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Meng Fei


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Morgoth Bauglir

I didn't know that about Doris Lung. Hopefully she is doing good and is more mentally stable these days.

Does anyone know if Yip Fei Yang is a brother or cousin of Meng Fei? I always used to get them mixed up many years ago


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In several internet databases is listed Shaolin Kung Fu Mystagogue into Meng Fei movies, but I am not sure if he played a rol in it.

Some info?



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Nope. Meng Fei is not a Mystagoguer

BTW Alexandra !

Definiton : A mystagogue is a person who initiates others into mystic beliefs, an educator or troublemaker (!) who has knowledge of the Sacred Mysteries...!

I say Morgoth is the Mystagoguer ( Hehe..) Alexandra !!

But I must admit he is a NICE one !! Good to see you again my friend !!

Xiexie, Athena ..♥

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BTW Alexandra !

Definiton : A mystagogue is a person who initiates others into mystic beliefs, an educator or troublemaker (!) who has knowledge of the Sacred Mysteries...!

I say Morgoth is the Mystagoguer ( Hehe..) Alexandra !!

But I must admit he is a NICE one !! Good to see you again my friend !!

Aughhhh! :squigglemouth: Silly me! :cry:

I understand very well what is a mystagogue (mistagogo in castilian) In early church the term was used for design "bishop", is a very interesting rol into christian church... I was educated all my life in catholic schools and universities... :nerd: I go to read again some writings of Emanuel Swedenborg...

Well if Morgoth is the mystagogue I will waiting for learn his secrets :angel:

Ab insomne non custita dracone...

Salut Athena!


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Morgoth Bauglir

Athena is right. I don’t think my mystagogueing is on the level of hers, but I have been practicing this for 23 years. With more practice I will be on her level. I’m actually developing a style of mystagogue jujitsu that will easily conquer all other fighting styles.

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This message goes for you, Bach van phi! :wink2:

Meng Fei worked with celebrities along his career, and I write here some lines devoted to Pan Yan Tze (Angela Pan)

This beautiful, wonderful, incredible actress, was, in my opinion, the perfect partenaire of Fei Fei. I don't know too much about her life, only the information that I can pick up from several internet databases.

She was born in China in 1945, worked in Shaw Brothers since 1965 until 1985, I guess a total of 30 movies, and from 1981 in splendid TV dramas in Taiwan.

I copy a sentence taken from Wikipedia:

"Pan and Meng Fei (孟飛) was said by the Taiwan Television Circle to be the "Perfect couple on the Screen" due to their excellent performance in The Return of the Condor Heroes."

She made mega successful TV dramas like the mentioned Return of the Condor Heroes (1984) with Meng Fei, The Bride with White Hair (1985), The Empress Dynasty (1986), Do We Er... and retired in 2004.

In several internet databases I found that she is called the "Goldie Hawn of Asia" because she can play characters of young and aged woman without troubles, and in fact, today, she look ageless. She is certainly a beauty, very refinated lady on screen, an actress trained in Huangmei Opera and versatile in their roles.





Angela Pan... "chapeau"


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Helen Pan was maried to the late and great Chen Hung Lieh.

But He seemed not to be a good husband, chasing after another lady when he had the best, perfectly beautiful wife. I heard 1 year after divorcing he came back to her but she just accepted a friendship only.

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This message goes for you, Bach van phi! :wink2:


Angela Pan... "chapeau"


Awesome. I love this picture best. Thank you Alexandra. Around 20 years I had to pay money to get pictures like this. Terrible time, but memorable time for me because I saw Meing Fei and Pan Ying Zi ( on screen, also paid to see). They changed my opinion on love, the way I love, and give me a dream of love.

Thank you all.

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Yes Pan Yan Tze and Meng Fei did make an awesome on-screen couple. I think he had great chemistry with Lee Lam Lam as well. Some actors are just right to act alongside each other. Sometimes it does not even always have to be a romantic pairing. Like for instance, David Chiang and Ti Lung and Meng fei and Tan Tao Liang.

By the way, those pictures are the bomb. That means they are great, more than great.

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and Meng fei and Tan Tao Liang.

By the way, those pictures are the bomb. That means they are great, more than great.

Yes the pictures are pure excellence !! Beautiful...

& Mengfan , I agree with you totally !!

Meng Fei & Tan Tao Liang is great on screen together.. !!

Very Very NICE to have you back too !!!

Xiexie, Athena ..♥

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Thank you Alexandra.

This movie of them is the one I have watched now nearly 10 times :tongue:.

They are really perfect couple. Hope that from this link you could find more and more movies by Fei Fei.

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Very nice videos!!! I love them! They were the perfect couple, the "dream team" certainly! :kiss:

You can translate some of the commentars posted in those videos in YouTube?


AHHH! I opened a new thread in Social Groups Meng Fei Fans! Join us and start to share your experiences! :smile:


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Hey guys, I don't know if you all remember I said that Zhou Chuen Xiong had good things to say about Meng Fei?. I said that in an earlier page here. Zhou Chuan Xiong and Steve Chou are the same person. He is a Taiwanese singer/ songwriter/ producer. He has the most touching and amazing voice and he sings with such emotion that you are mesmerized by his voice, the melodies and the words in his songs. He is the Shakespeare of songwriting. He has written for top singers from China and himself. He is now a full time producer and maybe the best in china. He has an album coming out next month. he is handsome, skinny, pale and very humble.

The song is indeed called Huang Hun and it means Dusk, Twilight or Sunset. It was the song that elevated Steve to an A List Chinese singer and was pirated in over five million copies. It is still a poignant song that brings tears to listeners' eyes after ten years.

I guess they had to get the music of the best as the background music for the video clip of the best, meaning the video clip of Meng Fei.

I met Steve, I know him, I love him.I am yet to meet Meng Fei. Maybe soon, who knows.

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THIS MONTH IS MY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!::smile: I joined and posted my first post to the forum in September of 2009. Hey Alexandra, don't mean to go off topic but I used to share emails with Valdanito. We know him better as Hernan Jorge Crespo. Lost touch with him though.

So glad to find a really cool Meng fei site like this. Great and knowledgeable members. We have been taken to school and have been taught Meng Fei-ology by the great teacher Elizabeth Oropesa. Who better to have in our forum than a wonderful woman who was married to Meng Fei.

I look forward to another great year of being a member of this forum. Thank you Alexandra. In creating this site, you did a fine good thing. GRACIAS

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He is a Taiwanese singer/ songwriter/ producer.

The song is indeed called Huang Hun and it means Dusk, Twilight or Sunset.

I guess they had to get the music of the best as the background music for the video clip of the best, meaning the video clip of Meng Fei.

I met Steve, I know him, I love him.I am yet to meet Meng Fei. Maybe soon, who knows.

Hello Mengfan! Happy Anniversary in the Forum! :bigsmile:

Thank you for the data about the song!. I hope you can meet Fei Fei some day!!! :biggrin:

Glad to hear that you enjoy this thread and is very exciting to share experiences, if you have more songs singed by Steven Chow, maybe in YouTube, please post the links!

Best for you!


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Hello Alexandra and everyone else. Athena mentioned it is good to see me back. Well Athena, it is good to be here.

Thank you Alexandra for your kind words of welcome. I just want to wish the asian members a happy mid autumn festival. That is for those members who celebrate the holiday.

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