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Top 5 favourite on-screen martial artists?


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Please list your top 5 martial artists of the jade screen, and what it is about their fighting style that you like? Please be as detailed as possible, by perhaps giving some examples of trademark moves. I will be paying close attention to 4 and 5 (if listed in ranking order), as 1-3 will probably be Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and some superkicker. However, for Jackie fans, I would still be interested in your reason for choosing him. Remember, this has nothing to do with acting ability, but is purely from a martial arts perspective.

I'll give you an example of the kind of depth I'm hoping for with this topic: I like Wong Tao--probably in my Top 5--because he has a certain type of jumping punch and jumping kick that I've never seen performed by other Kung Fu actors that is very flashy and entertaining. I would say the punch is probably based more on Taekwondo than his kick, as I'm sure I've seen it performed live before. Obviously, there is a lot more to be said about Wong Tao regarding his aptitude for different shapes in general, as well as his individual forms.

I am comfortable talking about my Top 2 at least:

1) Hwang Jang Lee: much has been said about this superkicker. He has his own unique style and repertoire of kicks, including several trademark moves, plus he looks powerful and is good with all animal styles. That is Hwang in a nutshell.

2) Lu Feng; this man is just like Hwang Jang Lee--not with his feet--but instead with weapons! I do not know any other actors who uses weapons across several movies along with a distinctive and consistent style. For superkickers and handsmen its easy to spot certain key moves, but try trainspotting swordsmen or spearmen, and I doubt you'll spot any pattern--except with Lu Feng. Kuan Feng is somewhat unique, but again, these men are the exception to the rule.

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I like too many of them - these 5 always get me proper excited, like few others when they pop up though:

Lau Kar Leung - come along now, surely no description needed... snap, speed & stance.

Chu Ker - perfect balance of kung stylings mixed with raw Opera precedents, had a way with weapons that blows my mind, moreso than any other of the venoms era guys. Wish he was more prolific.

Mark Long - I like fighters with a loosey-goosey aesthetic, he had it in spades alongside the acrobatics - like Yuen Wah, he has it too...

Too many blokes...

Top it off with two of my favourite ladies for ability:

Yang Jing Jing, besides looking great, she's not all out great looking in every fight, but when she nails it... she's something. Seems a little in the shadow of Kara, but I like her a lot more, she got skills; you can tell that she's got the proper background and grounding/ability.

Wong Mei Mei - something tells me she looks a little older than her years, she has a real interesting look to her that intrigues me; her footwork is something else... She's like a female Hwang; guess she wasn't prolific enough to get much mention on the kicks front, but I can't help but notice it.

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I'll start with Bruce Lee, of course...

I've always loved his speed and execution of movements, even back to the days of The Green Hornet and Marlowe. He had a punch to the technique of his kick, and his handspeed was lightning. The signature triple kick: right, crescent, roundhouse, first revealed in The Big Boss, was never done on film prior.

2) Sammo Hung:His mastery of weapons, and varying styles, particularly Wing Chun, I don't believe anyone has done more onscreen than this wonderful MA/AD. He has literally gone to learn styles only to come back and teach his stars on set... His signature I feel, was always implementing an unsuspected, acrobatic, manuevre, at some point of his fight scene... Usually a move fat guys could only dream about. Awesome.

3) Liang Jia Ren (Beardy):A master of mimicry, even though he says he never learned MA prior to his film career, he was one hell of an athlete! He displayed some of the finest handwork in films like Legend of A Fighter and Warrior's Two. and let's not forget The Cross-Fist/Wing Chun like action he displayed in The Victim, and see above for choreographer for that classic.

4) Chi Kuan Chun: If there were ever a better onscreen fighter to display Hung Fist, I don't know. His roles in Marco Polo, Disciples of Shaolin, and Men From The Monastery, all show him executing this style to perfection. Signature move, when he uses The Dragon/Eagle Claw and grabs his opponent's head, and twists it-breaking his neck! :nerd:

5)Angela Mao Ying:I had thought of her last because I do feel women have contributed significantly to the genre, and with her talents, I couldn't overlook what she's done. Mao Ying was such a strong onscreen fighter during her time, she needed no co-star billing for her films, even though GH always stuck one in. Her technique was believable when fighting men, leading to BL hiring her for ETD. I'll never forget her signature move:The Hapkido kick, grapple, and throw, introduced in Lady Whirlwind, & used to perfection in Hapkido.

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Chinatown Kid

Bruce Lee: When he came out he was light years ahead of anyone else at the time and not only was his moves and charisma incredible, but you knew by the way he moved he was the real deal and no "phoney" that couldn't really fight and had to be made to look good by the choreographer.

Tan Tao Liang: The man had the most asthetically pleasing form I've ever seen from a kicker and it was just a joy watching him perform his techniques on film. He is an inspiration to me being a TKD stylist and I try to actually model my kicking form after him.

