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Jackie Chan imitators

Guest thegoldenstate

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Guest thegoldenstate

I thought it would be interesting to try to come up with a list of actors one might lump in as being Jackie Chan imitators-- I'm thinking of, say, Billy Chong, Lee Yi Min, Conan Lee...I'm sure there are a whole bunch of others. Also, it would be interesting to get people's opinions regarding these various actors-- for instance, on this board I've read people stating that they prefer Billy Chong over Jackie Chan for various reasons, (stronger screen presence, etc.) and I, for one, am inclined to agree with that sentiment.

So, post away...

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Guest killer meteor

Li Yi Min - 7 Grandmasters

Meng Yuan Man - Hell'z Windstaff

Meng Hoi - Hell'z Windstaff

Yuen Tak - The Master

Jimmy Liu - Dragon's Claws

It could be argued that Fu Sheng in My Rebellious Son is modelled after Jackie

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Guest TheManInWhite

Here's a few more:

Jacky Chen in Of Cooks and Kung Fu

John Chang in Snake in the Monkey's Shadow

Nick Cheung in 36 Deadly Styles

Wong Yu in Dirty Ho

Cheng Tien Chi in 7 Steps of Kung Fu

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Guest Atomic Mystery Monster

Jacky Chang - BIG BOSS 2


Would the Jackie Chan "doubles" from THE FEARLESS HYENA 2, MASTER WITH CRACKED FINGERS, and FIRE DRAGON count?

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Guest morgoth

I think Bruce Liang was the truest imitator. The other guys had heir own personalities, but Liang was just pitiful trying to imitate Jackie in The Fist, Kicks, and Evils. Still, that was a very fun acting performance to watch.

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Guest the dirty tiger

Personally I feel that Bruce Liang is better than Jackie Chan and has a style all his own, he is so crazy ! Just look at the madness in Iron Fisted Eagles Claw ! :lol

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Guest morgoth

I will have to check it out. I like his fightign skills a lot more than Jackie, but his acting is also fun to watch.

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Guest Chinatown Kid

Fu Sheng was a star before Jackie ever became famous. I remember someone saying on this forum that Snake in the Eagle's Shadow was originally supposed to star Fu Sheng but the Shaw's wouldn't allow it because they had Fu Sheng binded to a contract exclusively with them. Jackie ended up starring in it and that's when his carear begin to take off.

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Bruce Long

Lee Siu Ming, who does the Jackie Chan imitation in "Jackie and Bruce to the Rescue" also does a nice Jackie Chan imitation in "Yoga and the Kung Fu Girl", but it's less than a minute.

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Guest WalkOn

Billy Chong - Crystal Fist - The best! and Super Power (Fearless Hyena rippoff!)

John Chang - Monkey in the Snakes Shadow (Snakefist vs the Dragon)

Li I Min - Mystery of Chess Boxing and 7 Grandmasters

Cheng Tien Chi - Kung Fu of the Seven Steps

Meng Fei- Kung Fu of the 8 Drunkards

Mang Hoi, Mang Yuen Man - Hells Wind Staff

Tung Wei - Incredible Kung Fu Master

Yuen Shun-Yi - Dance of the Drunken Master

Hsian Kwang Li - Incredible Death Kick Master (The Leg Fighters) - Not sure if it qualifies, but the rebelilous student and torture training always brought to mind a female JC version.

The worst - Bruce Li in Blind Fist of Bruce! I enjoyed it but Bruce Li looked out of place!

I'm sure I missed some other good classic JC imitators, but these are the first that come to mind...

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Guest the dirty tiger

Personally I would not say that most of these people were Jackie Chan immitators, and many of them are much better than him anyway. Billy for sure, that is well known. But the fact that these people made action comedies, you seem to think this means they are imitating Jackie. The fact is, action comedy existed before Jackie came along, it's just that Drunken Master and Snake In The Eagles Shadow made action comedy 'the in thing' so everyone else did it to try and make their money. Doesn't mean they are Jackie imitators though. If you are using this logic then say that Jackie Chan is a Wong Yue imitator :lol

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Guest Chinatown Kid

I saw Billy Chong's films on Blackbelt Theatre as a kid before I had ever saw any of Jackie's films. Speaking strictly of their late 70's early 80's films I always thought Billy looked to be a better martial artist. Jackie took it to another level though with the choreography and stunts starting with Wheels on Meals on up to films like Drunken Master II while Chong more or less disappeared from the scene. I have always prefered Chong's more intense style of fighting though.

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Guest theportlykicker

I'm glad you mentioned Jackie's 80s and early 90s work, Chinatown Kid, because it sounds like most people have forgotten all of that from the way people are casually dismissing Jackie in this thread.

I have always prefered Chong's more intense style of fighting though.

This reminds of a discussion that was had on the Stunt People board recently. The thing is, Jackie's fighting style WAS intense in most of his 80s and early 90s work, so I wouldn't even say Chong was that much more intense.

I don't want to come across as a fanboy though. Both are great! :D

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Guest the dirty tiger

Please dont misunderstand me, Jackie was great and I am very much a fanboy, but it is not fair to say that everyone doing action comedy was copying him. That's all.

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Guest Chinatown Kid

And I agree with you Portly, Chan and Chong are both great and I can't take anything away from either one. Sure wish they would have starred in a film together! 8)

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There are some rely cool Jackie`s imitators, but i think that the best examples are Johnnie Chan and Jackie Chang, but don`t be confused because Cheung Nik was named as ''Jackie Chang'' in movie ''Big Boss 2'' with Dragon Lee, and Jackie Chang is actor who starred in ''Bruce & Jackie to Rescue'' along side Kim Tai Jung.

Here are few stills of Jackie`s imitators:









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One of the lesser known would be Ulyssess Chan, star of the filipino Snake in the Eagle's Shadow rip-off movie Mantis Boxer. Very entertaining movie if you're into low budget pinoy rip-off movies :tongue:


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Maybe we can count also actor called ''Jacky Chen'' who starred in Fearless Hyena, part II along side Bruce Lee imitator ''Bruce Thai''


Do you mean "Fearless Hyena 3" or "Fearless Master", which featured fight choreography by Bruce Le?

Fearless Hyena II had Jackie, a lookalike, and Austin Wai (Kara Hui's brother) as Jackie's cousin.

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