 1979

With Doris Lung, Li Jian Ping (not full cast here)

Action Director: So Chan Ping


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