Donnie Yen: This guy is the modern day Bruce Lee imo blending modern day realistic MMA moves and grappling along with realistic boxing style punching and low kicks combined with flashy kicks to come up with the most realistic fighting put on screen to date. And of course just like Bruce he's got the believability factor that you know he's the real deal and has trained intensely in the martial arts.

Tony Jaa: A physically gifted phenomenon that can do not only incredible acrobatics and stunts but some of the most hardhitting and brutal fight scenes ever put on film. He seems to truely have a bright future ahead of him.

Hwang Jang Lee-Known as the lord of leg combat, he's probably the most versatile kicker ever that can use both legs equally good and there is probably no type of kick he could not perform, at least when he was younger. His kicks looked powerful and fast on screen and he was a high ranking TKD practioner in real life and military combat instructor. I know I keep coming back to saying this but there is nothing like seeing someone you know is a actual high level/skilled MA in real life performing awesome fight scenes and techniques on screen, it just seals the whole deal to me.

Other honorable mentions I like on screen are Hwang In Sik, Yusaki Kurata, Sun Chien, Lo Mang, Lau Kar Leung, Kim Won Jin, Yuen Biao, Billy Chong, Cassanova Wong, Dick Wei and Jet Li(mainly for Fist of Legend).

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1. Chi Kuan Chun - With every single movement, you can see power. He uses the ten style fist with precision in every movie I have seen with him in it. The man snaps peoples necks left and right. Also, every time I see him...I think of the song Indestructible by Disturbed...nothing is cooler than that. An excellent representation of power mixed with Traditional Kung Fu.

2. Gordon Liu - The man shows excellent use the Hung style and how to use even the stances down to the awkward ones in a real fight. He is fast, powerful and precise. The moves he can do with just a closed fist are astonishing to watch. A good hung gar fighter.

3. Lau Kar Leung - What more can be said than he is the MASTER of the hung style. That move with his own dragon style he did in My Young Auntie against Wang Lung Wei where he clawed his arm...was AWESOME!!!! Theres a reason while people idolize him.

Thats all for now. I love the Hung Gar style, so if an actor uses it, thats an automatic plus in my book.

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thundered mantis

1. Ko Fei: that man keeps me in awe every time I see him. I´d point out two characteristics. One, his arm movements seem to origin from his shoulder blades. This gives him the edge on the screen, makes his movement be more noticeable. Second, his pacing is best in genre for me. He adapts to the foe´s rythm and it´s able to make pauses or ornate movements inbetween his foe movements. It´s for that reason because he´s the best going again two different foes. Very proficient with weapons, also. And the best hair in the bussiness! XD

2. Wang Lung Wei. Very fast hands, very solid stances, he seems able to keep with the fastest and more complex choreos. He´s done so many superb movies he´s gotta be on the top 5

3. Hwang Jang Lee. What can I say? It´s perfection and death incarnated. He´s NEVER been topped on screen by anyone.

4. Lau Ka Wing. Maybe he´s a tad slower than his elder brother, but I got the feel he´s more versatile. Love how he´s able to round his opponents and close the distance.

5.Bruce Liang. Perfect balance on hands and feet, very energetic.

Honorable mentions: Lam Chin Ying, Fuk Ak On, Ca Sa Fa, Robert Tai, William Yen, Eagle Han, Chung Fa, Wilson Tong, Sammo Hung, Chin Yuet San, Cliff Lok, Kwan Yoon Moon, Tsui Siu Ming, Kurata, Tommy Lee, Beardy, Dai Ah San, Meng Yuen Man, Tony Leung Siu Hung, Kuang Feng, Chang Shan, some koreans I don´t know their names, Hau Chiu Sing, Billy Chong, bah I could keep going all day.

BTW Falkor mate, please when you got time take a look at your mail or your MP box, sent you a couple of messages about the bussiness we get on going

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Morgoth Bauglir

1- Chang Shan, the way this guy holds his hands in a modern movie lets me know right away he knows how to handle himself. I think only a few actors, like Donnie, Jackie or Chan Wai Man could match him in boxing. He's also superb at the oldschool style of movie fighting, and good with a pole or sword. His wrestling is extremely smooth, unlike most movies I see where guys try to wrestle or brawl. Also his kicks are very good. Not up there with the top guys like Bruce Leung, Cassanova and Hwang, but he's close. His weakest area is acrobatics, but in 7 Steps of Kung Fu he shows he's decent.

2- Hwang Jang Lee, agreed with the other posters. It's impossible for me to get tired of his kicks. Lots of unique kicks, pinpoint accuracy, complete control over his power... I'm drooling al over the place right now.

3- Bruce Lee, the 2 most common words I see associated with Bruce are "charisma" and "speed", and there is still no other actor who can match him there. Amazing.

4- Phillip Ko, on another level this guy. I love the dance style fighting in the oldschool movies, and nobody does it better than him.

5- I don't know how I could pick I fifth. I feel like there's at least 20 guys I'm leaving off. Lo Rei, Chin Siu Ho, all the guys the other posters listed...

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