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WHAT THE HELL ?!?!?!?!

Guest the dirty tiger

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Guest the dirty tiger

So now Fareastpirate / Mister Bootleg / Panmedia / Red Sun / Jack / Stiller / Scumbag and whatever other names he goes by is booting Showdown At Cottonmill. He has booted the Rarescope disc and even booted the extra features from the Rarescope disc ! The sheer gall of this twit is quite amazing ! The audacity of the thief is quite astounding ! And even worse is he is trying to sell it for more than the SRP of the official Rarescope disc ! WHAT THE HELL ?!?!?!?!?! The fact that Rarescope went to the expense and effort to track down the film at all and then to share it with the rest of us mere mortals demands a lot of respect - show some damn respect man ! >: If this kind of activity keeps up then maybe we wont get to see a lot of the rares they have lined up ! >:

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Guest monk sante
If this kind of activity keeps up then maybe we wont get to see a lot of the rares they have lined up !

This is so true, what's the deal with these people? :rolleyes

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Guest silver hermit

toby is the rights holder i hope he does something instead doing nothing.

and i hope cliff and bci do something on this side of the atlantic.

the fact no one is doing anything is giving him more reason to boot.

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well--what did you expect? its only a matter of time till we see the redsun english dub versions of killer clans and spiritual boxer.

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Guest the dirty tiger

I emailed Toby and Cliff within 10 mins of finding out. Fingers crossed someone will put him out of business....

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Guest the dirty tiger

The MPAA dont give a crap, they only care about the 'big 7' companies. Unfortunately, money talks. This thief has been booting some of Dragon Dynasty's titles, as well as other peoples stuff. So there is a slim chance Miramax might do something about him. Maybe everyone he has ripped off can group together and take out a 'class action' against him. Now that would be real class ;) Any lawyers on here ? Want to offer their services for the good of all film kind ? We could have a real landmark case on our hands if some of the indies group together. For what it's worth I have no legal expertise but I am at the disposal of anyone who wants to do something to stop the booters. If I can help somehow then let me know ;)

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Guest killer meteor

The message I sent to the MPAA contained a link to Red Sun's site selling Fearless, which is a Universal property

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Guest vengeanceofhumanlanterns

I called the president of the united states, to complain about this debauchery, but he still hasn't called me back!

Seriously, I understand the potential harm caused by the people doing this, but I'm not so sure it's "soley" responsible for these films (like golden harvest/ocean shores) not being released remastered by some major company like ie. Image.

Very few people seem to care.

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you know--i hate to be the one to say this--but come on--not to many people outside of martial arts fans give a you know what about bootlegged kungfu movies. in case you haven,t noticed by now kungfu movies are at the very bottom of any legal list. the only ones that ever got any attention at all were bruce lee--jackie chan and jet li---and even some of those movies have yet to get the releases that they deserve. bootlegged movies are just not seen as a priority by most people. case in fact--a local flea market i was at just this last sunday had dozens of movies that aren,t released yet--some tittles were--GHOST RIDER--300--DEAD SILENCE--HILLS HAVE EYES 2--SHOOTER--a lot of the movies are still in theatres right now and he said they were dvd quality--get this-- any 5 movies for $20. and they were selling like hotcakes.he also said new tittles added every week. unfortunately some of the people i was with bought a bunch--i said i should call the cops but they all strongly insisted that i didn,t as they were not going to pass up the chance to get early copies of movies and yes some of these guys are usually in agreement with me about bootleggers ruining the market for legits--i hate to say it but thats just the way it is. i for one don,t think that anything or anyone is ever going to stop groups like REDSUN-PANMEDIA-if he folded up it would be just a matter of time till someone new took his place--its like a drug dealer- arrest one and someone takes his place. as long as there is demand by the market and the legits don,t or won,t provide what people want at a reasonable price there will always be bootleggers-- lets face it people- i think everybody knows someone somewhere that can get them things on the cheap--under the table--look the other way-- no questions asked sort of things. its all around us--i,m not saying i agree with it all but the bottom line is bootlegged kungfu movies have been around since i can remember and i don,t think thier going away anytime soon.sorry if this rant was a little long but sometimes what happens in life just isn,t fair or just--you just gotta learn to live with it sometimes. by the way just so theres no misunderstanding i don,t think its right for someone to take someone elses work and pass it off as thier own and make money on it. i,m just saying what are you goin to do. REDSUN been takeing other peoples work since the beginning and it seems no one has ever made any real attempt to stop it--who knows if they even can.

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Guest Chia Ling AKA Judy Lee

I think the main issue is 'over the counter' bootlegging. This isn't some guy selling a few boots out of his car, this is a mainstream issue.

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I agree that this is a major problem. Toby has already announced he's planning on selling off many of the films prints he's collected for his dvd labels because of poor sales. The idea that anyone still supports these releases, when they are nearly always more than the legit releases we get, are poor quality, and cut into the possibility of us seeing more, is just stupidity. Certainly bootlegs have existed since the early years of the genre,but these are a different animal. These are boots that are in the legit market place. Instead of simply being traded by fans and bought by a handful, they are being purchased on a mass scale because no one knows any better. Fans should be making the choice to not support these releases. Instead of enhancing the genre, they are slowly killing it. Why a fan would be in favor of that, boggles my mind.

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Guest silver hermit

this is a catch 22 because the majors are buying in mass quantity of boots(they don't know better and are victims too) if they don't make back the $ they made i doubt they will stock more titles legit or not.

like what was said before a class action suit is the only way it will end. class action by the retailers and the legal rights holders together. rights holders should sue sites like HK flicks,amazon and e bay and force them into a settlement in to where they join the class action suit and follow the trail to you know who. but if the rights holders do nothing then who will?

for the record i'm not hate'n on anyone i respect dudes business mind but he is causing more damage to the genre than helping it. sure if its a rare with no hope of a legit release go for it man but undercutting movies we know are out or are coming out soon is wrong.(buying them too)

rarescope is the last hope for alot of rares to see the light of day so respect is due.

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Guest Robert Ian Teller

I don't believe Jack "Stiller" is out of the business. That was probably a front just take a little heat off of him.

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what i don,t understand about REDSUN is this--how does he do it?i mean are there not legal channels someone has to go threw to make and sell movies--to sell them in legit stores etc. i mean i couldn,t just go out and buy or rent movies --copy them and then start manufactureing them and sell them under a new label. so how does he do it? you know he doesn,t just sell kungfu movies- theres black exploitation movies as well as some japanese monster movies(godzilla etc). i think its like i said- as long as he sticks to small market movies none of the big wigs really seem to care. the movie segment he does is so small a market i think the big companies just can,t be bothered. i really can,t picture in my mind any of the suits at warner bros or universal-paramont-sony-etc raiseing an eyebrow over what in thier minds is a bunch of poorly made- cheap- poorly dubbed small market junk. they treat spaghetti westerns and european horror movies the same way-the only spaghetti westerns they care about are with clint eastwood- there are plenty of bootleg spaghetti western sites out there. i,m sure if he was selling STAR WARS or LORD OF THE RINGS they would put a stop to it. i wonder if you were to walk into any of those big shots offices if they would even know who ti lung or chang cheh are. (were) anyway i gotta go-tapped csi miami last nite so now to watch it. adios

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This is true but you have to remember that people boot redsundvd and also use the label. he may boot but

people are booting him as well... it's the truth. If he is ever busted out he wont be held entirely responsible.

the people on eBay especially do not have even his permission. MAYBE they should come up with a new

term because this one even surpasses catch22. that's my opinion.

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Guest morgoth

I have never heard anyone alse say that Red Sun didn't release that boot of Fearless. Banzai released it and the packaging for Bonzai is identical to Red Sun. Same company as far as I can tell.

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Guest spannick

so what if thieves steal from thieves? it's OK if the main culprit gets all the blame - after all, without him there would be no Bootlegs to steal from...

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Guest morgoth

Tht's all fine, but red Sun stole Fearless. I can at least hope they go down for that.

And of course stealing from thieves is OK.

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